Fisher and Paykel 900 User manual

Systèmes de régulation thermique pour nouveau-nés - Série 900
Sistemas de regulación térmica neonatal de la Serie 900
900 Series Infant Warmers
Contents Page Chapter 1 - Read This First
Symbols ....................................................................................................................................................1-1
Defi nitions ................................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Warnings - User and paient Safety ........................................................................................................... 1-2
Skin Sensor and Sensor Cover ............................................................................................. 1-2
Heater ....................................................................................................................................1-3
Electrical ............................................................................................................................... 1-3
Bassinet .................................................................................................................................1-3
Warmer Loadings ...................................................................................................................1-3
Neopuff™ Infant Resuscitator ................................................................................................ 1-4
Oxyen Adminstration .............................................................................................................. 1-4
Phototherapy .........................................................................................................................1-4
Cleaning and Maintenace ...................................................................................................... 1-5
Cautions - General .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Oxygen Adminstration ............................................................................................................. 1-5
Alarm Summary - Baby Control Models .................................................................................................... 1-6
Manual control Models .................................................................................................. 1-7
Alarm Systems .............................................................................................................. 1-7
Alarm Verifi cation ..........................................................................................................1-7
Disabled Low Skin Temperature Alarm ......................................................................... 1-7
Chapter 2 - About Your Warmer
Application & Description ........................................................................................................................ 2-1
Chapter 3 - Using Your Warmer
Controls & Indicators ............................................................................................................................... 3-1
Using Prewarm Mode .............................................................................................................................. 3-2
Placing the Skin Sensor .......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Using Baby Mode .................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Using Manual Mode ................................................................................................................................ 3-5
Using the Procedure Timers .................................................................................................................... 3-5
Using the Apgar Timer ............................................................................................................................. 3-6
Using the Examination Light ................................................................................................................... 3-6
Using the CosyCot Bassinet - IW930/950 Series ................................................................................. 3-7
Raising and Lowering the Mobile Stand - IW910/920 ............................................................................. 3-9
Alarm Systems ........................................................................................................................................ 3-9
IW910/920 Mobile Infant Warmer Diagram ............................................................................................. 3-12
IW930/950 CosyCot™ Infant Warmer Diagram ...................................................................................... 3-12
IW980/990 Wall Mount Infant Warmer Diagram ...................................................................................... 3-12
Chapter 4 - Accessories
DuoSense™ Skin Sensor & SunSpot™ Sensor Cover ........................................................................... 4-1
Electric Elevator Module ......................................................................................................................... 4-1
Neopuff™ Infant Resuscitator Module .................................................................................................... 4-2
Gas System Accessories ........................................................................................................................ 4-4
Flowmeter Modules ................................................................................................................................. 4-5
X-Ray Tray Module ................................................................................................................................. 4-5
Mounting Accessories ............................................................................................................................. 4-6
Storage Accessories ............................................................................................................................... 4-7
Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) ..................................................................................................... 4-7
Phototherapy Accessories ...................................................................................................................... 4-8
Chapter 5 - Cleaning & Maintenance
Cleaning .................................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................ 5-3
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting
General Assistance ................................................................................................................................. 6-1
Chapter 7 - Appendices
Product Specifi cations ............................................................................................................................. 7-1
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Chapter 1 – Read This First
1. Symbols
Before use Please read and understand these symbols before using the warmer or accessories.
Type B Equipment
Type BF Applied Part
Caution: Electric Shock Hazards
Attention: Consult Accompanying Documents
Alternating Current
Protective Earth
Functional Earth
Mute (alarm silence)
Power On (connect to wall power supply)
Power Off (disconnect from wall power supply)
Power On (part of equipment)
Power Off (part of equipment)
Sensor Disconnect
Power Disconnect
Temperature Sensor
25% Power Level ( Prewarm or Standby mode)
Baby Mode (Servo mode)
Manual Mode
Check Baby
High Temperature Alarm
Low Temperature Alarm
Read This First
2. Defi nitions
Before use Please read and understand these defi nitions before using the warmer or accessories.
Warning statement
Caution statement
A WARNING statement refers to the conditions when the
possibility of injury to the patient or user exists if a procedure is not followed correctly.
A Caution statement indicates the possibility of damage to the equipment
exists if a procedure is not followed correctly.
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Note statement
A Note statement provides additional information intended to clarify
points, procedures or instructions.
3. User & Patient Safety
Before use Please read and understand these defi nitions before using the warmer or accessories.
This product is intended for use by authorised and qualifi ed medical personnel who are aware of currently
known hazards and benefi ts of infant radiant warmers. All personnel must be familiar with the operation of this warmer before using the device with patients. Do not use in the presence of a fl ammable anaesthetic mixture with oxygen or nitrous oxide, or other fl ammable
materials. Overloading the shelves and mounting brackets may affect the stability of the warmer. Independent monitoring of temperature is essential for any baby under an infant radiant warmer. A warmer cannot differentiate between hypothermia (low skin and low core temperature), and fever (low skin and
high core temperature). When using the warmer in Manual mode, continuously monitor the baby’s clinical condition and temperature. It is inadvisable to leave a baby unattended under an infant radiant warmer. The heat emitted by a radiant warmer may increase the baby’s insensible water loss. Consider appropriate
measures to maintain proper fl uid balance. Do not use the warmer if the See Manual alarm is activated. Remove the unit from service and refer to qualifi ed
personnel. Always lock the wheels before use. Ensure that all limbs are clear of moving parts under the base and legs while operating the electric elevator.
Ensure the clinical condition of the baby is regularly reviewed.
4. Skin Sensor & Sensor Cover
The warmer cannot measure or control the baby’s skin temperature if the skin sensor is not correctly positioned
on the baby or a refl ective sensor cover is not used. Use only the 900IW001 DuoSense™ skin sensor to measure the baby’s skin temperature. Regularly check that the skin sensor and sensor cover remain correctly positioned on the baby. Ensure the skin sensor is always in direct contact with the baby’s skin. Never place an obstruction between the heater and the skin sensor other than a refl ective sensor cover. Heating is obstructed if the baby is wrapped in a blanket which comes between the heater and the skin sensor. Do not use an axillary or rectal temperature sensor measurement to control baby skin temperature. Use of an
axillary or rectal temperature sensor measurement to control baby skin temperature can result in over-heating
or under-heating of the baby. While in Manual mode, the displayed skin temperature is for monitoring purposes only and not used to control
heater power.
