Model LS-Jr.
Vacuum Attachment
Installation and Maintenance Instructions
The LS-Jr. with vacuum attachment provides for safe in-house
reclamation of contaminated solvents with boiling points o
200° to 500°F (93° to 260°C). Most solvents conform easil
and safely to this thermal distillation process. However,
CAUTION must be exercised when operating the unit. Whe
properly installed and operated, the LS-JrV provides long,
trouble-free service, reclaiming 3 to 4 gallons (11-15 liters) o
solvent in 6 to 8 hours. For your safe ty, reclamation is limite
design to this rate.
The LS-JrV utilizes breakthrough technology to reclaim highe
oiling solvents. A unique v ertical solvent pump and JetVac are
immersed in a single reservoir and used to create a vacuum in
the distillation unit.
You must determine dimension R (see Figure 1). It illustrates
the larges t area where exp losive mixture s can be present. I n
well-ventilat ed area, R is of ten less than 10 ft. (3m). H owever,
R can also be more than 10 ft.
distillate pail
Solvent in t he reservo ir tank is cir culated by th e solvent pu mp
through the high-velocity JetVac. This high-speed circulation
roduces a v acu um in the distill ation uni t. A co o ling c oil i n the
reservoir tank maintains solvent temperature. As additional
solvent is recovered and cooled, it is gravity fed from the
vacuum unit to a 5-
When the LS-JrV is operated in strict accordance with these
instructions, it is guaranteed to recover h igher boiling solvents
See page 5 for detailed warranty information.
and is warranted 180 days from date of shipment agains
defects in materials and workmanship. All warranty claims
FOB Erie, Penns
allon distillate pail.
Install in a we ll-v entila ted area in a ccor dan ce with Artic les 5 00
and 501, Class I, Division 1, Group D of the National Electric
Code (explosion proof installation). Installation should be by a
qualified electrician and inspected by your insurance company.
The area surrounding the LS-JrV should be inspected carefully
to insure an explosionproof area. The LS-JrV must not be
installed in an area where open flame, sparks or electrical
are present.
Ignition of explosive mixtures can result from various items
causing "hot spots." Because of this, in the area defined by R,
the following are
Your qualified electrician can answer any questions you may
have for selecting the best LS-Jr. and vacuum attachmen
installation site and regard ing applicab le electrical codes.
All electricals must be explosionproof har
conduit and explosion proof boxes.
o potential for sparks can be present (for
exam pie, non-explosion proof outlets and
electrical switches, coffeepots and other
appliances, static electricit
o flames can be present (for example,
torches, furnaces, ci
sources, etc.).
arettes, etc.).
The LS-Jr. is a boiling ve ssel, not a reactio n vessel . Chemi cal reactio ns with in the u nit mu st not be permit ted
to occur. The user must know the composition of the waste material to be processed. Most contaminated
solvents are recommended for the thermal distillation process. However, reactive materials must not be
processed in the LS-Jr. distilling unit. You must read and understand the caution printed on the lid of the unit
prior to operation, it reads
(example: lacquers with nitrocellulose) are processed."
"CAUTION: Dangerous health and safety problems will occur if reactive materials

The LS-Jr. vacuum attachment should be installed on the distillate
discharge side of the LS-Jr. with 20 in. (51 cm) of clearance
ehind and 15 in. (38 cm) between the units. Enough clearance
must remain on floor level to the right of the vacuum unit for a 5gallon (19 liter) vacuum distillate receiving pail.
The LS-Jr. and vacuum attachment require 6 to 13 gallons (23-49
liters) of tap water per hour for cooling. Water enters and exits via
hoses on the rear of the units. Two valves are recommended
etween the water supply and the unit; one for on/off operation,
the other set to the desired flow rate. Water flow must be
confirmed prior to operation.
The LS-JrV requires an additional 115V, 1 phase, 60 Hz, 4 amps
with a separate ground or a 220V, 1 phase, 60 Hz, 2 amp
unit is available. All wiring must be connected to a suitable power
supply in accordance with the National Electric Code for Class I
installations (see Figure 2).
After installation, check the unit's ground. If the resistance
etween the unit and the transformer's earth ground exceeds
1 ohm, a separate ground must be installed from the unit to the
earth ground. The ground wire must be installed to insure safe
operation and to eliminate static spark hazard.
For simultaneous LS-Jr. and LS-Jr.V installation
Incoming water is supplied to the LS-Jr.V cooling wate
inlet (Item 14) on the rear of the vacuum unit. Connect
separate hose from the distillation unit cooling wate
discharge (Item 6) to a drain.
5. Install the cooling water connection hose between the
reclaimer and the vacuum unit. Slide one end of the hose
over the barbed fittings of the reclaimer's cooling wate
inlet (Item 5) and the other end to the vacuum unit's
cooling water discharge (Item 15).
6. Screw the vacuum distillate discharge hose (Item 10) into
the coupling (Item 24) provided on the side of the LS-JrV
reservoir tank. Place a receiving p ail next to the table an
cut the discharge hose to proper length.
7. Screw the flame-check assembly (Item 19) into the coupling provided on the back of the vacuum attachment reservoir tank.
8. Install a grounding cable (Item 23) between the distillatio
and vacuum units. To install, remove the bottom left screw
from the distillation unit hinge bracket, connect the
grounding cable and replace the screw. On the vacuum
unit, remove the screw between the cooling wate
discharge (Item 15) and the flame check (Item 19), connec
the grounding cable and replace the screw.
Assembly of the vacuum attachment and connection to the LSJr. reclaimer requires a f ew simple steps. Proper assembly and
connection is necessary for operation. The following steps and
Figures 4 and 5 serve as as sembly guidelines.
1. Remove the discharge hose and fitting from the reclaime
(Item 8). Do not loosen or remove the connecting distillate pipe
from the unit.
2. Screw the quick-disconnect coupling onto the reclaimer
distillate pip e .
3. Screw the discharge hose and fitting (removed in Step 1)
onto the nipple assembly provided for future
atmosphe r ic distillation .
For LS-Jr.V installation to an existing LS-Jr.:
the cooling water inlet hose (Item 5) from the back of the
reclaiming unit and connect to the vacuum unit cooling wate
discharge (Item 15).
Explosionproof cover-----
Your rigid
The LS-Jr.V requires minimal operator attention. The following
steps serve as operation guidelines.
For atmospheric distillation:
Atmospheric distillation allows reclamation of solvents with
boiling points to 300°F (149°C). To distill solvents atmos-
herically, connect the short distillate discharge hose to the
reclaimer unit with the quick-disconnect coupling. Then follow
Steps 1-11 in the LS-Jr. Installation and Operating Instructions
For vacuum distillation:
Vacuum d istillation allows r eclamation of solv ents with boiling
points with a minimum temperature of 200°F (93°C) and a
maximum temperature of 500°F (260°C). To distill solvents in
this temperature range under a vacuum:
1. Ground all filling and receiving containers, wiring static
ground clamps provided (Items 2 and 17).
Vacuum attachment
Incoming Power
(115V, 1 phase, 60 Hz,
with separate ground)
Entrance for
id Conduit
Incoming Power
(220V, 1 phase, 60 Hz,
with separate ground)
Entrance for
id Conduit
Black to
fused conductor
Your explosionproof wiring
from LS-JrV (MI cable
Figure 2
orhard conduit)
#1 #3 #2 #4
For 115V Wirin
#1 #2 #3 #4
For 220V Wirin