1. Features/Benefits
Wide App lication Ran ges
Full Consi deration for Nois e Control
The Thermal Mas ter S eries is designed for
Compressor ru bbe r feet are specially select ed for
domestic hot wa ter f or a houses, as well as small
reducing vibr ati on. Specially, co mpressor sound
commercial bu ild ings such as small hotels, jacket is avail able for every unit. Well- balanced
offices, scho ols , hospitals, apartme nts e tc. The fans and fan moto rs, w ith the optimized fan
holder, contributes to the l ow no ise operation. The
hot water outle t ran ge is wide from 20 to 60 ,
cabinet insid e is insulated to reduce noise
meeting deman ds fo r most hot water project. The
transmissio n.
performance i s at wi de ambient temperature
range from -10~ 43 . Modular control system i s
Relia ble D esign and Strict Qu ality Control
available to me et th e demand of bigger hot water
Standard safe ty fe atures for the refrigeran t circuit
include high- pre ssure switch and low-pres sure
Assur ing You Get Gra nts from Governme nt
switch to detec t los s of refrigerant, as well as
Designed for hi gh ef ficiency performance ov er a
deficient wat er fl ow. Equipment safety feat ures
lifetime of ope rat ion. The annual average COP i s
include water l oop t emperature monitoring ,
up to 4.5. The wate r pip es and refrigerant pipes
voltage prote cti on, water coil freeze prote ction.
are well insula ted t o minimize the heat loss.
All safety feat ure s are tested and run at the facto ry
to assure prope r ope ration of all components an d
Durab le an d Long Life
safety switch es.
High efficien cy co mpressor for all units , wit h
All component s are c arefully designed and
durable featu res a gainst high temperature a nd
selected for en dur ance, durability, and carefree
high pressure f or lo ng life. The tube in shell heat
day-to-day operation. Ea ch un it is fully tested in
exchanger are d ura ble for anti-corrsion, ha rd
performance a nd sa fety before exit factory.
water, high pressure and une xpe cted freeze
caused by power c ut-off.
Simple Mai ntenance and Serv iceability
Full acce ss fo r maintenance or service is p rovided
Strong Cab inet
from the mainte nan ce panel, for better flexib ility in
Standard unit f abr ication consists of heavy g age
confined spac e. Ea sy removal of the control box
galvanized sh eet m etal cabinet constructi on th at
from the unit pro vid es access to all refrigeran t
provides maxi mum s trength. All interior she et
components. T he re frigerant circuit is easi ly
metal surface s are p owder-painted for maximum
tested and serv ice d though the use of high and
corrosion pro tec tion to ensure resilience f or long
low pressure po rts i ntegral to the refrigeran t
term vitality. Compact, stackable c abinets are
designed to min imi ze installation spac e.
° °
Hot Water S eri es
The installat ion , commissioning and wires are apart f rom h ot or moving parts [eg:
maintenance o f the s ystem should only be done compressor, f an] o f the system to avoid
by qualified pe rsonnel with adequate knowle dge damage to the wir es.
of the relevant s tan dards and local regulatio ns as
Anti-freezi ng me asures must be well done to
well as experie nce w ith similar systems.
avoid damage to t he wa ter system and the heat
pump water heat e xch anger.
Please make sur e the w ater flow is sufficient all
the time.
Please make sur e the l ifting and transportati on
are safely done a cco rding to the heat pump
All ground line c onn ections must be prepared in
size and weight .
accordance wi th re levant local regulation s.
It is very danger ous w ork done at the facility
To reduce the risk of electrical i nsulation faults,
without previ ous ly cutting off the electric ity from
you first make th e con nection of the protective
the main power so urc e.
conductor of th e hea t pump safe according to
local regulat ion s.
When installi ng th e system, please ensure tha t
no contaminan ts en ter the water cycle.
When installa tio n, mak e sure that the inside
2. Notes/Precautions