Read This First
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5. Heater
Ensure there is at least 30 cm (12”) clear airspace above the Heater Ensure the heater grill to mattress distance is 68 cm (27”). Less than 65 cm (25.5”) or more than 80 cm (31.5”) may
affect warmer performance, may result in over-heating or under-heating of the baby, and may affect the baby’s
clinical condition. A baby’s thermal balance can be affected by ambient conditions. Do not place an infant radiant warmer in direct
sunlight, near another heat source, or in draughty conditions. Accessories such as phototherapy lamps and heated mattresses can affect warmer performance by altering the
heat distribution across the bassinet mattress. Never place objects on top of the warmer heater. Never attach objects to any surface on the warmer heater.
6. Electrical
Ensure additional equipment connected to the baby or the warmer is electrically safe. Ensure the power supply is continuous, earthed, approved for hospital use and complies with the voltage
specifi ed on the unit. Ensure a power regulator is used if the power supply voltage or frequency is likely to vary outside the specifi ed
range. Electrical shock hazards exist beneath the control panels. Ensure all service and maintenance is carried out by
qualifi ed personnel. Do not use extension cords to connect the warmer to the power supply. Use only hospital grade power cords and
7. Bassinet
Ensure the bassinet and side panels are locked into position before transport. Use the transport handle and
ensure drawers are in the central position. Do not move the warmer by pushing or pulling on the bassinet side panels. This action may lead to the deterioration
and breakage of the components that act as a safety barrier around the baby. Tilting the bassinet from the horizontal position can affect warmer performance by altering the heat distribution
across the bassinet mattress. Inspect all tubes or wires connected to the baby before and after tilting bassinet. Tilting or moving the warmer
bassinet can pull on tubing or leads. Do not leave the baby unattended in the bassinet when the side panels are folded down.
8. Warmer Loadings
Maximum bassinet loading is 10 kg (22 lb). Do not exceed maximum side load limits specifi ed on the column label. Maximum side loads for the CosyCot™ infant warmer are:
10 kg (22 lb) max up to 130 cm (51.2”) from fl oor
5 kg (11 lb) max from 130 to 160 cm (51.2” to 62.9”) from fl oor
1 kg (2.2 lb) max above 160 cm (62.9”) from fl oor Ensure all mounting accessories are securely fastened in the column mounting slot before items are placed or
attached to each accessory. Do not exceed the maximum total storage drawer and storage tray loading of 7 kg (15.4 lb). The maximum total accessory weight on a CosyCot™ should not exceed 65kg (143lbs).
Read This First
9. Neopuff™ Infant Resuscitator
Please read and understand the instructions fully before using the Neopuff™ infant resuscitator and related
accessories. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that all users of this device have been adequately trained in
resuscitation techniques.
The Neopuff™ resuscitator should only be used after checking that correct pressures will be delivered to the
baby. Ensure no smoking, naked fl ames or sources of ignition are present while the unit is in use. For connection to fl ow regulated oxygen or oxygen/air mixture only. Recommended operating gas fl ow range is 5 to 15L/min. Do not attempt to use a higher fl ow than 15L/min. The Maximum Pressure Relief can be adjusted up to a nominal 80cm H2O/mbar, and should only be done
in exceptional circumstances by persons trained in infant resuscitation.
Pressure Relief above 80cm H20/mbar. Use only a Fisher and Paykel Healthcare patient T-piece.
Ensure all oxygen and air supplies are turned off and disconnected from the Neopuff™ before performing cleaning
The Neopuff™ infant resuscitator is to be used only by persons trained in infant resuscitation.
Do not attempt to set the Maximum
Explosion and fi re hazards can exist when performing cleaning procedures in an oxygen-enriched
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10. Oxygen administration
The attending physician should prescribe the method, concentration and duration of oxygen administration. Improper use of oxygen may be associated with serious side effects, including blindness, brain damage and
death. Oxygen-enriched gas has been found to increase the risk of retrolental fi broplasia (retinopathy of prematurity).
Use arterial blood gas measurement for regulation of inspired oxygen concentration when oxygen-enriched gas
is necessary. Keep ignition sources away from the warmer and out of the room in which oxygen equipment is located. Ensure no foreign material is present in the fl owmeter nipples or patient supply lines. Always adjust the fl owmeter valves slowly to avoid possible pressure points in patient supply lines. To avoid possible patient injury or fl owmeter damage do not attempt to adjust the fl owmeter fl owrate above 15
L/min. Ensure the cylinder valves are closed when the hospital pipeline systems are in use. Supply pressures may
become equal and if used simultaneously, cylinder supplies could be exhausted leaving no emergency backup
supply. Compressed gas cylinders can become hazardous projectiles if the gas is released rapidly. To prevent damage
from shock or impact, the cylinders must be securely fastened.
11. Phototherapy
This product is intended for use by authorized and qualifi ed personnel who are aware of currently known hazards
and benefi ts of phototherapy for treatment of hyperbilirubinemia. All personnel must be familiar with the operation of this phototherapy system before using the device with
patients. Protect baby’s eyes and genitals from Phototherapy light. Do not look directly at the blue light. Ensure Phototherapy Lamp head is securely fi tted to the mounting bracket.
Read This First
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Electric shock hazards exist beneath the control panels. Ensure qualifi ed personnel carry out all service and
maintenance issues. Only qualifi ed personnel should carry out service and maintenance procedures. To avoid the possibility of electric shock hazard when performing cleaning and maintenance procedures,
disconnect the Infant Warmer from the mains power.
12. Cleaning & Maintenance
Only qualifi ed personnel should carry out service and maintenance procedures. To avoid the possibility of burns when performing cleaning and maintenance procedures, ensure the warmer is
disconnected from the power supply and the heater element is allowed to cool. To avoid the possibility of electric shock hazard when performing cleaning and maintenance procedures, ensure
the warmer is disconnected from the power supply. Ensure all oxygen and air supplies are turned off and disconnected from the warmer before performing cleaning
and maintenance procedures. Explosion and fi re hazards can exist when performing cleaning and maintenance procedures in an oxygen-
enriched environment.
13. General
Before use Please read and understand these defi nitions before using the warmer or accessories.
Us Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.  Do not stand on any part of the warmer base.  Do not autoclave or gas sterilise the DuoSense  Do not autoclave or gas sterilise any part of the warmer.  Ensure the skin sensor is only removed from the controller by grasping the plug at the front panel.
strain is not placed on the sensor lead during use, cleaning or inspection.
Do not remove the skin sensor from the baby’s skin by placing excessive strain on the cable.
damage the skin sensor and cause irritation to the baby.
Ensure the bassinet side panels are not used to move the warmer.  Do not use solvents, or abrasive cleaning solutions for cleaning surfaces of the warmer.
acrylic surfaces can cause crazing and cracking.
