(1,1) -1- 599618C DD24D install A2 USCA.indd 15/4/09 10:01:39 AM
lh_÷ mocDIs shown in thLs docum_÷nt mc2y not b_÷c2vc2ilc2bl_÷in c_ll mc2rk_÷ts c_nd c2r_÷.subj_÷ct to chc2ng_÷ c2t c2ny tim_÷, f::or curr_÷nt cDtoi/s c2bout mocDI c2nd sp_÷cificotion c2vc2ilc2bility in your country, pl_÷c2.s_÷go to our
w_÷bsit_÷ www.fish_÷rpoykd.comor contoct your /ocol FTsh_÷r& Poy£÷ld_÷ol_÷r.
Important safety instructions!
Electrical hazard
Before installing the DishDrawe¢ _, remove the house fuse or open the circuit
If permanently connecting the DishDrawe¢ _,be sure the power is isolated and
the DishDrawer _ unplugged.
This appliance must be grounded. [n the event of a malfunction or breakdown,
grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least
resistance for eBectric current. This appBiance is equipped with a cord having
an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be
plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance
with all local codes and ordinances. WARNmNG - Improper connection of the
equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with
a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt as to whether
the appliance is properly grounded.
[f the DishDrawer is installed as a permanently connected appliance:
GROUNDmNG INSTRUCTIONS °This appliance must be connected to a grounded
metal, permanent wiring system, or an equipment=groounding conductor must
be run with the circuit conductors and connected to the equipment°grounding
terminal or lead on the appliance.
Do not modify the power supply plug provided with the appliance - if it will not
fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician. Do not use
an extension cord, adapter plug or multiple outlet box.
Failure to follow this advice may result in electrical shock or death.
installation of this DishDrawer _requires basic mechanical and electrical skills.
Be sure to leave these Instructions with the Customer.
installation must comply with your local building and electricity regulations.
At the completion of the DishDrawer _installation, the Installer must perform
Final Check List.
Remove all packaging materials supplied with the DishDrawer%
This DishDrawer _ is manufactured for indoor use only.
Ensure all water connections are turned OFF. It is the responsibility of the plumber and
electrician to ensure that each installation complies with all Codes and Regulations.
The DishDrawer_ MUST be installed t_ a_wf_rfuture rem_val fr_m the enc_sure if service is required.
The switched power outlet must be outside the DishDrawer _ cavity so that it is accessible after
Care should be taken when the appliance is installed or removed to reduce the likelihood of damage to
the power supply cord.
If the DishDrawer _ is to be relocated from one installation to another it must be kept upright to avoid
damage from water spillage.
Make sure only new hoses are used for connection (supplied with DishDrawerC% Old hoses shouM not
be reused.
Failure to install the DishDrawer _ correctly could invalidate any warranty or liability claims.
If the product is installed in a motor vehicle, boat or similar mobile facility, you must bring the vehicle,
boat or mobile facility containing the product to the service shop at your expense or pay the service
technician_ travel to the location of the product.
Cut hazard
Take care =panel edges are sharp.
Failure to use caution could result in injury or cuts.

