Robin Hood
2010 Action
Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett
A medieval archer battles
a corrupt sheriff and helps
protect England from a
French invasion.
“Rise and rise again until
lambs become lions.”
Lady Marion Loxley,
Sheriff of Nottingham
1 Place all the game tiles face down in the
middle of the players and shuffle them around.
2 Select two tiles, at random, from the center
of the table and place them in front of you
face up. All players do the same. These tiles
indicate the clues you may request on your
turn. You may ONLY guess the movies if your
category of clues is read.
3 Choose a player to be the reader for the
first turn. Note: the reader doesn’t guess
during a turn.
Playing the Game
1 As the reader, draw the card out of the front
of the cardholder and look at, but don’t read
out loud, the movie title on the side of the
card facing you.
2 Read the year/genre clue to the other players.
3 The player to the reader’s left can now do
one of two things:
• choose a clue for the reader to read. THEY
• swap one of their game tiles with any
other player.
(If swapping, play moves to the left, with the
same choices, until somebody chooses a clue
to read from the movie card.)
4 Read the requested clue out loud.
5 When a clue is read, ANY player with an
active tile from the clue category being read
may shout out the movie’s title. Guesses can
be made even if the reader has not finished
reading the clue yet.
32 game tiles (Actors, Quotes, Story, Characters)
120 double-sided movie cards and card holder.
Each movie card has six parts:
• Year/Genre – the release year and type of movie
• Cast or Crew – actors and sometimes director of
the movie
• Characters clue – name or descriptions of
characters in the movie
• Story clue – a brief plot summary
• Quote clue – a quote or tagline from the movie
• Movie Title
Game Tiles
Movie Card
• Each player may make only one guess per movie. Once you
have made your guess, you cannot guess again, even after
other clues are revealed.
6 If no players guess the movie correctly with the first
chosen clue, play moves to the left. That player picks the
next clue to use (or to swap a tile), and so on, until the
movie is guessed or there are no more clues.
7 If you guess the movie title correctly, flip the clue tile
face down. For instance, if the clue you won on was
Story, turn over your Story tile.
8 Return movie cards to the popcorn box at the end
of the turn including if no one correctly guessed the
movie. Pass the box to the left. That player becomes
the new reader.
Winning the Round
The player to turn all of their tiles down first wins
the ROUND, and a new round begins. Again, all
tiles are placed face down in the middle of the
players and shuffled. The winner now selects
3 tiles and all other players still select only 2.
Any time a ROUND ends, the winner of the
round starts out the next one with one
more tile than they had before. All other
players select the same number as they
started the last round with.
Winning the Game
The first player to win a round with four
tiles wins the game.
Remember, a player may only
make a guess if they have a tile
from the current clue category.
For instance, if the clue chosen
was Character, you may only
make a guess if you have a
Character tile face up.
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by shouting out a guess
when they don’t have the
category clue active or by
making a second guess on a
movie, they do not ge
turn any tiles face down, and
must also turn one of their
face-down tile
they have one.
s back u
the rest of the players
cannot reach a consensus
as to who answered first,
the current card goes back
in the box. The turn starts
over with a new card
beginning again with the
player who started the turn.
For a longer game, deal
out three tiles to each
player to start, then
require five tiles for a win.
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