4.2Driver Specific FieldServer Parameters ........................................................................................................ 10
4.3Client Side Connection Descriptors ............................................................................................................. 10
4.4Client Side Node Descriptors ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.5Client Side Map Descriptors......................................................................................................................... 12
4.5.1 FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters ................................................................................. 12
4.5.2 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters ......................................................................................... 12
4.5.4 Map Descriptor Example 1 – IO Read .................................................................................................. 13
4.5.5 Map Descriptor Example 2 – IO Write ................................................................................................. 14
4.5.6 Map Descriptor Example 3: Clock Read: .............................................................................................. 15
4.5.7 Map Descriptor Example 4: Clock Write: ............................................................................................. 15
4.5.8 Map Descriptor Example 5: Read CPU Cycle Times: ............................................................................ 15
4.5.9 Map Descriptor Example 6: Run-Stop PLC: .......................................................................................... 16
4.5.10 Map Descriptor Example 7: Read CPU Status: ..................................................................................... 16
Configuring the FieldServer as a FINS Server ................................................................................................ 17 5
5.1Server Side Connection Descriptors ............................................................................................................ 17
5.2Server Side Node Descriptors ...................................................................................................................... 18
5.3Server Side Map Descriptors........................................................................................................................ 18
5.3.1 FieldServer Specific Map Descriptor Parameters ................................................................................. 18
5.3.2 Driver Specific Map Descriptor Parameters ......................................................................................... 19
5.3.3 Map Descriptor Example 1: IO Read .................................................................................................... 20
5.3.4 Map Descriptor Example 2: IO Write ................................................................................................... 21
5.3.5 Map Descriptor Example 3: Clock Read: .............................................................................................. 21
5.3.6 Map Descriptor Example 4: Clock Write: ............................................................................................. 21
5.3.7 Map Descriptor Example 5: CPU Cycle Times: ..................................................................................... 21
5.3.8 Map Descriptor Example 6: Run-Stop PLC: .......................................................................................... 22
5.3.9 Map Descriptor Example 7: CPU Status: .............................................................................................. 22
Appendix A. Advanced Topics .............................................................................................................................. 23
Omron limit the set of permitted nodes to 126. They are numbered 1 to
126 corresponding to the last byte of the remote node IP address.
The FieldServer can emulate a maximum of 20 Omron FINS servers.
The Ethernet Omron FINS driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over Ethernet using
Omron FINS protocol. The FieldServer can emulate either a Server or Client.
FINS is an Omron protocol which can be used by a PLC program to transfer data and perform other services with a
remote PLC connected on an Ethernet Network. It can also be used by remote devices such as PC’s and FieldServer’s to transfer data and perform other services.
The protocol uses the Ethernet protocol called UDP to carry the FINS messages back and forth. The UDP protocol is
not connection based and reliability is achieved by using confirmation messages.
This Ethernet Driver can be used to transfer data to and from the Nodes supporting FINS communications.
Max Nodes Supported
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
3.2 Example of Om r o n PLC Co n f i g u ration using O m ron ETN11 Mo d u l e .
Setting the Node Number
With the FINS communications service, when there are multiple Ethernet Units connected to the Ethernet
network, the Ethernet Units are identified by node numbers. Use the node number switches to set the node
number between 01 and 7E hexadecimal (1 to 126 decimal). Do not set a number that has already been set
for another node on the same network.
The left switch sets the sixteens digit (most significant digit) and the right switch sets the ones digit (least
significant digit). The node number is factory set to 01. When using the automatic generation method for
address conversion, set the node number to the same value as that of the local IP address switches. If this is
not possible, then either the IP address table method or the combined method must be used for address
conversion. For details, refer to 4-2 CPU
Bus Unit System Setup. If the FINS communications service is not being used over the Ethernet network, then
there is no problem if the node number duplicates that of another Ethernet Unit. The node number must still
be set from 01 to 7E, however, or the ERC indicator will light.
Note Turn OFF the power supply before setting the node number.
Setting the Local IP Address
The nodes on an Ethernet network are identified by IP addresses. Each IP address is set with 32 bits of binary
data. These 32 bits are divided into four 8- bit fields called octets, and each octet is expressed as four decimal
numbers. At CS-series Ethernet Units, four bits are expressed as a hexadecimal digit, and the eight
hexadecimal rotary switches (the local IP address switches) on the back of the Unit are used to set the local IP
address. Set the eight switches in hexadecimal as shown below, combining SW1 and SW2, SW3 and SW4,
SW5 and SW6, and SW7 and SW8. Each switch can be set from 0 to F.
The following notes are extracted from the Omron Manual “W343-E1-05 9 3”
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
The switches are all factory-set to 0 ( The Ethernet Unit cannot be used with this setting; a
proper IP address must be set.
The following settings cannot be made for the IP address, or the ERC indicator will flash.
All bits in the network number field set to 0 or 1.
All bits in the host number field set to 0 or 1.
All bits in the subnet number field set to 1.
The beginning of the IP address set to 127 (7F Hex) Example:
Note 1. When using the automatic generation method for address conversion, set switches 7 and 8 to the
same values as the node number setting, and set the rest of the host number to zeroes. For details regarding
the host number, refer to 1-7 IP Addresses. The value for the host number field in the IP address must match
the value for the node number or the ERC indicator will flash.
2. If a subnet mask is to be set, use the CX-Programmer to set it in the CPU Bus Unit System Setup. For details,
refer to 4-2 CPU Bus Unit System Setup.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Number of Data Objects. Must be larger than
the data storage area required by the Map
Descriptors for the data being placed in this
// Data Arrays
For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer Configuration Manual. The
information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files
included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” sample files provided with the FieldServer).
This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for configuring the FieldServer to communicate
with a FINS Server. As a Client this driver reads and writes data to Server Nodes. Server nodes should be FINS
capable and be configured to communicate over FINS
4.1 Data Arrays/D e s cr ip t ors
The configuration file tells the FieldServer about its interfaces, and the routing of data required. In order to enable
the FieldServer for FINS communications, the driver independent FieldServer buffers need to be declared in the
“Data Arrays” section, the destination device addresses need to be declared in the “Client Side Nodes” section, and
the data required from the servers needs to be mapped in the “Client Side Map Descriptors” section. Details on
how to do this can be found below.
Note that in the tables, * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the default.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Specify physical node Id on network.
This is the last byte of the IP Address of
the FieldServer. eg. If FieldServer’s IP
Address is then this
parameter should be set to 81
// FieldServer Driver specific parameters
Fins Client
Section Title
Column Title
Legal Values
Adapter Name
N1, N22
Specify protocol used
Fins, omn_fins or fins_udp
Specify UDP port number
0, 9600 etc.
// Client Side
4.2 Driver Specific FieldServ e r Paramete r s
4.3 Client Side Co n ne c t ion Desc r i p t ors
Not all ports shown are necessarily supported by the hardware. Consult the appropriate Instruction manual for
details of the ports available on specific hardware.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com