I (1,2) -1- 599618C DD24D install A2 USCA.indd 15/4/09 10:01:39 AM
[ ,_OJ/ [[(?1 (]'J (1:)?; OFJ/JU 1: [J(?[ _? J_ C; 'J (?1)
Product dimensions (inches (mm)) _ m__ $,
c_- c_ ° _- c_-
A ove[al heght_ofprodu t 321/4 -34%" 321/4 -345/d ' 321/4 -34%"
(819.5-879.5) (819.5-879.5) (819.8-879.5)
B overaJl wdth of product 23 946"(599) 23 946"(599) 23 946"(599)
C overall depth of product (exd curvature/handJe) 22 _d' (570) 22 _d' (570) 22 _d' (570)
a depth of drawe_ (open)(exc[curvaturdha/die) 21 sad' (538) 21 _6" (538) 21 34d'(538)
E heght_ofchassis 31 7/8"(809) 31 7/8"(809) 31%"(8o9)
F height range of eveJling fe_-_t 2 3/8"(60) 2 3/8"(60) 2 s/8"(60)
G depth of chassis (incLtrimseal) 21 3A"(552) 21 Y4"(552) 21 3A"(552)
m depth of drawer front panel (exd.curvature,!_andle) 1H6"(18) "/id'(18) "/i?'(18)
I depth of curvature o_ handle 7A6"(11) 1%" (41) n/a
J depth of toekick 2 - 4 SAo"(50 - 110) 2 - 4 sAo"(50- 11o) 2 % - 5"(67 - 127)_*
K height of upper @awe font 151/2" (394) 15 11A6"(398) 15 1¼6"(398) min
h heightof owerdrawerfront 14"(356) 14"(356) 12 1/4"(311.5)min
M heghtofinstallation bracke sots(onlopofchasss) ¼6" (2) lk6" (2) ¼6" (2)
N heght of drawer fronts 29 %6" (751) 30 1A6"(764) 28 _A"(717.5) rain
C} assishe ghts nchde bracket sots
Besst} eTbekick Pa_e[ _ ckness(Mr mira Panel h cknessus_g tt_esupplied screwsisW' (9 ram)),
Note:lot Prr:,finishedFJa_door models, height from top of hande _o_opof drawe --2 V_"(64 mm)
Cabinetry dimensions (inches (mm)) _ m _
A insde heig ht of cavity (820- 882.5) (820-882.5) (820- 882.5)
32 SA6- 34 sA" 32 sA6- 34 sA" 32 sA6- 34 Y4"
B inside width of cavity 23 s/8"(600) 23 s/8"(600) 23 s/8"(600)
C i "_sde depth of avity (rlSkk,) 22 7/8"(580) 22 7/8"(580) 22 7/8"(580)
D heght of adjace t_ cabinetry 30" (762) 30" (762) min. 28 s/d'(720)
E heightoftoekickspace 315A6-65A6"(lO0-160) 315A6-65A6"(lO0-160) 315A6-65A6"(lO0-160)
Minimum clearances (inches(mm))

L(2,1) -1- 599618C DD24D install A2 USCA.indd 15/4/09 10:01:39 AM
Drain hose Drain hose Wire clip (2) Clamp (1) Top Phillips Washer (1) Moisture protection Edge protector (1) Hexagonal Prefinished toekick (I)
support (1) joiner (1) mounting 16mm tape (1) (if serviceshole socket (2) white or black
Ifthe Drain hose(s) supplied are not long enough to reach your services,you must use a Drain Hose Extension Kit P/N 525798 which will extend the drain hose(s) by 1I' 10"(3.6 m).The kit is available from the nearest
Fisher& Paykel Authorized Service Agent, or Toll free 1.888.936.7872or www.fisherpaykekcom.
brackets (2) screws (9) (to prevent moisture partition ismetal) (long & short)
Besure the edgesof the serviceshole aresmooth or covered, fftheservices
hole isthrough a metal partition thehole must beprotected with theEdge
protector supplied to prevent damage to thepower cord orhoses.
These marks indicate mounting bracket screw locations
Preferred position. If adequate clearance, services hole can be
higher to clear toekick space.
If hole is higher, ensure drain hose(s) are routed straight into the
waste connection.
Water Connection
Recommended HOT (Maximum 140°F/60°C).
Supplied hose to suit 3/8" (9 ram) male compression fitting.
Water Pressure Max Min
Water softener models 1 MPa (145 psi) 0.1 MPa (14.5 psi)
Other models 1 MPa (145 psi) 0.03 MPa (4.3 psi)
Drains will need to be separated to satisfy kosher requirements. We suggest you confirm
acceptability with your local rabbi in respect to kosher installations.
Drain hose
Inlet hose
Power cord (excl.plug)
78 ½" 70 ½"
(2000mm) (1800ram)
64 ¾"
(1650 mm)
29 ½"
(750 mm)
(1250 ram)
27 ½"
(700 mm)
Left hand
If no side partition, usea
brace for securing.
Right hand
(10 mm) ta
max. o 1 1/2"
(38 mm)
max. 17 11A6"
(450 mm)
Water supply
_min. 7 Ys"
(200 mm)
max. 15 A