Fike 205-0003, 205-0001, 205-0012 Installation And Maintenance Instructions Manual

26-0874 Issue 10
General Description
Before Installation
The detector must be installed in com pliance with the control panel installation manual. The installation must also meet the requirements of any local authority. For maximum performance the detector should be installed in compliance with BS5839 Pt1 : 2002 + A2 : 2008.
Fike recommends spacing detectors in accordance with BS5839 Pt1. Due to the effects of IR and possible magnetic interference, detectors should not be fitted any closer than 500mm (preferably 1000mm) to a light fitting or any other source of IR or EMI. In addition to this recommendation, the device should be mounted so that the indication LED is facing towards the light source. For more specific information regarding detector spacing, placement and special applications please refer to BS5839 Pt1 : 2002 + A2 : 2008.
Detector Installation
All wiring must be installed in compliance with the recommendations laid out by BS5839 as well as any special recommendations documented in the control panel installation manual. The cabling used should be of a 2-core
screened, fire resistant type with the following characteristics:
Max Capacitance Core to Screen ................................................... 180pF / m
Max Capacitance Core to Core....................................................... 100pF / m
Max Inductance ............................................................................... 1.0mH / km
Max Resistance Two Core Screened 1.5mm² ................................ 12.1Ω / km
It is to be wired in the form of a screened 2-core loop returning to the control panel. The use of spurs on this system is not permitted. Cables may be terminated into the connectors mounted in the base, as shown
below. Care should be taken when terminating devices to ensure all cables are c orrectly sleeved and connections are secure. Improper connections will prevent a system from responding properly in the event of a fire.
1 / LOOP 0V
Loop –ve IN & OUT
(also Remote LED 0V if used)
2 / LOOP +IN
Loop +ve IN
Loop +ve OUT
4 / AUX +VE
Auxiliary +ve if used
(or Remote LED +ve if used)
5 / AUX –VE
Auxiliary –ve if used
Cable Screen
The Loop +ve (positive) IN and the Loop +ve (positive) OUT connections are autom atically joined together (short circuit) by a spring arm between terminals 2 and 3 until the detector is installed. T his allows for cable continuity readings at the commissioning stage.
205-0003 Sita Multipoint ASD Detector,
205-0001 Sita Multipoint ASD with Sounder,
205-0012 Sita Multipoint ASD with Sounder / Strobe
1 2 4
26-0874 Issue 10
Please remember that all high voltage testing must be carried out before the installation of the electronics, otherwise the electronics will be damaged. Please also note that the SCRN terminal should only be connected to the loop screen and NOT the building earth.
Once all testing has been carried out on the cabling and continuity & insulation has been proven, the Multipoint detector head may be fitted. Befor e installing the head remember to note the serial num ber of the device (located on the rear of the detection head) onto your drawings or configuration sheets to enable you to prove its location later. T he address allocation for the device is carried out automatically by the control panel whilst in initialisation mode, so addresses do not need to be set manually.
To install the detection head, locate the plastic guides into the base and gently twist clockwise until the unit locks in place.
Tamper Resistance and Head Removal
The ASD detector incorporates a tamper resistant locking mechanism that prevents its removal from the bas e without the use of a s pecial tool. To rem ove the device, the tool should be attached over the detector and turned anti-clock wise allowing the detector to be removed from the base.
Remote LED (not available if Auxiliary Input / Output used)
The remote LED terminals may be used to connect a separate external LED unit (Fike part no. 600-0092) to the detector that will activate only when the device to which it is connected enters an alarm condition. The Fike LED unit incor porates the necessary 10k Ohm curr ent limiting resist or. No other components or equipment may be connected to the detector remote LED terminals. Connection of other components or equipment may damage the detector. This feature cannot be us ed at the same time as an auxiliary input or output.
Auxiliary Input / Output (not available if Remote LED used)
Where Input/Output functionality is required other than at the control panel, it is recommended that a separate Sita Loop I/O Module is fitted to the addressable loop as a dedicated I/O module. Where this is not possible, a limited auxiliary I/O facility is available from the detector via the auxiliary I/O terminals with the addition of a separate Sita Multipoint Boxed Auxiliary I/O Module. Either an input or an output may be controlled through this additional I/O interface module. Please see the relevant panel programming manual for details of the options available for different modes of operation. Note that an input or output may only be connected to the detector via the Sita Multipoint Boxed Auxiliary I/O Module. Input/output components or equipment must not be connected directly to the detector auxiliary terminals otherwise damage may occur. This feature cannot be used at the same time as a remote LED. Note also that sound pattern SP4 or SP6 should not be used if the detector I/O facility is used.
Beacon Operation
If the unit includes a Visual Indication Beacon, this consists of a number of high output LEDs mounted beneath a diffusing lens at the lowest part of the detector. The beacon will start to operate when the device receives a command to activate its s ounder, even if the sound pattern is set to SP0 - Sounder off. If only the beacon is required to operate (without the sounder), SP0 must be selected via the configuration software.
Head Contamination Warning
Warning of head contamination is in two stages. Firstly in the form of a ‘Quiesc ent optical level high or low’ event recorded into the event log and fault or warnings list (depending on the control panel being used), and secondly in the form of a ‘Smoke sensor failed; signal high event, recorded into the event log and fault list.
If the smoke detection mode is set to SM0 (off) the head contamination may still be monitored at the detector depending on the smok e mode, but not by the panel. If contamination is pres ent then the r esult will be an LED flash every five seconds at the detec tor, but the panel will show no fault. Thus, if a device is being re-pr ogramm ed to re­enable a smoke detection m ode which has been turned off, check the LED s tatus of the device f ir st and ensur e that a clean optical chamber is present. If this is not checked and the smok e detection mode is re-enabled, the device could signal a fire alarm when re-configured.
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