Fidlity Trader Pro User Manual

User Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction..................................................... ...
PROGRAM OVERVIEW....................................................................................................1
Account Management...................................................................................
Portfolio Man Investment Decision S
Trading and Market Information........................................................................................2
CONTACT INFORMATION .............................................................................................
upport Tools................................................................
Chapter 2 – Getting Started................................................. .
ELIGIBILITY............................................................................................ .
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................................4
DOWNLOAD............................................................................................. . ..
INSTALLATION........................................................................................ .
Step 1: Download the “Atsetup.msi” File ..................................................... .
Step 4: Install Fidelity Active Trader Pro Software............................................................. 6
Step 5: Launch Active Tr
ader Pro ......................................................................................7
............... 1
.................. 1
............... 4
.................. 5
.................. 5
.................. 5
.................. 6
..6Step 2: Run Atsetup.msi to Verify Required System Requirements............... .
..Step 3: Install Components, If Needed...................................................... .
LOGGING IN .......................................................................................... .
Floating Windows.................................................................................... .
Prompts ........................................................................................................................ 4
GENERAL NAVIGATION TIPS................................................................ . 15
Windows................................................................................................ .. 1
Menu & Toolbars..................................................................................... .
Mouse Over Right-Click
............................................................................................ . 1
.............................................................................................. ..
Chapter 3 – Main Menu....................................................... .
FILE MENU....................................................................................................................19
User Info.......................................................................................................................20
Change User.................................................................................................................. 20
Disconnect..................................................................................................................... 20
Print Preview ................................................................................................................. 21
Print.............................................................................................................................. 21
TP User Guide – Version 9.6
.................. 2
.................. 5
.................. 6
.................. 6
............. 18
1 1
t.................................................................................................... .. 2...
Backup/Restore Data............................................................................... . 2
Backup/Restore Preference
EDIT MENU............................................................................................ .
Toolbars................................................................................................. ..
VIEW MENU........................................................................................... .
Function Toolbar..................................................................................... ..
Ticker .................................................................................................... ..
Quick Balances T
TOOLS MENU ......................................................................................... . 30
USER AGREEMENT MENU ..........................................................................
WINDOW MENU..................................................................................... . 31
HELP MENU............................................................................................ .
Contents ....................................................................................................................... 3
Index.................................................................................................... ..
Search ..........................................................................................................................3
Trading Knowledge Center
About..................................................................................................... ..
oolbar............................................................................ . 30
s..................................................................... 24.
....................................................................... .
.................. 2
.................. 2
.................. 9
.................. 36
.................. 7
24Software Upgrade................................................................................... .
25Exit........................................................................................................ ..
.. 6
29Preferences ............................................................................................ .
2Layout Toolbar...............................................................................................................
3 35
Chapter 4 – Account Management Tools ............................ .
ACCOUNTS............................................................................................. .
Summary T
Balances Tab................................................................................................................. 5
Positions Tab.......................................................................................... ..
ory T
Profit & Los
Margin Calls Tab ............................................................................................................
Margin Debit Interes
Accounts Preferences .....................................................................................................
FIDELITY.COM....................................................................................... . 54
REPORTS ......................................................................................................................55
ab......................................................................................... .
s Tab..................................................................................... . 51
t Tab....................................................................... .
............. 38
.................. 0
.................. 7
.................. 52
4 4 4
50Hist ab....................................................................................................................
52 53
Chapter 5 – Investment Research & Education Tools.......................... 56
General Information.....................................................................................................56
QUOTES ........................................................................................................................56
ATP User Gui
de – Version 9.6 ii
Customizing Quote
Level 2 Quotes........................................................................................ . 5
Option Chain........................................................................................... ..
