Festo MPAL-VI Original Instructions Manual

Valve terminal
Description Pneumatics
Original instructions MPAL-VI-EN
TOR X®, IO-Link® are registered trademarks of the respective trademark owners in certain countries.
Identification of hazards and instructions on how to prevent them:
Immediate dangers which can lead to death or serious injuries
Hazards that can cause death or serious injuries
Hazards that can cause minor injuries
Other symbols:
Material damage or loss of function
Recommendations, tips, references to other documentation
Essential or useful accessories
Information on environmentally sound usage
Text designations:  Activities that may be carried out in any order
1. Activities that should be carried out in the order stated – General lists è Result of an action/References to more detailed information
2 Festo – MPAL-VI-EN – 2017-07a –
Further relevant documents 7.......................................................
Service 7.......................................................................
Product labelling 8...............................................................
Production period 8..............................................................
Specified standards 8.............................................................
1 Safety 9..................................................................
1.1 Safety instructions 9........................................................
1.2 Intended use 9.............................................................
1.3 Requirements for product use 9...............................................
1.3.1 Technical prerequisites 9............................................
1.3.2 Requirements of specialised personnel 10................................
1.3.3 Range of applications and certifications 10...............................
2 Product overview 11.........................................................
2.1 Purpose 11.................................................................
2.2 Overview of components 12...................................................
2.3 Electrical connection 13.......................................................
2.3.1 Multi-pin plug connection 13..........................................
2.3.2 CPX terminal 15.....................................................
2.3.3 I-Port/IO-Link interface 16............................................
2.4 Pneumatic components 17....................................................
2.4.1 Sizes 17...........................................................
2.4.2 Valves 17..........................................................
2.4.3 Supply module 19...................................................
2.4.4 Right end plates 20..................................................
2.4.5 Sub-bases 21.......................................................
2.4.6 Pressure regulator plates 23...........................................
2.4.7 Vertical pressure shut-off plate 26......................................
2.4.8 Vertical pressure supply plate 26.......................................
2.4.9 Fixed flow restrictor 27...............................................
2.4.10 Check valves 28.....................................................
2.5 Connecting components 29....................................................
2.5.1 Pneumatic connecting components 29...................................
2.5.2 Electrical connecting components 29....................................
2.6 Display and operating elements 31..............................................
2.6.1 Valve terminal 31....................................................
2.6.2 Left end plate with I-Port/IO-Link interface 32.............................
2.6.3 Switching status indication of the valves 33...............................
2.6.4 Manual override 33..................................................
2.6.5 Cover cap for manual override VAMC-L1-CD 34............................
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2.6.6 Pressure regulator plate 34...........................................
2.6.7 Vertical pressure shut-off plate 35......................................
2.6.8 Pneumatic interface 35...............................................
2.7 Inscription system 36.........................................................
2.8 Functional description 37.....................................................
2.8.1 Main and auxiliary power supply 37.....................................
2.8.2 Exhaust air 37......................................................
2.8.3 Vacuum or low-pressure operation 37...................................
2.8.4 Pilot air supply 38..................................................
2.8.5 Reverse operation 39................................................
2.8.6 Creation of pressure zones 40.........................................
2.8.7 Vertical stacking 42..................................................
2.9 Address assignment of valve positions 43........................................
2.9.1 Valve terminal with multi-pin plug connection: 46..........................
2.9.2 Valve terminal with I-Port/IO-Link interface: 46............................
2.9.3 Valve terminal with CPX terminal 46.....................................
3 Mounting and installation 47..................................................
3.1 Mounting on H-rails and walls 47................................................
3.2 Inscription label holder, mounting/dismounting 47.................................
3.3 General installation instructions 49..............................................
3.4 Compressed air preparation 50.................................................
3.4.1 Operation with unlubricated compressed air 50...........................
3.4.2 Operation with lubricated compressed air 50.............................
3.4.3 Preventing back pressure 52...........................................
3.5 Connecting the pneumatic lines 53..............................................
3.5.1 Installing or replacing unthreaded cartridges 54...........................
3.5.2 Mounting the tubing 56...............................................
3.5.3 Dismounting the tubing connection 56...................................
3.6 Connecting the compressed air supply 57.........................................
3.6.1 Checking the type of pilot air supply 57..................................
3.6.2 Creating pressure zones 58............................................
3.6.3 Setting working pressure using the pressure regulator 58...................
3.6.4 Checking requirements for vacuum or low-pressure operation 58.............
3.7 Connecting electrical cables 59.................................................
3.8 Adapting the address assignment of valve positions 60..............................
4 Commissioning 61...........................................................
4.1 Prior to commissioning 61.....................................................
4.2 Testing the valves and the valve/actuator combinations 61...........................
4.2.1 Commissioning variants 61............................................
4.2.2 Commissioning the pneumatic components with manual override 62...........
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4.3 Mounting/dismounting the optional cover caps for the manual override 66..............
5 Diagnostics and fault clearance 68.............................................
5.1 Switching statuses of the solenoid coils 68........................................
5.2 Fault LED on the pneumatic interface 69..........................................
5.3 Status LED on the left end plate with I-Port/IO-Link interface 70.......................
5.4 Functional impairment 71.....................................................
5.5 Requirements for the operating statuses of the pneumatic system 72..................
6 Maintenance 73.............................................................
6.1 General safety measures 73...................................................
6.2 Check oil setting (operation with lubricated compressed air) 73.......................
6.3 Cleaning or replacing flat plate silencer 73........................................
6.4 Replacing a valve or blanking plate 74...........................................
6.5 Mounting valves on vertical stacking units 75......................................
7 Modification 76.............................................................
7.1 General safety measures 76...................................................
7.2 Tie rod system 77............................................................
7.2.1 Configuration 77....................................................
7.2.2 Shortening the valve terminal 77.......................................
7.2.3 Extending the valve terminal 77........................................
7.2.4 Special solutions 78.................................................
7.3 Replacing or extending the sub-base, supply module, and/or replacing the right end plate 79
7.3.1 Maximum number of sub-bases 79......................................
7.3.2 Dismounting 80.....................................................
7.3.3 Mounting 80.......................................................
7.4 Replacing electrical interlinking modules 82.......................................
7.5 Conversion to ducted or unducted exhaust air 82..................................
7.5.1 Converting power supply modules to unducted exhaust air 82................
7.5.2 Converting supply modules to ducted exhaust air 82.......................
7.5.3 Conversion with right end plate with supply ports 82.......................
7.6 Conversion to internal or external pilot air supply 83................................
7.6.1 Conversion with right end plate without supply ports 83.....................
7.6.2 Conversion with right end plate with supply ports 84.......................
7.7 Conversion of valve terminal to different pressure zones 85..........................
7.8 Conversion of left end plate from IP40 to IP65/67 cover 85...........................
7.8.1 Dismounting 85.....................................................
7.8.2 Mounting 85.......................................................
7.9 Conversion of output direction of multi-pin plug connecting cable 85...................
7.9.1 Preparatory steps 86.................................................
7.9.2 Conversion to lateral cable output 86....................................
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7.9.3 Conversion to straight cable output 87..................................
7.10 Conversion of left end plate between multi-pin or I-Port/IO-Link interface and CPX port 87..
7.10.1 Dismounting 87.....................................................
7.10.2 Mounting 88.......................................................
7.11 Replacing pneumatic interface 89...............................................
7.11.1 Dismounting 90.....................................................
7.11.2 Mounting 91.......................................................
8 Dismounting 92.............................................................
8.1 General instructions for dismounting 92..........................................
8.2 Dismounting from H-rails 92...................................................
8.3 Dismounting from walls 94....................................................
A Technical appendix 95........................................................
A.1 Technical data 95............................................................
A.1.1 General 95.........................................................
A.1.2 Operating and environmental conditions 97...............................
A.1.3 Pneumatics 98......................................................
A.1.4 Electrical 106........................................................
A.2 Accessories 108..............................................................
B Extended component description 109............................................
B.1 Valves 109..................................................................
B.2 Pressure regulator plates 114...................................................
B.3 Vertical pressure shut-off plate 116..............................................
B.4 Vertical pressure supply plate 116...............................................
C Glossary 117................................................................
Index 118........................................................................
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Further relevant documents