Do not expose plastic and acrylic surfaces to direct radiation from germicidal lamps.
sources can cause crazing and cracking.
Ensure all warmer parts and accessories are checked before returning the device to service.
of this operating manual for directions.
For cold sterilisation:
Ensure the cold sterilisation agents are safe for use with the relevant warmer surfaces. If in doubt
check with supplier.
For chemical liquid immersion: Some chemicals can be harmful to plastics.
skin sensor.
Ensure excessive
Such a procedure can
The use of alcohol for cleaning
The ultraviolet radiation from these
Refer to relevant sections
If in doubt check with supplier.
14. Oxygen Administration
Disconnect and turn off the oxygen supply when cleaning the unit or performing service and maintenance procedures  Ensure cylinder valves are opened slowly to avoid damage to the regulators and resuscitation system.  Ensure only one cylinder gasket is used per yoke.
Using more than one gasket could result in gas leakage.
Read This First
15. Alarm Summary, Baby Control Models IW910/930/980
Before use
Please read and understand the following alarm summary for baby control models
before using the warmer or accessories.
Alarm Mode Cause Effect Mute Button
Check Baby Baby Warmer operating at 100% power
for longer than 15 minutes
Heater reduced to 25% power
Cancels alarm & restores heater power
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Manual Warmer operating at more than
25% power for longer than 15 minutes
Prewarm Not active Not active Not active
High Skin Temp Baby Measured skin temperature higher
than set temperature by 1ºC
Manual Measured skin temperature higher
than 39°C
Prewarm Measured skin temperature higher
than 39°C
Low Skin Temp Baby Measured skin temperature lower
than set temperature by 1ºC
Manual Not active Not active Not active Prewarm Not active Not active Not active
Sensor Disconnect Baby Skin sensor unplugged or faulty Heater power
Manual Skin sensor faulty Heater power
Prewarm Not active Not active Not active
See Manual All Software or electronic fault
Heater reduced to 25% power
Heater power disabled
Heater power disabled
Heater power disabled
Heater reduced to 25% power
Warmer disabled No effect
Cancels alarm & restores heater power
Silences audible alarm only
Silences audible alarm only
Silences audible alarm only
Silences audible alarm & restores heater power
Silences audible alarm only
Silences audible alarm only
Power Fail All Power supply to warmer failed Warmer disabled No effect
Read This First
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16. Alarm Summary, Manual Control Models IW920/950/990
Before use
Please read and understand the following alarm summary for baby control models
before using the warmer or accessories.
Alarm Mode Cause Effect Mute Button
Check Baby Manual Warmer operating at more than
25% power for longer than 15 minutes
OR measured skin temperature higher than 39°C
OR skin sensor faulty Heater power
Prewarm Measured skin temperature higher
than 39°C
See Manual All Software or electronic fault
Power Fail All Power supply to warmer failed Warmer disabled No effect
Heater reduced to 25% power
Heater power disabled
disabled Heater power
disabled Warmer disabled No effect
Cancels alarm & restores heater power
Silences audible alarm only
Silences audible alarm only
Silences audible alarm only
17. Alarm systems
See Alarm Systems on page 3-9 for full details of alarm systems, possible causes and recommended action.
18. Alarm verifi cation
See page 3-11 for procedures to verify operation of alarms.  All alarms are indicated by a fl ashing red light and audible alarm, except for See Manual which may use a fl ashing or
continuous light.
19. Disabled low skin temperature alarm
If the baby’s skin temperature is less than the set temperature when Baby mode is fi rst selected, the Low Skin Temperature
alarm is disabled for 15 minutes or until the baby skin temperature has warmed up to the set temperature.
The 15 minute warm-up period enables safe continuous warming of the baby without nuisance alarms.
Read This First
Chapter 2 - About Your Warmer
1. Application and Description
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(a) Introduction
(b) Models
(c) Heat control
i The Fisher & Paykel infant radiant warmers are specifi cally designed to
provide a controlled source of warmth to babies in the fi rst few weeks
The warmers can provide complete care for the newborn baby in
of life. delivery through to the critically ill baby in neonatal intensive care.
i The CosyCot™ Infant Warmer combines an integrated bassinet with
optional accessories to suit your own particular warming needs.
Mobile Infant Warmer provides truly mobile warming wherever needed.
ii The Wall Mount Infant Warmer provides discrete and convenient space
saving warming.
iii Model Baby Control Manual Control Mobile IW910 IW920
IW930 IW950
Wall Mount IW980 IW990
i In Baby mode, the baby control models provide stable control of the
baby’s skin temperature by automatically adjusting the heater power to compensate for varying physiological and environmental conditions. This is achieved using a microprocessor which measures and updates the baby’s temperature ten times every second.
ii In Manual mode, all warmers provide user-adjustable heater power and
the option to monitor the baby’s skin temperature using the skin sensor.
iii In Prewarm mode, all warmers provide alarm and trouble free prewarming
of the heater and environment above the warmer mattress.
(d) DuoSense™ skin sensor
(e) Operating manual
i Safety of the baby is enhanced by the DuoSense™ skin sensor. The skin
sensor measures the baby’s skin temperature using two independent sensors. These sensors are continuously compared to ensure accurate and reliable skin temperature measurements.
i This operating manual must be read thoroughly and all instructions,
warnings, cautions and notes thoroughly understood by personnel working with the warmers and accessories.
About Your Warmer
3 - 1
Chapter 3 - Using Your Warmer
Controls & Indicators
(a) Warmer diagrams
Power Switch
The warmer starts up automatically in the last mode that was used.
Control Knob
Adjusts set temperature in Baby mode and power level in Manual mode. Adjusts preset countdown time when either the Timer 1 or Timer 2 buttons are held down (Baby control models only).
Baby Skin Temperature Display
Displays the current baby skin temperature when a skin sensor is inserted in Baby mode or Manual mode and the skin sensor is correctly attached to the baby. ‘---’ in the event of a Sensor Disconnect alarm. mode or when no skin sensor is inserted in Manual mode.
Set Temperature Display (Baby control models only)
Displays the current set temperature when in Baby mode. The display switches off in Prewarm mode or Manual mode.
Power Display
Displays the current power level in the range 0% to 100% in 5% steps.
Timer Display (Baby control models only)
Displays the current time of the Apgar timer, Timer 1 or Timer 2 when they are active.
Mute (Baby control models only)
Pressing this button silences all audible alarms (except See Manual and Power Fail) for 10 minutes.
Pressing this button selects Prewarm mode and illuminates the green Prewarm mode indicator light. The Power level is preset to 25% to provide alarm and trouble free prewarming of the heater and environment above the warmer mattress before arrival of the baby.
