Festo SBOI-Q-R3B-WB, SBO***-Q Series, SBOI-Q-R1C, SBOI-Q-R1B, SBOI-Q-R3C-WB User Manual

Compact Vision System
Manual Electronics
Manual Compact Vision System SBO...-Q
548319 en 1602e [8059655]
Contents and general safety instructions
Original de.......................................
Edition en 1602e..................................
Designation P.BE-SBO-Q-EN.........................
Order no. 548319..................................
(Festo AG & Co. KG, D‐73726 Esslingen, Germany, 2011) Internet: http://www.festo.com E-mail: service_international@festo.com
The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the comunication of its contents to others without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility module or design.
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
HARAX®, Harting RJ Industrial®, CoDeSys®, MODBUS®, EtherNet/IP
, RSLogix®, ABB® and KUKA® are registered trademarks of the respective trademark owners in certain countries.
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
Table of contents
Intended use VI..........................................................
Range of application and certification VII......................................
Safety instructions VIII.....................................................
Service IX...............................................................
Target group IX..........................................................
Important user instructions X..............................................
About this manual XII......................................................
Product-specific terms and abbreviations XIII...................................
1. System overview 1-1...............................................
1.1 Design of the SBO Compact Vision System 1-3..........................
1.2 Variants 1-5.......................................................
1.2.1 Mode of operation 1-8.......................................
1.2.2 Display and connecting elements 1-9...........................
1.3 Software packages 1-12..............................................
1.4 Accessories 1-13....................................................
1.5 Selecting a lens for type SBOC 1-14....................................
1.6 Selecting lighting 1-18...............................................
2. Mounting 2-1.....................................................
2.1 Mounting 2-3......................................................
2.1.1 Mounting the Compact Vision System 2-4.......................
2.1.2 Dimensions of SBO Compact Vision Systems 2-5.................
2.1.3 Mounting with adapter kit type SBOA-HMSV-39 2-6...............
2.1.4 Mounting/removing the lens and shield tube on type SBOC 2-7.....
2.1.5 Removing the protective foil on type SBOI 2-8...................
3. Installation 3-1...................................................
3.1 General instructions on installation 3-3................................
3.1.1 Selecting a power supply unit 3-5.............................
3.2 Electrical connections 3-6...........................................
3.2.1 Connecting the operating voltage supply and I/Os 3-6.............
3.2.2 Connecting the Ethernet interface 3-11..........................
3.2.3 Connecting the CAN interface 3-15..............................
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
4. Commissioning 4-1................................................
4.1 Notes on commissioning 4-3.........................................
4.2 Installing the software packages 4-4...................................
4.3 Network settings on the PC 4-5.......................................
4.4 Firewall settings on the PC 4-8........................................
4.5 Network settings on the Compact Vision System 4-11......................
4.6 CheckKon connection to the Compact Vision System 4-14..................
4.7 Settings on the Compact Vision System 4-16.............................
4.8 System parameters for preprocessing 4-19..............................
4.9 Selection of the evaluation mode 4-21..................................
4.9.1 I/O process in “Triggered” evaluation mode 4-22..................
4.9.2 I/O process with the “Free run” evaluation mode 4-28..............
4.9.3 I/O sequence with the “Fixed frame rate” evaluation mode 4-39......
4.10 Connection to higher-level controller (PLC/IPC) 4-44.......................
4.10.1 General information on use of inputs 4-46........................
4.10.2 General information on use of outputs 4-50......................
4.10.3 Use of internal I/Os 4-50......................................
4.10.4 Use of the I/O expansion 4-52.................................
4.10.5 Use of the device as CPI module at CP nodes 4-57.................
4.10.6 Use of the device as CANopen Master 4-63.......................
4.10.7 Use of the Ethernet interface with EasyIP 4-65....................
4.10.8 Use of the Ethernet interface with Telnet 4-66.....................
4.10.9 Use of the Ethernet interface with Telnet streaming 4-77............
4.10.10 Use of the Ethernet interface with Telnet XML 4-79.................
4.10.11 Use of the Ethernet interface with Modbus 4-90...................
4.10.12 Use of the Ethernet interface with EasyIP 4-92....................
4.10.13 Use of CoDeSys 4-101.........................................
4.10.14 Display of inspection results with the “SBO...-Q WebViewer” 4-107....
4.11 Creation of the check programs 4-110...................................
4.12 Checking the system settings 4-111.....................................
4.13 Instructions on operation 4-112.........................................
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Contents and general safety instructions
5. Diagnostics and error handling 5-1...................................
5.1 General diagnostic options 5-3.......................................
5.1.1 Status display 5-3..........................................
5.1.2 Error handling 5-6..........................................
A. Technical appendix A-1.............................................
A.1 Cleaning and care A-3...............................................