Time & Sale
CHARTS.................................................................................................. .
NEWS..................................................................................................... .
Control Sectio Story sectio
Searches................................................................................................ ..
Create and Run a Searc Saving the News Tool win ATP News Pop-up Alerts
Floating quote window Preferences –
Access News in ATP Tools...............................................................................................
n........................................................................................... ..
s................................................................................. . 5....
s .......................................................................................... . 66
n ....................................................................................... .
h......................................................................... .
dow settings...................................................... .
.......................................................................... .
............................................................................. ..
News............................................................................... .
.................. 9
.................. 0
.................. 0
.................. 6
.................. 6
.................. 7
.................. 0
.................. 6
.................. 7
.................. 1
.................. 3
7Working with Charts................................................................................ .
7Tab Charting........................................................................................... ..
7Modifying Tabs ....................................................................................... .
7Saving Changes and Multiple Charts ......................................................... .
78Accessing Saved Charts........................................................................... .
8Headline Section.....................................................................................8.
88 88 89 90
... 0
9 9 9 95
WATCH LIST .................................................................................................................
RESEARCH ........................................................................................... .
ALERTS .......................................................................................................................
FILTERS............................................................................................... . 07
EDUCATION.......................................................................................... .
Chapter 6 – Trading Tools.................................................. .
TRADE.................................................................................................. . 12
Stocks & Opti Trading Featu
Mutual Funds................................................................................................................
Condition Multi-Contingent Tr
Cancel & Replace........................................................................................................123
Cancel & Replace Entry..................................................................................................123
Setting General Trade Preferences..................................................................................124
Trade Links from Other Active Trader Tools.....................................................................125
ons.................................................................................... .
res.................................................................................... .
al........................................................................................... .. 21
ades.......................................................................... .
........... 112
ORDER STATUS...........................................................................................................130
Order Status Menu Bar..................................................................................................132
Order Status Preferences...............................................................................................135
ATP User Gui
de – Version 9.6 iii
Chapter 7 – Customizing Active Trader Pro....................................... 136
Preferences........................................................................................... ......
General Prefe
ACCOUNTS........................................................................................... .
TRADE................................................................................................... . 46
Stocks................................................................................................... ..
Options................................................................................................ ..
Mutual Funds................................................................................................................
ORDERS................................................................................................ .
WATCH LIST ......................................................................................... .
Menu ................................................................................................... ..
Index List
Market Statistics............................................................................................................1
ALERTS ................................................................................................. . 57
Pop-ups................................................................................................. ..
QUOTES ............................................................................................... .
Equities, Options, Indices, Mutual Funds, and Money Markets...........................................160
Option Chain......................................................................................... ..
Time and Sales.............................................................................................................162
rences.............................................................................. .
.............................................................................................. ..
TICKER ................................................................................................ . 63
RESEARCH ........................................................................................... .
FILTERS................................................................................................ . 65
NEWS.................................................................................................. .
CHARTS................................................................................................ .
Tab Charting.................................................................................................................
Saving Changes and Multipl
e Charts ........................................................ .
Chapter 8 – Pre-Set and Custom Screen Layouts .............. .
FUNCTION TOOLBAR..........................................................................
SCREEN LAYOUTS.......................................................................................................180
Market Monitor Layout...................................................................................................182
Trade Layout................................................................................................................184
Portfolio Monitor Layout.................................................................................................185
Custom Layouts............................................................................................................186
........... 177
CONCLUSION..................................................................................... 189
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 iv

