Festo MPA-S User Manual

Valve terminal
Pneumatic components description
Valve terminal with MPA-S pneumatics
Translation of the original instructions P.BE-MPA-EN
is a registered trademark of its respective trademark holder in certain countries.
Identification of hazards and instructions on how to prevent them:
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Hazards that can cause minor injuries or serious material damage.
Other symbols:
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Recommendations, tips, references to other documentation.
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• Activities that may be carried out in any order.
1. Activities that should be carried out in the order stated. – General lists.
2 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f –
Tab le of contents – MPA-S
1 Safety and r equirements for product use 9......................................
1.1 Safety 10..................................................................
1.1.1 General safety instructions 10.........................................
1.1.2 Intended use 10.....................................................
1.2 Requirements for product use 11...............................................
1.2.1 Technical requirements 11............................................
1.2.2 Qualification of the specialists (requirements for the personnel) 11............
1.2.3 Range of application and certifications 11................................
1.2.4 Instructions on this description 12......................................
2Overview 13................................................................
2.1 The MPA-S valve terminal 14...................................................
2.2 Overview of variants 15.......................................................
2.3 Valve terminal design 19......................................................
2.4 Description of components 20..................................................
2.4.1 Sizes 24...........................................................
2.4.2 Valves 24..........................................................
2.4.3 Proportional pressure regulator 26.....................................
2.4.4 Pressure sensor plate 27..............................................
2.4.5 Pneumatic air supply plate 27..........................................
2.4.6 Electrical air supply plate 27...........................................
2.4.7 Pressure zone separation 28...........................................
2.4.8 Vertical stacking 31..................................................
2.5 Operation and connection elements 37...........................................
2.5.1 Manual override (MO) 38.............................................
2.5.2 Operating and connection elements of the pressure regulator plates 39........
2.5.3 Multi-pin connecting components 40....................................
2.6 Display components 41.......................................................
2.6.1 Pressure sensor plate 43..............................................
2.6.2 Proportional pressure regulator 44.....................................
2.6.3 Proportional-pressure regulator with LCD display 45........................
3 Mounting and ins t allation 47..................................................
3.1 General instructions on mounting and dismantling 48...............................
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3.2 Mounting variants 49.........................................................
3.2.1 Mounting/dismounting on H-rails 49....................................
3.2.2 Mounting/dismounting on walls 53.....................................
3.2.3 Standard fastening points of the valve terminal 54.........................
3.2.4 Additional fastening of the valve terminal 55..............................
3.3 Mounting/dismounting the inscription label holder 56..............................
3.4 Compressed air preparation 58.................................................
3.4.1 Operation with unlubricated compressed air 58...........................
3.4.2 Operation with lubricated compressed air 58.............................
3.5 General instructions on installation 60...........................................
3.6 Connecting the MPA-S valve terminal 62..........................................
3.6.1 Pilot control (pilot air supply) 62........................................
3.6.2 MPA-S valve terminal with pressure zone separation 63.....................
3.6.3 Operation of the MPA-S... valve terminal with reversible pressure regulato r s 64..
3.6.4 Setting the pressure regulator 64.......................................
3.6.5 Controller with rigid threaded connection (MPA1) 68.......................
3.6.6 Vacuum/low-pressure operation 68.....................................
3.6.7 Connecting the pneumatic lines 70......................................
3.7 Installation of the tubing lines 72...............................................
3.7.1 Connecting 72......................................................
3.7.2 Removing 72.......................................................
3.7.3 Common pneumatic lines 73...........................................
3.8 Connecting the electric cables 74...............................................
3.8.1 Load voltage supply via electrical supply plate (only f or MPA-S valve terminal with
CPX terminal or CPI interface) 74.......................................