A.2 Addressing in the Ethernet (basics) A-4................................
A.3 Siemens star A-7...................................................
A.4 Technical data A-8..................................................
A.5 Error messages A-11.................................................
A.6 Address table for EasyIP, Modbus, Telnet and CoDeSys embedded A-14.......
A.6.1 Input register A-14...........................................
A.6.2 Output register A-15.........................................
A.6.3 Rapid access to the input and output registers A-16................
A.6.4 Further system status/system information A-17...................
A.6.5 System time of the device A-18.................................
A.6.6 Total tolerance of the type in the current check program A-18........
A.6.7 Basic results of the last check A-19.............................
A.6.8 Free flag words (non-remanent) A-21............................
A.6.9 Features – results of the last check A-21.........................
A.6.10 System parameters A-24......................................
A.6.11 String address table A-25.....................................
A.7 Address table for EtherNet/IP A-26.....................................
A.7.1 Address table for EtherNet/IP – protocol-specific objects A-26.......
A.7.2 Address table for EtherNet/IP – SBO-specific objects A-30..........
A.8 Data types A-42.....................................................
A.9 Programming robot controllers A-44....................................
A.9.1 Telnet communication with an ABB robot A-44....................
A.9.2 Telnet communication with a KUKA robot using XML A-53...........
B. Index B-1.........................................................
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Contents and general safety instructions
Intended use
The SBO...-Q Compact Vision System has been designed for installation in a machine or automated system. It is used to analyse the quality and position of parts.
The SBO...-Q Compact Vision System may only be used as follows:
– According to its intended use.
– In its original state without unauthorised alterations.
Only conversions and modifications described in the documentation supplied with the product are permitted.
– In perfect technical condition.
When the product is connected to commercially available components such as sensors and actuators, the specified limits for pressures, temperatures, electrical data, torques etc. must be observed. National and local safety regulations must also be observed.
The device is intended for use in an industrial environment. If it is used in residential buildings, interference suppression measures may need to be taken.
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Contents and general safety instructions
Range of application and certification
The product fulfils the requirements of the applicable EU directives and bears the CE mark.
Standards and test values which the product adheres to and fulfils can be found in the section “Technical data”. Details of the EU directives relevant to the product can be found in the declaration of conformity.
Certain product configurations have been certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) for the USA and Canada. These configurations are marked as follows:
UL Recognized Component Mark for Canada and the United States
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
Safety instructions
During commissioning and programming of the device, the safety requirements as per this manual and as per the documentation for the controller and the other components used must always be observed.
Users must ensure that nobody has access to the position ing range of the connected actuators. Access to the pos sible danger area must be prevented by suitable measures such as protective screens and warning signs.
Electrostatically sensitive components! Electrostatic dis charges can damage the internal electronics.
Do not open the housing. Observe the handling
specifications for electrostatically sensitive devices.
A dirty and scratched lens or dirty and scratched pro tective glass can lead to optical errors. Make sure that the lens/protective glass is not scratched. Do not use any abrasive cleaning agents.
Clean the lens/protective glass in case of dirt or other deposits:
 using a blower brush or clean, non-lubricated com
pressed air
 using a soft, moist cloth and a non-abrasive cleaning
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
If the permitted temperature range is exceeded, e.g. due to strong external light sources, this can lead to system errors and cause damage.
Mount the Compact Vision System in a well ventilated
location, screening it from the heat emitted by other devices and light sources.
Please consult your local Festo repair service if you have any technical problems.
Target group
This manual is intended exclusively for technicians trained in control and automation technology who have experience in installing and commissioning electronic systems.