Baby (Baby control models only)
Pressing this button selects Baby mode and illuminates the green Baby mode indicator light. The Power level is automatically controlled according to the baby skin temperature to achieve the desired set temperature.
Pressing this button selects Manual mode and illuminates the green Manual mode indicator light. steps.
Pressing this button starts the Apgar timer and illuminates the green Apgar indicator light. Apgar tones sound at 1, 5 and 10 minutes, with optional tone at 3 minutes. The Apgar timer switches off after 30 minutes. the Apgar timer.
Examination Light
Pressing this button switches the Examination Light on and off. The green Light indicator is illuminated when the light is on. If the light is faulty, the warmer will sound a tone and the light indicator will be switched off
Procedure Timer 1 (Baby control models only)
Pressing this button starts Timer 1 at the preset count-down time. Pressing the button a second time will cancel and switch off the timer. 1 count-down time to be adjusted with the control knob
The Check Baby alarm is reset for 15 minutes
The Power level is adjustable using the Control knob in the range 0% to 100% in 5%
Before use
While reading this section you may fi nd it helpful to look at the
diagrams on page 3-12
The display switches off when in Prewarm
The set temperature range is from 34.5 (C to 37.5 (C.
Pressing the button a second time will cancel and switch off
Holding the button down allows the Timer
In Baby mode displays
Using Your Warmer
2. Using Prewarm Mode
(a) About Prewarm Mode
i Prewarm mode provides alarm and trouble free prewarming of the heater
ii Prewarm mode should be selected at least 5 minutes before the baby is
3 - 2
and environment above the warmer mattress before arrival of the baby.
placed on the warmer.
Prewarm mode may also be used to provide low
power background heating when required.
(b) How to use
i Press the Power On/Off switch to the On position. The warmer starts up
automatically in the mode that was last used.
ii Select Prewarm mode by pressing the Prewarm button. The Power
level is preset to 25%.
iii The warmer will now operate continuously at the preset power level
without any nuisance alarms.
(c) Prewarm
i NOTE: Prewarm mode maintains the total infrared irradiance level at the
mattress surface below 10 mW/cm particular requirements for the safety of infant radiant warmers.
3. Placing the Skin Sensor
(a) About the skin sensor
(b) About the sensor cover
i The 900IW001 DuoSense™ skin sensor measures the baby’s skin
temperature using two independent sensors that are continuously compared to ensure accurate and reliable skin temperature measurements.
i The 900IW010 SunSpot™ refl ective sensor cover fi rmly yet gently
attaches the skin sensor to the baby while its refl ective and insulating nature shields the skin sensor from external sources of heat.
ii The SunSpot
be placed, removed and then gently re-wet before re-use.
, as prescribed in IEC 60601-2-21,
sensor covers are single-baby multi-use items, which can
(c) How to place the
skin sensor
i Gently clean and dry the baby’s skin where you intend to place the
skin sensor.
ii Remove the adhesive backing paper from the sensor cover. iii Place the coloured side of the skin sensor in the centre of the adhesive
side of the sensor cover as shown above.
iv Moisten the exposed adhesive surface and surrounding edges of the
sensor cover using sterile water.
v Place the skin sensor and sensor cover against the baby’s skin in the
desired location.
vi Gently press and hold the edges of the sensor cover to allow the hydrogel
adhesive to adhere to the baby’s skin.
Using Your Warmer
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(e) How to remove the skin
(f) How to re-use the
sensor cover
(g) Clinical procedures
i Gently lift up the edge of the sensor cover. If required moisten the edges
of the sensor cover using sterile water and dampened cotton swab.
ii Gently peel the sensor cover and skin sensor from the skin surface.
i Place the coloured side of the skin sensor in the centre of the adhesive
side of the sensor cover.
ii Moisten the exposed adhesive surface and surrounding edges of the
sensor cover using sterile water. iii Reposition the sensor cover and skin sensor on the baby. iv Gently press and hold the edges of the sensor cover to allow the hydrogel
adhesive to adhere to the baby’s skin.
To ensure the continued comfort of the baby, avoid pressing directly on
the skin sensor. Clinical procedures can interrupt the infra-red heat path from the heater
to the baby.
Complete all immediate procedures before placing the
skin sensor and SunSpot™ sensor cover on the baby.
(h) Skin sensor &
sensor cover
(i) DuoSense™
skin sensor
The warmer cannot measure or control the baby’s skin
temperature if the skin sensor is not correctly positioned on the baby or a refl ective sensor cover is not used.
Use only the 900IW001 DuoSense™ skin sensor to measure the
baby’s skin temperature.
Regularly check that the skin sensor and sensor cover remain
correctly positioned on the baby.
Ensure the skin sensor is always in direct contact with the baby’s
Never place an obstruction between the heater and the skin
sensor other than a refl ective sensor cover.
Heating is obstructed if the baby is wrapped in a blanket which
comes between the heater and the skin sensor.
Do not use an axillary or rectal temperature sensor measurement
to control baby skin temperature. Use of an axillary or rectal temperature sensor measurement to control baby skin temperature can result in over-heating or under-heating of the baby.
CAUTION Ensure the skin sensor is only removed from the controller by grasping
the plug at the front panel. Ensure excessive strain is not placed on the
sensor lead either during use, cleaning or inspection.
Using Your Warmer
4. Using Baby Mode
(a) About Baby mode
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i Baby mode provides stable control of the baby’s skin temperature by
automatically adjusting the heater power to compensate for varying
metabolic and environmental conditions.
(b) Before you begin
(c) How to use Baby mode
(d) Clinical condition
i See Using Prewarm Mode on page 3-2, Placing the Skin Sensor on
page 3-2, and Alarm System Verifi cation on page 3-12.
i Push the skin sensor plug fi rmly into the front panel socket. ii When the baby arrives, place on the warmer mattress and correctly
attach the skin sensor. iii Select Baby mode by pressing the Baby button. iv Set the desired skin temperature between 34.5°C and 37.5°C by turning
the control knob on the front panel. The set temperature is displayed
above the control knob. v With the skin sensor plug correctly inserted into the front panel socket
and the skin sensor correctly positioned on the baby, the baby’s skin
temperature is displayed above the control knob. The warmer will now automatically adjust the heater power to stabilise
the baby’s skin temperature at the desired set
Independent monitoring of temperature is essential for any baby
under an infant radiant warmer.
A warmer cannot differentiate between hypothermia (low skin
and low core temperature), and fever (low skin and high core temperature). Ensure the clinical condition of the baby is regularly reviewed.