3.8.2 Earthing the MPA-S valve terminal 76....................................
3.9 Address assignment of the valves 78............................................
3.9.1 MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal 78...............................
3.9.2 MPA-S valve terminal with CPI module or AS-interface 79....................
3.9.3 MPA-S valve terminal with multi-pin plug connection 80.....................
4 Commissioning 83...........................................................
4.1 Prior to commissioning 84.....................................................
4.1.1 Pressure build-up in the overall supply 84................................
4.2 Manual override (MO) 86......................................................
4.3 Testing the valves and the valve/actuator combination 87............................
4.4 Mounting/removing the manual override cover cap (optional) 91......................
4.4.1 Mounting 91.......................................................
4.4.2 Dismounting 92.....................................................
4.5 LED display of the valves 93....................................................
4.5.1 MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal or CPI connection 94.................
4.5.2 MPA-S valve terminal with multi-pin plug connection or AS-interface 95........
4.6 Commissioning instructions for the proportional pressure regulator 95.................
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4.7 Error handling 97............................................................
4.7.1 Impairment of functions 97............................................
4.7.2 Operating statuses of the pneumatic system 98...........................
5 Conversion and maintenanc e 99................................................
5.1 General instructions 100.......................................................
5.2 Dismantling the MPA-S valve terminal 101.........................................
5.2.1 Disconnect the electrical connections 101.................................
5.2.2 Disconnecting the pneumatic connections 101.............................
5.2.3 Dismantling the MPA-S valve terminal 101.................................
5.3 Maintenance of the MPA-S valve terminal 101......................................
5.3.1 Service and maintenance measures to be executed regularly 101..............
5.3.2 Cleaning the flat plate silencer 102.......................................
5.3.3 Replace the flat plate silencer or the exhaust plate 102......................
5.3.4 Replacing valves or cover plates 103.....................................
5.3.5 Replacing the proportional pressure regulator 105..........................
5.3.6 Replacing electronics modules 106......................................
5.3.7 Replacing the sub-base, supply plate or MPA-S end plate 111.................
5.3.8 Replacing interlinking boards – MPA-S with multi-pin plug connection
or AS interface 114...................................................
5.4 Conversion of the MPA-S valve terminal 116........................................
5.4.1 Conversion to internal or external pilot air supply 116........................
5.4.2 Conversion of the MPA-S valve terminal to different pressure zones 120.........
5.4.3 Adding valve positions 122.............................................
5.4.4 Adding an electric supply plate (only for MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal
or CPI interface) 125..................................................
5.4.5 Adding a pressure sensor plate 127......................................
5.4.6 Adding a proportional pressure regulator 127..............................
5.5 De-commissioning and disposal 128..............................................
A Technical appendix 129........................................................
A.1 Technical data 130............................................................
A.1.1 General 130.........................................................
A.1.2 Operating and environmental conditions 132...............................
A.1.3 Pneumatics 135......................................................
A.1.4 Electrical data 148....................................................
A.1.5 Product key 150......................................................
A.2 Festo accessories 150.........................................................
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B Supplementary component overview 151.........................................
B.1 Overview of valve position c omponents 152........................................
B.2 Separating the MPA-S valve terminal from the CPX terminal 161........................
B.2.1 Dismantling 162.....................................................
B.2.2 Mounting 163.......................................................
C Glossary 165................................................................
6 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
Instructions on this documentation
This documentation serves the purpose of ensuring safe work with the MPS-S valve terminal and con­tains specific information on mounting, installing, commissioning, servicing and converting the MPA-S valve terminal. It covers only the description of the pneumatic components.
Please consult your regional Festo contact if you have any tec hnical problems.
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Information on the electrical/electronic components can be found in the following documentation:
Design of the valve terminal
MPA-S with CPX terminal Description for the respective CPX module
(You will find an overview of the descriptions in the system description of your CPX terminal.)
MPA-S with
respective package insert – multi-pin plug connection –CPIinterface –AS-interface
Tab. 1 Documentation for the MPA-S valve terminal
8 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
1 Safety and requirements for product use
1 Safety and requirements for product use
1.1 Safety 10..................................................................
1.1.1 General safety instructions 10.........................................
1.1.2 Intended use 10.....................................................
1.2 Requirements for product use 11...............................................
1.2.1 Technical requirements 11............................................
1.2.2 Qualification of the specialists (requirements for the personnel) 11............
1.2.3 Range of application and certifications 11................................
1.2.4 Instructions on this description 12......................................
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1 Safety and requirements for product use
1.1 Safety
1.1.1 General safety instructions
Note Damage to the product from incorrect handling.