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
Important user instructions
Danger categories
This manual provides information on dangers that can arise if the product is not used correctly. The information is presen ted under headings such as Warning, Caution, etc., appears on a shaded background, and is additionally marked with a pictogram. A distinction is made between the following danger warnings:
... means that failure to observe this instruction may result in serious personal injury or damage to property.
... means that failure to observe this instruction may result in personal injury or damage to property.
... means that failure to observe the instruction may result in damage to property.
The following pictogram denotes passages in the text which describe activities involving electrostatically sensitive devices:
Electrostatically sensitive devices: Incorrect handling can result in damage to components.
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
Marking of special information
The following pictograms designate texts that contain special information.
Information Recommendations, tips and references to other sources of information
Accessories: Specifications about necessary or useful accessories for the Festo product.
Environment: Information on the environmentally friendly use of Festo products.
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Text designations
Bullet points indicate activities that may be carried out in
any order.
1. Numerals denote activities which must be carried out in the numerical order specified.
– Hyphens indicate general lists.
Contents and general safety instructions
About this manual
This manual is for the following versions:
Compact Vision System SBO...-Q
CheckKon Version 4.2 or higher
CheckOpti Version 3.1 or higher
SBO-DeviceManager Version 1.3 or higher
Tab. 0/1: Hardware and software versions
This manual contains general basic information on mounting, installation and operation of the Compact Vision System. Additional information on commissioning, parametrisation and diagnostics using the software packages can be found in the packages Help system.
Electronics manual Manual Compact
Help system Help for CheckKon
Title Contents
Vision System SBO...-Q P.BE-SBO-Q-... (i.e. this manual)
From software version 3.5 From hardware version CA0508
Mounting, installation and commis sioning of the Compact Vision System
CheckKon functional description and operating instructions
Help system Help for CheckOpti
Manual SBO-DeviceManager Help SBO-DeviceManager functional
CheckOpti functional description and operating instructions
description and operating instructions
Tab. 0/2: Compact Vision System documentation
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Contents and general safety instructions
Product-specific terms and abbreviations
The following product-specific abbreviations are used in this manual:
Amplification è Sensor amplification
Aperture Opening through which light passes, via a lens before it hits the
Auto MDI-X Recognises the Ethernet configuration of the other station and
CANopen Fieldbus protocol based on CAN, which is a European standard.
Check program Definition of parts to be recognised and features to be determined.
CheckKon Software package for configuration and commissioning.
CheckOpti Software package for creating check programs.
CMOS sensor Optoelectronic sensor which converts light signals into electrical
CoDeSys pbF CoDeSys provided by Festo
sensor. The larger the opening or aperture, the more light will reach the sensor. When the aperture opens, the depth of focus is reduced. The depth of focus increases as the aperture closes (larger f-num ber). Small apertures make longer exposure times necessary. Short exposure times require larger apertures.
adapts the send and receive cables of a network connection auto matically.
signals. In addition to the sensor function, there are also image processing functions for e.g. exposure control and contrast correc tion integrated directly into the chip.
CoDeSys = Controller Development System CoDeSys provided by Festo permits the configuration, commission ing and programming of various Festo components and devices.
Condition-controlled Recognition of a signal (e.g. input) reacts to a logic 1 or logic 0.
CP connection Socket/plug on the CP modules which allows connection of the
modules via the CP cable.
CP cable Special cable used to connect the various CP modules in a
CP string.
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
Term/abbreviation Meaning
CP node (CP master) Collective term for modules with one or more CP connections, to
CP modules Collective term for the various modules that can be integrated in a
CP string Entirety of the CP modules and CP cables connected together to a
CP system / CPI system Complete electrical installation system consisting of a CP master
CP valve terminal Type 10 CPV valve terminal or type 12 CPA valve terminal, in each
CPI modules CP modules with CPI functionality (extended functionality)
CPX modules Collective term for the various modules which can be integrated into
CPX terminal Complete system consisting of CPX modules with or without pneu
Data output Output of selected check results and feature values for communica
Depth of focus The spatial area in front of and behind the focussed object which is
each of which one CP string can be connected. CP nodes include, for example, the CPX-CP interface, CP field bus nodes, and valve terminals with CP string extension.
CP system (CP functionality).
