222 W. Memorial Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0508
Post Office Box 26508, Oklahoma City, OK 73114-2317
Phone: 405.755.1600 / 800.639.3433 / Fax: 405.755.8425
www.fife.com / E-mail: fife@fife.com
All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this Instruction Manual, in any form in whole or in part requires
the prior written consent of Fife Corporation.
The information given in this Instruction Manual is subject to change without notice.
We have compiled this Instruction Manual with the greatest possible care and attention. However, the
possibility of error cannot be completely excluded. Fife Corporation accepts no legal liability for
incorrect information given and the consequences arising there from.
IP ADDRESS..............................................................................................................................................6
SPECIAL CASE IP ADDRESSES ...................................................................................................................6
CONFIGURING IP ADDRESS........................................................................................................................7
USING CONFIGURATION SWITCH ................................................................................................................7
USING DHCP/BOOTP................................................................................................................................7
USING A PREDEFINED CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................7
USING ADDRESS RESOLUTION PROTOCOL (ARP).......................................................................................8
FILE SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................9
The Fife SBPC-21-EN (Serial Bus Protocol Converter) provides a gateway between Fife’s proprietary
FifeNet network and an Ethernet network. The SBPC-21-EN uses the standard RJ-45 connector and
conforms to the Modicon Open Modbus/TCP Specification, Release 1.0 (March 29, 1999). As shown
in the diagram below, the SBPC-21-EN connects to both FifeNet and Ethernet.
Figure 1-1: SBPC-21-EN Network Connection
The SBPC-21-EN
connects to both
FifeNet and Ethernet
providing translation
between the two
Producer/Consumer Model
The Producer/Consumer model allows the exchange of information between a sending device
(“producer”) and many receiving devices (“consumer”) without requiring the same date to be sent
multiple times to different destinations. The producer sends the data once and each consumer on the
network receives the data at the same time. The data can be used (consumed) or ignored by each
receiving device independently. FifeNet uses the Producer/Consumer Model.
FifeNet’s deployment of the Producer/Consumer Model allows data sent by a single device to be
received simultaneously by multiple devices on the same network. Each receiving device can choose
to use (consume) the information or ignore it as needs dictate. FifeNet is based on a fixed time slicing
architecture where transmitting devices send data in fixed, predetermined time intervals.
Ethernet Hub
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SBPC-21-EN Switch/Jumper Configuration
Since the SBPC-21-EN participates in two networks at the same time, it must have two network
addresses (a FifeNet address and an Ethernet IP address). The FifeNet address is set via the FifeNet
serial port that is common with many FifeNet peripherals. The Ethernet IP address is programmable
by dipswitches or via the Ethernet connection. See the dipswitch description and IP address
configuration setup shown below for more information. If the SBPC-21-EN is installed as the end point
in a FifeNet network, all four jumpers described below should be installed.
Figure 1-2: SBPC-21-EN Top View
These jumpers should be installed if the
SBPC-21-EN is at the end of a FifeNet
network. They provide network
termination. The other two jumpers
should always be installed as they
select half-duplex FifeNet
Not Terminated Terminated
The 7-segment LED is
used to display errors or
exceptions. During normal
operation, the display will
continuously “cycle” the
outer segments.
The Ethernet IP address
configuration switches. See the
following page for description of
these switches.
07-02-2004 Figure Sheet 1-849-C Page 2
SBPC-21-EN External Connections/Indicators
SBPC-21-EN mounting considerations are simplified as all connections to the SBPC-21-EN are on the
same side of the box.
Figure 1-3: SBPC-21-EN Side View
Connection to FifeNet is
accomplished using the
standard FifeNet connector.
Configuration is also
downloaded to the device
using this connection.
Device and network status
LED’s. These indicators
provide feedback for
network troubleshooting.
Connection to Ethernet is
accomplished using the
standard RJ-45 connector.
Switch Value = 1-255
The IP address configuration switches can be used to configure
the IP address in an intranet network. The first three values of
the IP address are fixed at 192.168.0 and the dip switch value
represents the binary value of the last digit of the IP address.
The subnet mask is and the default Gateway is
In the switch example shown above, the IP address is set to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Switch Value = 0
Set the switches to zero as shown below to use a
DHCP/BootP server if present or use the internally stored IP
address. If a DHCP/BootP server is not present, the stored IP
address will be used. See the section SBPC-21-EN Network
Configuration for details about how to store an IP address.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
07-02-2004 Figure Sheet 1-849-C Page 3
SBPC-21-EN Network Status
The SBPC-21-EN network status is determined by interpretation of the external LED status as
described in the table below.