(e) Disabled low skin
temperature alarm
(f) Warm-up time
(g) Temperature adjustments
If the baby’s skin temperature is less than the set temperature when
Baby mode is fi rst selected, the Low Skin Temperature alarm is disabled
for 15 minutes or until the baby’s skin temperature has warmed up to the
set temperature. The 15 minute warm-up period enables safe continuous warming of the
baby without nuisance alarms.
The baby’s weight, age, clinical condition, and other metabolic and
environmental factors, will affect the time required to stabilise at the
desired set temperature.
Allow 5 to 10 minutes for the baby’s skin temperature to stabilise after
set temperature adjustments
Using Your Warmer
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5. Using Manual Mode
(a) About Manual mode
Manual mode provides user-adjustable heater power, and the option to
monitor the baby’s skin temperature using the DuoSense
skin sensor or
an independent temperature monitor.
(b) Before you begin
(c) How to use Manual mode
(d) Independent monitoring
See Using Prewarm Mode on page 3-2, and Alarm System Verifi cation
on page 3-12.
If monitoring baby’s skin temperature see Placing the Skin
Sensor on page 3-2.
i Select Manual mode by pressing the Manual button.
ii Set the desired heater power level between 0% and 100% by turning the
control knob on the front panel. The heater power level is displayed on
the power bar to the left of the control knob. The baby can now be placed on the warmer mattress, and the warmer
will deliver the set heater power. iii When using Manual mode the baby’s skin temperature should be
monitored using the DuoSense
temperature monitor. iv If monitoring is required, place the skin sensor on the baby, and push the
skin sensor plug fi rmly into the front panel socket. v With the skin sensor plug correctly inserted into the front panel socket
and the skin sensor correctly positioned on the baby, the baby’s skin
skin sensor or an independent
temperature is displayed above the control knob.
Independent monitoring of temperature is essential for any baby
under an infant radiant warmer.
When using the warmer in Manual mode continuously monitor
the baby’s clinical condition and skin temperature using the DuoSense™ skin sensor or an independent temperature monitor.
While in Manual mode, the displayed skin temperature is not used
to control heater power.
(e) 15 minute
Manual mode alarm
If the heater power level is above 25% for longer than 15 minutes, the
Check Baby and Manual indicators will fl ash, an audible alarm will sound,
and the heater power will be reduced to 25%. If the Manual or Mute button is now pressed, the Check Baby and
Manual indicators will be extinguished, the audible alarm silenced and
the heater power will be restored at the set level.
6. Using the Procedure Timers (Baby Control Models Only)
(a) About the procedure
i The two timers provide simple count-down timing of clinical procedures,
each sounding a tone at the completion of their preset time period. Both
timers can be independently preset from 1 to 99 minutes.
Using Your Warmer
(b) How to set the procedure
3 - 6
i Press and hold down either Timer 1 or Timer 2 button.
ii Set the desired count-down time for the chosen procedure timer by
turning the control knob on the front panel. The count-down time is
shown on the timer display. iii Release the procedure timer button to start the count-down. iv Press the procedure timer button again if you wish to cancel the timer.
(c) Timer memories
(d) How to use the
procedure timers
(e) Timer completion
Using the Apgar Timer
(a) About the Apgar timer
(b) How to use the
Apgar timer
Each procedure timer will remember its own count-down time until reset
with a new count-down time period. Only one procedure timer can be active at any time.
i Press the desired timer button to start the count-down period. ii Press the same timer button again if you wish to cancel the timer.
At the end of the time period the procedure timer will produce alarm
tones, fl ash the timer display for 30 seconds then switch off the display.
i The Apgar timer provides easy timing of Apgar scores. Apgar tones
sound at 1, 5 and 10 minutes, with optional
Apgar timer switches off after 30 minutes.
i Press the Apgar button to start the Apgar timer. ii Press the Apgar button again if you wish to cancel the Apgar timer.
tones at 3 minutes. The
8. Using the Examination Light
(a) How to use the light
(b) Light faulty
i Press the Light button to switch on the light. ii Press the Light button again to switch off the light.
If the light is faulty or fails during use, the warmer will sound a tone and
the Light indicator will be switched off.
Infant Warmer Technical Manual for servicing information (pn 185 041 130).
Please refer to the IW900 Series
Using Your Warmer
3 - 7
9. Using the CosyCot™ Bassinet - IW930/950 Series
(a) About the bassinet
(b) How to tilt the bassinet
(c) How to transport the
i The bassinet provides a support platform for the mattress, which in turn
provides a comfortable and thermally insulated surface for nursing and
caring for the baby.
to +10°, to achieve Trendelenburg and Fowler type positions.
i Grip the lever beneath the front of the bassinet with both hands and
squeeze to unlock the bassinet tilt mechanism. ii Tilt the bassinet to desired position from -10° to +10°. iii Release lever to lock the bassinet in new position. iv To locate the bassinet horizontally squeeze the lever until you feel the
central detente.
i Ensure the bassinet side panels are locked into position before
transporting. ii Check the castor wheels are not locked. iii Locate the transport handle beneath the front of the bassinet iv Pull down the spring loaded collars at the sides of the handle and re-
orient the transport handle to the horizontal and release the collars to
lock the handle into position.
The bassinet can be continuously adjusted from -10°
(d) How to use the lift and
fold-down sides
i To open the lift and fold-down sides:
Lift the top of the side panel and fold down over the edge of the
Using Your Warmer
ii To close the lift and fold-down sides:
Fold up the side panel and lift over the recess to engage the side
panel to the bassinet.
iii To remove a side panel:
Lift and retract the moveable pin by operating the latch and slide out
the fi xed pin.
iv To replace a side panel:
Engage the fi xed pin in the lower recess, retract the moveable pin
and release into the lower slot.
3 - 8
(e) Bassinet Tube holders
(f) Bassinet
i The CosyGrip™ tube holders located in the rear and front panels are
designed to accommodate cables and tubing up to 22mm in diameter. The CosyGrip™ tube holders are designed to hold tubes in place and can be removed for cleaning.
Using the CosyGrip™ tube holders restricts the
rear and front panel ability to be lowered.
ii The CornerGrip
tube holders located in the four corners of the bassinet have been designed to accommodate cables and tubing up to 15mm in diameter. The lift and fold down sides do not effect tubes and cables in
CornerGrip™ tube holders.
Maximum bassinet loading is 10 kg (22 lb) Ensure the bassinet and side panels are locked into position
before transport. Use transport handle and ensure the drawers are in central position.
Do not move the warmer by pushing or pulling on the bassinet
side panels. This action may lead to the deterioration and breakage of the components that act as a safety barrier around the baby.
