For 2-4 Players
Designed forages 3-7
Object of the Game
Remove the s'getti from the bowl without letting
any meatballs fall to the bottom!
16 S'getti, J Meatballs, l3owl,Cover
Let'sGet Cookil\'
.To set-up, press the loci,; button in to
I,;eep the bowl from tipping.
. Each player picl.;;sfour s'getti
of the same color.
.The youngest player goes first.
.Carefully place one s'getti on
the lid.
.The next player to the left
(clocl'iWise)then places one
s'getti on the lid.
. Continue until all the s'getti is
placed on the lid.
. Turnthe lid upside
down and place
iton the bowl.
. Place the three
meatballs on
top of the
pull the loci.;;
button out.