Model: ABA-1
Read these instructions carefully prior to installation of this Air Booster Activator.
This kit is designed to be an optional component for use with the 24 VAC TM-90R
or TM-2000 Humidifiers and the 120 VAC Evenflow series of Air Boosters. The 24
VAC Humidifier application requires the use of a suitable length of 18 gauge twoconductor thermostat wire. The 120 VAC Air Booster application requires wiring in
accordance to the National Electrical Code, NEC. (14 GA Romex or conduit cable)
(1) Differential Air Pressure Switch (1) ¼” O.D. Tube Clamp
(1) Butt Splice (2) ¼” Female Quick Connect Terminal
(1) Instruction Sheet (1) 5’ x ¼” o.d. Aluminum Tubing
(1) Wire Clamp (6) 8-3/8” Sheet Metal Screws
NOTE: Wire is not provided with this kit. Read these instructions thoroughly to
determine which type of wire, and how much is required, prior to installation of this
for answers on product maintenance,
operation or replacement part questions.
Phone: (252)522-3031
English.......Page 1
Français .....Page 5
Espanõl...... Page 8

CAUTION: All wiring should conform to the National Electrical Code, NEC, and any applicable local codes.
CAUTION: Disconnect the TM-90R/TM-2000 transformer from the receptacle and switch “off” the furnace electrical supply
prior to installation.
1. Locate a suitable mounting position for the air pressure switch. This should
be on the furnace enclosure or on a solid structure close to the furnace.
The switch must be mounted such that the diaphragm is vertical. Mark the
four mounting screw holes using the switch mounting plate as a template.
The screw holes can be pre-drilled using a 1/8” or smaller drill bit. Use care
when drilling any holes to avoid damaging any internal structures. (See
Figure 1)
2. Mount the air pressure switch at the selected location using four of the six
sheet metal screws supplied with this kit. (See Figure 1)
3. Bend a “U” shape in one end of the aluminum flow sensing tube. (See
Figure 2)
Figure 1
4. a. If the furnace DOES NOT have an air conditioner “A” coil at the warm
air outlet of the furnace; drill a ¼” hole into the warm air supply plenum
of the furnace. This hole should be approximately six to twelve inches
from the top of the warm air outlet of the furnace.
b. If the furnace DOES have an air conditioner “A” coil at the warm air
outlet of the furnace; drill a ¼” hole into the warm air supply plenum
high enough above the “A” coil such that it will not contact the “A” coil
when installed. Use care when drilling the hole to prevent damaging the
“A” coil. (See Figure 3)
5. Slide one of the tube clamps onto the “U” shaped end of the tube. Insert the
bent end of the tube into the ¼” hole such that the open end is pointing
directly into the oncoming air flow. Mark and pre-drill (if
necessary) a mounting screw hole for the clamp. Secure
the clamp to the plenum using one of the two remaining
sheet metal screws. (See Figure 4)
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
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6. Loosen the white plastic compression nut on the positive pressure connection of
the air pressure switch. Insert the straight end of the tube into the plastic nut and
tighten the nut by hand until the tube is held securely. Do not remove the plastic
pressure nut on the negative pressure connection. (See Figure 5)
7. Remove the junction box cover on the air pressure switch (See Figure 5)
8. Determine the length of two conductor thermostat wire required to reach between
the TM-90R/TM-2000 and the pressure switch junction box. Purchase the wire
from a local supplier.
9. Strip approximately 3/8” of insulation form each of the four conductors on the new
thermostat wire. Attach one of the ¼” female terminals to one conductor. Attach
the other ¼” female terminals to one of the bare ends of the original thermostat
wire provided with the TM-90R/TM-2000. (See Figure 6)
10. Refer to the wiring diagram to determine the proper wiring connections. Attach all
of the wires as indicated in the diagram. Use the wire clamp to make sure that the
wires cannot be pulled loose from the pressure switch. Place a loose knot in the
wire inside the junction box if necessary. Secure the box cover to the box when
complete. (See Figure 7)
Figure 5
11. The Air Booster Activator installation is now complete. Switch the furnace power
supply “ON” and plug in the TM-90R/TM-2000 transformer.
12. a. Adjust the thermostat to call for heat that will activate the
furnace. Check the operation sequence of the furnace
burner, furnace blower, and humidifier. If each appears to
function correctly, proceed to step 13. If the TM-90R/TM2000 humidifier does not activate after a reasonable
period of time it is possible that the air pressure switch
has not detected air flow in the plenum. This will occur in a
very small percentage of furnaces which have very low
flow in the plenum. In this case, the next step (b) can be
taken to ensure proper operation.
b. The air pressure switch has been installed to sense
positive pressure only. Installation of an additional
pressure sensing tube on the return plenum side of the
furnace will allow the switch to more easily detect blower
operation. Follow the same steps (steps 3 through 6)
listed above for installation of the original tube, except that the
additional tube will be located in the return air plenum. This
additional tube is not supplied, however the tube clamp is provided.
Either ¼” copper or ¼” aluminum tubing, available at your local
hardware store, is suitable. Repeat step 12a following installation of
this additional tube. (See Figure 8)
13. Adjust the thermostat such that it is no longer calling for heat. Check the
shut-down sequence of the same three components. The burner should
cease operation first. The humidifier may shut off next or may shut off
when the blower stops. Either case is acceptable as long as the
humidifier does not remain on after the blower stops.
Figure 6
Figure 7
NOTE: The Air Booster Activator supplies electricity to the humidifier only
when air flows in the furnace plenum. This prevents humidifier operation
when the blower is off. The humidifier will still activate only when sufficient
temperature exists within the plenum.
Page 3
Figure 8

1. Follow steps 1 through 7 indicated in the previous section.
2. Refer to the wiring diagram to determine the proper wiring
connections. Attach all of the wires as indicated in the
diagram. Secure the box cover to the box when complete.
(See Figure 9)
3. The Air Booster Activator installation is now complete. Switch
the furnace power supply “ON”.
4. Continue with step 12 indicated in the previous section. Any
reference to the humidifier should be replaced with airbooster.
5. Adjust the thermostat such that it is no longer calling for
heat. Check the shut-down sequence. The burner should
cease operation first. The air-booster should shut off shortly
after the blower stops.
NOTE: The Air Booster Activator supplies electricity to the air-
booster only when air flows in the plenum. This prevents airbooster operation when the blower is off.
NOTE: This Air Booster Activator can be installed on a 120 VAC
TM-90R Humidifier. Follow the instructions stated for the TM90R/TM-2000 except for the wiring diagrams. Refer to the wiring
diagram shown in Figure 10 for proper wiring connections.
Figure 9
Figure 10
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