• Switch off the supply voltage before mounting and installation work. Switch on sup­ply voltage only when mounting and installation work are completely finished.
• Never unplug or plug in a product when powered!
• Observe the handling specifications for electrostatically sensitive devices.
1.1.2 Intended use
The valve terminal MPA-S is intended for installation in machines or automated systems and may be used only as follows: – in excellent technical condition, – in original status without unauthorised modifications, – within the limits of the product defined by the technical data (Appendix A), – in an industrial environment.
The limit values specified for pressures, temperatures, electrical data, torques etc. must be observed. Comply with the legal rules and regulations and standards, rules of the testing organisations and insur­ance companies and national specifications applicable for the location.
In the event of damage caused by unauthorised manipulation or other than intended use, the guarantee is invalidated and the manufacturer is not liable for damages.
10 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
1 Safety and requirements for product use
1.2 Re quirements for product use
• Make this documentation available to the design engineer, installer and personnel responsible for commissioning the machine or system in which this product is used.
• Make sure that the specifications of the documentation are always c omplied with. Also consider the documentation for the other components and modules.
• Take into consideration the legal regulations applicable for the destination, as well as: – regulations and standards, – regulations of the testing organizations and insurers, – national specifications.
1.2.1 Technical requirements
General conditions for the correct and safe use of the product, which must be observed at all t imes:
• Comply with the connection and environmental conditions specified in the technical data of the product (appendix A) and of all connected components. Only compliance with the limit values or load limits permits operation of the product in accordance with the relevant safety regulations.
• Observe the instructions and warnings in this documentation.
1.2.2 Qualification of the specialists (requirements for the personnel)
The product may only be commissioned by trained control and automation technology professionals, who are familiar with: – installation and operation of control and automation systems, – the applicable regulations for accident protection and industrial safety, and – the documentation for the product.
1.2.3 Range of application and certifications
Standards and test values which the product complies with and fulfils can be found in the “Technical data” section (Appendix A). The product-relevant EU directives can be found in the declaration of conformity.
Certificates and the declaration of conformity for this product can be found at www.festo.com.
The product fulfils the requirements of EU directives and is marked with the CE certification.
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1 Safety and requirements for product use
Certain configurations of the product have been cer tified by Underwriters Laboratories I nc. (UL) for the USA and Canada. These configurations bear the following mark:
UL Recognized Component Mark for Canada and the United States
Only for connection to a NEC Class 2 supply. Raccorder Uniquement a un circuit de Classe 2.
Observe the following if the UL requirements are to be complied with in your applica­tion: – Rules for observing the UL cert ification can be found in the separate UL-specific
documentation. The relevant technical data listed there also apply here.
– The technical data in this documentation may show values deviating from this.
1.2.4 Instructions on this description
This description contains specific information on mounting, installing, commissioning, servicing and converting the MPA-S valve terminal. It includes only the description of the pneumatic components.
Information on the electrical/electronic components can be found for: – MPA-S with CPX terminal:
in the description on the respective CPX module. An overview is provided in the sys­tem description of your CPX terminal, in the “Descriptions of the CPX terminal” table.
– MPA-S with multi-pin plug connection, CPI interface, AS-interface:
in the respective package insert
12 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
2.1 The MPA-S valve terminal 14...................................................
2.2 Overview of variants 15.......................................................
2.3 Valve terminal design 19......................................................
2.4 Description of components 20..................................................
2.4.1 Sizes 24...........................................................
2.4.2 Valves 24..........................................................
2.4.3 Proportional pressure regulator 26.....................................
2.4.4 Pressure sensor plate 27..............................................
2.4.5 Pneumatic air supply plate 27..........................................
2.4.6 Electrical air supply plate 27...........................................
2.4.7 Pressure zone separation 28...........................................
2.4.8 Vertical stacking 31..................................................
2.5 Operation and connection elements 37...........................................
2.5.1 Manual override (MO) 38.............................................
2.5.2 Operating and connection elements of the pressure regulator plates 39........
2.5.3 Multi-pin connecting components 40....................................
2.6 Display components 41.......................................................
2.6.1 Pressure sensor plate 43..............................................
2.6.2 Proportional pressure regulator 44.....................................
2.6.3 Proportional-pressure regulator with LCD display 45........................
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2.1 The MPA-S valve terminal
Festo supports your automation tasks at machine level with the MPA-S valve terminal. The modular structure of the MPA-S valve terminal enables you to match this valve terminal optimally to your ma­chine or system.