CPmasters CP connection.
with one or more CP strings.
case with a CP connection (also regarded as CP modules).
a CPX terminal.
tion with controllers or robots, for graphical display or for produc tion data acquisition. Setup of data output is performed in check programs using the software CheckOpti (version 3.1 or higher).
still sharp (also known as focal depth). The depth of focus depends on the focal length of the lens and the aperture set. Small focal lengths with small aperture openings lead to greater depth of focus.
EasyIP Protocol for the simple exchange of operands between Festo
Edge-controlled Recognition of a signal (e.g. input) reacts to rising or falling edge.
Ethernet Physical protocol and network for connecting various devices.
EtherNet/IP Communication standard via TCP/IP in automation technology.
controllers (e.g. FEC Standard, PS1, etc.). EasyIP controllers are normally both client and server. But there can also be controllers without server function, such as diagnostic devices or visualisation computers, that participate in EasyIP.
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Contents and general safety instructions
Term/abbreviation Meaning
Exposure time The duration for which the CMOS sensor is subjected to light during
Falling edge Transition from logic 1 to logic 0 (falling).
Feature(s) Defined values (e.g. length) that are determined by the check pro
Fieldbus nodes Provide the connection to specific fieldbuses. Transmit control sig
Focal depth è Depth of focus
Focal length Large focal lengths create a large image, while small focal lengths
I Digital input.
I module Input module.
I/O modules Collective term for the modules which provide digital inputs and
I/Os Digital inputs and outputs.
Logic 0 Input or output supplies 0 V.
image capturing. The longer the exposure time, the more light will penetrate. The exposure time is chosen on the basis of e.g. speed of travel, amount of light available, and the light sensitivity of the sensor (è Sensor amplification). In the case of moving objects, long exposure times result in blurred images.
gram and used for analysis.
nals to the connected modules and monitor their ability to function.
create a wide-angle image. Lenses with variable focal lengths are known as zoom lenses. Lenses with greater focal lengths usually have a smaller depth of focus and a lower luminous intensity.
outputs (e.g. CPX I/O modules, CP input modules and CP output modules).
Logic 1 Input or output supplies 24 V.
Modbus TCP Communication standard via TCP/IP in automation technology.
O Digital output.
O module Output module.
PLC/IPC Programmable logic controller/industrial PC
Rising edge Transition from logic 0 to logic 1 (rising).
SBO-DeviceManager Software package for adjusting the network properties and firm
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
Contents and general safety instructions
Term/abbreviation Meaning
Sensor amplification Influences the light sensitivity of the sensor. Increasing the
String allocation Type and order of the CP modules connected to one or more
TCP/IP Combination of the protocols TCP and IP, the most-widely used
Telnet Client-server protocol for general, bidirectional communication,
Tools Tools are used to evaluate images from the Compact Vision System
TSP Target Support Package
XML Extensible Markup Language
amplification increases the light sensitivity. Excessive amplification can lead to grainy images.
protocol in communication via Ethernet.
using TCP. Telnet is normally used to offer users access to Internet computers via the command line.
in order to determine feature values. The tools are set up in check programs using the software CheckOpti.
A Target Support Package contains all of the configuration and expansion files that are needed to make a specific controller (here target system = target) available for the programming environment “CoDeSys provided by Festo”.
XML is a markup language for presenting hierarchically structured data in the form of text data.
Tab. 0/3: Product-specific terms and abbreviations
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System overview
Chapter 1
System overview
1-1Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
1. System overview
Table of contents
1. System overview 1-1...............................................
1.1 Design of the SBO Compact Vision System 1-3..........................
1.2 Variants 1-5.......................................................
1.2.1 Mode of operation 1-8.......................................
1.2.2 Display and connecting elements 1-9...........................
1.3 Software packages 1-12..............................................
1.4 Accessories 1-13....................................................
1.5 Selecting a lens for type SBOC 1-14....................................
1.6 Selecting lighting 1-18...............................................
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
1. System overview
1.1 Design of the SBO Compact Vision System
Components The SBO Compact Vision System is an intelligent camera
with integrated electronics for image processing and communication. It is contained in a compact and robust housing and offers:
– an imaging CMOS sensor, with various resolutions in
colour or monochrome, according to the model
– interfaces for communication and for connecting external
an integrated lens and integrated LED lighting
a standardised CS-Mount lens adapter, which is also usable as a C-Mount lens adapter if protective barrel is used for the lens. Appropriate lenses and additional optical elements, such as filters and lenses, are available on request.
