3015-5609 Rev 1 1
P/N: 3015-5609
Revision 1
June 2012
BACnet® Protocol Converter Kit
for Use with
Bacharach MultiZone Gas Monitors
Installation Manual
1. Scope
The FieldServer™ ProtoNode is a BACnet protocol converter accessory
for use with Bacharach’s MultiZone family of gas monitors. This manual
explains the installation procedure and outlines the MODBUS registers
that are supported by the ProtoNode configuration files.
Figure 1. FieldServer™ ProtoNode

BACnet® Protocol Converter Kit
2 3015-5609 Rev 1
2. Items Required
Medium Phillips head screwdriver
Medium flat head screwdriver
Small flat head screwdriver
FieldServer ProtoNode-RER Protocol Converter Kit (3015-5705)
P/N Qty Description
3015-5703 1 FieldServer ProtoNode-RER Protocol Converter
3015-5616 1 Mounting Plate
3015-5704 1 Power Supply Cable Assembly
3015-5617 1 Ground Wire
0002-2162 4 Pan Head Screw (#6-32×5/16) with Washer
0002-7757 2 Pan Head Machine Screw (#8-32×1/2)
0102-3673 2 Hex Nut (#8-32) with Washer
3015-5609 1 FieldServer ProtoNode Installation Guide
0104-4601 4 Cable Tie Mount with Adhesive Base
0104-4550 4 Cable Ties (3/32” × 4” Long)
WARNING: Failure to comply with these instructions may
void the warranty.
3. Mounting the ProtoNode
Bacharach recommends mounting the ProtoNode inside the MultiZone
enclosure on the inside of the MZ door (see figures below) using the
included hardware. As an alternative, the ProtoNode may be mounted at
an appropriate location near the MultiZone using the mounting holes on
the ProtoNode enclosure.

BACnet® Protocol Converter Kit
3015-5609 Rev 1 3
Figure 2. Mounting Plate and Hex Nuts
Figure 3. ProtoNode and Mounting Plate

BACnet® Protocol Converter Kit
4 3015-5609 Rev 1
Figure 4. ProtoNode Secured onto Mounting Plate (Back View)
Figure 5. ProtoNode Mounted Inside MZ Door