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Welcome to Fidelity Active Trader Pro. A Windows-based portfolio management and trading platform specifically designed to meet the
sticated needs of today
’s active traders.
TP is an extremely powerful and versatile Microsoft


Within one integrated platf

Account Management

From tracking individual tra with a comprehensive collection of acc
Account H Account Balances Account Positions Profit and Tax Inform Margin Calculator and Margin Information Administration of Account Features

Portfolio Management

Active Trader Pro also offers presenting an array of portfolio managem
orm, Active Trader Pro provides:
des to evaluating accoun
ount management tools, including:
Loss Calculations
the active trader the power to manage an entire portfolio by
ent tools, including:
t performance, ATP presents active traders
Portfolio Summary Portfolio Analysis/Reports Open and Closed Positions across accounts Online Statements Viewing Positi ons acro ss ac count s Money Mov e ment
Investment Decision Suppo
Formulating intelligent investment decisions requires that active traders have access to an entire spectrum of investment knowledge and information. Regardless of your decision-making style, Active Trader Pro offers the necessary decision-support tools, including:
Third-party Research and Screening Advanced Charting Investment Analysis and Filtering Individual Stock, Market, and General Economic/Financial News
rt Tools
TP User Guide – Version 9.6

Trading and Market Information

At the heart of Active Trader Pro is the ability for you Depending upon your level of trading, the trading pl
Streamlined Multiple Trade Order Entry Screen Specialized Option Streaming Customiz a Securities Alerts Directed Trading
Market Data including Level II Quotes and Time & Sales
ble Watch Lists
Trading Capabilities, including Multi-Leg Option Orders
anage your individual trading activity.
to m
atform includes:
Note: Directed Trading will not be discussed in this user guide. Directed Trading, please refer to the Directed Trading User Guide (choose Help > Directed Trading User Guide from the M from the Main Menu, then view the Dir
ain Menu) or the ATP Help system (choose Help > Contents
ected Trading topics under Trading).
For more information about


you need assistance, please contact us at one of the follo
If wing numbers:
Technical Support: If you are having difficulties downloadin
or logging in to the application, you can contact Technical Support: 800-544­Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern time
Product Support: For additional information on Active Trader Pro, such as features and functionality, contact Product Support: 877-907-4421 Monday though Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time
Eastern time
g Active Trader Pro


If you have n Guide. Since this Guide is stored onlin with Active Trader Pro illustrative purposes only and should not be deemed an offer or recommendation.
ot used Active Trader Pro, we highly recommend reviewing the contents of this User
e, it is always available to help you trade more effectiv
. Please note that all screenshots provided in the User Guide are for
For the first-time user, there is also an online demo
A detailed searchable Help system is available within the Active Trader Pro prog Help from the Main Menu.
You may also access additional, in-depth information available on from the Education link located under Tools on the Main Menu or by enabling the Education button in the Function Toolbar preferences.
Fidelity utilizes the Active Trader Newsletter capabilities of the Active Trader Pro program. If you qualify for Fidelity Active Trader Services, you will automatically receive this monthly newsletter by email. You can also access archived editions online at
TP User Guide – Version 9.6 2
to educate investors on the various functions and
of Active Trader Pro availab
le on
ram by clicking
Additionally, from time to time you will receive indi Center, informing you of new enhancements to the program.
For more information about using our p classes scheduled at your local Investor Center.
roducts, look for informative seminars and training
vidual alerts within the Active Trader Pro Alert
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 3

Chapter 2 – Getting Started

Before you begin the download, installation, and setup process, please verify that you meet the minimum eligibi


lity and operating system requirements listed below:
To qua o, you must have a trades in a rolling 12-month period.
lify for Active Trader Pr nnual household trading
Number of Trades / Year Active Trader Pro Eligibility
0–35 Not eligible for ATP
36–71 Eligible for ATP, including Dow Jones news,
72–119 static Level II
120+ Eligible for all of the above, plus streaming


activity of 36 or more
real-time quotes, interactive rea multi-trade order en updated watch lists
Eligible for all of the above, plus quotes, and streaming watch list
news, streaming Level II quotes, streaming interactive charting, Time & Sales and Directed
try and automatically
l-time charting,
tes from top market Trading with streaming quo
In order to use Active Trader Pro, your com irements. To check your operating syste System. The operating
m, open the Sta rol Panel >
system data is loc eneral tab.
Recommended for
Active Trader Pro
2.5 GHz dual processor or higher 1 GB RAM or higher
DSL, Cable, or T1 DSL, Cable, or T1 120 MB 200 MB recommended for install 17" or larger monitor at 1024 x 768 19" or larger monitor at 1280 x 1024 32 bit color 32 bit color Windows XP Home Service Pack 2, XP Professional Service Pack 2, Vista, or Windows 7 (we recommend a minimum of 2 GB RAM for Vista or Windows 7)
TP User Guide – Version 9.6
puter must meet the following requ
rt menu and choose Settings > Cont
ated on the G
Recommended for
Active Trader Pro
with Wealt
2.5 GHz or hi processor system is recom performance. 3 GB RAM
120 MB 200 MB recommended for install
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, Vista, or Windows 7 (we recommend a minimum of 3 GB RAM for Vista or Windows
gher dual processor. Quad
h-Lab Pro
mended for best
and Microsoft .NET .0 7) and Microsoft .NET 2.0 2
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
We strongly recom
band connection.
If you are using a 56K modem, we recommend that you set your update interval to a 2-minute automatic update.
If you are using a cellular modem or satellite connection to the internet, you may experience de
mend that eligible users of streaming market data use a
lays in streaming data within Active Trader Pro.