For all available product documentation è www.festo.com/pk
This document contains information about the mounting, installation, commissioning, maintenance and conversion of the product. The following documents contain further details:
Name, type Table of contents
System description CPX terminal Detailed description of the CPX system, overview of
descriptions of the CPX modules
Brief description VMPAL-EPL-
Valve terminal with multi-pin plug connection:
SD.../-FL.../-KL... Brief description VMPAL-EPL-IPO32 Valve terminal with I-Port/IO-Link interface: Assembly instructions Assembly instructions Assembly
Valve terminal MPA Wall mounting and H-rail mounting of the valve
terminal MPA with multi-pin plug connection Terminal CPX with valve terminal MPA
Wall mounting and H-rail mounting of the valve
terminal MPA with CPX terminal VMPA...-B8-R...C2-C... Mounting the pressure regulator plates
instructions Assembly
VMPA1-HS Mounting the vertical pressure shut-off plates
instructions Assembly
VMPA1-FT-NW...-10 Mounting the fixed restrictors
instructions Assembly
VMPA...RV Mounting the check valves
instructions Assembly
ASLR-D-L1 Mounting the inscription label holders
instructions Assembly
VMPA-HB...-B Mounting the cover caps VMPA-HB...-B
instructions Assembly
VAMC-L1-CD Mounting the cover caps VAMC-L1-CD
instructions Assembly
VMPAL-LW Using the releasing tool for electrical interlinking
Tab. 1 Documents relating to the product


