• Transfer files (configuration, firmware, etc ) to and from a FieldServer
• Monitor a working FieldServer’s internal data and parameters
• Change or update a FieldServer’s internal data and parameters
• Delete files on a FieldServer
• Restart a FieldServer
1.1. PC Requirements
1.1.1. Hardware
Ruinet works over an Ethernet network so a TCP/IP enabled PC with a network card is
required. The network card must support 10Mbit/s Ethernet.
The PC and FieldServer can either be connected to an established network or
connected directly using a cross-over cable.
1.1.2. Software
Ruinet runs under any of the following operating systems:
DOS, Windows 95 (SR2 upwards), Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP
1.2. Installation and Setup
Ruinet is distributed on the FieldServer software installation media sent with the FieldServer.
The Ruinet PC’s TCP/IP settings may have to be changed to successfully connect to a
specific FieldServer if there is more than one FieldServer on the network. Ruinet uses
Internet Protocol to connect to a FieldServer and therefore the Ruinet PC and the
FieldServer have to be setup with an IP address on the same subnet (e.g. IP addresses and are on the same subnet.).
If a PC is used on an already established network, it is better to change the FieldServer’s IP
address than the PC’s IP address. Please refer to section Error! Reference source not
found. to change the FieldServer’s IP address.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
The notes in this section explain how to navigate the menu system provided by RuiNet and
provide information on the contents of the various screens.
2.1. A – Connecting to a FieldServer
Since RuiNet can only work with one FieldServer at a time, it is necessary to target the
FieldServer of interest. (Note that it is possible to run multiple instances of RuiNet at the
same time). If RuiNet is run without specifying a target it will provide a list of the
FieldServers on the network. Pick the required FieldServer from the list -
Type “1“ to pick the first
FieldServer or “2” to
pick the second.
Figure 2.1
If a FieldServer is not selected, RuiNet will automatically connect to the FieldServer last
connected to after about 10seconds.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
FieldServer Name. (Specified in
‘FieldServer, Title’ section of the
CSV file).
Press one of these keys
to select the option.
List of other action keys. Some of these keys
only work in Expert Mode. Read the Advanced
n Tiers.
Figure 2.2
2.2. B - FieldServer Information
FieldServers were previously known as bridges, hence the use of the B key to access the
screen displaying general information about a FieldServer. The B Screen consists of two
aspects (settings and status). Use the spacebar to toggle between the two aspects. The
settings screen is depicted below. The various parameters are described more fully in the
tables that follow.
These parameters are defined in
the following table.
Use arrow keys alone or
in conjunction with
Control key to change to
other tiers. Will only
Press T to set FieldServer date and time to
match that of your computer.
work when Expert mode
is enabled.
Figure 2.3 – FieldServer Information – Settings Aspect.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
FieldServers have the ability to run as “multiple” FieldServers on
FieldServer_Name A name by which a FieldServer is identified - need not be unique.
N1 IP Address The IP address of the N1 Ethernet Adapter.
N1 Netmask Netmask of N1 Ethernet Adapter.
N1 Gateway 1
N2 IP Address The IP address of the N2 Ethernet Adapter.
N2 Netmask Netmask of N2 Ethernet Adapter.
N2 Gateway 1
Cache_Size The maximum number of cache Map Descriptors allowed.
one platform. To differentiate between the different running
applications, each of the applications is referred to as a Tier with a
specific name.
The IP address of the gateway that N1 Ethernet messages use if
the destination IP is not found on the local network.
The IP address of the gateway that N2 Ethernet messages use if
the destination IP is not found on the local network.
Maximum age of data in a cache Map Descriptor for immediate
response to poll. Default 5 minutes. See Error! Reference source not found.
The time that the FieldServer maintains the port expanded polling in
Port Expander Mode. Default 5 minutes. See Configuration
Manual for more information.
Use is driver dependent. Generally used to identify the FieldServer
as a node when it is configured as a server.
Displayed where a protocol requires the FieldServer to be assigned
a network number (e.g. BACnet).