Figure 1-4: SBPC-21-EN LED Indicators
Table 1-1
LED State Meaning
Off Ethernet network not detected.
Solid Green The SBPC-21-EN is connected to an Ethernet network.
LED State Meaning
Off SBPC-21-EN initializing.
Flashing Green The Ethernet IP address is NOT configured by the dip switches.
Flashing Red (1 Hz) Invalid MAC ID (Internal error).
Flashing Red (2 Hz) Failed to load Ethernet configuration from internal FLASH.
Flashing Red (4 Hz) Internal error.
Solid Red Duplicate IP address detected.
LED State Meaning
Off No Modbus/TCP connections are established.
Flashing Green
This LED flashes green to indicate the number of Modbus/TCP connections that
are currently active to the SBPC-21-EN. The number of flashes is equal to the
number of connections.
LED State Meaning
N/A The ACTIVITY LED flashes green when a packet is received or transmitted.
07-02-2004 Figure Sheet 1-849-C Page 4
SBPC-21-EN Error Codes
The 7-segment LED digit on the SBPC-21-EN main board is used to indicate errors or other potential
problems. See page 2 of this manual for the location of this LED. The error codes are divided into the
categories listed below. Since there is only a single-digit display and the error codes are 3 digits in
length, the error codes are displayed in three parts. The most significant digit will appear first followed
by the second and third digits. The display will go blank for a moment and the cycle repeats unless the
SBPC-21-EN has been configured to attempt to restart after an error. If this is the case, the error will
only cycle once. All state machine errors 5XX are considered nonfatal and only cycle once. Below are
the error codes and their meanings.
Table 1-2
F01 Processor attempted to execute and undefined instruction.
F02 Software interrupt vector occurred.
F03 Attempt to fetch instruction from invalid memory.
F04 Attempt to read data from invalid memory.
F05 Reserved exception vector.
F06 FLASH memory checksum fault.
F07 Pool memory allocation error.
F08 Byte memory allocation error.
F09 Unable to create thread.
F0A Unable to create event.
F0B Unable to create semaphore.
F0C Unable to create mutex.
F0D Unable to create queue.
F0E Unable to write to queue.
F0F Console I/O error.
E01 The configuration matrix is corrupted.
E02 No HMS Anybus module detected.
E03 Anybus module failed to initialize (no interrupt received).
E04 Anybus module failed to initialize (interrupt stuck).
E05 Anybus module failed to initialize (mailbox not ready).
E06 Anybus mailbox timeout.
E07 Anybus mailbox response indicated error.
E08 Anybus mailbox response timeout.
E09 Anybus dual-port RAM fault.
E0A Anybus output area release timeout.
E0B Anybus initialization timeout.
501 State machine file is corrupted.
502 State machine is disabled.
503 State machine started in shutdown mode.
504 Bad state machine instruction encountered.
505 State machine instruction fetch from address is out of range.
506 State machine stack error (too many nested calls).
507 State machine stack error (too many returns).
508 State machine attempted divide by zero.
509 State machine tried to access more than four timers.
50A State machine variable address is out of range.
Errors that begin with ‘F’
are unrecoverable faults.
The SBPC cannot
participate in FifeNet or
Ethernet operations. In
the default configuration,
the SBPC will attempt to
Errors that begin with ‘E’
are associated with the
Ethernet interface. In
the default configuration,
the SBPC will attempt to
restart. With the
exception of error ‘E01,’
FifeNet is functional;
however, the default
configuration will attempt
to restart which will
interrupt FifeNet.
Errors that begin with ‘5’
are related to the state
machine capability of the
SBPC. These errors are
cycled only once and do
not cause the SBPC to
07-02-2004 Figure Sheet 1-849-C Page 5
TCP/IP Features
The SBPC-21-EN supports the following TCP/IP features:
• Modbus/TCP Supports Modicon Open Modbus/TCP specification, Release 1.0.
• BOOTP/DHCP bootstrap address resolution.
• File system with approximately 1.4Mbytes of space available.
• TELNET server featuring a command line interface similar to MS DOS™.
• FTP server provides easy file management using standard FTP clients.
• ICMP echo request (ping).
