For 3 or More Players
Designed for Ages 3 and Up
Object of the Game
l3ethe firstto guessthe picture correctly
and collect three blue ribbons to win!
Easel,Timer, 9 Glue P.ibbonCords, 100 Cue Cords,
5 Different Color Magnetic Sheets
Adult assembly isrequired.
. Separate the shapes on the
magnetic sheets. There should be
34 shapes. Throwaway the scrap
magnetic material.
Please keep small
parts such as the scrap
magnetic material away
from children. Dispose of
this material properly.
Let' sSet~Up
Helpful Hint: Simple cue cards have a light blue bael"'iground on the rjght
side (there are 26). More challenging cue cards have a white bael"'iground
on the right side (there are 74). Depending on players' sl"'iillievei. you may
want to use only the simple cue cards.
. Place the easel on a flat surface.
. Insert the timer plug into the hole
in the side of the easel.
. Separate the blue ribbon cards
from the cue cards.
. Place the blue ribbon cards in a
stael"'inear the easel.
. P-emove the card holder from
the easel.
. Place the cue cards in
the card holder with the
pictures right side up
and toward the door.
. Place the magnetic
shapes color side up
around the easel.