Where specified, this parameter defines the behavior of the standby
FieldServer in Hot Standby mode. In Mode 1 the FieldServer is
completely passive; in Mode 2 the standby FieldServer polls the
connected devices through alternate communication paths. Refer
to the Configuration Manual for more information.
Indicates whether the port expander mode function is enabled or
Default is two seconds.
If the value 65535 is displayed, then this is an error and it indicates
that there is no setting.
Primary or Secondary. On boot the primary tries to become the
active and the secondary tries to become the standby FieldServer.
This behavior may be different if the so called secondary
FieldServer gets re-booted first.
A name by which a pair of FieldServers configured as a Hot
Standby pair is known. When one of a pair boots, it broadcasts a
message with its pair name in order to try and locate the other
FieldServer that forms the hot standby pair.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
FieldServers have the ability to run as “multiple” FieldServers on one
Driver Configuration
DCC Version
Kernel Version
BIOS Version The version number of the FieldServer’s BIOS. This seldom changes.
Data Points Used
Data Points Max
platform. To differentiate between the different running applications, each
of the applications is referred to as a Tier with a specific name.
The part of the FieldServer firmware that contains the drivers ordered.
Each combination of drivers is known as a DCC.
A DCC version number is allocated to each DCC. This version increases
with changes/updates to drivers. Tech support are able to track a DCC
version to determine what features of each driver are available and what
bugs may have been present in a particular version.
The version number of the kernel. The kernel is that part of the firmware
that provides support and resources to the individual drivers. Tech support
may require this number.
Each FieldServer has a combination of drivers and a maximum number of
data points that may be managed. A data point is an element of a Data
rray with a responsible Map Descriptor. Responsible Map Descriptors
are client side, active and almost always read Map Descriptors.
Example: A CSV file configured with a RDBC Map Descriptor with a length
of 100 may use 100 data points. If the number of points used exceeds the
maximum then the FieldServer will continue to operate for 24 hours and
then shutdown. See Enote024 for details on point count.
The file slots.ini controls the maximum number of data points. Only use
slots.ini supplied with the FieldServer or by tech support. The user cannot
edit or generate this file. The default for an X40 is 1000 points. The
default for an X20 is 500 points. The FieldServer bridge ID must be
provided to tech support for them to generate a new slots.ini file.
Cycles Now
Number of times the FieldServer executes all its software per second. This
number will change continuously.
Cycles Max The maximum value since the FieldServer started.
Cycles Min The minimum value since the FieldServer started.
Avg Cycle Time
Min Cycle Time
Max Cycle Time
The average time in milliseconds the software took to complete since last
restart. Cycle timers are only started after the CSV files have been loaded.
The minimum/maximum time in milliseconds the software took to complete.
Use the R key to reset this value.
Cache Age Ave1 The average data age of the cache blocks currently in existence.
Cache Age Max
Cache Age Max
Cache usage (RDB)
Cache usage (WRB)
Memory Blocks
The maximum data age of the cache blocks currently in existence
The maximum data age of cache blocks that existed on the FieldServer
since startup, i.e. the oldest that cache data ever got.
The number of active cache blocks reading data at the current time.
The number of active cache blocks writing data at the current time.
The number of memory blocks reserved by drivers and other system
Last Time Rebooted The time that the FieldServer was last restarted. New FieldServers are
Cache blocks are temporary Map Descriptors created by the FieldServer to achieve certain objectives
such as a write through or port expansion. Because they are temporary this number rise and fall is not
visible. The read cache blocks persist until they expire after the cache_age_to_live time has expired.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
shipped without the time or date set and hence the value shown here is
meaningless until the FieldServer time is synchronized with the computer’s.
2.3. O - Connection Overview
This is one of the most important information screens provided by RuiNet. It supplies
information on communication between the FieldServer and remote devices. A number of
aspect screens are available, and some of the aspect screens have more than one page.