Function The SBO...-Q Compact Vision System allows optical check
functions to be cost-effectively integrated into machines and systems in order to allow the quality and position of parts to be analysed. In addition, the system can perform control functions via the integrated CoDeSys PLC.
Configuration, commissioning and operation of the inspection functions of the SBO...-Q Compact Vision System are per formed using the software packages CheckKon, CheckOpti and SBO-DeviceManager.
Configuration, commissioning and operation of the integrated CoDeSys PLC run-time system is performed using the soft ware package “CoDeSys provided by Festo”.
User-specific firmware versions can be installed on the device for special applications.
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1. System overview
Networking and control The Compact Vision System can be linked directly to the PC
via the Ethernet interface. Analyses can be controlled via digital I/Os or a PC. Further information can be found in chapter 3.2.2 on page 3-14.
1 Compact Vision
System (pictured: SBOC)
2 PC with software
Fig. 1/1: Direct networking with the PC
1 Hub/switch
2 PC with software packages
Fig. 1/2: Camera network
3 Compact Vision System
(pictured: SBOC)
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1. System overview
1.2 Variants
Feature Type designation
Sensor vision system SBO Compact Vision System
Design I- Integrated lens and integrated LED lighting
C- Standardised CS-Mount/C-Mount lens adapter
(only with protective lens barrel or intermediate ring)
Equipment Q- Surface-sensor-based camera for quality inspection
Sensor resolution R1 VGA resolution (640 x 480 pixels)
R2 SXGA resolution (1280 x 1024 pixels)
R3 Wide VGA resolution (752 x 480 pixels)
Sensor type B- Monochrome
C- Colour
Option WB Without fieldbus interface
Tab. 1/1: Type codes
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S1 Firmware incl. firmware add-in “SBO...-Q Tools Add-In”
with the following tools: – Data matrix code reader – Barcode reader – Optical character recognition (OCR).
1. System overview
Features Advantages/
range of application
SBOI-Q-R1B – CMOS sensor with resolution
SBOI-Q-R1C – Like SBOI-Q-R1B, but CMOS sensor in colour
SBOI-Q-R3B-WB – CMOS sensor with resolution
SBOI-Q-R3C-WB – Like SBOI-Q-R3B-WB, but CMOS sensor in colour
All listed variants are also available with firmware add-in “SBO...-Q Tools Add-In”. The type designation of these variants includes the extension “S1”.
640 x 480 pixels; ½ inch; monochrome
– Interfaces: Ethernet, digital I/Os
and CAN – Integrated lens – Integrated LED lighting – Protection classes IP65 and IP67
752 x 480 pixels; 1/3 inch;
monochrome – Interfaces: Ethernet and digital
I/Os (no CAN) – Integrated lens – Integrated LED lighting – Protection classes IP65 and IP67
– Especially suitable for
short-range work (≥ 22 mm to approx. 1000 mm, longer ranges lead to loss of sharpness)
– Integrated lighting for distances
up to approx. 200 mm
– Simple to integrate due to
compact design
– Especially suitable for
short-range work (≥ 20 mm to approx. 550 mm, longer ranges lead to loss of sharpness)
– Integrated lighting for distances
up to approx. 200 mm
– Simple to integrate due to
compact design
Tab. 1/2: Variants of the SBOI-Q Compact Vision System
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
1. System overview
Features Advantages/
range of application
SBOC-Q-R1B – CMOS sensor and interfaces as
for SBOI-Q-R1B
– Standardised CS-Mount/C-Mount
lens adapter (only with protective
lens barrel or intermediate ring) – No integrated lighting – Protection classes IP65 and
– Any lens
– Especially fast and high quality
– Filters and lenses depending on
can be used
(focal length selectable)
lenses for improving the photographic properties can be used
lens holder
SBOC-Q-R1C – As for SBOC-Q-R1B, but CMOS sensor in colour
SBOC-Q-R2B – As for SBOC-Q-R1B, but CMOS sensor with resolution
1280 x 1024 pixels; 2/3 inch; monochrome
SBOC-Q-R2C – As for SBOC-Q-R1B, but CMOS sensor with resolution
1280 x 1024 pixels; 2/3 inch; in colour
SBOC-Q-R3B-WB – CMOS sensor and interfaces as
for SBOI-Q-R3B-WB – Standardised CS-Mount/C-Mount
lens adapter (only with protective
lens barrel or intermediate ring) – No integrated lighting – Protection classes IP65 and
– Any lens
– Especially fast and high quality
– Filters and lenses depending on
can be used
(focal length selectable)
lenses for improving the photographic properties can be used
lens holder
SBOC-Q-R3C-WB – As for SBOC-Q-R3B-WB, but CMOS sensor in colour
These types (except SBOC-Q-R2C) are also available with firmware add-in “SBO...-Q Tools Add-In”. The type designation of these variants includes the extension “-S1”
Only in conjunction with protective lens barrel supplied
Lenses with CS-Mount thread only possible without protective lens barrel; lenses with C-Mount thread only possible with protective lens barrel or intermediate ring (è chapter 1.5).
