PPFFMM//PPFFPP//PPFFVV VVaappoorr SSeeaall aanndd BBeeaarriinngg RReeppllaacceemmeenntt IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
DDiissaasssseemmbblliinngg tthhee ppuummpp
Remove the impeller housing cover by
turning it clockwise.
Insert a 3/32” pin into the hole in the shaft.
Holding the pin, remove the impeller from the shaft
by turning counterclockwise.
Spin the impeller until the hole in the bottom of
shaft can be seen through the square slot in the
impeller housing.
Once the impeller is removed, the bottom portion of
the shaft will be exposed.

Lightly tap the bottom of the shaft on the ground.
This will partially push the bearing from
the pump head.
Picture showing bearing assembly partially removed
from pump head.
Remove the impeller housing by turning it
The lower inner tube and center bearing will likely
come out when removing housing.
Again, lightly tap the bottom of the shaft on the
ground the completely remove the bearing assembly
from the pump head.

Picture illustrating bearing completely removed from
pump head.
Picture illustrating shaft with bearing assembly,
impeller housing with lower inner tube and center
bearing removed from pump tube.
Place pump head in a vise and remove the intake
tube by unthreading clockwise.
Remove upper inner tube from head.
Picture illustrates pump completely disassembled.