integrated panel preparation
DS60bt -]nd DD60St models
Dish Dr'awe_
Preparation du panneau int_gr_
4od_fes DS6051 et DD605t
Prepara¢i6n del panel integrade
Modelos D5605t DD605

Safety and warrfings
Cut Hazard
Take care ,-pane[ edges are sharp.
Failure to use caution could result in injury or cuts.
Read the_e instructions completely and core{ully.
Ensure the product is not plugged in,
#_st¢_Hation of Di_hDruwef _panels requires busic mechanical and elect'ricM skiffs
b}stafladon must comply with your !ocM building and e/ectddty regu/adons.
Feflure to instafl the DishDrower pdne[s correctly could invalidate any worranty of liability

DouMe mo@_ls
Rand Ilns_aHadon
Badge cut_out, hatsdle and mounting Ibrracke_
Secudng the mou_stin(_ blrad<et,s
Becosse<:tiw 4_lsewilr'esaIsdfittils_ _he
panels and a custom Joe kick (douNe modds o_y}
The mode@shown in this Usc)rGuidc_moy not beawi/ub/e in o// morkers _nd orc_
subject to change ot any dine. For current details about model _nd specific:adon
owil_bilRy in your country, pl_se go to our webs£_, www.fisherp_ykel.com or
contoct your bcol Fisher & P_yk_)ldeol_<

h_oJio[(:! U_o)_!_ _,U //' P<_[/(U p'ITX: _' cb h,
The following calculations assume the top of the upper panel is aligned with the top of the
adjacent cabinetry. The final panel/cabinetry alignment is achieved by adjusting the feet:
width of ALL panels
Measure A (the width between adjacent door/drawer fronts) and write it in the first box below,
then complete the equation.
A door clearance panel width
height of upper panel
standard height B upper panel
height of lower panel
Measure C (door/drawer height (or equivalent)) and write it in the first box below,
then complete the equation.
C upper panel lower panel
Note:The'door extension' B allows forthe top of the upper panel to be above the DishDrawe¢ _where required.
height height

Product preparation
Toe kick preparation
height of toe kick panel
Measure D (height from the top of adjacent cabinet door fronts to the floor) and write it in the first
box below, then complete the equation,
Toe kick options
The black prefinished toe kick panel is
supplied. This panel can also have a front panel
of your choice attached to it using screws or an
A toe kick panel of any material with thickness
3_- 3A- (9 - 19 mm) can be screwed to the
plastic toe kick mounting bracket (supplied).
Integrated Panel material
s_- 13A6,,(16 - 20 mm) panel thickness 2 %"(67mm)
Adequately sealed to withstand moisture (122°F/50°C @ 80% RH)
Parts supplied
Toe kick
Integrated rectangular badge (2)
(Satinchrome supplied)
Toekick mounting
PrefinishedToe kickpanel (1)
2 s/d'_5"
(67-127 mm)

ifh;;/ii(:! iJ;,']_;,' r,H i/'t!_(:P ),/}t)(:SfS _1,,
The following calculations assume the top of the panel is aligned with the top of the adjacent
width of the pan el
Measure A (the width between adjacent door/drawer fronts) and write it in the first box below,
then complete the equation.
A door clearance panel width
height of the panel
Measure B (door/drawer height (or equivalent)) and write it in the first box below,
then complete the equation.
B panel height
i.e - _/' =
Air gap
Note: when the top of the DishDrawer _has to be lower than the adjacent cabinetry, the panel can be increased
in height.

Usethis diagram
Product preparation
r_near floor level. ........
if installing the DishDrawe
},_s"(gmm) Air gap
i Air gap
Integrated Panel material
sA-1¾6-(16- 20 ram) panel thickness
Adequately sealed to withstand moisture (122°F/50°C @80% RH)
Parts supplied
Integrated rectangular badge (1)
(Satinchrome supplied)

Badge CUtoOUt, handle and mounting bracket
Ensure the product is not plugged in
1 3/_6"(30 mm)
01 "(25 mm)
8 5_6_
(211 m_.
228.8 mm)
9 II
228.5 ram)

Securin9 the mountin9 brackets
Double models only:
Break off the tab at the top
of the Lower Mounting Bracket

Reconnecting the wires and fitting the panels
and a custom toe kick (double models only)
Ensure the rubber seal between the
drawer and panels is kept in place