Watch, Fabric Access, and the BROCADE logo are t rademarks or registered trademarks of Brocade Communications
Systems, Inc., in the United States and/or in other countries.
All other brands, products, or service names are or may be trademarks or service marks of, and are used to identify,
products or services of their respect ive owners.
Export of technical data contained in this document may require an export license from the U ni ted States Government.
Brocade Communications Systems, Incorporated
Fabric Watch is an optionally licensed product, and requires a valid license key to function. It is
supported on the SilkWorm® 3800 series of switches running Brocades Fabric OS™ v3.0.
About This Guide
This guide provides the following information about Fabric Watch:
Chapter 1
Introducing Fabric Watch
Chapter 2
Installing Fabric Watch
Chapter 3
Using Fabric Watch
Related Publications
Related product information can be found in the following Brocade publications:
•Brocade Fabric OS Procedures Guide
•Brocade Fabric OS Reference
•Brocade MIB Reference
•Brocade Web Tools User’s Guide
•Brocade Zoning User’s Guide
•Brocade QuickLoop User’s Guide
•Brocade Fabric Watch User’s Guide
Provides an overview of Fabric Watch.
Provides instructions for installing Fabric Watch.
Provides information about configuring and using Fabric
Information about fibre channel standards and fibre channel in general can be found on the Fibre
Channel Association web site, located at:
Getting Help
Contact your switch supplier for technical support. This includes hardware and software support,
all product repairs, and ordering of spare components.
Be prepared to provide the following information to support personnel:
•Switch serial number
•Switch worldwide name
•Topology configuration
•Output from the supportShow telnet command
•Detailed description of the problem
•Troubleshooting steps already performed
Getting Software Updates
Contact your switch supplier for software updates and maintenance releases. New switch firmware
can be installed from the following host operating systems:
•Windows NT
•Windows 98
•Windows 95
Utility programs to facilitate loading firmware, sample Fabric Watch configurations, and MIB files
for switch management by SNMP can be accessed on the Brocade website through the following
1.Open a web browser at:
2.Click Support.
3.Click MIBs a nd RSH Utilities.
4.Click the link for the desired pro duct.
ivFabric Watch User’s Guide
Introducing Brocade Fabric Watch
This chapter provides the following information:
•Overview on page 1-1
•Threshold Behavior Models on page 1-2
Brocade Brocade Fabric Watch
elements, making it easy to quickly identify and escalate potential problems. It monitors each
element for out-of-boundary values or counters and provides notification when any exceed the
defined boundaries. The SAN manager can configure which elements, such as error, status, and
performance counters within a SilkWorm switch, are monitored.
Brocade Fabric W atch
switches and above with Brocades Fabric OS™ version v3.0. Bro cade Fabric Watch
accessed through:
is used by SAN managers to monitor key fabric and switch
is an optionally licensed product that runs on SilkWorm 2000 series
can be
•Brocade Web Tools
•A telnet interface
•A SNMP-based enterprise manager
•By modifying and uploading the Brocade Fabric Watch
Brocade Fabric W atch
monitors the following elements:
configuration file to the switch.
•Fabric events (such as topology reconfigurations, zone changes)
•Switch environment (fans, power supplies, and temperature)
•Ports (state changes, errors, and performance)
•GBICs (for switches equipped with SMART GBICs.
Example: the Finiasr SMART GBIC FTR-8519-3).
With Brocade Fabric Watch
counters against a set of defined ranges. This and other information specific to each monitored
element is made available by Brocade Fabric Watch
modification. This set of information about each element is called a threshold, and the upper and
lower limits of the defined ranges are called boundaries.
installed, each switch continuous ly mon itors err or and performance
for viewing and, in some cases,
If conditions break out of acceptable rang es, an event is considered to have occurred, and one or
more of the following alarms (reporting mechanisms) are generated if configured for the relevant
•SNMP trap
Fabric Watch User’s Guide1-1
Introducing Brocade Fabric Watch
•Entry in the switch event log
•Locking of the port log to preserve the relevant informati on
•RAN (Remote Asynchronous Notification) Alert.
Note: The RAN alert is only available if the optional Fabric Access license has
been purchased and turned on.
•Email Alert
You can deploy Brocade Fabric Watch
profile from the following website:
Threshold Behavior Mode ls
The behavior models for th resholds are:
•Change monit or
as shipped, or download a customized configuration
Range Threshold
A range threshold tracks whether a fabric element is within a specified range. It includes a
minimum and maximum bound ary for the area, with buffer zones to prevent repeated events due to
oscillation of the value over a threshold boundary. If the value exceeds the low or high threshold
boundary, an event is generated. Fabric Watch can also generate events while the value is outside
the limits or when it re-enters the prescribed range.