The valve terminal pneumatics establish the following connection: – Common ducts for supply and exhaust air – Electric signals of all solenoid coils.
Working lines (2) and (4) are provided for each valve position on t he individual pneumatic modules. The valves are supplied with compressed air (operating pressure and pilot pressure) via the common chan­nels and connections in the basic components. The exhaust air (from the valves and the pilot exhaust air) is also exhausted via these common channels. Further components for pressure supply are also available, e.g. in order to supply pressure zones. The MPA-S valve terminal is equipped with current reduction. The nominal current of the solenoid coils is then reduced after the high-current phase (switching operation). The current reduction offers the following advantages: – The MPA-S valve terminal has a lower energy consumption – The power unit f or the voltage supply to the MPA-S valve terminal can be designed more economic-
ally de pending on the individual case
– The solenoid coils have lower power loss and produce less waste heat.
14 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
2.2 Overview of variants
Valve terminal with CPX terminal
This variant of the MPA-S valve terminal is available in the following grades:
MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal
Load voltage supply for the valves via ... MPA1 MPA2
–CPXterminal – CPX terminal and elect ric air supply plate (MPA)
1) Tw o solenoid coils can be controlled per valve position.
2) A max. of 64 solenoid coils can be supplied.
3) A max. of 128 solenoid coils can be supplied.
Tab. 2.1 Number of valve locations of the MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal
Number of valve positions
4, 8, 12 … 32 2, 4, 6 … 16 4, 8, 12 … 64 2, 4, 6 … 32
Fig. 2.1 MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal
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MPA-S valve terminal with CPI interface
This variant of the MPA-S valve terminal is available in the following grades:
MPA-S valve terminal with CPI interface
Number of valve positions
Load voltage supply for the valves via ... MPA1 MPA2
CPI interface CPI interface and electric supply plate (MPA)
1) Tw o solenoid coils can be controlled per valve position.
2) A max. of 24 solenoid coils can be supplied.
3) A max. of 32 solenoid coils can be supplied.
4, 8 … 12 2, 4, 6 … 12 4, 8, 12 … 16 2, 4, 6 … 16
Tab. 2.2 Number of valve positions of the MPA-S valve terminal with CPI interface
Fig. 2.2 MPA-S valve terminal with CPI interface
16 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
Valve terminal MPA-S with multi-pin connection
This variant of the MPA-S valve terminal is available in the following grades:
Number of valve positions
4, 8, 12 … 24 2, 4, 6, … 24
1) A maximum of 24 solenoid coils can be actuated. The electrical connection of the solenoid coils is made centrally via the multi-pin
Tab. 2.3 Number of valve positions of the valve terminal MPA-S with multi-pin plug connection
Fig. 2.3 Valve terminal MPA-S with multi-pin connection
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MPA-S valve terminal with AS interface
This variant of the MPA-S valve terminal is available in the following grades:
MPA-S valve terminal with AS interface
Number of valve positions
With 4 inputs and 4 outputs of type VPMA-ASI-...-4E4A-Z With 8 inputs and 8 outputs of type VPMA-AS I-...-8E8A-Z
1) A max. of 4 solenoid coils can be supplied.
2) A max. of 8 solenoid coils can be supplied.
