FS-8704-14 EtherNet/IP Manual Table of Contents
1 EtherNet/IP Description ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 ODVA Status. .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Driver Scope of Supply ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver ..................................................................................... 4
3 Hardware Connections ................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Configuring the FieldServer as an EtherNet/IP Client ..................................................................................... 6
4.1 Data Arrays/Descriptors ................................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Client Side Connection Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Client Side Node Descriptors ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Client Side Map Descriptors........................................................................................................................... 8
4.4.1 FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters ................................................................................... 8
4.4.2 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters – Unconnected Messages ................................................. 8
4.4.3 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters – Data Table Read/Write. ................................................. 9
4.4.4 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters – PCCC ............................................................................. 10
4.4.5 Timing Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 10
4.4.6 Map Descriptor Example 1: Unconnected Messages ........................................................................... 11
4.4.7 Map Descriptor Example 2: Data Table Messages .............................................................................. 11
4.4.8 Map Descriptor Example 3: PCCC Messages ........................................................................................ 11
5 Configuring the FieldServer as an EtherNet/IP Server .................................................................................. 12
5.1 Server Side Connection Descriptors ............................................................................................................ 12
5.2 Server Side Node Descriptors3 ..................................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Server Side Map Descriptors........................................................................................................................ 13
5.3.1 FieldServer Specific Map Descriptor Parameters ................................................................................. 13
5.3.2 Server Specific Map Descriptor Parameters – Unconnected Messages ............................................... 14
5.3.3 Server Specific Map Descriptor Parameters – Data Table Read/Write. ............................................... 14
5.3.4 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters – PCCC ............................................................................. 15
5.3.5 Map Descriptor Example 1: Unconnected Messages ........................................................................... 16
5.3.6 Map Descriptor Example 2: Data Table Messages .............................................................................. 16
5.3.7 Map Descriptor Example 3: PCCC Messages ........................................................................................ 16
Appendix A. Advanced Topics .............................................................................................................................. 17
Appendix A.1. General Notes .................................................................................................................................. 17
Appendix A.2. FieldServer as an Adapter and Scanner. ........................................................................................... 17
Appendix A.3. Common Paths ................................................................................................................................. 17
Appendix A.4. Setting the Data Type for stored data. ............................................................................................. 17
Appendix A.5. Configuring a PLC to read and write data to and from FieldServer.................................................. 17
Appendix A.5.1. FieldServer Configuration File ................................................................................................ 18
Appendix A.5.2. The PLC Program .................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix A.6. Configuring a FieldServer to read and write Data to and from a PLC. ............................................. 21
Appendix A.6.1. FieldServer Configuration File ................................................................................................ 22
Appendix A.6.2. The PLC Program .................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix A.7. Read/write structures and value of EIP_Structure_Handle : ........................................................... 23
Appendix A.8. Classes and Attributes Supported .................................................................................................... 25
Appendix A.9. Error Codes ....................................................................................................................................... 27
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com

FS-8704-14 EtherNet/IP Manual Table of Contents
Appendix B. Troubleshooting Tips ....................................................................................................................... 29
Appendix B.1. Firmware Update Downloading ....................................................................................................... 29
Appendix B.2. Connection information – Allen Bradley Message Blocks ................................................................ 29
Appendix B.3. FieldServer not recognised by RSlinx................................................................................................ 29
Appendix C. Error Messages ................................................................................................................................ 30
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com

FS-8704-14 EtherNet/IP Manual Page 4 of 30
12 or “Communications Adapter”
FieldServer Technologies PART #
UTP cable (7 foot) for Ethernet connection
The Ethernet IP driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over Ethernet using the
EtherNet/IP protocol. The FieldServer can emulate either a Server or Client.
EtherNet/IP uses CIP (Control and Information Protocol), the common network, transport and application layers
also shared by ControlNet and DeviceNet. EtherNet/IP then makes use of standard Ethernet and TCP/IP
technology to transport CIP communications packets. The result is a common, open application layer on top of
open and highly popular Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols.
The Driver is able to read/write using the Data Table structure employed by all Logix Series PLC’s.
PCCC support is also provided for legacy devices that do not fully support CIP encapsulation. EIP PCCC
Encapsulation was tested at FST factory using PLC5 I785 ENET card. The following data types were tested:
The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files
included with the FieldServer.
1.1 ODVA Status.
ODVA is an international association comprised of members from the world's leading automation companies.
Collectively, ODVA and its members support network technologies based on the Common Industrial Protocol
(CIP™). These currently include DeviceNet™, EtherNet/IP™, CIP Safety™ and CIP Sync™. ODVA manages the
development of these open technologies, and assists manufacturers and users of CIP-based networks through
tools, training and marketing activities.
FieldServer Technologies is an ODVA member and our device is ODVA tested to be Ethernet/IP Compliant.
2.1 Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com

