Size: 140 mm x 173 mm x 135 mm, Weight 2.8 kg (without chamber fitted)
3.1 kg (chamber fitted and filled with water)
Supply Frequency: 50/60 Hz, Voltage: 115V~
Power Input: 220 VA, Heater Plate: 150W
Heater Wire: 225 V~, 2.73 A, 60 W, 50/60 Hz
Heater Plate over temperature cut out: 118 ± 6 °C
IEC 60601-1 Classification Class I, Type BF, IPX1
Invasive Mode: Chamber outlet: 35.5 - 37 °C, Airway 35 - 40 °C
Noninvasive Mode: Chamber outlet: 31 °C, Airway 28 - 34 °C
Display: Three digit 14 mm 7 segment LED
(not visible during normal operation)
Range: 10 - 70 °C, Accuracy: ± 0.3 °C (in 25 - 45 °C temperature range)
High Humidity Alarm: An immediate, audible alarm at a displayed temperature
of 41 °C or if the airway temperature exceeds 43 °C
Low Humidity Alarm: An audible alarm between 10 minutes @ 29.5 °C, and
60 minutes @ 34.5 °C (Invasive Mode only)
Sound Pressure Level: Alarms exceed 50 dBA @ 1 m
Caution –
Resistant to
vertical falling
185048201 Rev C 2016-05 © 2016 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited
Applied Part
Type BF
with care
Caution: Federal law
restricts this device to
sale by or on the
order of a physician
Date of Manufacture
Respiratory Humidifier
Classified by Underwriters
Laboratories Inc. with respect
to electric shock,
fire and mechanical hazards
only in accordance with UL
60601-1 and CAN/CSA C22.2
No. 601.1
Indications for Use
The Fisher & Paykel HC550
System is designed for use with
artificial ventilation systems.
Portable volume ventilation
systems, pressure support
ventilation and Continuous
Positive Airway Pressure
(CPAP) systems may
incorporate an HC550 to
provide therapeutic levels of
warm humidified air to adult
patients with artificial airways or
through mask ventilation. The
operating flow range is 5 to
120L/min depending on the
patient interface. The HC550 is
designed for use in long term
care facilities or the home
under the prescription of a
qualified medical professional.
1. Slide humidification chamber (A) onto humidifier base and connect breathing circuit (B) (refer to
humidification chamber and breathing circuit operating instructions for further details).
2. Connect the temperature probe plug (C) (REF 900MR86X) to the blue socket on the humidifier
base until an audible click is heard.
3. Push the chamber probe (D) and airway probe (E) into the breathing circuit. Make sure the
chamber probe is correctly located in its key-way and that both probes are pushed home. The
probe lead can be restrained using breathing circuit clips.
4. Connect the heater wire adaptor plug (F) (REF 900MR8XX) to the yellow socket on the humidifier
base until an audible click is heard.
5. Connect the other end of the heater wire adaptor to the breathing circuit socket (G).
6. The humidification system is now set up and ready for use. After power on, the humidifier will
operate in the last mode setting.
Ensure that the humidifier is securely mounted.
Ensure that invasive mode is set for patients that have bypassed airways.
The use of breathing circuits, chambers or other accessories which are NOT
approved by Fisher & Paykel Healthcare may impair performance or
compromise safety.
Check equipment (including cord) for damage before use and replace if
Ensure appropriate ventilator alarms are set, connections are tight and a
leak test is completed before use.
Ensure that both temperature probe sensors are correctly and securely
fitted. Failure to do so may result in temperatures in excess of 41 °C being
delivered to the patient.
Do not touch the glass tip of the chamber temperature probe during use.
Keep electrical connectors dry at all times.
Ensure maintenance of grounding integrity by connection to a "hospital
grade". Always disconnect supply before cleaning and servicing.
Ensure that the humidifier is always positioned lower than the patient.
Ensure the HC550 is used with adequate levels of patient observation and
monitoring as directed by a qualified medical professional.
The operation of high frequency surgical apparatus, short wave or
microwave equipment in the vicinity of the humidifier may adversely affect
its function. If th is occurs the humidifier sh ould be removed from the vicinit y
of such devices.