4 2, 4 4, 8 2, 4, 6 … 8
Tab. 2.4 Number of valve positions of the MPA-S valve terminal with AS interface
The maximum number of valve positions which can be controlled is dependent on the electronic module: – VMPA1-MPM-EMM-8 and VMPA2-MPM-EMM-4 occupy 2 addresses per valve position – VMPA1-MPM-EMM-4 and VMPA2-MPM-EMM-2 occupy 1 address per valve position
Fig. 2.4 MPA-S valve terminal with AS interface
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2.3 Valve terminal design
The MPA-S valve terminal consists of the following pneumatic and electrical components. The most important components are shown in the following figure (Fig. 2.5).
1 32173
5623 4
aJ 9 aJ aJ 9 8
1 Flat plate silencer or exhaust plate 2 Blanking plate 3 Valves 4 Pressure sensor plate 5 Electrical supply plate 6 Proportional pressure regulator
Fig. 2.5 Main components of the MPA-S valve terminal
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7 Right end plate 8 Pneumatic air supply plate 9 Pressure regulator plate aJ Sub-base aA Multiple connector plate; AS interface, CPI
interface or port pattern
2.4 Description of components
The MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal or CPI module consists of the following pneumatic compon­ents:
1 Only for MPA-S with CPX terminal: 2 Only for MPA-S with CPX terminal: LED/LCD
proportional-pressure regulator or cover plate
3 Right end plate 4 Pneumatic air supply plate
Fig. 2.6 Components of the MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal or CPI module, 1st level
20 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
5 Inscription label with support 6 Sub-base with working ports and serial
linking (bus)
7 Electrical air supply plate 8 Seal (optional separating seal for pressure
zone separation)
2 3 4
1 Exhaust plate (3/5) or flat plate silencer 2 Electronic module with LEDs 3 Valve or blanking plate
Fig. 2.7 Components of the MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal or CPI module, 2nd level
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4 Vertical pressure shut-off plate 5 Pressure regulator plate
The MPA-S valve terminal with electric multi-pin or AS interface consists of the following pneumatic components:
1 Right end plate 2 Pneumatic air supply plate 3 Inscription label with support
Fig. 2.8 Components of the MPA-S valve terminal with electric multi-pin or AS interface, 1st level
22 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
4 Manifold block with working lines and
electrical interlinking module
5 Seal (optionally separating seal for forming
pressure zones)
1 Exhaust plate (3/5) or flat plate silencer 2 Valve or blanking plates
Fig. 2.9 Components of the MPA-S valve terminal with electric multi-pin or AS interface, 2nd level
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3 Vertical pressure shut-off plate 4 Pressure regulator plate 5 Electronic module with LEDs
A description of the electric components of the MPA-S valve terminal with CPI module or with AS interface can be found in the correspo nding package insert.
The MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal consists of the following electric components:
1 CPX bus node 2 Electrical part of the pneumatic interface
3 Further optional CPX modules 4 Left end plate (CPX)
Fig. 2.10 Electric components of the MPA-S valve terminal with CPX terminal
The MPA-S valve terminal with multi-pin plug connection Sub-D consists of the following electric components:
1 Multi-pin plug socket with cable 2 Electrical part of the multiple connector plate
Fig. 2.11 Electric components of the MPA-S valve terminal with multi-pin plug connection Sub-D
2.4.1 Sizes
The components of the valve terminal are available in the sizes: – MPA1:width10mm – MPA2:width20mm
2.4.2 Valves
The MPA-S valve terminal ca n be equipped with 2x 2/2-way valves, 2x 3/2-way valves, 5/2-way valves (monostable and impulse), 5/3-way valves and proportional-pressure regulators.
24 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
with Sub-D connection
All 5/2-way valves and 5/3-way mid-position valves can be used under all operating modes: – Standard operation with one or more pressure zones – Reversible operation with compressed air supply via connections (3), (5) and exhaust
via port (1) – Low pressure operation at 0 ... 3 bar – Vacuum operation at –0.9 … 0 bar
Identification of the valves
The valves of the MPA-S valve terminal are marked by identification codes. By means of this identifica­tion on the top of the valve, you can ascertain the equipment of your MPA-S valve terminal.