FS-8704-14 EtherNet/IP Manual Page 5 of 30
FieldServer Part #
UTP cable
Connect to an Ethernet Port
on the FieldServer
Remote Ethernet/IP
It is possible to connect an EtherNet/IP device to either port N1 or N21 on the FieldServer. These ports must just
be configured to use EtherNet/IP in the configuration file.
Not all ports shown are necessarily supported by the hardware. Consult the appropriate Instruction manual for details of the ports available
on specific hardware.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com

FS-8704-14 EtherNet/IP Manual Page 6 of 30
Provide name for Data Array
Up to 15 alphanumeric
Provide data format. Each Data Array
can only take on one format.
Float, Bit, UInt16, SInt16,
Packed_Bit, Byte,
Packed_Byte, Swapped_Byte
Number of Data Objects. Must be larger
than the data storage area required by
the Map Descriptors for the data being
placed in this array.
For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer Configuration Manual. The
information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files
included with the FieldServer.
This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for configuring the FieldServer to communicate
with an EtherNet/IP Server.
4.1 Data Arrays/D escriptors
The configuration file tells the FieldServer about its interfaces, and the routing of data required. In order to enable
the FieldServer for EtherNet/IP communications, the driver independent FieldServer buffers need to be declared in
the “Data Arrays” section, the destination device addresses need to be declared in the “Client Side Nodes” section,
and the data required from the servers needs to be mapped in the “Client Side Map Descriptors” section. Details
on how to do this can be found below.
Note that in the tables, * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the default.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com

FS-8704-14 EtherNet/IP Manual Page 7 of 30
// Client Side Connections
Up to 32 alphanumeric characters
Any valid address on subnet
Specify port Adapter used
4.2 Client Side Conne ction Des criptions
4.3 Client Side Node Descriptors
Not all ports shown are necessarily supported by the hardware. Consult the appropriate Instruction manual for details of the ports available
on specific hardware.
Only one explicit connection is created per node. All explicit Map Descriptors attached to that node will use the same explicit connection.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com

FS-8704-14 EtherNet/IP Manual Page 8 of 30
Name of this Map Descriptor
Up to 32 alphanumeric characters
Name of Data Array where data is to be
stored in the FieldServer
One of the Data Array names from “Data
Array” section above
Starting location in Data Array
0 to maximum specified in “Data Array”
section above
Function of Client Map Descriptor
The action to be performed.
One of the classes supported by
the driver. Refer to Appendix A.4
Attribute associated with the class given.
See particular attributes of each
class. Refer to Appendix A.4
The type of data transfer required. Also referred to as the
“Transport Method”
Used to stipulate the path to the CPU in certain PLC’s. Paths
vary and are dependent on the structure of the network.
Any space delimited numerical
value. Refer to vendor’s device
documentation. Also see
Appendix A.3, 0 0
Number of data elements to be mapped. If the number of
data elements exceeds the Map Descriptor length, the list of
data elements will be truncated and an error message will be
printed once per Map Descriptor. Refer to Appendix C for
further information.
For any given Map Descriptor
there can be 200 Floats, 400
Integers or 800 Bytes
Instance of the class to be polled.
Depends on the supported
instances for each class.
4.4 Client Side Map Descriptor s
4.4.1 FieldServer Related Map D escriptor Pa rameters
4.4.2 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters – Unconnecte d Messages
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com

FS-8704-14 EtherNet/IP Manual Page 9 of 30
The action to be performed.
The type of data transfer required.
Used to stipulate the path to the CPU in certain PLC’s.
Paths vary and are dependent on the structure of the
Any space delimited
numerical value. Refer to
vendor’s device
documentation. Also see
Appendix A.3, 0 0
Tag name expressed in PLC program. The data type of
this parameter is used to set the data format of the Data
Array if the EIP_DATA_TYPE parameter is not specified.
Maximum length 48
If the parameter is specified, the data will be stored in
the specified format which may be different to the
format of the tag being polled. If the parameter is not
set, the Data Type of the Data Array will be used. This
parameter is only applicable to Data Table Write when
FieldServer is the Client. The Data Type of the Data
Array will be used for Data Table Reads when the
FieldServer is the Client. Refer to Appendix A.4 for more
Float, Uint16, Uint32, Bit,
Byte, Boolean, -
Number of data elements to be mapped. If the number
of data elements exceeds the Map Descriptor length, the
list of data elements will be truncated and an error
message will be printed once per Map Descriptor. See
Appendix C for further information.
For any given Map
Descriptor there can be 200
Floats, 400 Integers or 800
This parameter is required to read/write structures. The
driver supports read/write structures having members of
same type, i.e. all members are of type Byte, UINT16,
UINT32 or Float etc
When this parameter is defined, the number of structure
members must be specified as the length of the Map
Descriptor. Refer to Appendix A.7 for more information.
Any 16bit Integer number
(e.g. 59592), 0
4.4.3 Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters – Data Table Read/Write.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com