Tilting the bassinet from the horizontal position can affect warmer
performance by altering the heat distribution across the bassinet mattress.
Inspect all tubes or wires connected to the baby before and after
tilting bassinet. Tilting or moving the warmer bassinet can pull on tubing or leads.
Do not leave the baby unattended in the bassinet when the side
panels are folded down.
(g) Transport
Ensure the bassinet side panels are not used to move the warmer.
Using Your Warmer
3 - 9
10. Raising and Lowering the Mobile Stand - IW910/920
(a) About raising & lowering
the mobile stand
(b) How to raise or lower the
mobile stand
(c) Transport
i The mobile stand allows the heater to be easily raised or lowered to suit
beds, bassinets or theatre and examination tables of various heights.
i Grip the lower half of the mobile stand and loosen the locking nut.
ii Observe the height of the bassinet, cot or examination table on the scale
on the lower half of the mobile stand.
iii Raise or lower the heater head and controller until the same height is
shown just above the locking nut.
iv Tighten the locking nut. The mobile warmer is ready for use.
Ensure the mobile stand is adjusted to the lowest position before
11. Alarm Systems
(a) About alarm systems
i Check Baby
ii High Skin Temp
The following section describes the alarm systems, possible
causes, and suggested actions.
Baby control only The red indicator light will fl ash, an audible alarm will sound, and the
heater power level will be reduced to 25% if the warmer has been operating either in Baby mode at 100% power or in Manual mode at more than 25% power, for longer than 15 minutes. Pressing the Mute or relevant mode button cancels the alarm and recommences heating.
Possible Cause Action to Take
1 In Baby mode:
The skin temperature measurement may be incorrect due to skin sensor placement.
2 In Manual mode:
The heater power was set higher than 25% for longer than 15 minutes.
1 Check the skin sensor
placement, then press the Mute or Baby button to re-commence heating.
2 Adjust the heater power to less
than 25%, or press the Mute or Manual button to re-commence heating.
Baby control only
The red indicator light will fl ash, an audible alarm will sound, and the
heater will be disabled if the baby skin temperature is greater than the set temperature by 1°C. for 10 minutes, while the red indicator light will remain fl ashing until the baby skin temperature is within 1°C of the set temperature.
Pressing the Mute button silences the audible alarm
In Prewarm or Manual mode this alarm will occur if the baby skin temperature is greater than 39°C.
Using Your Warmer
iii Low Skin Temp
3 - 10
Possible Cause Action to Take
1 The set temperature may have
been adjusted lower by more than the alarm limit.
2 The baby may be experiencing
heat stress.
1 Press the Mute button and wait
for the baby’s skin temperature to fall.
2 Check the baby’s clinical
Baby control only The red indicator light will fl ash, an audible alarm will sound, and the
heater power level will be reduced to 25% if the baby skin temperature is less than the set temperature by 1°C.
Pressing the Mute button silences the alarm for 10 minutes and re-enables heater power, while the red indicator light will remain fl ashing until the baby skin temperature is within 1°C of the set temperature.
This alarm is not active in Prewarm or Manual mode, and is disabled during initial warm-up for 15 minutes, or until the baby skin temperature has warmed up to the set temperature.
Sensor Disconnect
See Manual
Possible Cause Action to Take
1 The set temperature
may have been adjusted higher by more than 1°C
2 The skin sensor and cover may
have been accidentally covered.
3 The skin sensor may have
been detached or is incorrectly positioned.
4 The baby may be experiencing
cold stress.
1 Press the Mute button and wait
for the baby’s skin temperature to rise.
2 Remove the object which is
covering the skin sensor
3 Check the skin sensor and
reattach or reposition as required.
4 Check the baby’s clinical
Baby control only
The red indicator light will fl ash, an audible alarm will sound, and the
heater will be disabled if the skin sensor is either removed or faulty. Pressing the Mute button silences the alarm for 10 minutes, while the red indicator light will remain fl ashing and the heater remains disabled until the skin sensor is plugged in or replaced.
This alarm does not indicate if a sensor is removed in Manual mode, and is not active in Prewarm mode.
Possible Cause Action to Take
1 The skin sensor may not be
connected to the warmer.
2 The skin sensor may be faulty. 2 Replace the skin sensor.
1 Push the skin sensor plug into
the front panel socket.
Have the suspect skin sensor checked by a technician.
Baby control only
If this indicator is fl ashing or illuminated continuously a fault has been
detected or the overheat protector in the heater has tripped.
For both faults the warmer should be immediately disconnected from the wall supply outlet, the baby relocated onto another warmer, and the unit sent for servicing.
Possible Cause Action to Take
1 A software fault has been
1 Send warmer for servicing.
2 An electronic fault has been
2 Send warmer for servicing.
Using Your Warmer
3 - 11
iv See Manual
Baby control only
The red indicator light will fl ash and an audible alarm will sound if the
power supply to the warmer has failed. then either the wall supply outlet has been switched off, or the warmer
If the power on/off switch is on,
power cord has been unplugged from the wall supply outlet.
Possible Cause Action to Take
1 The wall supply to the warmer
has failed.
1 Turn the power switch off to
cancel the audible and visual alarms. We recommend providing an alternative source of warmth for the baby.
2 The wall supply to the
warmer has been switched off
2 Turn the wall supply switch on to
restart the warmer.
3 The power cord has been
accidentally unplugged while the
3 Plug the cord back into the wall
supply outlet.
warmer is in use.
Alarm system verifi cation
The following procedure can be used to verify the operation of auditory and visual alarms.
Before commencing ensure:
A baby is not present on the warmer. There is no skin sensor plugged into the front panel socket. The power cord is plugged into an appropriate wall supply outlet.
i Press the Power On/Off switch to the On position ii Check the power-on alarm sounds briefl y iii For a Baby control model: Check the indicator lights for the Check Baby, High Skin Temp, Low Skin
Temp, and Sensor Disconnect alarms are illuminated briefl y.
For a Manual control model: Check the indicator light for Check Baby is illuminated briefl y. iv Change to Prewarm mode. v Unplug the power cord from the wall supply.
Check the Power Fail indicator light fl ashes and audible alarm sounds.
vi vii Press and hold the Prewarm button.
Plug the power cord into the wall
supply outlet.
viii Check the warmer re-starts correctly, the See Manual indicator light
fl ashes and audible alarm sounds. ix Press the Power On/Off switch to the Off position. If steps 2, 3, 6 and 8 produce the desired results, the warmer can be returned
to use.
If either step 2, 3, 6 or 8 does not produce the desired results, then
send the warmer for servicing.