B Piston spool valve, 5/3-way valve, mid-position open D Piston spool valve, two monostable 2/2-way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring
DS Piston spool valve, two monostable 2/2-way valves, normally closed, mechanical spring
return E Piston spool valve, 5/3-way valve, mid-position exhausted G Piston spool valve, 5/3-way valve, mid-position closed H Piston spool valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, control side 12 normally open, con-
trol side 14 normally closed, pneumatic spring return HS Piston spool valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, control side 12 normally open, con-
trol side 14 normally closed, mechanical spring return HU Polymer poppet valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, c ontrol side 12 normally open,
control side 14 normally closed, mechanical spring return I Piston spool valve, two 2/2-way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return
For du al-pressure operation: operating pressure at connection ( 1) or connection (5)
For vacuum operation: operating pressure via connection (1), vacuum at connection (5)
(e.g. for vacuum switching with ejector pulse)
Instructions in the sections 3.6.2 (pressure zone separation) and 3.6.6 ( vacuum/low
pressure operation) and in the appendix B.1 (valve position components),
Tab. B . 1 … Tab. B . 4 J Piston spool valve, impulse 5/2-way valve K Piston spool valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring
return KS Piston spool valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, normally closed, mechanical spring
return KU Polymer poppet valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, normally closed, mechanical
spring re turn M Piston spool valve, monostable 5/2-way valve, pneumatic spring return MS Piston spool valve, monostable 5/2-way valve, mechanical spring return
Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English 25
MU Polymer poppet valve, monostable 5/2-way valve, mechanical spring return N Piston spool valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, normally open, pneumatic spring
NS Piston spool valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, normally open, mechanical spring
NU Polymer poppet valve, two monostable 3/2-way valves, normally open, mechanical spring
W Piston spool valve, monostable 3/2-way valve, normally open, external compressed air
supply via connection (2), pneumatic spring return
X Piston spool valve, monostable 3/2-way valve, normally closed, external compressed air
supply via connection (4), pneumatic spring return
Tab. 2.5 Identification codes of the valves
Further information on the valves can be found in Appendix B.
2.4.3 Proportional pressure regulator
The VPPM-...TA-... proportional pressure regulator is intended to regulate a pressure proportional to a specified setpoint value. A built-in pressure sensor records the pressure at the working line and com­pares this value with the setpoint value. In the event of deviations between the nominal/actual values, the valve regulates until the output pressure has reached the nominal value. For a constant pressure supply, which is required for high control quality, the proportional pressure regulator has an additional supply port.
Configure the proportional pressure regulator via the PLC or the Festo Handheld (CPX-MMI). Mounting of the proportional-pressure regulator is described in the mounting instructions
VPPM-…TA-... .
Information on configuring th e proportional-pressure regulator is provided in the MPA-... electronics description.
Identification of the proportional pressure regulator
The proportional pressure regulators on the MPA-S valve terminal are marked by identification codes. With this identification, you c an ascertain the type of proportional pressure regulator.
26 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
Ident. code Proportional pressure regulator, normally closed VPPM-6TA VPPM-8TA
2 % accuracy: QA QG 0 … 2 bar output pressure QB QH 0 … 6 bar output pressure QC QK 0 … 10 bar output pressure 1 % accuracy: QD QL 0 … 2 bar output pressure QE QM 0 … 6 bar output pressure QF QN 0 … 10 bar output pressure
Tab. 2.6 Identification c ode of the proportional pressure regulator
2.4.4 Pressure sensor plate
Depending on the type, the pressure sensor plate monitors – the operating pressure in channel (1) (type VMPA-FB-PS-1) – an external processing pressure (type VMPA-FB-PS-P1) – the pressure in exhaust ducts (3) and ( 5 ) (type VMPA-FB-PS-3/5).
Using three LEDs, the pressure sensor indicates whether the applied pressure exceeds, conforms to or falls below the setpoint value. An additional LED indicates common errors.
The MPA-S valve terminal can be equipped with up to 4 pre ssure sensor plates.
The limits for pressure monitoring are set through parameterisation. The pressure sensor plate can be parameterised via the PLC or the Festo Handheld ( CPX-MMI).
Mounting of the pressure sensor plate is described in the mounting instructions
VMPA-FB-PS-... .