You will need to download the Active Trader Pro application Several factors can affect the time it will take for ATP to download to your computer, most
importantly the speed connection. Th a 21 MB download take into ac ur connection speed:
count only yo
of your internet
to your computer from
e following estimates for
Connection Download Time
T1 50 seconds
DSL or Cable Modem 3–20 minutes
our servers.
56.6 Modem 1–2 hours


If you require assistance installing and setting up Active Trader Pro, please conta the resources identified in the Contact Information section of this manual.
Step 1: D
Se rading > Active Trader
lect the download link from the Investment Products > T
rvices > Active Trader Pro page, or go to
rader Pro. For Internet Explorer users, a dialog box opens asking if you would
T like to Run (or
, depending on the version you are using) the Atsetup.exe file from it
Open s current location or Save the Atsetup.exe file on your computer. Netscape users only have the option to Save the
Atsetup.exe file.
ownload the “Atsetup.msi” File
and choose Downl
Choosing Save will enable you to save the Atsetup.msi file on your computer.
You can save the file in a default location or select where you want the Atsetup.msi file to be saved. Remember to note the file location, as you will need it later to begin the application download process. Once the file has been saved, close any applications that are running on your system (e.g. screen saver, mail, instant messaging, and any other applications running on your task bar).
ct Fidelity using
oad Active
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 5
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
Choosing Run (or Ope
you again to Run the software.
Step 2: Run Atsetup.msi to Verify Required System R
If you saved the Atsetup.msi file, locate installation process. At the beginning of the installation process, the program checks to ensure the system is ready
The progr
am checks for:
Operating System: If you are not running a required versi Browser: Active Trader Pro requires a minimum version of Inte
Software: A
to install Active Trader Pro.
installation will not be complete. with Service Pack (SP) 2, although IE 6.0 or IE 7.0 is recommend
appropriate version of IE is not installed on your computer befo Active Trader Pro, the installation process will prompt you to in version, then run Atsetup.exe again. If you need to install an Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, you can download it from Micr
ctive Trader Pro use software is not already installed download additional Microsoft components during the installatio Trader Pro.
n) will download the Atsetup.msi file and then prompt
the file on your system and double-click it to run the
on of Windows, the
rnet Explorer 5.5
ed. If the
re installing
stall the correct
updated version of
osoft’s web site at
s additional software from Microsoft. If that
on your computer, you will be prompted to
n of Active

Step 3: Install Components, If Needed

If you are prompted to install any of the Microsoft components, cli program will i without these components.
nstall the required components. You cannot continue the installation
ck Next and the Atsetup.msi

Step 4: Install Fidelity Active Trader Pro Software

The installation wizard guides you through the installation process. install Fidelity Active Trader Pro. Click Next.
The Software License Agreeme accept the terms of the Fidelity Active Trader Pro Software License Agreement. Click I accept the terms of the license agreement to continue the process, and then click Next. I wish to accept the terms of the license agreement, click Cancel to exit the install.
A window opens with a default location wh installed. You can modify the location by clicking Change, or click Next to accept the default location and continue the installation.
Another window opens displaying a default location for storing the Active Trader Pro data and log directories. Again, you can modify the location by clicking Change, or click Next to accept the default location and continue the installation.
nt is displayed. As part of the installation process, you must
ere the Fidelity Active Trader Pro program files will be
You will now be prompted to
f you do not
Now click Install to begin the installation process. Note: If additional Microsoft software components were installed as part of the installation
process, you may be prompted to restart your computer depending upon the version of Microsoft
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 6
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
Window restarting.
s. If a restart is required, the Fidelity Active Trader Pro installation will continue after

Step 5: Launch Active Trader Pro

When the installation is completed, a window displays notifying you that Fidelity A Pro has been successfully installed. Click Finish to launch Fidelity Active Trader to simply complete the installation without launching Active Trader Pro, click check box and then Click Finish to exit the installation process. You may also double-click the Active Trader Pr
o icon on your desktop (or go to the Start Menu) to launch the application.
ctive Trader
Pro. If you wish
to clear the Launch