1-2Fabric Watch User’s Guide
Introducing Brocade Fabric Watch
Figure 1-1 shows a typical example of an error counter with a temperature range threshold.
Figure 1-1Example of Range Threshold: Temperature (Celsius)
Rising/Falling Threshold
A rising/falling thresh old tracks whether an element is on the desi red side of a boun dary. It includes
an upper and lower boundary, and the buffer zones are always zero. Events can be selected for
transitions between the boundaries. Rising/falling thresholds are typically used for rate based
counters. Rate based counters are all counters with a time base set to something other than “none”,
this includes the TX Perf and RX Perf counters.
Fabric Watch User’s Guide1-3
Introducing Brocade Fabric Watch
Figure 1-2 shows a typical example of an error counter with a rising/falling threshol d.
Figure 1-2Example of Rising/Falling Threshold: Error Rate
Change Monitor Threshold
A change monitor threshold generates events whenever a counter value changes, regardless of the
type of change. This type of threshold is usually used to indicate state changes, such as zoning
Note:The change monitor counter value displayed is the cumulative count (historical count) and
not the delta value from the previous triggered value.
An illustration is not provided because change monitor thresholds do not include boundaries.
1-4Fabric Watch User’s Guide
Installing Fabric Watch
This chapter provides the following information:
•Installing through telenet commands 2-1
•Installing through Brocade Web Tools
Each switch running Fabric Watch must have a Fabric Watch license installed on it. A license may
have been installed in the switch at the factory. If not, contact your switch supplier to obtain a
license key.
Fabric Watch requires a SilkWorm 2000 series switch or above running Brocade’s Fabr ic OS
3.0. A Fabric Watch license can be installed either using telnet commands or throu gh Brocade Web
Installing through Telnet
To install Fabric Watch using telnet commands perform the following steps:
1.Log onto the switch by telnet (refer to Brocade Fabric OS User’s Guide for details), using an
account that has administrative privileges.
2.To determine whether a Fabric Watch license is already installed on the switch, type
licenseShow on the telnet command line.
A list displays all the licenses currently installed on the switch.
admin> licenseShow
Release v3.0
Web license
Zoning license
SES license
QuickLoop license
If the Fabric Watch license is not included in the list or is incorrect, continue with step [3].
3.Enter the following on the command line:
licenseAdd “key”
where “key” is the license key p rov i ded to you, surrounded by double quotes. The license key
is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as given.
4.Verify the license was added by entering the following on the command line:
If the license is not listed, repeat step [3].
Fabric Watch User’s Guide2-1
Installing Fabric Watch
Installing throu gh Brocade Web Tools
To install Fabric Watch using Web Tools, perform the following steps:
1.Launch the web browser, enter the switch name or IP address in the Location/Address field
(for example:
Brocade Web Tools
2.Click the Admin button on the relevant switch panel.
The logon window displays.
3.Enter a logon name and password with administrative privileges and press Ent er.
The Administration View displays.
4.Select the License Admin tab, enter the license key in the License Key: field, and click Add License., and press Enter.
launches, displaying the Fabric View.
2-2Fabric Watch User’s Guide
Using Fabric Watch
This chapter provides the following information:
• Overview on page 3-1
• User Interfaces on page 3-1
• Profiles on page 3-2
• Classes on page 3-3
• Threshold Naming Conventions on page 3-7
• Events on page 3-8
• Alarms on page 3-9
• Configuring Thresholds and Alarms on page 3-10
Fabric Watch provides the following information about each out-of-boundary condition discovered:
•Name of threshold
•Current value of element counter
•Unit of measurement (for example, degrees Celsius, RPM, or unit of time)
•Time base for counter, used to compute rate of change (for example, events per minute)
•Historical information about the last alarmed event generated
User Interfaces
Use either Brocade Web ToolsTM, telnet interface, an SNMP-based enterprise manager, or the
configuration file to view and modify Fabric Watch settings.
Brocade Web Tools
Through Brocade Web ToolsTM, you can:
•View fabric and switch events through the fabric-wide Event View.
•View and modify threshold and alarm configurations through the Fabric Watch View.
•Upload and download the configuration file through the Config Admin tab in the Switch
Admin window.
Refer to the Brocade Web Tools User’s Guide for information on using Brocade Web Tool
Fabric Watch User’s Guide3-1
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