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1. Introduction
1.1. About this product
The SlotServer Instruction Manual provides the information necessary to configure the
SlotServer, allowing an Allen Bradley ControlLogix platform to pass data between a
ControlLogix CPU and other third party communications protocols supported by the
SlotServer. The SlotServer uses implicit communications between the CPU and the SlotServer and is consequently treated as an I/O Server in RSLogix.
The SlotServer Instruction Manual covers information for installing the SlotServer, and
configuring the module to transfer data with the CPU on the ControlLogix Rack. Depending
on the SlotServer Module ordered, supplementary driver manuals are provided for
information on how to configure the third party protocols residing in the SlotServer.
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2. Pre-Startup checklist
2.1. Accessories supplied with the SlotServer
Please verify that the following components were supplied with the SlotServer module:
FieldServer Technologies
2-way combi-comb connector for LonWorks port
Software CD
CAT-5 Direct Ethernet Cable
Documentation Binder
2.2. Third party components (not supplied by FieldServer Technologies)
The following components will need to be procured as a minimum for achieving ControlLogix
integration. Ensure that these are available before commencing with commissioning
To achieve data transfer between CPU tags and the SlotServer third party protocols, it will
be necessary to write and load a configuration into the SlotServer that tells the SlotServer
how to map the ControlLogix Tags to the required protocol addresses. This configuration is
written in a Comma Separated Variable (csv) file, and any text editor or spreadsheet
program that supports csv format can be used for this purpose. FieldServer Technologies
provides an example configuration file so that the configuration does not need to be written
from scratch. Configuration parameters needed to exchange data between the CPU and
the SlotServer data images (Data Arrays) are presented in Section 6. The appropriate
driver manual supplement will describe how to map the data in and out of the Data Arrays
for the relevant protocol.
The FieldServer configuration manual details basic and advanced techniques for the
configuration of the SlotServer Manual, and it is strongly advised that this manual is read
before attempting to write the SlotServer Configuration.
Note: FieldServer Technologies provides SlotServer configuration services if the user does
not wish to perform the configuration themselves.
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4. SlotServer Installation
The SlotServer plugs directly into the AB1756 ControlLogix rack. Take note of the slot number
used for the SlotServer as this will be needed when configuring the I/O in the RSLogix software.
4.1. SlotServer Ports and Displays
Note that there are several hardware ports available on the SlotServer card, but that this
SlotServer model only makes use of a select few. The ports and displays of interest are as
shown in the diagram below:
Scrolling display shows card messages
Card Status Indicators show general card
Service Pin for LonWorks Commissioning
Communications Status LED’s show status of
communications and card software.
TP/FT10 LonWorks Connection
Ethernet Port. Used for configuration and
Ethernet Protocols.
RS-485 Port. Specify as R1 in the
Scrolling Display
This will Display an OK status when the SlotServer has powered up successfully.
Card Status Indicators:
The Comm and OK lights will indicate green when the SlotServer has powered up
successfully. The Sys indicator will indicate green if the external nodes are all
communicating properly; and red otherwise.
Service Pin
To be used for commissioning the SlotServer into a LonWorks network
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These lights are related to the two Ethernet network ports provided on the FieldServer.
Communications Status LED’s
Node Off
Sys Err
Conf Err
Com Err
LED Description
When the SlotServer is powered up, this light will start flashing after approximately 2
Conf Err
Sys Err
Com Err
minutes. If this light does not flash, it is an indication that the firmware is not running,
and that the SlotServer will not be operating.
This light will flash when the card’s Neuron chip is unconfigured, and will extinguish
when the SlotServer has been commissioned into a Network.
This light indicates that a device bound to the SlotServer on the LonWorks network is
not communicating. Use the LonWorks Network Manager to troubleshoot the problem.
This light indicates an error in the configuration of the card. Since this model is shipped
pre-configured, this light should never come on unless the card configuration is
tampered with
This light indicates that an unexpected operation state occurred. The light can be reset
by cycling power to the card. If the error re-occurs persistently, then contact
FieldServer Technical support for assistance with troubleshooting after setting up the
trade port as shown in Appendix A.
This light indicates that a communication error occurred. Use the LonWorks Network
Manager to troubleshoot the problem, or refer to Appendix B.1.