Once you have installed Active Trader Pro, you will first need to create an ATP Login the Active Trader Pro application. Start by entering your UserNam use to access Next, choose an ATP Login Name that will be specific to the ATP application. The ATP Login Name can be any combination of letters or numbers. For your security, we recommend that you do not use your Social Security number.
e and Password (PIN) that you
Name for
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 7
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
In the Enhanced Security section, which is optional, you have the ability to add addition to your Password (PIN). This password is unique to Act purpose is to protect information cached/stored locally on your PC. If you set an E Secuirity Password, y
ou will be required to enter it and your Password each time you
a password in
ive Trader Pro. Its
nhanced log on. If you choose to establish an Enhanced Security Password, enter it in the ATP
Password field and then re-enter it for verification. Your password must be diff UserName, Password (PIN), and ATP Login Name, must be 6–12 alph characters, and must contain at least one number and one letter (case sensitive). Enhanced Security Password, you will be able to
set up a password hint, which will be your only
Enhanced Security
erent from your
Below your reminder, because Fidelity does not have access to this information. Once you have entered your
Enhanced Security Password information, click OK.
You will now be presented with the Active Trader Pro User Agreement. In order to complete the login process and use the application, you must click the check box next to I accept the terms of the above agreement and then click I Agree.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 8
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
If you are eligible for Directed Trading, you will be presented with the Directed Trading Agreement. In order to access the directed trading functionality in Active Tr click the check box next to I accept the terms of the above agreement and th
ader Pro, you must
en click I Agree.
Note: National Financial Services is the executing broker dealer for directed trading orders.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 9
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
A window now displays with important information regarding metrics repo the details, simply click Close and your initial account download and login will continue.
In the future, when launching Active Trader Pro, a log-in box will display with your ATP Login Name. Simply enter your Password (PIN) and click OK to log in to Active Trader Pro. If you set up an Enhanced Security Password, you must enter your Password (PIN) and Enhanced Security Password and click OK to log in to ATP.
rting. After reviewing
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 10
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
If you set up an Enhanced ATP Password in the login box.
You will then need to enter your ATP Enhanced Security Password in order to remove it.
Security Password and then later decide to remove it, click Remove
After entering your password correctly and clicking OK, you will receive a confirmation message that your password has been removed.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 11
Chapter 2 – Getting Started

Floating Windows

Floating Windows Mode en and move it around on your Desktop. You can also:
Use a multi-monitor setup, moving ATP tools outside the ATP applic
across multiple moni
Minimize ATP on your taskbar, and leave any tools open on yo
you have a watch list st application on the task bar.
And, yo
Switch to Floating Windows Mode
Switch the display mode from Standard Mode to Floating Mode and vice versa from General – System Preferences.
u can dock and undock the toolbars the same as in Standard Mode.
ables you to float each ATP tool outside of the ATP application frame
ation frame and
ur desktop. For example, if
reaming outside the ATP frame, you can minimize the ATP
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 12
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
When ATP is switched to floating mode and laun
ched for the first time, it will open all the tool
windows defined by the default layout in cascaded style. The Main Menu, Function Toolbar, and Quick Balance Toolbar are always docked
Navigator. The Connection Status, Application Download Status, and Alerts Notifi
in the ATP
cation Icon (when alerts are available) are also present. When the ticker is invoked, it will also show in the ATP Navigator.
Use the Navigator to launch additional components and arrange the components windows on your desktop as desired.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 13
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
Navigating in Floating Mode
Minimizing the ATP Navigator will also minimize all open ATP component wind Restoring the ATP Navigator via left click from the taskbar will res
component windows.
All open ATP components appear in the taskbar and will stack when necessary. You may switc
Layouts in Floating Mode
You cannot save more than one configuration/layout in floating mode. You c configuration via the L items such as N floating windows.
Because you can drag the ATP tools to create your own layouts, the prebuilt
TP are not relevant in floating mode. All layout menu items
A floating mod
Important Note: you must save layout changes before closing. Changes will not be saved automatically and you will not be promted to save changes.
Print Preview, Print, and Export
In floating Mode these features are moved from the Fi
ATP Tool Size, Position, and Navigation in Float
1) ATP Navigator window position and size will be saved when you shutdown.
2) Minimizing the ATP Navigator minimizes all the open tool windows such as Q
and Account Summary etc.
3) Each too
4) When tool windows are minimized they are grouped together in the taskbar. You can locate
the w
5) Keyboard navigation – ALT + TAB shows all the open tool wind ows. You can n
required tool window. The text shown on the ALT + TAB screen should be tool window title.
6) Tool windows will persist at the size you last set for them, unless you
another size.
e are disabled an
l window can be minimized and restored on its own.
indow to view from the taskbar as in the figure below:
h between open ATP components via ALT – TAB on your keyboard.
ayout->Save menu item or Ctrl+S on your keyboard. Other layout menu
ew…, Rename, Save As…, Delete and Set as Default are not available with
and other options not available in
d/or grayed out.
le menu to the individual tool windows.
ing Mode
tore all open ATP
an save your window
layouts provided by
the same as the
r saved layout specifies
uotes, Charts
avigate to the


