Fike Twinflex Multipoint 202-0003, Twinflex Multipoint 202-0001 Installation And Maintenance Instructions Manual

202-0003 Twinflex Multipoint Detector 202-0001 Twinflex Multipoint Detector with Sounder
General Description
The Multipoint is a plug-in type smoke detector that utilises a photo-electric sensing chamber to make a measurement corresponding to smoke density. The device also incorporates a thermistor sensing circuit to allow for accurate heat measurement. These elements allow the device to be configured to a smoke, heat or combined setting. Digital communication technology to the control panel is implemented allowing for accurate data transfer at high transmission speeds. This device is only compatible with the Twinflex control panels (and their associated detection and alarm equipment) and may also incorporate a sounder (ignore all references to sounders if your device has no sounder).
Before Installation
The detector must be installed in compliance with the control panel installation manual. The installation must also meet the requirements of any local authority. For maximum performance the detector should be installed in compliance with BS5839 Pt1 : 2002 + A2 : 2008.
Fike recommends spacing detectors in accordance with BS5839 Pt1. Due to the effects of IR and possible magnetic interference, detectors should not be fitted any closer than 500mm (preferably 1000mm) to a light fitting or any other source of IR or EMI. In addition to this recommendation the device should be mounted so that the indication LED is facing towards the light fitting. For more specific information regarding detector spacing, placement and special applications please refer to BS5839 Pt1 : 2002 + A2 : 2008.
Note: As with other optical detectors, this device should not be located where subjected to high levels or pulses of light or infra red light, as this may cause false alarms or faults.
Detector Installation
All wiring must be installed in compliance with the recommendations laid out by BS5839 Pt1 : 2002 as well as any special recommendations documented in the control panel installation manual. The cabling used should be of a 2­core 1.5mm2 screened, fire resistant type (e.g. MICC or FP200 equivalent), and is to be wired in the form of a screened 2-core radial circuit (with no spurs) from the control panel, terminating at the last (“End of Line”) device.
Fix the detector base in a suitable position using the two screw slots provided, remembering to allow enough cable length for termination. You may then terminate your cables directly into the terminal block according to the terminal labels. It is important to maintain the screen continuity in order to protect against data corruption from interference.
Terminal Description
SCRN Screen 0V Out Zone -ve out to next device
0V In
Zone –ve in from panel
(or previous device) – Remote LED Remote LED output -ve + Remote LED Remote LED output +ve + Line In Zone +ve in from panel
(or previous device) + Line Out Zone +ve out to next device
Note: The “+ Line Out” and “0V Out” terminals must
not be used on the last device in the zone.
0v Out
0V In
- Remote LED
+ Remote
+ Line In
+ Line Out
Not connected
Not connected
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+ Line Out
+ Line In
OV Out
+ Line Out
+ Line In
OV Out
Twinflex Multipoint Detectors can be mixed on the same zone as other types of Twinflex device (eg. Twinflex Callpoints). The above diagram shows how to make the zone positive, zone negative and screen connections between the control panel and Twinflex Multipoint Detectors. Refer to the instruction leaflets supplied with other Twinflex devices for their equivalent wiring/terminal labelling details.
Please note that the SCRN terminal on the detector bases should only be connected to the zone cable screen and NOT to the building earth. The cable screen is connected to earth at the panel end only, via the zone “SCRN” terminal (or EARTH terminal on the Twinflex V3 2/4/8 Zone panels). It is important to maintain the screen continuity in order to protect against data corruption from interference.
Once all testing has been carried out on the cabling and ‘continuity & integrity’ has been proven, the Multipoint unit may be assembled.
Program the onboard DIL switches as required before inserting the Electronics Module. Then locate the pins and gently push home the module.
Remember that the device at the end of the line must have its EOL signal activated using the relevant DIL switch. Do not use a resistor or capacitor (or another manufacturer’s End of Line device) as the end of line, as this may prevent correct operation of the zone.
The Detector Head may then be offered up and twisted to locate until the catch operates. Remember not to force this item. If the Electronics Module is correctly located then the Detector Head should locate with very little force.
Tamper Resistance and Head Removal
The Multipoint detector incorporates a tamper resistant locking mechanism that prevents its removal from the base without the use of a special tool. To remove the device the tool should be offered up to the detector and turned anti-clockwise allowing the detector to be removed from the base.
If required the Electronics Module may be removed by
inserting the Key into the triangular slot adjacent to the LED and then pulling to ease the Module out. Do not pull on the optical transmitter and receiver pair as you may misalign them.
DIL Switch Settings
The detector DIL switches may be used to program the operation of the Multipoint Detector. They may be altered when the device is removed from the base.
If a heat detection mode is selected then use the ‘HEAT’ labels supplied to label the base of the detector clearly.
The last device on the circuit must have the EOL signal enabled (switch number 1 in the ‘ON’ position).
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