Pin Assignments
B.1 CRT (VGA) Connector
The pin assignment of the VGA connector is as follows:
1 RED Video_5 :O (analog) Red this DAC analog output drives the CRT interface.
2 GREEN Video_5 :O (analog) Green this DAC analog output drives the CRT interface.
3 BLUE Video_5 :O (analog) Blue this DAC analog output drives the CRT interface.
4 Monitor ID Bit 2 : Option
5 GROUND : Ground
6 RED Return (ground) : Ground
7 GREEN Return (ground) : Ground
8 BLUE Return (ground) : Ground
9 KEY (no connector) : VCC
10 SYNC Return (ground) :
11 MONITOR ID Bit 0_5 : Monitor Sense Indicator
12 MONITOR ID Bit 1_5 :I DDC monitor data
14 VERTICAL SYNC_5 :O (t/s)
15 MONITOR ID Bit 3_5 :I/O DDC monitor clock
Absolute Maximum Conditions
Below parameters are maximum ratings for VGA. Permanent device damage may occur if
these rating are exceeded. Extended exposure to these ratings may also cause device failure.
I/O VOLTAGE -0.5 +6.00V V
B.2 Serial Port Connector
The pin assignment of the serial (COM1) port connector is as follows:
No PIN ASSIGMENT (by: sort)
1 DCDA#_T:I Active low Data Carrier Detect inputs for the serial port.
2 SINA_T:I Receiver serial data input for port 1.
3 SOUTA_12:O Transmit serial data output for port 1.
4 DTRA#_6:O Active low Data Terminal Ready outputs for the serial port.
5 GND Ground
6 DSRA#_T:I Active low Data Set Ready inputs for the serial port.
7 RTSA#_6:O Active low Request to Send Outputs for the serial port.
8 CTSA#_T:I Active low Clear to Send inputs for the serial port.
9 RI#_T:I Active low Ring Indicator inputs for the serial port.
CRT Horizontal Sync this output is The Horizontal
pulse for the CRT Monitor.
CRT Vertical Sync this output is the Vertical
for the CRT Monitor.
m A
FIC A985 Service Manual B-1
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An active low pulse on this output is used to strobe the
The STROBE output is the complement of Bit 0 of the
This active low Schmidt trigger input senses from the disk
drive that the head is positioned over the beginning of a
This active low Schmidt trigger input senses from the disk
This active low Schmidt trigger input senses from the disk
Each falling edge represents a flux transition of the
This input senses that the driver door is open or that the
diskette has possibly been changed since the last drive
A low active output from the printer indicating that it has
This is a status output from the printer, a high indicating
Bit 7 of the Printer status register is the complement Of
arallel port description for use
Another status output from the printer, a high indicating
egister reads the PE input.
Refer to parallel port description for use of this pin in ECP
This active low high current driver provide the encoded
This high active output from the printer indicates that it
Refer to parallel port description for use of this pin in ECP
Pin Assignments
B.3 Parallel Port Connector
The pin assignment of the parallel/printer (LPT1) port connector is as follows:
1 STB#/DS0#_D14/_P14/_D12:O
2 PD0/INDEX3#_P14/_S:IO/I Port data 0
3 PD1/TRK0#_P14/_S:IO/I Port data 1
5 PD3/RDATA#_P14/_S:IO/I Port data 3
PIN ASSIGMENT(by: sort) Description
printer data into the printer.
printer control register.
Refer to parallel port description for use o
and EPP mode.
Active low outputs select driver 0
track as marked by an index hole.
drive that the head is positioned over the outermost track.
PD2/WRTPRT#_P14/_S:IO/I Port data 2
drive that a disk is write protected.
Any write command is ignored.
Raw serial bit stream from the disk drive, low active.
encoded data.
6 PD4/DSKCHG_P14/_S:IO/I Port data 4
7 PD5_P14:IO Port data 5
8 PD6/MTR0#_P14/_D12:IO/O Port data 6
9 PD7_P14:IO Port data 7
10 ACK#/DS1#_T_D12:I/O
11 BUSY/MRT1#_T/_D12:_I/O
12 PE/WDATA#_T/_D12:I/O
This active low outputs select motor drives 0.
received the data and is ready to accept new data.
Bit 6 of the printer status register reads the ACK# Input.
Refer to parallel port description for use
and EPP mode.
that the printer is not ready to receive new data.
the BUSY input. Refer to p
of this pin in ECP and EPP mode.
This active low outputs select motor Drives 1.
that printer is out of paper.
Bit 5 of the printer status r
and EPP mode.
data to the disk drive.
Each falling edge cause a flux transfer on the media.
has power on.
Bit 4 of the printer status register read the SLCT input.
and EPP mode.
This active low high current driver al
through the write head.
It become active just prior to writing to the diskette.
B-2 FIC A985 Service Manual
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This output goes low to cause the printer to automatically
he complement of bit 1 of the printer
Refer to parallel pot description for use of this pin in ECP
A low on this input from the printer indicates that there is
Refer to parallel port description for use of this pin in ECP
This high current output selects the floppy disk side for
This output is bit 2 of the printer control register. This is
Refer to parallel port description for use of this pin in ECP
This high current low active output determines the
A logic “1” on this pin means outward motion, while a
This is the complement of bit 3 of the printer control
Refer to parallel port description for use of this pin in ECP
This active low high current driver issues s low pulse for
Pin Assignments
14 AFD#/DSB#_D14,_P14/_D12:O,O/O
16 INIT#/DIR#_D14,_P14/D12:O,O/O
17 SLIN#/STEP#_D14,_P14/_D12:O,O/O This active low output selects the printer.
18 GND: Ground
19 GND: Ground
20 GND: Ground
21 GND: Ground
22 GND: Ground
23 GND: Ground
24 GND: Ground
25 GND: Ground
feed one line after each line is printed.
The AFD# output is t
control register.
and EPP mode.
a error condition at the printer.
Bit 3 of the printer status register reads the ERR# input.
and EPP mode.
reading or writing.
A logic “1” on this pin means side 0 will be a
while a logic “0” means side 1 will be acessed.
used to initiate the printer when low.
and EPP mode.
direction of the head movement.
logic “0” means inward motion.
and EPP mode.
each track to track movement of the head.
B.4 PS/2 Mouse / Ext. Keyboard Mini-DIN Connector
Following is the pin assignment of the PS/2 connector:
No Signal Description Type
1 MOUSE_CLK External clock for mouse or keyboard I/O
2 EKB_CLK External clock for mouse or keyboard I/O
3 +5vs 5v power supply O
4 Gnd Ground I
5 EKB_DATA External data for mouse or keyboard I/O
6 MOUSE_DATA External data for mouse or keyboard I/O
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