Use the space bar to toggle between aspects and the PgUp, PgDn keys to toggle between
pages of the same aspect. The Connection Overview and Settings Aspect screens are
depicted below. The various parameters are described more fully in the tables that follow.
Connection number. - Type
number to go to detail for that
connection, e.g. type 01 to
navigate to detail for connection
port N1
Every attempt is made to standardize the way in
which drivers report stats but in some drivers
unavoidable differences exist. In general, however,
Rx Msg and Tx Msg correspond closely when
Port / Adapter
N1 = Network Adapter
P1...P8 = Serial RS-232 Ports
R1...R2 = Serial RS-485 Ports
Push the R key to set all stats for all connections to zero. This doesn’t affect the
operation of the FieldServer, drivers or communications to remote devices.
Figure 2.4 – Connection Overview Screen
Displays the number of errors for
each connection. Occasional
errors may indicate noise but
may also indicate a systematic
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Connection The current connection out of the total number of connections.
Adapter An adapter ID is displayed if the driver is an adapter driver.
The minimum amount of time that must pass between one Client Map
Low_Pri_Poll_Delay The poll delay used for lower priority Map Descriptors.
Protocol The name of the protocol used by this connection.
IP_Address An IP address for the connection if applicable.
Remote_IP_Address A remote IP address for the connection if applicable.
Port Identifies the port for a serial driver. P1... P8 or R1...R2
Connection_Mode Server (passive) or client (active).
Descriptor completing its task and the next Client Map Descriptor being
serviced. Refer to Driver Manuals.
When an upstream device polls the FieldServer, and the data is
unavailable or too old, the driver generates a poll to the downstream
device for fresh data, (port expansion). The Server_Hold_Timeout
defines the time available for this transaction to complete before an error
is returned. The default is 2 seconds.
The timeout defined for the connection. Default 2 seconds. See Error! Reference source not found. for further information.
The time after a node goes off-line before the driver tries to poll the
device again. Default 30 seconds.
The length of time communication needs to be re-established for before
an offline Client node is marked on-line again. Default 1 minute.
Optional setting to force a connection mode. Possible values are Server,
PLC, Hot_Standby, Hot_Standby_Data, Client_Only, Diagnostic.
Indicates whether Multidrop mode is enabled or not. Refer to Error! Reference source not found. for more information.
The delay that the driver imposes between receiving a poll and sending a
response. The default is 5ms for serial drivers.
Connection baud rate used by serial drivers. Some drivers override this
value because the communication protocol allows the baud rate to be
changed by the master.
The number of data bits used for serial communication by the
connection. The values are 7 or 8.
The parity mode used by the connection to detect communication errors.
Values are even, odd or none. The default is none.
The number of stop bits used for serial communication by the
connection. The values are 1 or 2.
Time a serial driver using RS-485 will wait before driving the
communications line after receiving permission. Default is 1milisecond.
Time that a communication line using RS-485 is actively driven before
being released, after the last bit has been sent. Default 1milisecond..
Time a driver will wait between receiving the first and second bytes of a
message before generating an IC Timeout. Default 0.5 seconds. See
Error! Reference source not found. for more information.
Determined by specific driver or protocol used. See Driver Manual.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Connection The current connection being displayed out of the total number.
The use of this variable to determine timeouts is driver dependent and has no
consistent meaning. In passive drivers this variable may not have been used
at all. In simple poll response drivers this variable should decrease from its
maximum (equal timeout value) to zero.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Connection statistics are a roll-up of all the statistics maintained by the Nodes and Map
Descriptors using the connection. For example: If three Map Descriptors use a single
connection then each time a message is sent for each Map Descriptor, the Map
Descriptor, Node and connection statistics are all updated. Thus response time
statistics are more meaningful when viewing individual nodes and Map Descriptors.
Parameter Description
Connection The current connection being displayed out of the total number
Client Read Msg sent
Client Read Msg recd
Client Write Msg sent
Client Write Msg recd
Client Passthru messages
Client Passthru Msg sent
Client Passthru Msg recd
Client Broadcast msg The number of broadcast messages sent.
