Fincor SERIES 2600, SERIES 2610 Catalog Page

1/6–5 HP Ratings115 or 230V, Single PhaseIsolated RegulatorSpeed or Torque ControlOverload ProtectionDC Tach FeedbackAC Line StartingExternal Signal FollowerRun ContactConfigurations
– Open Chassis – “Bookcase” Style – NEMA 4/12
NEC enclosed and NEMA ComplianceUL and cUL Listed
1/6 through 5 HP Adjustable Speed
DC Motor Controllers
Series 2601, 2602 units are offered in a variety of stan­dard models based on the three functional groups as shown in Tables 1-3. These units differ from the 2330 series in that they expand horsepower range with capacities up to 5 HP while offering the on-board cus­tomization features of the 2610MKII series. Model numbers that include a “P” suffix identify enclosed units assembled by adding a top cover
assembly to a basic chassis unit. Top cover assemblies P1, P2 and P3 include integral operator controls. Top cover control P0 does not and is therefore intended for remote control operation. The top cover assemblies may be factory installed or, if desired, easily added to the basic chassis models as field-installed kits. All models are reconnectable for either a 115V or 230V A C power source.
NOTES: (1) Units are shipped calibrated for the maximum horsepower rating.
Units may be calibrated for other standard ratings by changing the position of a jumper in accordance with instructions provided. Units are shipped connected for 230V. Units may be easily reconnected for 115V.
(2) Includes option 1170A cooling fan as standard.
1. Construction — The die-cast aluminum alloy base assembly forms the basic Series 2600 open chassis which includes regula­tor electronics, AC line fuse, power conversion and protective cir­cuitry as a totally functional, self contained unit.
Enclosed models are TENV, NEMA 4 and 12.
Model 2602, when rated five horsepower as an enclosed unit, requires the addition of Option 1170A cooling fan assembly, as shown in Figure 3.
Series 2600 unit covers are molded of high strength Noryl® engi­neering plastic.An aperture in the cover permits mounting a blank panel for remote control models or various standard or optional local operator control panels. (See Table 4.)
Where a hinged cover is desired, Option 1638 provides a kit permitting easy field installation.
2. Full-Wave Power Conversion — Full-wave converter config­uration consisting of four SCR’ s and a free wheeling diode provide benefits for optimum motor performance and long service.Power bridge is composed of 600PIV, discrete, encapsulated and elec­trically isolated devices.The alloy base forms an integral heatsink with the power control devices electrically isolated from the base.
3. Volta ge T ransient Protection — Metal oxide suppressor across the AC line is combined with RC snubbers across the power bridge to limit potentially damaging high voltage spikes from the AC power source.
4. AC Line Protection — A high (100K amp) interrupting capacity AC line fuse provides instantaneous protection from peak loads and fault currents. Optionally offered for Model 2601 is (Option
1010), a two-pole, molded case, magnetic trip circuit breaker which provides a means of manually disconnecting the AC power to the controller and motor and automatic, instantaneous trip pro­tection from a peak load.
5. Isolated Regulator – Internal DC circuits are isolated from the AC power source for operator and equipment safety and for sim­plified application. The control reference input common may be grounded or connected without additional isolation to other drive units or grounded external signal sources.Isolation eliminates the common condition of line voltage to ground potentials being pres­ent on the speed control potentiometer.
6. Feedback Isolation – (a) Current Feedback – Isolation by optical coupler. (b) Voltage Feedback – High impedance circuit (two megaohms).
7. Feedback – Two selectable modes of analog feedback are pro­vided. See Table 7 for speed regulation characteristics.
(a) Armature Feedback – Counter EMF voltage feedback with IR
compensation.IR compensation is adjustable to suit individual motor characteristics and optimize speed regulation in this mode.
(b) DC Tachometer Feedback – Provides impedance matching, voltage scaling and terminals for accepting a signal from a DC tachometer generator mechanically coupled to the drive motor armature.This results in expanded speed range, improved speed regulation with load changes and reduced sensitivity to operat­ing conditions such as line voltage variations, ambient tempera­ture changes, motor field heating and other operating variables. The controller will automatically transfer to counter EMF voltage feedback to prevent run away if the tachometer circuit is open. Tachometers producing 7 VDC to 150 VDC at maximum motor speed may be used.
This feature is suitable for use with unidirectional units using DC tachometers. See Options 1061C or 1061F for other conditions.
8. Control Voltage – A transformer coupled 24 VDC power supply isolates all magnetic pushbutton control and logic from the AC power source for operator protection.
9. Field Supply – Transient protected, half-wave or full-wave. See Table 6 for output voltages.
10. Contactorless Design – Unit is designed for reliable solid state, run-stop operation without an armature contactor. Logic includes a provision to prevent an involuntary restar t after a power failure. This feature may be defeated when an external customer fur­nished AC line contactor is used to control the unit.
11. Motor Contactor – (a) Bidirectional Models — Model numbers which have an “A”suf-
fix such as 2601A, includes DC magnetic armature reversing contactors.This provides a positive, two-pole disconnection of the motor armature from the rectified power source. Action of the contactor is sequenced with the SCR regulator to ensure that the DC power circuit is “phased-off” before the contactor is opened.This results in “dry switching”for improved contac­tor longevity.The standard contactor circuit board permits both unidirectional and selectable bidirectional operation when desired. To facilitate this, anti-plug protection is also provided to prevent armature reversal until a safe minimum speed is reached.
(b) Unidirectional Models — Model numbers which include a “B”
suffix such as 2602BP1, includes a DC magnetic armature contactor.This provides a positive, two-pole disconnection of the motor armature from the rectified power source. Action of the contactor is sequenced with the SCR regulator to ensure that the DC power circuit is “phased-off” before the contactor is opened.This results in “dry-switching”for improved contac­tor longevity. The contactor circuit board permits unidirection­al operation only.
12. Dynamic Braking — Standard feature of model numbers with an “A” or “B” suffix. Dynamic braking provides exponential rate brak­ing of the DC motor armature. Included is a DB resistor with an anti-plug circuit to prevent restarting the controller until the brak­ing cycle is complete, thereby preventing a potentially damaging electrical surge and mechanical stress. The DB resistor is rated for stopping a typical load, when the external machine inertia does not exceed that of the motor armature, as shown in Table 9.
13. Motor Overload — A nonadjustable electronic circuit continu­ously monitors motor armature current and shuts down the drive whenever the load exceeds 120% for 80 seconds.
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