Your antenna comes in two pieces – the base unit and the
metal scoping antenna. Remove the antenna from the top of
the transmitter and screw it into the cylindrical base in a
counter clockwise motion until it is firmly in place. Now pull up
on the antenna until it is fully extended. You can remove the
antenna for storage and place it back into the canal on top of
the transmitter once you’re done racing your vehicle.
Your vehicle comes with an unnattached rear wing. To install
the wing onto the vehicle take the wing in hand and insert its
protruding dowels through the slots found on the wing mount
at the rear of the vehicle. Once the wing is securely in place
slide the supplied clips into the holes.
In order to insert the Tyco® Pro Flexpak® battery into the
vehicle and set your desired racing channel you will need to
take off the chassis cover. To do this you will need to remove
two small black clips from the vehicle’s front and rear dowels.
Once you’ve removed the clips simply pull off the chassis
Make sure to place the clips in a safe spot for easy
retrieval. They ‘re pretty small and could easily get lost.
When you’re ready to put the cover back on the vehicle
make sure to first put the antenna through the right-hand
side chassis window (passenger seat side) and place the
FRONT end of the chassis cover on the front dowel first and
then push down on the back dowel. Re-insert the clips.
• Your vehicle features the advanced Hot Wheels® R/C Multi
channel system. This system lets you race your vehicle
head-to-head – against your friends (up to 8 drivers total) –
without any radio interference from your friends’ transmitters or vehicles. You must be racing against another Hot
Wheels® R/C Multichannel-equipped vehicle for this feature to work.
• There’s one Multichannel selector switch on your vehicle,
and another one on your transmitter. The vehicle switch
has 3 positions: one for each Multichannel settingwhich
will allow for a total of 8 possible combinations.
The transmitter switch has 3 positions: one for each
Multichannel setting which will allow for a total of 8 possible
• For successful operation, the vehicle switch and the
transmitter switch must be set to the same Multichannel
setting. When you’re driving by yourself, you can set the
switches to any of the 3 Multichannel settings (as long as
they match).
• When you want to race head-to-head, just make sure that
each driver (up to 8 drivers total) has a vehicle and
transmitter set to a different Multi channel setting.
You must be racing against another Hot Wheels® R/C
Multichannel-equipped vehicle for this feature to work.
A non-Multichannel vehicle, running on the same frequency as your vehicle, may interfere with operation of
your vehicle. If you are racing against a nonMultichannel vehicle, make sure that vehicle operates
on a frequency different from yours.
If you need to change the Multichannel setting, first
make sure that your vehicle is turned OFF. Change the
switch position as desired, making sure to change both
the transmitter AND the vehicle switches. Then turn
your vehicle back ON for more racing action. NOTE:
Make certain you’re not pressing a transmitter control
while changing selector switch position.