Client Bytes Sent
Client Bytes Recd
Server Msg recd
Server Msg sent
Server Bytes Sent
Server Bytes Recd
Cache - Hits
Cache - Misses
The number of read messages sent by a driver acting as a Client.
May include messages sent to connect to the Server.
The number of responses received to read messages sent by a
driver acting as a Client. For most drivers this statistic quals the
number of messages sent.
The number of write messages sent by a driver acting as a Client.
May include messages sent to connect to the Server.
The number of responses received to write messages sent by a
driver acting as a Client. For most drivers this statistic equals the
number of messages sent.
This statistic relates to port expansion. Messages that are
unrecognized (unsupported) are passed through the FieldServer
without the contents being considered.
The number of unrecognized messages passed through the
The number responses to unrecognized messages passed
through the FieldServer.
Number of bytes contained in messages sent by the driver acting
as a Client. May include bytes of messages used to connect or
login to the remote device.
Number of bytes contained in messages received by the driver
when acting as a Client - typically responses to messages sent.
May include bytes of messages used to connect or login to the
remote device.
The number of messages received by a driver acting as a Server.
May include non-data messages such as connection or login
requests and port supervision messages.
The number of messages sent by a driver acting as a server typically responses to messages received. May include
responses to non-data messages as above.
A count of the bytes sent by the driver when acting as a Server in
response polls. May include bytes contained in non-data
count of the bytes received by the driver when acting as a
server. May include bytes contained in non-data messages.
The number of times a cache Map Descriptor containing current
data has been polled. See Error! Reference source not found.
The number of times a cache Map Descriptor containing outdated
data has been polled. See Error! Reference source not found.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
The number of times a cache Map Descriptor containing outdated
Cache - Created
Cache - Bumped
Pex Write Thru
Server Response Max
Server Response Avg
Link Control
Messages Reconstructed Metasys Specific – see Driver Manual.
Unsupported Property The driver encountered an unsupported property in a message.
Unsolicited Messages Recd A message was received without the driver polling for it.
Single Write A write data message containing a single data element.
Single Item Read A read data message requesting a single data element.
Block Write A write message containing a block of data elements.
Block Read A read message requesting a block of data elements.
Sequence Error
Data Object Startup Data requested from a node in start-up mode.
Expedite Read
Expedite Write
Fasttrack Read
Fasttrack Write
Fasttrack Overrun Read
Fasttrack Overrun Write
Max Read Response Time
Min Read Response Time
Avg Read Response Time
Max Write Response Time
Min Write Response Time
Avg Write Response Time
Max Passthru Response Time
Min Passthru Response Time
data has been polled resulting in the creation of a new cache Map
Descriptor. See Error! Reference source not found.
The number of expired cache blocks. See Error! Reference source not found.
Writes are never cached - the external device is put on hold while
the FieldServer resends the message to the PLC and waits for the
response. When the FieldServer receives the response from the
PLC it in turn responds to the external device. This operation is
counted as a PEX Write thru.
The maximum time that the FieldServer has taken since the last
reset to receive a message from an external device, poll the PLC
and respond to the external device. The SCADA Hold Timeout
parameter should be set higher than this limit
This is the average time that the FieldServer has taken since the
last reset to receive a message from an external device, poll the
PLC and respond to the external device. Reconfigure if response
times are slow.
BACnet specific – see Driver Manual.
Messages containing sequence numbers received out of
The number of Map Descriptors given the highest priority to
complete a read/write first.
The number of Map Descriptors given a higher priority to complete
a read/write as soon as possible.
The number of times the buffer holding fasttrack read/write Map
Descriptors overflowed.
Maximum/Minimum/Average time in seconds that passed before a
response was received to a read message sent by a driver acting
as a Client.
Maximum/Minimum/Average time in seconds that passed before a
response was received to a write message sent by a driver acting
as a client.
Maximum/Minimum/Average time in seconds to receive a
response to a poll sent using the Passthru mechanism.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com