Contact your regional Festo contact person if you have technical questions è www.festo.com.
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Product labelling

Product labelling (example)
569926 H7XX P1234567 1: -0.9 - 10 bar
12, 14: 3 - 8 bar T: -5 - 50 °C
1 Order code
2 Serial number with production period
(encrypted è Chap.Production period)
3 Technical data èAppendix A.1
4 Product designations and certification-specific
Proc. Cont. Eq. E322346 1: -0.9 - 8 bar 12, 14: 3 - 8 bar 24 V I max: 6 A DE-73734 Esslingen
technical data
5 Test number (serial number)
6 Part number
Tab. 2 Product labelling (rating plate) of the product

Production period

In the product labelling, the first two characters of the serial number indicate the production period in encrypted form è Tab. 2, 2. The letter indicates the production year and the next characters (numeral or letter) indicates the production month.
Production year
H = 2016 J = 2017 K = 2018 L = 2019 M = 2020 N = 2021 P = 2022 R = 2023 S = 2024 T = 2025 U = 2026 V = …
Tab. 3 Production year
Production month
1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September O October N November D December
Tab. 4 Production month

Specified standards

Version status
IEC60204-1:2005-10 EN60529:1991-10 ISO228-1:2000-09 EN61000-6-2:2005-08 ISO5599-1:2001-08 EN61000-6-4:2007-01 + A1:2011-02 ISO8573-1:2010-04 DIN51524-13:2006-04
Tab. 5 Specified standards
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1 Safety

1 Safety

1.1 Safety instructions

 Switch off the power supply before mounting and installation work. Only switch on the power supply
when mounting and installation work is completely finished.  Never unplug or plug in a product when it is energised!  Observe the handling specifications for electrostatically sensitive devices.

1.2 Intended use

Valve terminal MPAL-VI is intended for installation in machines and automation technology systems and must be used exclusively as follows: – In perfect technical condition – In its original state without unauthorised modifications; the conversions or modifications described
in the documentation are permitted – Within the product's limits as defined by the technical data è Appendix A.1, – Only in combination with approved components (e.g. valves, drive/displacement encoder combina
tions) – In an industrial environment Use for intended purpose is described completely in the documentation. Every other use is considered not intended.

1.3 Requirements for product use

 Make the documentation available to the design engineer, installer and personnel responsible for
commissioning the machine or system in which this product is used.  Make sure that the specifications of the documentation are always complied with. Also consider
the documentation for the other components and modules.  Take into consideration the legal regulations for the destination:
– Regulations and standards
– Regulations of the testing organisations and insurers
– National specifications

1.3.1 Technical prerequisites

General conditions for the correct and safe use of the product, which must be complied with at all times:  Comply with the connection and ambient conditions of the product and all connected components
specified in the technical data è Appendix A.1.
Only full compliance with the limit values and load limits permits operation of the product in accord
ance with the relevant safety regulations.  Observe the instructions and warnings in the documentation.
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1 Safety