In General - System Preferences, you can choose whether or not you want to be prompted before new versions of ATP are downloaded to your computer. The default option is not to be prompted before download, which allows new versions to download in the background without affecting system performance. When ATP is shut down, it checks if a newer version was downloaded. If yes, you will be prompted to begin the installation process and ATP will shut down. The next time you log in to ATP, the new version will be running.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 14
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
If you choose to be prompted before downloading a new version of ATP, you will receive a Pop­up alert notifying you that an ATP update is available. Clicking the Pop-up will present the Download Info screen, which lets you download now, or select a time to be reminded. Once a new versi Note: If you ignore or miss the pop-up notification will be presented the next time you start ATP.
on is downloaded, you will b
e prompted to install the new version of Active Trader Pro.
alert, ATP will continue as normal and the update


we begin to examine specific aspects of the Active Trader Pro program, it may be of value
Before to discuss a few general navigational tips that can be utilized throughout the entire experience.


Active Trader Pro is a Windows based program. Every time you ask to view a new aspect of Active Trader Pro, such as Watch List or Quotes, a new box opens. These are referred to as windows.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 15

Menu & Toolbars

Chapter 2 – Getting Started
These terms refer to the primary navigational bars displayed across the top of e
ader Pro application windows. For example, the primary Active Trader Pro window looks like
Tr this:
ach of the Active

Mouse Over

This term refers to moving your mouse so that the cursor on your screen is positioned over specific visible program text or program symbols revealing additional text or links. This functionality is available throughout Active Trader Pro. For example, if you open Active Trader Pro and begin to move your cursor across the various terms displayed in the Main Menu, additional drop-down menus will be displayed:
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 16


Chapter 2 – Getting Started
If you have your mouse traditionally programmed, the left button is the one you to position the cursor and click the action you would like. However, you will disc are many terms and functions thr you move your cursor onto them and then click with the right mouse button. For example, let’s take a look at a typical watch list setup:
If you position your cursor over any one of the individual line entries, such as BP, and click with the right mouse button, a new drop-down menu will appear:
oughout Active Trader Pro that have increased functionality if
primarily utilize
over that there
Selecting any of the items in the drop-down menu opens a new window or takes you to a new screen. Right-click functionality is a quick way to access other programs, tools, and information throughout ATP.
We have attempted to identify critical applications that utilize these capabilities. However, due to their extensive application, this guide is not able to identify all instances. We encourage you to experiment with the program and try both mouse over and right-click in various instances to see if additional functionality might be available.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 17

Chapter 3 – Main Menu

Once you have entered the required information i Fidelity Active Trader Pro program will start. The first view to appear is the default screen layout, Main Menu Toolbar, Function Toolbar, and Layout Toolbar.
n the Login Box and have pressed Enter, the
There are different ways to navigate through Active Trader Pro: the Main Menu, the Function Toolbar, and Screen Layouts. This chapter will focus on each of the various ele Menu. Becoming familia understanding of how the program functions and will make the construction of your own customized ATP platform substantially easier. screen layouts.
The Main Menu bar consists of several different menu items. Understanding and mastering the functions controlled by each of these menu items will greatly enhance your experience when using Active Trader Pro daily.
TP User Guide – Version 9.6
r with this aspect of the program will provide you with a clearer
Chapter 8
will discuss the Function Toolbar and
ments of the Main
Chapter 3 – Main Menu
Clicking any one of these menu items opens a drop-down list of commands or program choices.


