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For2 Players
DesignedforAges 3-7
Objectof the Game
[)e the firstplayer to get three spots in a row.
Tony, 12 Spots (Chips)
.Each child pid<issix of the same
color spots (chips). (After each
game, choose a different
.The youngest player
goes first.
.Drop a spot into Tony's
bad<i. It'sthe next player's
.Tryto get three of your
color spots in a row!
.Keep playing until a player
gets three spots in a row (across000 ,
or up and down ~, or diagonal 000 or 0°° )
or until all the sp~ces ore filled. Ifall the
spaces are filled, remove the spots and
start over. Tony loves the attention!
.Load a spot onto Tony'sTail.
.Push down on Tony's tail (please don't pull it) to pop a
spot into the air and into Tony's bad<i. Ifyour spot doesn't
drop into Tony's bad<i, try again.
.It'sthe next player's turn.
. Tryto get three of your color spots in a row!
.Keep playing until a player gets three spots
in a row (across000, or up and down~,
or diagonal 000or o°0) or until all the
spaces are filled. Ifall the spaces are
filled, remove the spots and start over.
Tony loves the attention!
The firstplayer to get
three of the same
color spots in a
row, WINS!