1.3.2 Requirements of specialised personnel

The product may be commissioned only by a qualified electrical technician who is familiar with the following topics: – Installation and operation of control and automation systems – Applicable regulations for operating safety-engineering systems – Applicable regulations for accident prevention and occupational safety – Documentation for the product

1.3.3 Range of applications and certifications

Safety-related standards and test values with which the product complies and which it satisfies can be found in the Technical Data  è Appendix A.1. Product-relevant EC directives are itemised in the declaration of conformity.
Certificates and declaration of conformity for the product è www.festo.com/sp
The product fulfils the requirements of EU directives and is marked with the CE marking.
Certain configurations of the product have been certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) for the USA and Canada. These configurations bear the following mark:
UL Listed Mark for Canada and the United States
Observe the following if the UL requirements are to be complied with: – Rules for complying with the UL certification are itemised in the separate UL-specific
special documentation.
– The technical data listed there takes precedence. This data may vary from the tech
nical data mentioned here.
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2 Product overview

2 Product overview

2.1 Purpose

The valve terminal is based on a modular structure and creates the following connections: – Common ducts for supply and exhaust air – Electrical connections for supply and communication between all solenoid coils
Working lines (2) and (4) are provided for each valve position on the individual sub-bases. The valves are supplied with compressed air (operating pressure and pilot pressure) via the common ducts and connections in the supply modules. The exhaust air (from the valves and the pilot exhaust) is also ex hausted via these common ducts and connections.
The valve terminal can be supplemented by additional supply modules, e.g. to supply pressure zones. The functional scope of a valve position can be extended by vertical stacking, e.g. for pressure regulation.
Depending on the types of valve used, the following valve terminal operating modes can be used: – Standard operation with one or more pressure zones – Reversible operation with compressed air supply via connections (3), (5) and exhaust via port (1) – Low-pressure operation at 0…3bar
Further information on the valve operating modes èAppendix B
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2 Product overview

2.2 Overview of components

1 Electrical connection - left end plate 2 Supply module 3 Sub-base with electrical interlinking module
and valve or blanking plate
Fig. 2.1 Electrical connection and pneumatic components on the valve terminal - example
4 Combination of sub-bases with 4-way
electrical interlinking module and valves or blanking plates
5 Vertical stacking 6 Right end plate
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2 Product overview

2.3 Electrical connection

2.3.1 Multi-pin plug connection

The electrical connection of the valve terminal is made centrally via a multi-pin plug connection in the left end plate. Depending on the type of connector on the multi-pin plug connection, a maximum of 32 solenoid coils can be controlled inside the valve terminal è Tab. 2.1. Each solenoid coil occupies a pin on the multi­pin plug connection.
1 Multi-pin plug connection
(here: Sub-D connector with 25 pins)
Fig. 2.2 Electrical connection for the valve terminal via multi-pin plug - example
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2 Multi-pin connection cable
(here: with IP65/67 cover)
2 Product overview
Connector types
Pin assignment and core colours on the multi-pin connection line differ depending on version è Brief description VMPAL-EPL-SD.../-FL.../-KL...
Multi-pin plug connection Plug type Number of controllable
solenoid coils
Sub-D connector with 9 pins 8
Sub-D connector with 25 pins 24
Sub-D connector with 44 pins 32
Terminal strip with 33 pins 32
Flat cable plug connector with
40 pins
Tab. 2.1 Types of plugs on the multi-pin connection
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2 Product overview
Cover types
The following types of cover are available for the multi-pin plug connections with Sub-D plugs:
Type of cover
IP65/67 – Closed cover with seal
– Degree of protection IP65/67 – Connection on side or at front – Preconfigured cable or can be configured by customer The IP65/67 cover is only available for the following types of connector on the multi-pin plug connection: – Sub-D connector with 25 pins – Sub-D connector with 44 pins
IP40 – Open cover
– Degree of protection IP40
(here: Sub-D plug with 25 pins) The IP40 cover is available for all types of connector on the multi-pin plug connection è Tab. 2.1.
Tab. 2.2 Types of cover for multi-pin connections with Sub-D plugs

