Fidelis Network®
Collector SA
Collector SA Appliances
Based on HP DL360-G10 Platforms
CommandPost/K2 user interface
Fidelis Network® Collector SA
1. System Overview
The Fidelis Collector is the security analytics database for Fidelis Network. The Fidelis Collector SA
receives network metadata from Fidelis Network sensors (i.e., Direct, Internal, Mail, and Web
sensors) and stores it for ongoing analysis. The Collector SA appliance Rev-I is also referred to as
Collector SA2.
Figure 1: Fidelis Network — Collector SA Appliance (Rev-I)
2. Documentation & References
Fidelis Network product documentation, appliance specifications, and instructions can be found at
or through the icon in the CommandPost/K2 user interface.
Appliance Default Passwords
fidelis fidelispass
administrator (printed on label, top of server)
Technical Support
For all technical support related to this product, check with your site administrator to determine
support contract details. For support of your product, contact your reseller. If you have a direct
support contract with Fidelis Cybersecurity, contact the Fidelis Cybersecurity Support team at:
• Phone: +1 301.652.7190
• Toll-free in the US: 1.800.652.4020 – Use the customer support option.
• Email: support@fidelissecurity.com
• Web: https://support.fidelissecurity.com
www.fidelissecurity.com ©Fidelis Cybersecurity
Fidelis Network Sensor – Appliance Requirements
Logical network information: IP addresses, hostnames (Section 5, Appendix A)
Fidelis Network® Collector SA
Collector Setup Checklist
Appropriate rack space, power, and cooling (Appendix B)
Rack tools, rails, and connectors
Keyboard and video monitor / KVM switch for temporary appliance setup
Power cables — two per appliance, appropriate for power source and region
Ethernet cables (cat5) for Admin and iLO ports (Section 3)
Network switches with enough physical ports (Section 4)
For Fidelis Network Software version 9.0.5 and later, the appliance system type (Appendix C)
3. Collector: Network Port and Cabling Requirements
Each component must be connected to the various networks with appropriate cables. The tables
below describe the physical connection and cable type associated with each port.
Collector SA Appliance
Port Label Physical Connection Type (default) Cable Type
GbE RJ45 (copper) Cat 5 patch cable
Figure 3: Network Port Assignments — Collector SA (Rev-I)
www.fidelissecurity.com ©Fidelis Cybersecurity