Fichtelbahn OpenDCC BiDiB LightControl V1.3 User Manual

LightControl V1.3
Manual for SMD pre fitted kit
Manual to build the SMD pre fitted Hardware manual-Version V1.4-en
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Table of contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3
1. LightControl: .................................................................................................... 7
2. Construction description of the SMD equipped board: ..................................... 9
Step 1: the power supply ............................................................................................................................ 9
step 2: „function test bootloader“ ........................................................................................................... 10
Step 3: BiDiB-interface ............................................................................................................................. 10
step 4: 16 Power outputs and 8 inputs ..................................................................................................... 11
step 5: 32x LED-outputs: ........................................................................................................................... 11
step 6: 4x servo-outputs: ........................................................................................................................... 12
3. The firmware update ...................................................................................... 13
3.1 Approach with the firmware update ............................................................................................. 13
4. Status announcements ................................................................................... 15
5. References ..................................................................................................... 17
Manual to build the SMD pre fitted Hardware manual-Version V1.4-en
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These instructions refer to the BiDiB / DCC decoder "LightControl " from OpenDCC and Fichtelbahn. The decoder gets on not as a commercial ready product, but is a development aid or kit for technically interested railroad modeler for the own construction.
Here once again a clear tip:
The decoder and these instructions were checked carefully and provided after the best knowledge. For the information presented here no claim to completeness, actuality, quality and correctness is raised. No responsibility for the damages which originate from the trust in the contents of these instructions, to the decoder or their use can be taken over.
The software of the decoder can be downloaded on our Internet site , may be extended by everybody uses, and be improved.
A commercial use of the software or parts from it are not permitted!
The use of this manual is permitted only for the reproduction and the personal use of the described stone. An other use needs the written approval of the author. For the reproduction and its functions of the described stone the author assumes no liability. The operator is responsible for the observance of existing regulations and the regular use of the product alone.
RailCom® and RailComPlus® are regisrtered trademarks
of Lenz Elektronik GmbH and ESU electronic Solutions Ulm GmbH & Co. KG. for the rise of the legibility of the text have we refuses to refer by every use of the concept to it.
Manual to build the SMD pre fitted Hardware manual-Version V1.4-en
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Interesting facts to the BiDiB-Seriennummer / Unique-ID
The picture shows a Unique-ID on a BiDiBus Device. All SMD equipped BiDiB assemblies bought from the Fichtelbahn shop and are on the BiDiBus will be delivered with an installed BiDiB-serialnumber. This srialnumber is part of the unique-ID and therefore the complete unique ID is printed at the back side of the cuircuit.
What is the Unique-ID?
The from the manufacturer in the kit hard programmed, unequivocal ID, consisting of 16 Bit vendor ID and 32 Bit vendor specific number (e.t. produktindex and serialnumber).
V = VID (Vendor ID) OD = Do it your self projects P = PID (product ID) 6800 = GBMboost Master 6700 = GBMboost Node 6B00 = LightControl
0029 becomes to 2900 = serialnumber
The data of the Unique-ID are in HEX.
For what serves the Unique ID?
The Unique-ID is an absolutely unique number, with this number an assembly is found regardless of its installation place and its place in the bus. That means: The BiDiB system leads a sort of 'phone book', under which connection which assembly can be reached. Then the hostprogram awards names for the single connections. The Unique-ID is here the connector between the name in the PC and the assembly.
A LightControl is omounted under the railway station and has the Unique-ID 0D 6B001234. In the Hostprogramm it is called central station west. The BiDiB system announces to the Hostprogramm: 0D6B001234 you find under connection 3. If one moves something now in central station west, the Hostprogramm looks in the phone book: ah, I should call 3.
You have normally nothing more to do with addresses and dip switches.
Manual to build the SMD pre fitted Hardware manual-Version V1.4-en
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Why should I stick on this number? For what could I use this information?
All tools, however, also the actual PC­hostprogramms communicate and administer the assemblies with this number. Now there is no more "address DCC XX", but the cmmand is sent into the knots *Unique-ID X* and his port. The reverse is that for the configuration of a new action at the output of a decoder (e.g., LightControl) or the allocation of a dispatch rider in the rail picture (e.g., GBM), the program must be informed about the suitable Unique-ID of the BiDiB assembly.
The stuck serialnumber with S/N at the back of the assembly is a hardware­serialnumber and nothing deals with the Unique-ID serialnumber for the BiDiB assemblies. With this number your assembly is registered with us.
Where is the Unique-ID stored on the assembly?
Here the procedure is bipartite a little bit. In the Flash/EEPROM-firmware file the VID and PID are already integrated and are transmitted to the sassembly, however, no serialnumber is included. Hence, the firmware files can be loaded easily in the processor or can be also updated. Besides, an already available serialnumber will not be overwritten. If the sassembly still recognises no loaded serialnumber while starting, a error code flashes and the use of the assembly is blocked.
Without serialnumber the firmware does not run!
(Exception with the master GBMboost: here a Notfall-S/N is generated with the sign: 0100. These S/N can be overwritten any time with the upload of the valid S/N)
The serialnumber is always postpushed as the third act of the introduction and lands as first in the EEPROM of the assembly.
Manual to build the SMD pre fitted Hardware manual-Version V1.4-en
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By every new start the appliance explains the following examination: He looks in the user signature area whether already a serialnumber exists. If no serialnumber is available here the serialnumber from the EEPROM is filed and the assembly begins starts to work. If there is in the USERS signature area already a serialnumber available the new-struck up serialnumber is rejected by the EEPROM and the already deposited serialnumber from the user signature area is used.
The deposited serialnumber in the USER signature area is also preserved with a CHIP ERASE and can be deleted only with a USER signature ERASE. If you must change the serialnumber on a BiDiBus suited Device, it works only with a previous USER signature ERASE. However, this also entails that available calibration values get lost because these are also stored in this area.
This should not be done without a special reason.
I have deleted the printed serialnumber by mistake. How can this be uploaded again?
1. You load a new serialnumber with the generator and upload this after deleting the USER signature area to the BiDiBus Device. Importantly: Now do not forget to replace the existing sticker by the new Unique-ID. Link to to the generator:
2. You want to use the available (printed) Unique-ID again because it was already deposited in the rail trackplans of my PC programms. In this case contact Fichtelbahn-Support with the information of the printed Unique-ID number and the accompanying hardware-serialnumber. This works only with preequipped SMD kits! With independently loaded serialnumbers you must look in the history of your loaded serialnumbers in the generator, for the suitable number.
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+ 11 hidden pages