2.3.2 CPX terminal

The electrical connection from the valve terminal to the CPX terminal takes place through the pneumat ic interface. The pneumatic interface replaces the left end plate on the valve terminal. Depending on the switch setting of the rotary switch on the pneumatic interface, within the valve ter minal a maximum of 32 solenoid coils can be controlled.
1 CPX bus node 2 Pneumatic interface
3 Optional: other CPX modules 4 Left end plate on the CPX terminal
Fig. 2.3 Electrical connection of valve terminal via CPX terminal - example
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2 Product overview

2.3.3 I-Port/IO-Link interface

The electrical connection of the valve terminal is provided by the I-Port/IO-Link interface and by 5-pin connecting cables. Via the I-Port/IO-Link interface, a maximum of 32 solenoid coils can be activated in the valve terminal. The valve terminal can be installed centrally or decentrally:
1 Bus nodes CTEU 2 End plate with I-port/IO-Link interface 3 Connecting cable
4 Electrical connecting plate with bus node
5 Valve terminal
Fig. 2.4 Electrical connection of valve terminal via I-Port/IO-Link interface - example
Central installation
A bus node CTEU is mounted directly on the end plate with I-Port/IO-Link interface.
Decentralised installation
A bus node CTEU is mounted on an electrical sub-base. The electrical sub-base is connected to the end plate with I-Port/IO-Link interface by a connecting cable. This connecting cable must not be longer than 20 m.
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2 Product overview

2.4 Pneumatic components

2.4.1 Sizes

The components of the valve terminal are available in the following sizes:
– MPA1: Size 10 mm – MPA14: Size 14 mm – MPA2: Size 20 mm

2.4.2 Valves

The valve terminal can be equipped with the following valves: – 2x 2/2-way valves – 2x 3/2-way valves – 3/2-way valves – 5/2-way valves – 5/3-way valves Unassigned valve locations can be sealed with blanking plates.
Identification of the valves
ID codes are printed on the tops of the valves. These ID codes enable equipment items on the valve terminal to be identified.
ID code Valve assembly
B 5/3-way valve, mid-position open, mechanical spring return D Two single solenoid 2/2-way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return DS Two single solenoid 2/2-way valves, normally closed, mechanical spring return E 5/3-way valve, mid-position exhausted, mechanical spring return G 5/3-way valve, mid-position closed, mechanical spring return H Two single solenoid 3/2-way valves, control side 12 normally open, control side
14 normally closed, pneumatic spring return
HS Two single solenoid 3/2-way valves, control side 12 normally open, control side
14 normally closed, mechanical spring return
HU Two 3/2 polymer poppet valves, control side 12 normally open, control side 14
normally closed, mechanical spring return
I Two 2/2-way valves, normal position closed, pneumatic spring return
– In 2-pressure operation:
Operating pressure via port (1) or port (5)
– For vacuum operation:
Operating pressure via port (1), vacuum at port (5) J 5/2-way double solenoid valve K Two single solenoid 3/2-way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return KS Two single solenoid 3/2-way valves, normally closed, mechanical spring return KU Two 3/2 polymer poppet valves, normally closed, mechanical spring return L Blanking plate for sealing an unused valve position
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2 Product overview
ID code Valve assembly
M Single solenoid 5/2-way valve, pneumatic spring return MS Single solenoid 5/2-way valve, mechanical spring return MU Single solenoid 5/2-way polymer poppet valve, mechanical spring return N Two single solenoid 3/2-way valves, normally open, pneumatic spring return NS Two single solenoid 3/2-way valves, normally open, mechanical spring return NU Two 3/2 polymer poppet valves, normally open, mechanical spring return W Single solenoid 3/2-way valve, normally open, external compressed air supply
via port (2), pneumatic spring return
X Single solenoid 3/2-way valve, normally closed, external compressed air supply
via port (4), pneumatic spring return
Tab. 2.3 ID codes of the valves
– Display and operating elements èChap.2.6.3 – Circuit symbol è Appendix B.1 – Pressure ranges è Appendix A.1.3
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2 Product overview

2.4.3 Supply module

1 Supply module
3 Exhaust plate for ducted exhaust air
2 Flat plate silencer
Fig. 2.5 Supply module
The supply module can be used for the following applications: – Main supply of operating pressure to the valve terminal – Additional supplies, e.g. to increase pressurisation and exhaust performance – Common exhausting of exhaust air ducts (3) and (5) for working air via a flat plate silencer or an
exhaust air plate for ducted exhaust air
The exhaust air plate for ducted exhaust air can be used in reversible mode to supply pressure.
– Main and auxiliary power supply èChap.2.8.1 – Exhaust air èChap.2.8.2 – Pressure zone formation èChap.2.8.6 – Address assignment è Chap.2.9
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2 Product overview

