UV Purifying System Duct Seal Kit
The seal in this kit will seal the mounting surface of the
UV purifying system control box and the duct.
1. Place the duct seals around the hole cut for
installation of the UV purifying system control box.
NOTE: An alternate method is to apply a bead of
silicone adhesive around the hole that was cut into
the duct.
2. Mount the UV purifying system control box.
UV Purifying System Duct Seal Kit
The seal in this kit will seal the mounting surface of the
UV purifying system control box and the duct.
1. Place the duct seals around the hole cut for
installation of the UV purifying system control box.
NOTE: An alternate method is to apply a bead of
silicone adhesive around the hole that was cut into
the duct.
2. Mount the UV purifying system control box.
P/N 46377000 Rev B 01/01