Clicking File
opens a drop-down list of different clickable program commands.
To choose any of the commands in this drop-down menu (or any of the other drop-down menus connected to the various Main Menu items), simply move your cursor over that command. Once it is highlighted, click that command to be redirected to its function.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 19

User Info

Chapter 3 – Main Menu
This enables you to change your current ATP Login Name, delete an ATP Login Name, the hint you created to remember your Enhanced Security Password (if one was created). menu item has an arrow on the right-hand side. When you mouse over it, a new appears with additional commands. Simply move your cursor over to thi s new box to make your selections.
or obtain
drop-down box

Change User

If more than one User account has been created, you can click Change User and box will appear, en
abling you to sign into a different User account.
the sign-in


When the program is operating online, it is con from Fidelity. If you want to work off-line, click Disconnect to shut down the connection to Fidelity. This will enable you to review account information, including balances, positions, history, etc. You can also fill in the stock and option multi-trade ticket.
To re-establish your connection, return to this drop-down menu. The Disconnect command will have been replaced with a Connect command. Connecting will enable you to submit orders, review updated market data, and view updated account information.
stantly receiving account and market information
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 20

Print Preview

Chapter 3 – Main Menu
If you want to print a particular screen, click Print Preview to preview w The screen component you would like to print must be selected on your screen layout.
hat you will be printing.


If your computer is connected to a printer, you can click Print to send informati your scre
en layout to this printer.
on selected on


A whole collection of investment reports is avail opens the following window:
able through Active Trader Pro. Clicking Reports
The Report window contains three distinct sections. Types of Reports lists the major report categories. Available Reports contains the menu of available reports for each of these major report categories. Selecting a particular report in the right-hand box will provide you with a brief description of the information provided in that particular report, in the Description section at the bottom. These individual reports can be viewed on the screen, printed, or the data can be exported to other computer programs (for example, Word, Excel, etc.). Click the box beside Generate report with updated Quotes if you would like the most recent market information displayed in your reports.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 21


Chapter 3 – Main Menu
The export tool enables you to export Watch Lists, Positions, History, etc. to a file another program, such as Word or Excel, for viewing, modification, or to be saved componen will appear:
Choose the format (e.g., Excel) and the Destination where you want the information saved. Click OK. A new wi your computer.
t on your layout that you would like to Export, then click Export. The following choices
ndow will ap
pear that will ask you to name the file and its directory location on
for use with
. Select the

Backup/Restore Data

This function enables you to backup and rest would like to run (Backup or Restore). If you select Backup Data, you will need to determine whether you would like to be prompted to back up your data again, and if so, when you’d like to be prompted (one day, one week, or one month). In addition, you will need to determine the destination/file where you would like your data stored.
ore acc
ount data. Simply click the function you
Once you have identified the file and its directory address has appeared in the window, click OK to start the backup/restore process. This procedure is extremely useful if you have imported
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 22
Chapter 3 – Main Menu
large amounts of data from outside so
urces into Active Trader Pro and you want to ensure that
you have a current backup copy of this data.
If you select Restore data, you must determine whether you would like your data restored as a part of your profile, or into a new profile. Also, you must identify the file and its directory address to restore from and click OK to start the restore process.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 23

Backup/Restore Preferences

Chapter 3 – Main Menu
This function enables you to backup and restore layout and program preferences. important if you wish to use ATP on several different computers, because it will ea to apply preference settings on each PC. Simply click the function or Restore), select your destination file, and click OK.
you would like to run (Backup

Software Upgrade

This feature is
sily enable you
At any time, you can click this function to determine whether you are running the most current version of Active Trader Pro. If the most current version is being used, the menu will simply disappear.
If a more current version is available, you will receive a prompt to download the newer program version.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 24


Chapter 3 – Main Menu
Selecting this file option enables you to purge history transactions according to select. This helps yo within the prior 90 days.
Once you have made your selection, click OK. A warning will then appear:
u to either free up disk space or recover data for a specific period of time
a date range you
Clicking Yes will permanently delete the data. Clicking No will cancel the process.


Clicking Exit will immediately log you out of the system and shut down the Active Trader Pro program.
ATP User Guide – Version 9.6 25
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