2.4.4 Right end plates

1 Right end plate
without supply ports
2 Right end plate
with supply ports
Fig. 2.6 Right end plates
The right end plate without supply ports can be used for the following purposes: – Internal and external pilot air supply – Exhausting of pilot air (82/84) via a silencer or as ducted exhaust air
If a right end plate without supply ports is used, a separate supply module is needed for the main supply of operating pressure to the valve terminal.
The right end plate with supply ports can be used for the following purposes: – Main supply of operating pressure to the valve terminal – Internal and external pilot air supply – Separate exhausting of exhaust air ducts (3) and (5) for working air – Exhausting of pilot air (82/84) via a silencer or as ducted exhaust air
– Main and auxiliary power supply èChap.2.8.1 – Exhaust air èChap.2.8.2 – Pilot air supply èChap.2.8.4 – Pressure zone formation èChap.2.8.6
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2 Product overview

2.4.5 Sub-bases

1 Sub-base 2 Electrical interlinking module
3 Combination of sub-bases 4 4-way electrical interlinking module
Fig. 2.7 Sub-bases
The individual sub-bases are built on a modular structure and they supply the valves pneumatically. The electrical interlinking module in the sub-bases supplies electrical power to the valves.
As an alternative to the individual sub-bases, 4 sub-bases of the same size can be combined with one another (size 10 mm or size 14 mm). These 4 sub-bases are connected by a 4-way electrical interlinking module and are screwed together.
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2 Product overview
Sub-bases with pressure zone separation
To supply valves with different pressures, pressure zones can be formed in the valve terminal. Sub­bases with pressure zone separation divide the supply duct (1) or the exhaust air ducts (3) and (5). Pressure zone separation of pilot ducts (12) and (14) is not intended è Section 2.8.4. Sub-bases with pressure zone separation exist in the following variants:
VMPAL-AP-…-T1 Duct (1) separated
VMPAL-AP-…-T35 Ducts (3) and (5) separated
VMPAL-AP-…-T135 Duct (1) separated Ducts (3) and (5) separated
Tab. 2.4 Variants of the sub-bases with pressure zone separation
– Pressure zone formation èChap.2.8.6 – Address assignment è Chap.2.9
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2 Product overview

2.4.6 Pressure regulator plates

Fig. 2.8 Pressure regulator plate, type VMPA…B8-R…C2-C-… with optional pressure gauge
A pressure regulator plate with adjustable pressure regulator can be installed between the sub-base and the valve in order to control the force of the connected actuators. The pressure regulator maintains a constant output pressure (secondary side) independent of pressure fluctuations (primary side) and air consumption.
Identification of the pressure regulator plates
ID codes are printed on the sides of the pressure regulator plates. These ID codes enable equipment items on the valve terminal to be identified.
Vertical stacking component ID code Control range Connection Size
Pressure regulator plate P PA 0.5 … 10 bar (1) MPA1, MPA2
PF 0.5…6 bar
Pressure regulator plate A PB 2…10 bar (4) MPA1, MPA2
PG 2…6 bar
Pressure regulator plate B PC 2…10 bar (2) MPA1, MPA2
PH 2…6 bar Reversible pressure regulator plate A Reversible pressure regulator plate B Pressure gauge for pressure
PK 0.5…10 bar (4) MPA2
PM 0.5…6 bar
PL 0.5…10 bar (2) MPA2
PN 0.5…6 bar
T regulator plate
Tab. 2.5 ID codes for pressure regulator plates
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2 Product overview
Feature A pressure
Setting the pressure regulator
Setting the pres sure regulator
The pressure regulator can only be adjusted in switched state
Requirements for valves
Quick-exhaust valve essential
Tab. 2.6 Pressure regulator variants
Reversible pressure regulators cannot be combined with the following valves: – 2x 2/2-way valves (ID codes D and I) – 2x 3/2-way valves (ID codes H, K and N) These valves require operating pressure in duct (1) for pneumatic spring return.
– Display and operating elements èChap.2.6.6 – Circuit symbols of the pressure regulators èAppendix B, Tab. B.6 – Mounting of the pressure regulator plates èAssembly instructions
Examples of pressure control
B pressure regulator
P pressure regulator
Reversible A pressure regulator
Reversible B pressure regulator
The pressure regulator can be adjusted in any state
Reversible valves required
1 Pressure regulator 2 Valve
3 Pressure regulator plate 4 Sub-base
Fig. 2.9 Pressure control with a B pressure regulator - example
24 Festo – MPAL-VI-EN – 2017-07a – English
2 Product overview
1 Reversible pressure regulator 2 Reversible operated valve
3 Pressure regulator plate 4 Sub-base
Fig. 2.10 Pressure control with a reversible B pressure regulator - example
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2 Product overview