12 Warmer Diagrams
3 - 12
IW910/920 Mobile Infant Warmer
IW930/IW950 Series CosyCot
IW980/990 Wall Mount Infant Warmer
Manual Controlled Front Control Panel
IW920, IW950 Series and IW990
Using Your Warmer
Baby Controlled Front Control Panel IW910,
IW930 Series and IW980
4 - 1
Chapter 4 - Accessories
1. DuoSense
(a) About the DuoSense™
skin sensor
(b) About the SunSpot™
sensor cover
Skin Sensor & SunSpot™ Sensor Cover
i The 900IW001 DuoSense™ skin sensor measures the baby’s skin
temperature using two independent sensors that are continuously compared to ensure accurate and reliable skin temperature measurements
i The SunSpot™ refl ective sensor cover fi rmly yet gently attaches the skin
sensor to the baby while its refl ective and insulating nature shields the skin sensor from external sources of heat.
ii The SunSpot
be placed, gently removed, then re-wet before re-use.
iii Each 900IW010 SunSpot
2. Electric Elevator Module
Before use
Please read and understand all instructions before using the electric
sensor covers are single-baby multi-use items, which can
sensor cover pack contains 10 sensor
elevator module and related accessories with the warmer.
(a) About the electric
elevator module
(b) Using the electric
elevator module
(c) User
(d) Operation
i The electric elevator modules raise or lower the warmer bassinet
from 93 to 108 cm (36.6”- 42.5”) at the touch of a button.
Different voltage options available
i To raise the bassinet press the up button on the right-hand leg. ii To lower the bassinet press the down
Ensure that all limbs are clear of moving parts under the base and
legs while operating the electric elevator.
Ensure there is adequate clearance above and below the warmer before
raising or lowering the electric elevator module.
Do not stand on the base and legs or climb onto any part of the
Do not exceed the stated load for the infant warmer (max 130 kg - 286
To avoid overheating the electric elevator motor, do not continuously
raise or lower the warmer bassinet.
button on the right-hand leg
4 - 2
(e) Isolating switch
Isolating switch provides on/off control for the electric elevator.
3. Neopuff™ Infant Resuscitator Module
(a) About the Neopuff
(b) Using the Neopuff™ infant
Please read and understand the instructions fully before using the
The Neopuff™ infant resuscitator is to be used only by persons
trained in infant resuscitation.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that all users
of this device have been adequately trained in resuscitation techniques.
i The 900IW130 series Neopuff™ Infant Resuscitator is an easy to-use
manually operated, gas powered resuscitator which provides controlled and accurate resuscitation of newborn babies in delivery suites, nurseries and neonatal intensive care units.
i To Resuscitate:
Adjust gas supply to the desired fl owrate. Fit patient T-piece to neonatal resuscitation mask and place over the
baby’s mouth and/or nose.
Fit patient T-piece to the endotracheal tube. Resuscitate by placing and removing thumb over the PEEP
inspiration and expiration.
ii Set-up:
Connect gas supply:
Connect oxygen or blended oxygen/air supply to gas inlet port using gas supply line.
Connect Patient Supply line: Connect patient supply line and patient T-piece to the gas outlet port. Connect test lung to patient T-piece.
iii Check Settings:
Adjust gas supply to desired fl owrate between 5 and 15 LPM.
To check Maximum Pressure:
Occlude PEEP1 cap and turn PIP2 control fully clockwise.
infant resuscitator and related accessories.
Before use
cap to allow
Adjust maximum pressure control knob clockwise or counter­clockwise to set desired maximum pressure.
To set PIP:
While still occluding the PEEP cap, turn PIP control knob counter-
clockwise until the desired peak inspiratory pressure is set.
To set PEEP:
Adjust PEEP cap to the desired PEEP level. Turn off gas supply and remove test lung from patient T-piece.
1. Positive End Expiratory Pressure 2. Peak Inspiratory Pressure.
4 - 3
The Neopuff™ resuscitator should only be used after checking that correct pressures will be
delivered to the baby. Ensure no smoking, naked fl ames or sources of ignition are present while the unit is in use. For connection to fl ow regulated oxygen or oxygen/air mixture only Recommended operating gas fl ow range is 5 to 15L/min.
Do not attempt to use a higher fl ow than 15L/min The Maximum Pressure Relief can be adjusted up to a nominal 80cm H2O/mbar, and should only be
done in exceptional circumstances by persons trained in infant resuscitation. Do not attempt to set
the Maximum Pressure Relief above 80cm H2O/mbar. Use only a Fisher and Paykel Healthcare patient T-piece. Ensure all oxygen and air supplies are turned off and disconnected from the Neopuff™ before
performing cleaning procedures. Explosion and fi re hazards can exist when performing cleaning
procedures in an oxygen-enriched environment.
US Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.  Ensure the oxygen concentration of an oxygen/air supply is either monitored using an oxygen analyzer, or
preset using oxygen/air fl ow rate graphs.
The factory setting of the Maximum Pressure relief is 40cm H
The Maximum Pressure Relief valve acts as an overall limit on the achievable circuit pressure. Resuscitation
above 40cm H
O/mbar cannot be achieved unless the Maximum Pressure Relief valve is adjusted.
Internally the Maximum Pressure and Inspiratory Pressure valves are in the same circuit. The Inspiratory
Pressure valve is intended for regular use to adjust and control the desired patient supply line pressure, up to the pressure set by the Maximum Pressure Valve.
The Neopuff
infant resuscitator can be used with either reusable or single-use patients supply lines.
Single-use patient supply lines can eliminate the possibility of cross-patient infection without requiring time-
consuming and expensive cleaning and sterilization procedures.
(c) Neopuff™ models &
Also available as the standalone RD900 Neopuff
The Neopuff
Infant Resuscitator accessories include single-use
resuscitation kits, test lungs and individual kit components.
Infant Resuscitator.
4. Gas System Accessories
Please read and understand these instructions before using the gas
4 - 4
Before use
system accessories and related accessories with the warmer.
(a) About gas system
(b) Gas supply modules
(c) Gas accessory blocks
i The 900 series gas system accessories provide reliable gas supply from
standard gas cylinders or regulated hospital pipeline systems.
i The 900IW100 series Gas Supply Modules combine the fl exibility of dual
gas cylinders and hospital pipeline system gas inlets and outlets with readily accessible panel mounted fl owmeter modules.
ii The Gas Supply Modules use pin-indexed cylinders and are available
with DISS, NIST, and Australian gas fi ttings.
The Flowmeter Modules are available with either two oxygen fl owmeters
or one oxygen and one air fl owmeter. Please refer to page 4-5 for further Flowmeter Module information.
