Installation instructions _ l_
Electrical connections (ele_trk models only)
Please read Electrical requirements and grounding instructions on pages 20 - 21 first° i
Electric models of the dryer are manufactured for a 3-wire connection system. The dryer frame : :
is grounded bya [ink to the neutral conductor on the dryer terminal block, if local codes do
not permit grounding through the neutral, the grounding Ink from the terminal block must be i
removed and a separateground wire must be used.
The grounding [ink on the dryer must be removed for all 4wvire installations incJuding new,
remodeled construction, or mobile homes.
TheseElectricalConnection_nstructionsprovidefor_nstaU_ngthedryer_nthefo,ow_ng ...........................
, 3-wire connection where local codes permit grounding through the neutral.
. B-wire connection plus separate grounding connector where local codes do not permit
grounding through the neutral.
, 4-wire connection.
Each ofthe above connectionscan be made with an approved power supplycord or by direct ]:
wiring. Each connection instruction identifies the appropriate Power Supply Cord and covers },1}
For 3-wire connections by power cords :: ....
3-wire power supply cord must have three 10 AWG copper wires and match a 3-wire receptacle
of NMEA Type10-3OR.
For 3-wi re con nections by di rect wi ring '//:
T}}ree_vmrewith ground 11"of wires I Strip 4 VZ'of outer covering from end of
wre uarew re cut snort i . . . . . . _ .
.......... _ m...... str pped of cad e Str p nsu at on PaCK1' TUSng
_x ,- . _ -_ A x.k k . _ Jinsulation I 3-wire camewith grouno wire cut bare
-_4'UL-IIs[eu grounueu u,roug, neuda, • ... . • ' i
• . . i i wire even wire outer covering ,i
strain relief or separate grounding I_ J
box <_ I[ _ I[_ (white or center) ¢:_ }
_t,_ j j Shapeends ofwire
10-ga%e 3-wlreor, _ j __- -_----::-: __ I J mto a hook
• , 4 Y_" - i
10-gauge, B-wi2rewit:h l< 4 1/4" >1 k_J }i
grouna wire t_omex) ::{
FU,_wu_n__-wu__o,_,_rions ii