Information on parameterising the pressure sensor is provided in the MPA-... electronics description from Festo.
2.4.5 Pneumatic air supply plate
You can supply the valves with operating pressure separately via the pneumatic supply plate. This is necessary, for example, in the case of valve terminals equipped with several pressure zones or when a large number o f valves on the valve terminal are switched simultaneously to flow.
Mounting of the pneumatic connections is described in section 5.3.7 “Replacing the sub-base, supply plate or MPA-S end plat e”.
2.4.6 Electrical air supply plate
You can separately supply the valves with load voltage via the electrical supply plate.
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Mounting of the electrical supply plate is described in the VM PA-FB-SP-...-V-... assembly instructions.
2.4.7 Pressure zone separation
The MPA-S valve terminal can be equipped with pressure zones. The pressure zones are formed either by special sub-bases or by special separating seals.
Pressure zone separation of t he pilot channels (12/14) and (82/84) is not intended, as o n the MPA-S valve terminal the pilot air supply for pilot control of the valves is supplied centrally via the corresponding electrical interface (pneumatic interface, multiple con­nector plate, AS interface or CPI interface).
Pressure zone separation with sub-bases
Sub-base for the proportional pressure regulator
The sub-base (type VMPA-...) for the proportional pressure regulator always has a pressure zone separation, which is not therefore explicitly marked on the exterior of the sub-base. Pressure zone separation takes place: – for the channel (1) on the left side of the
– channels (3) and ( 5) on the left and the right
side of the sub-base. If the proportional pressure regulator is to regulate the operating pressure for the valves on theMPA-Svalveterminal,thevalvesmustbe positioned to the right of the proportional pressure regulator.
Tab. 2.7 Pressure zone separation with sub-bases
Sub-bases to the valves
On the sub-bases with integrated pre ssure zone separation, the separation is made in the centre of the sub-base, i.e. for – MPA1: after the second valve position – MPA2: after the first valve position. The sub-bases are available in the following designs: – only supply channel (1) separated – supply channel (1) and exhaust ducts (3) and
(5) separated The sub-bases with integrated pressure zone separation are marked with notches. By means of the marking, you can detect the sub-base variant with which your valve terminal is equipped (Tab. 2.8).
28 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
Sub-base design MPA1 MPA2
Sub-base with separated supply channel (1)
Sub-base with separated supply channel (1) and separated exhaust channels (3) and (5).
Type: VMPA1-FB-AP-4-1-T1 Type: VMPA2-FB-AP-2-2-T0
Type: VMPA1-FB-AP-4-1-S1 Type: VMPA2-FB-AP-2-2-S0
Tab. 2.8 Variants of the sub-bases with pressure zone separation
Pressure zone separation with separating seals
The following c hannels can be separated with the separating seals (also Tab. 2.9): – Supply duct (1) only – Supply duct (1) and exhaust ducts (3) and (5) – Exhaust ducts (3) and (5) only. You can recognize whether your MPA-S valve terminal is equipped with pressure zones, and if so how many, either from the marking notch on the sub-base (Tab. 2.8) or the marking on the seal (Tab. 2.9).
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Separating seals for MPA-S valve terminals
1 Additional identification of the seals/separating seals for the MPA-S valve terminal with exhaust
2 Position of the marking for separating seals
MPA-S with flat plate silenc er MPA-S with exhaust plate
3 Without marking: seal with open channels
(1), (3) and (5)
4 Separating seal, channels (1), (3) and (5)
blocked (Ident. code S)
5 Separating seal, channel (1) blocked (Ident.
code I)
6 Separating seal, channels (3) and (5)
blocked (Ident. code R)
7 Separating seal, channels (3) and (5)
blocked (Ident. code R)
8 Separating seal, channel (1) blocked (Ident.
code I)
9 Separating seal, channels (1), (3) and (5)
blocked (Ident. code S)
aJ Without marking: seal with open channels
(1), (3) and (5)
Tab. 2.9 Marking of the seal variants for sub-bases
30 Festo – P.BE-MPA-EN – 1309f – English
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