These lights are related to the RS-485 serial ports provided on the FieldServer. The
Rx (Receive) light will flash red if the FieldServer is receiving data. The Tx (Transmit)
light will flash red if the FieldServer is sending data. (Note that due to the nature of 2wire RS-485 the Rx light will flash every time the Tx light flashes too). The frequency of
the flashing is directly related to the frequency of data transfer.
The 10/100 light will be green if the physical connection to the network hub is running
at 100 MBits/s. If the light is off, the connection is running at 10 MBits/s. The Act
(Activity) light will indicate activity on the network. The frequency of flashing is directly
related to the network activity. It does not necessarily mean data is being received by
the FieldServer. Note that Ethernet Port N2 supports 10 or 100 MBits/s, whereas N1
only supports 10 MBits/s
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TP/FT10 LonWorks connection
This two wire connection is polarity insensitive and can be multi-dropped into a LonWorks
Ethernet Port
The Ethernet port can be used for configuration and troubleshooting, as well as for Protocols
that require an Ethernet connection. Use standard Ethernet cables for this connection.
RS-485 Port
This is a standard 2-wire RS-485 port. Specify as R1 in the configuration.
4.2. Inside Cover Door Label
A label has been provided on the inside of the cover door for the User to document
important or useful configuration parameters used. In particular, special provision has been
made to document the Ethernet port IP parameters, as well as the LonWorks DSN
(Domain/Subnet/Node) allocated by the Network Manager. These fields are there to be
utilized at the User’s discretion.
4.3. Technical Specifications
Slot width 1
BackPlane Current Load 0.6A
Operating Temperature 0-60 Deg C (32-140 Deg F)
Storage Temperature -40 – 85 Deg C (-40 – 185 Deg F)
Humidity 5-95% (Non-Condensing)
Allen Bradley Platform: ControlLogix 1756 Rack
LonWorks Connection type: TP/FT-10
Ethernet port 10/100 MB/sec.
RS-485 port 2-wire, half duplex.
UL 60950-1:2003
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1-03
Refer to Error! Reference source not found. to view Certificates.
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5. SlotServer Topology
The SlotServer connection varies based on the protocol being used. Refer to the appropriate
driver supplement for more details. The diagram in section 4.1 shows the ports available on the
SlotServer for each of the protocols.
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6. Configuring the CPU interface to the SlotServer
6.1. CPU interface Description
The SlotServer Data Images (Data Arrays) share data with the ControlLogix CPU tags using
the backplane for communication and the FieldServer Logix driver. To map the Logix Driver,
the Driver needs to be configured in the SlotServer Configuration. The information that
follows details the configuration parameters that can be used for this driver. The driver can
only act as an I/O Server (Adapter) to a Control-Logix CPU.
Max Nodes Supported
SlotServer Mode Nodes Comments
Server 1 Only one IO image connection supported
6.2. Configuring the SlotServer as a Logix I/O Server
For a detailed discussion on SlotServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer
Configuration Manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the
factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the SlotServer (See “.csv”
sample files provided with the SlotServer).
The configuration file tells the SlotServer about its interfaces, and the routing of data
required. In order to enable the SlotServer for Logix communications, the driver
independent SlotServer buffers need to be declared in the “Data Arrays” section, the
SlotServer virtual node(s) needs to be declared in the “Server Side Nodes” section, and the
data to be provided to the Clients needs to be mapped in the “Server Side Map Descriptors”
section. Details on how to do this can be found below.
Note that in the tables, * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the
6.3. Data Arrays/Descriptors
The configuration file tells the SlotServer about its interfaces, and the routing of data
required. In order to enable the SlotServer for Logix communications, the driver
independent SlotServer buffers need to be declared in the “Data Arrays” section.
Section Title
Column Title Function Legal Values
Data_Array_Name Provide name for Data Array
Provide data format. Each Data Array
can only take on one format.
Number of Data Objects. Must be
larger than the data storage area
required by the Map Descriptors for
the data being placed in this array.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldServer.com
Up to 15 alphanumeric
Float, Bit, UInt16, SInt16,
Packed_Bit, Byte,
For IO_Data_Type:
REAL 1-120
INT 1-244
SINT 1-492
DINT 1-120
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