This device is not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anaesthetic
mixes or nitrous oxide.
Remove any sources of ignition: such as cigarettes, an open flame, or
materials which burn or ignite easily at high oxygen concentrations.
Keep oxygen regulators, cylinder valves, tubing, connections and all othe
oxygen equipment away from oil, grease, or greasy substances.
Spontaneous and violent ignition may occur if these substances com e into
contact with oxygen under pressure.
Hot surfaces may exceed 75°C (167°F)
Do not fill chamber with water in excess of 37°C (99°F)
California residents please be advised of the following, pursuant to
Proposition 65: This product contains chemicals known to the State o
California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm. For
more information, please visit: www.fphcare.com/prop65
Humidifier Chamber (e.g.: MR290)
Breathing Circuit: (e.g.: Adult RT Series circuits)
Temperature Probe (e.g.: 900MR869)
Heater Wire adaptor (e.g.: 900MR805)
Mounting Bracket (to suit ventilator)
Choice will depend on application. Please contact your local F&P
Healthcare representative for recommendations. Refer to
operating instructions for each accessory.
The Following Accessories are required:
Displayed gas temperature is
referenced to probe D and E
Ensure that invasive mode is set for patients that have bypassed

Temperature and Humidity: -10 to 50 °C (14 to 122 °F), 10 to 95% RH (noncondensing)
Recommended ambient Temperature range: 20 to 26 °C
Recommended ambient Humidity range: 10 to 95% RH
Humidity Performance: Invasive Mode: > 33 mg/L, maximum 40 L/min flow.
Noninvasive Mode: > 10 mg/L, maximum 120 L/min flow.
Refer to breathing circuit specifications for minimum flow
CAUTION: Humidity performance can be compromised outside of the specified ambient temperature range
Maximum Operating Pressure: Refer to chamber and breathing circuit specifications
Warm-up time: < 30 minutes
Mode of Operation: Continuous
The device complies with the electromagnetic compatibility requirements of IEC60601-1-2. In certain circumstances the device may affect or be affected by nearby portable
mobile radio frequency communication equipment, due to the effects of electromagnetic interference. If this should happen, try moving your device or the location of the
equipment causing interference, or alternatively consult your healthcare provider.
HC550 disposal Instructions
This device contains electronics. Please do not discard as regular rubbish. Dispose of electronics according to local guidelines.
Consumable Disposal Instructions
Place the breathing tube and water chamber in a rubbish bag at the end of use and discard according to hospital protocol or local guidelines.
The diagnostic port is not intended for use during operation - Factory use only.
The HC550 Respiratory Humidifier is a multiple patient multiple use device and cleaning should be performed as required. Disconnect from electrical supply and clean with a
damp cloth using either normal dishwashing detergent or Isopropyl alcohol. Wipe clean of cleaning residue before use. CAUTION: DO NOT immerse humidifier or probe
connectors in liquid. DO NOT autoclave probes. Using any other cleaning solutions or methods may cause damage.
Refer maintenance and servicing to qualified service personnel. A full technical description including routine maintenance and service
data is contained in the Technical Manual which is available from your supplier or Fisher & Paykel Healthcare (REF 185043659).