SBPC-21-EN Network Configuration
Before you can use the module on your network, you must configure the IP address, the subnet mask,
and optionally, the gateway address.
IP Address
The IP address is used to identify each node on the TCP/IP network. Therefore, each node on the
network must have a unique IP address. IP addresses are written as four decimal integers (0-255)
separated by periods, where each integer represents the binary value of one byte in the IP address.
This is called dotted-decimal notation.
Address 10000000 00001010 00000010 00011110 is written as
Subnet Mask
The IP address is divided into three parts: net ID, subnet ID, and host ID. To separate the net ID and
the subnet ID from the host ID, a subnet mask is used. The subnet mask is a 32-bit binary pattern,
where a set bit allocates a bit for network/subnet ID and a cleared bit allocates a bit for the host ID.
Like the IP address, the subnet mask is commonly written in dotted-decimal notation.
To make the IP address belong to subnet 128.10.2, the subnet mask shall
be set to
Subnet Mask: 11111111 11111111 1111111 00000000 (
Note: To be able to establish communication between two devices, both devices must belong to the
same subnet. If not, the communication must be done through a gateway. It is, therefore,
recommended to configure the module to the same subnet as your PC.
Special Case IP Addresses
Devices on an Ethernet network are not allowed to be configured to the following IP addresses;
therefore, do not configure the SBPC-21-EN to use any of them.
IP address where the first byte is zero
IP address where the first byte is 127.
IP address where the last byte is zero.
IP address where the last byte is 255.
07-02-2004 Figure Sheet 1-849-C Page 6
Configuring IP Address
The module offers several ways to configure the IP address:
• Configuration Switch
• DHCP/BootP
• Using a predefined IP address stored in FLASH.
Using Configuration Switch
The configuration switch provides an easy way to configure the module for intranet use. The switch
represents the binary value of the last byte in the IP address. If the switch is set to a value between 1255, the module will use the settings described below:
IP Address 192.168.0.n1
Subnet Mask2
Gateway Address2 (No gateway set).
n represents the binary value of the configuration switches.
The subnet mask and gateway are fixed to these values when using the
configuration switch to set the IP address.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: These settings can only be used on an intranet. This is because the IP address that is being set
belongs to the private address set, see RFC 1918.
The switches are set to 00010100 (20 decimal)
The IP address of the module will be set to
Using DHCP/BootP
If the configuration switches are set to 0, the SBPC-21-EN will read the configuration stored in FLASH.
If DHCP/BootP is enabled and a DHCP or BootP server is found, the IP address, subnet mask, and
gateway are automatically configured by the DHCP/BootP server. DHCP/BootP must be enabled by
modification of the file ethcfg.cfg in the internal file system. See the file system section for information
about this file and how to change it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ll switches in the position shown (0) uses DHCP/BootP
or internal configuration.
Using a Predefined Configuration
If the configuration switches are set to 0, the SBPC-21-EN will read the configuration stored in internal
FLASH. If DHCP/BootP is disabled or a DHCP/BootP client cannot be found, the SBPC-21-EN will try
to use the configuration stored in FLASH. If no configuration is found, the SBPC-21-EN will indicate an
error on the Network Status LED. In this state, the SBPC-21-EN will only run the ARP protocol.
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Using Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
The IP address can be changed during runtime using the ARP command from a PC. The new IP
address will also be stored in internal FLASH. Below is an example on how to change the IP address
from an MS DOS™ window:
The 6-digit MAC address from the label on the SBPC-21-EN.
The arp -s command will store the IP and MAC addresses in the PC’s ARP table. When the ping
command is executed, the PC sends this information to the SBPC-21-EN using the MAC address. The
module detects that it was addressed with the correct MAC address and adopts the IP address sent by
the PC. The new IP address will also be stored in internal FLASH. (The arp -d command is optional,
but it removes the static route from the PC ARP table.) This method can be used to reconfigure
modules that already have been configured. The MAC address is printed on a label on the bottom side
of the SBPC-21-EN.
Note: As the arp command automatically configures the subnet mask to, the first three
bytes of the IP address must be the same as for the PC executing the command.
Figure 1-4: Example Connection Using ARP to Change SBPC-21-EN IP Address
Desired IP Address
FifeNet provides power for SBPC-21-EN.
Ethernet crossover cable allows
direct connection to SBPC-21-EN.
PC’s IP address is
In the above example, the following commands would set the SBPC-21-EN IP address to