How to Play
1 Game Board
280 Game Cards
1 Answer Sheet Pad
6 Movers
1 Die
The object of the game
To make up answers that will bluff the other players. Earn points for
fooling other players into believing your bluff as well as for choosing
the real answer.
Categories and the questions associated with them are:
1. Weird Words: What’s the definition?
2. Peculiar People: Who are they?
3. Incredible Initials: What do they stand for?
4. Marvelous Movies: What’s this movie about?
5. Laughable Laws: What’s this law?
Make up an answer and write it down in the answer section of your
answer sheet. Write an answer that’s as silly or as serious as you want,
just try to fool the other players. Put your initials in the Name section.
Note: the Dasher doesn’t make up an answer. While the other
players are writing their answers, the Dasher writes the real answer
from the green side of the card on an answer sheet.
When you’re done with your answer, hand your sheet to the Dasher.
After placing all the answers including the real one in random order,
the Dasher reads all of them out loud.
Moving clockwise, each player chooses which answer they think is
real. The Dasher writes that player’s initials in the Score section of
the chosen answer sheet.
After everyone’s guessed, the Dasher reveals the real answer and
scores are tallied as follows:
Players shouldn’t get or give any clues as to which answer is theirs.
They should be discreet when writing their answer and when giving
it to the Dasher. The Dasher should also be discreet if they’re having
trouble reading an answer.
If a player writes an answer that is similar or very close to the real
answer, that player immediately gets 3 points and is out of the
round. (They don’t get to guess.) If more than one player writes a
similar answer, restart the round with a new card. The players with
similar answers all get 3 points.
It’s a good idea to take one card from the box and read all of the
clues along with the answers. This will get the players familiar with
the categories and with how the real answers appear.
2 Player Game
Alternate turns being the Dasher. As the Dasher, roll the die, draw a
card and read the corresponding question without turning the card
over to see the answer. Make up an answer and write it on your
answer sheet. Read both choices. If the guesser chooses your
answer, advance 3 spaces. If they choose the real answer, they
advance 2 spaces.
Place the board in the middle of the playing area.
Set Up For Each Player
Take several answer sheets. You’ll also need a pencil.
Choose a mover and put it on the start space.
Roll the die. High roller will be the first Dasher.
How to play for each player
The Dasher rolls the category die and reads the corresponding
category and question from the blue side of the first card. (If a 6 is
rolled the Dasher can choose the category.)
Write the category at the top of your answer sheet.
1 point to players for every vote their answer gets
First to the FINISH wins.
2 points to players who guessed the real answer
3 points to the Dasher if no one guesses the real answer
3 points to any player who writes an answer very similar
to the real answer
Each player moves the same number of spaces on the game board
as points they earned.
The next player in clockwise order is now the Dasher and play
Winning: when scores are being tallied, the player to the left of the
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Dasher moves first. The first player to reach FINISH wins!