MANUFACTURER Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14 348 Panmure, Auckland 1741, New Zealand Tel: +64 9 574 0100 Fax: +64 9 574 0158
Email: info@fphcare.co.nz Web: www.fphcare.com
AUSTRALIA (Sponsor) Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Pty Limited, 36-40 New Street, PO Box 167, Ringwood, Melbourne, Victoria 3134, Australia Tel:+61 3 9879 5022 Fax:+61 3 9879 5232 AUSTRIA Tel: 0800 29 31
23 Fax: 0800 29 31 22 BENELUX Tel:+31 40 216 3555 Fax:+31 40 216 3554 BRAZIL Fisher & Paykel do Brasil, Rua Sampaio Viana, 277 cj 21, Paraíso, 04004-000, São Paulo – SP, Brazil Tel: +55 11 2548 8002
CHINA 代理人/售后服务机构:费雪派克医疗保健(广州)有限公司, 广州高新技术产业开发区科学城科丰路31号G12栋301号 电话: +86 20 32053486 传真: +86 20 32052132 FINLAND Tel:+358
(0)405 406618 Fax:+46 (0)8 36 6310 FRANCE Tel:+33 1 6446 5201 Fax:+33 1 6446 5221 GERMANY Tel:+49 7181 98599 0 Fax:+49 7181 98599 66 INDIA Tel:+91 80 4284 4000 Fax:+91 80 4123 6044 IRISH
REPUBLIC Tel: 1800 409 011 ITALY Tel:+39 06 7839 2939 Fax:+39 06 7814 7709 JAPAN Tel:+81 3 5117 7110 Fax:+81 3 5117 7115 KOREA Tel:+82 2 6205 6900 Fax:+82 2 6309 6901 NORTHERN IRELAND
Tel: 0800 132 189 RUSSIA Tel and Fax: +7 495 782 21 50 SPAIN Tel:+34 902 013 346 Fax:+34 902 013 379 SWEDEN Tel: +46 8 564 76 680 Fax: +46 8 36 63 10 SWITZERLAND Tel: 0800 83 47 63 Fax: 0800 83
47 54 TAIWAN Tel:+886 2 8751 1739 Fax:+886 2 8751 5625 TURKEY Fisher Paykel Sağlık Ürünleri Ticaret Limited Şirketi, Alinteri Bulvari 1161/1 Sokak No. 12-14, P.O. Box 06371 Ostim, Ankara, Turkey Tel: +90
312 354 34 12 Fax: +90 312 354 31 01 UK Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd, Unit 16, Cordwallis Park, Clivemont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7BU, UK Tel:+44 1628 626 136 Fax:+44 1628 626 146
USA/CANADA Tel: 1800 446 3908 or +1 949 453 4000 Fax:+1 949 453 4001
Equipment connected to the port must comply with safety standard IEC60950 for Computers.
The mute button silences the humidifier's
audible alarm for at least two minutes. The
muted time depends on the alarm condition
and the severity of its cause.
Chamber & Airway Probes
Lights if either the chamber
probe or the airway probe is not
inserted into the breathing
circuit correctly.
Heater Wire
Lights if the heater wire adaptor
or breathing circuit has not
been connected, or is
Temperature Probe
Lights if the temperature probe
is not correctly plugged into the
HC550, or the probe is faulty.
Water Out
Lights when there is insufficient
water in the chamber. Check
water supply. Maximum time to
alarm of 20 minutes.
See Manual
The humidifier and all
accessories should be
immediately replaced and sent
for servicing.
During normal operation the display
temperature is not visible. When the high
temperature alarm activates the display
shows the saturated gas temperature
delivered to the patient (the lower of the
airway and chamber temperatures in °C).
By pushing and holding the mute button for
one second, the chamber outlet temperature
is displayed and then the airway temperature
is shown. The display will then disappear.
An audible alarm and flashing indicator are
given for saturated gas temperatures of
35.5 °C or lower (invasive mode only).
Caused by cold/draughty conditions or very
high or low gas flows.
If the circumstances causing the low humidity
alarm cannot be changed then the audible
alarm acts as a reminder that the patient is
receiving inadequate humidity and may
require further intervention to maintain airway
An audible alarm and flashing temperature
display showing 41 °C or higher. The
humidifier will discontinue heating of the
chamber and circuit until the temperature
decreases to within normal limits.
WARNING: Ensure that invasive mode is
set for patients that have bypassed airways
Under cold or draughty conditions the
chamber temperature may drop as low as
35.5 °C in order to maintain a dry breathing
Changing mode
The mode of operation should only be
changed by a qualified healthcare
professional via the diagnostic menu as
explained in the technical manual (REF
Invasive Mode
This mode is for patients with
bypassed airways. The humidifier
delivers gas as close to body
temperature saturated (37 °C,
44 mg/L) as possible.
Noninvasive Mode
This mode is for patients receiving
face mask therapy, and delivers a
comfortable level of humidity.
The humidifier will power ON if this button is
held down briefly, but must be held down for
one second to turn the humidifier off.