2.4.7 Vertical pressure shut-off plate

Fig. 2.11 Vertical pressure shut-off plate, type VMPA1-HS
To be able to shut down the operating pressure on a valve separately, a vertical pressure shut-off plate can be installed between sub-base and valve. The vertical pressure shut-off plate makes it possible to change the valve without shutting down the operating pressure for the valve terminal.
The vertical pressure shut-off plate is available for the 10 mm size. – Operating elements èChap.2.6.7 – Circuit symbols for the vertical pressure shut-off plate èAppendix B,Tab. B.7 – Installation of the vertical pressure shut-off plate è Assembly instructions VMPA1-HS

2.4.8 Vertical pressure supply plate

Fig. 2.12 Vertical supply plate, type VMPA2-VSP- ...
To be able to supply an individual valve with individual operating pressure, a vertical pressure supply plate can be installed between sub-base and valve. The exhaust and pilot air supply of the valve are provided via the central connections on the valve terminal.
The vertical supply plate is available for the 20 mm size. – Main and auxiliary power supply èChap.2.8.1 – Switching symbols for the vertical supply plate èAppendix B, Tab. B.8
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2 Product overview

2.4.9 Fixed flow restrictor

1 Fixed flow restrictor 2 Retainer for fixed restrictor Fig. 2.13 Fixed flow restrictor
To set the exhaust flow rate in exhaust air ducts (3) and (5), a fixed flow restrictor can be installed between sub-base and valve. With fixed flow restrictors, it is for example possible to limit the cylinder speed in advance in response to known flow rate conditions.
Per duct, either a fixed flow restrictor or a check valve can be installed. Fixed flow restrictors are available for the 10 mm size. – Installation of the fixed flow restrictor èAssembly instructions VMPA1-FT-NW…-10 – Flow rates with fixed flow restrictor èAppendix A, Tab. A.5
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2 Product overview

2.4.10 Check valves

1 Check valve
Fig. 2.14 Check valve – example of a check valve for the 14 mm size
A check valve can be integrated between sub-base and valve to prevent unintended switching of actuat ors in response to high back pressure in the exhaust air ducts (3) and (5). If there is a high level of back pressure, the check valves seal off exhaust air ducts (3) and (5).
Per duct, either a fixed flow restrictor or a check valve can be installed. – Mounting of the check valves è Assembly instructions VMPA…RV
28 Festo – MPAL-VI-EN – 2017-07a – English
2 Product overview

2.5 Connecting components

2.5.1 Pneumatic connecting components

1 Common exhaust port “Valves” (3/5) 2 Pilot air connections (12/14) and (82/84)
are dependent on the design of the right end plate è Chap.2.4.4
Fig. 2.15 Pneumatic connecting components on the valve terminal

2.5.2 Electrical connecting components

1 Multi-pin plug connection
(here: Sub-D connector with 25 pins)
Fig. 2.16 Electrical connecting components on the valve terminal with multi-pin plug connection
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3 Supply connections “Operating pressure” (1) 4 Working ports (2) and (4), per valve
2 Earth terminal
for connection to functional ear th
2 Product overview
1 I-Port/IO-Link interface
(M12 connector, A-coded)
3 Earth terminal (optional) for connection
to functional earth
2 Earthing screw (Torx, T20) for connection
to functional earth
Fig. 2.17 Electrical connection components on the valve terminal with I-Port/IO-Link interface
Valve terminal with CPX terminal: – Information about the electrical connecting components èSystem description of
the CPX terminal
– Information about earthing èChap. 3.7
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