Entocentric, telecentric or hypercentric lenses can also be used
Tab. 1/3: Variants of the SBOC-Q Compact Vision System
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1. System overview
1.2.1 Mode of operation
The SBO...-Q Compact Vision System can have different image sensors depending on the model.
The available processing functions are integrated in the operating system (firmware) of the device.
Communication Via the Ethernet interface, the Compact Vision System
cancommunicate via a network with the PC or a PLC. Additional I/O possibilities are available via the CAN interface (not SBO...-Q-... -WB).
Commissioning Commissioning and operation are performed using the
relevant software packages (è chapter 1.3).
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
1. System overview
1.2.2 Display and connecting elements
Integrated lens and LED lighting behind protective glass
2 Status LEDs
3 CAN interface
(not SBO...-Q-...-WB)
4 Ethernet interface
5 Operating voltage
supply and digital I/Os
6 Focus adjustment
Fig. 1/3: Display and connecting elements in SBOI-Q
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
1. System overview
1 Adapter for
protective barrel
2 Protective barrel
3 Lens
4 Status LEDs
5 CAN interface
(not SBO...-Q-...-WB)
6 Ethernet interface
7 Operating voltage
supply and digital I/Os
Fig. 1/4: Display and connecting elements in SBOC-Q
Festo P.BE-SBO-Q-EN en 1602e
1. System overview
Connection Description
24 V DC Plug M12x1,
8-pin Pin allocation è Tab. 3/3
Ethernet Plug M12x1,
4-pin, d-coded Pin allocation è Tab. 3/6
Bus Plug M12x1,
5-pin Pin allocation è Tab. 3/7
Operating voltage supply and digital I/Os – Operating and load voltage
– I/O wiring (2 digital inputs and
3digital outputs).
Ethernet interface – Communication with higher-level
devices, e.g. the PC or PLC
– Data output (e.g. data analysis,
CAN interface – For extension of the I/O functions
of the device and
– For using the device as a
CANopen master or I/O expansion (CPImodules) in combination with the PLC run-time system “CoDeSys embedded”.
(Not SBO...-Q-...-WB)
Tab. 1/4: Compact Vision System connections
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1. System overview
1.3 Software packages
The software packages CheckKon, CheckOpti and SBO-DeviceManager are used for commissioning and handling inspection tasks. They can run under the operating systems Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 and offer a convenient user interface.
The minimum requirements your PC must meet for use of these software packages can be found in the respective soft ware packages Help.
CheckKon provides the following functions:
Configuration and commissioning
Analysis – Display of evaluated parts, live images,
Diagnosis – Display of the device properties
Service – Documentation of a system
– Defining the signal behaviour – Defining the frame rate, sensor amplification – Defining the evaluation and output functions
statistics and handling of check programs
– Display of errors
Tab. 1/5: Functions of CheckKon
CheckOpti permits creation of check programs.
SBO-DeviceManager provides the following functions:
– Changing the network settings of the device
(IP address, gateway, password, etc.).
– Transfer of firmware to the device.
– Transfer of software add-ins to the device.
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+ 226 hidden pages