Different gas and inlet/outlet options available
i The 900IW150 series Gas Accessory Blocks provide a single oxygen
or air gas outlet from either a Gas Supply Module or regulated hospital pipeline system. The single gas outlet can be used for fl owmeters or venturi suction units.
ii The Gas Accessories are available with DISS, NIST, and Australian gas
fi ttings.
(d) Gas cylinder installation
To install gas cylinders in either the Gas Supply Module or Gas Cylinder
Block: i Check and clear all connections of oil, grease and foreign material Ensure damaged connections are correctly serviced before use. ii Turn the tee handle counter-clockwise until the tip of tee screw is almost
fl ush with the inside face of the cylinder yoke. Remove the cylinder dust
cap if fi tted. iii Carefully open then immediately close the cylinder valve to blow any
foreign debris from the cylinder valve outlet. During this operation ensure
you are standing next to the cylinder and not in front of the cylinder
valve. iv Ensure the valve is closed without excessive force v Remove and replace the cylinder gasket from the yoke nipple. Ensure
fresh gaskets are used for every new cylinder. vi Carefully install the cylinder over the yoke nipple and index pins. Turn
the tee handle clockwise to hold the cylinder fi rmly in place. Avoid over-
tightening the tee handle. vii SLOWLY open cylinder valve one full turn. The gas supply module is
now ready for use.
The Gas Supply Module with dual oxygen cylinders uses individual
check valves to allow replacement of an empty cylinder while the other
cylinder is in use. Promptly replace empty cylinders.
4 - 5
5. Flowmeter Modules
Before Use
Please read and understand all instructions before using the fl owmeter
modules and related accessories with the warmer.
(a) About fl owmeter
(b) Using the fl owmeter
i The 900IW110 oxygen fl owmeter module and 900IW111 Oxygen/Air
Flowmeter Module provide an accurately controlled fl ow of oxygen
(0 to 15 L/min).
Before, during and after use
Ensure the cylinder valves are closed when the hospital pipeline
systems are in use. Supply pressures may become equal and if used simultaneously, cylinder supplies could be exhausted leaving no emergency backup supply.
Compressed gas cylinders can become hazardous projectiles
if the gas is released rapidly. To prevent damage from shock or impact, the cylinders must be securely fastened.
i Before use always check the oxygen and/or air cylinder and the hospital
pipeline supply to the warmer. ii Check the fl owmeter nipple is hand-tight. iii Connect the patient supply tube to either of the fl owmeter nipples using
fi rm hand pressure.
iv Connect the other end of the patient supply tube to the intended device,
for example, a Fisher & Paykel humidifi er, Neopuff
headbox, or oxygen therapy system. v Adjust the fl owmeter valve to the desired fl ow rate. Ensure all gas supply
and patient lines are regularly inspected for possible leaks during use.
Infant Resuscitator,
(c) Oxygen administration
6. X-Ray Tray Module
(a) About the x-ray tray
Oxygen-enriched gas has been found to increase the risk of
retrolental fi broplasia (retinopathy of prematurity). Use arterial blood gas measurement for regulation of inspired oxygen concentration when oxygen-enriched gas is necessary.
Before use
Please read and understand all instructions before using the x-ray tray
and related accessories with the warmer.
i The 900IW205 x-ray tray combines a non-slip surface with a grid
reference label for accurate placement of the x-ray cassette beneath the
bassinet without disturbing the baby. The heater can be rotated to the
left or right to allow access for x-ray equipment.
4 - 6
(b) Using the x-ray tray
i Grasp the x-ray tray handle beneath the front of the warmer bassinet,
and pull out the cassette drawer. ii Align the x-ray cassette in the drawer using the grid reference label on
the bassinet side panels and drawer base. iii Push the cassette drawer back beneath the warmer bassinet. A ‘click’
will be felt when the drawer is latched. iv Rotate the heater out of the way, position the x-ray machine and take the
Limit the load placed on the x-ray to 2kg to avoid tipping hazard. Never place a baby on the x-ray cassette tray.
7. Mounting Accessories
Please read and understand all instructions before using the mounting
(a) About the mounting
i The mounting accessories provide various methods of attaching warmer
accessories and alternative supplier products onto the warmer.
Before use
accessories with the warmer.
(b) Using the mounting
900IW301 Short Mounting Pole & 900IW302 Long Mounting Pole
These accessories are used to mount Fisher & Paykel humidifi ers,
oxygen/air blenders, and syringe pumps onto the warmer column. The
Short Mounting Pole is shown below. The Long Mounting Pole extends
the full length of the column.
ii 900IW303 Side Shelf Mounting Block
This accessory is used to mount the side shelves onto the warmer
iii 900IW305 Cable/Hose Hook
This accessory provides an adjustable point for convenient, tidy
storage of power cables, oxygen and air hoses, especially useful during
transportation. Maximum loading 5kg (11lb)
iv 900IW306 Accessory Hook
This accessory can be used to mount medication and irrigation bags,
stethoscopes, cables, clipboards and catheters on the warmer column
and from beneath the warmer bassinet. Maximum loading 2kg (4.4lb).
4 - 7
8. Storage Accessories
Before use
Please read and understand all instructions before using the storage
accessories with the warmer.
(a) About the storage
(b) Using the storage
i The storage accessories provide various methods of storing warmer
accessories and alternative supplier products onto the warmer.
i 900IW401 Side Shelf
This accessory provides an easily positioned surface for monitors,
syringe pumps and other large items. The side shelf attaches to the
IW930 or IW950 using the supplied 900IW303 shelf support block. To install and use the Side Shelf:
Slide the shelf support block into the column mounting slot and tighten
the lock knob at the desired side shelf height.
Guide the side shelf pin into the shelf support block.
Place items on the side shelf and position as required.
Maximum loading 15kg (33lb).
ii 900IW408 Storage Drawer System
The storage drawer system consists of a slide out drawer system, which
provides convenient and easy storage for larger items such as sheets,
blankets and diapers. Inside the main storage drawer is a multipurpose
tray that provides storage for smaller items such as catheters, swabs
and syringes.
Do not exceed the maximum total storage drawer loading of 7 kg
9. Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)
Please read and understand these instructions and refer to the Powervar User Guide before using the uninterrupted power supply
and related accessories with the warmer.
i About the UPS
The UPS provides warming during transportation and may be fi tted to an
IW93x/IW95x. Two components are required to provide an uninterruptible
power supply (UPS), the UPS itself and a mounting kit 900IW312 to
secure it to the CosyCot
warming for up to 10 minutes on full power and 22 minutes at 50%
Before use
Infant Warmer. The UPS provides constant
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