E (Festo AG&Co. KG, D73726 Esslingen, Federal Republic of Germany, 2010)
E−Mail: service_international@festo.com
The copying, distribution and utilization of
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well as the communication of its contents to others without
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liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved,
in particular the right to carry out patent, registered design
or ornamental design registration.
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
Contents and general safety instructions
is a registered trade mark of the respective trademark owner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
in certain countries.
is a registered trade mark of the respective trademark owner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
in certain countries.
is a registered trade mark of the respective manufacturer in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The MPA valve terminals are intended for fitting into a
machine or automated system and must be used exclusively
as follows:
In industrial applications
In original status without unauthorised modifications.
Only the conversions or modifications described in the
documentation supplied with the product are permitted.
In perfect technical condition
If used together with additional
ponents, such as actuators, the specified limits for pressures,
temperatures, electrical data, torques etc. must be observed.
In addition to the safety instructions in this manual always
observe the regulations of the trade associations and the
German Technical Control Board (TÜV) and the VDE condi
tions or corresponding national conditions on−site.
Areas of application and approval by authorities
The product fulfils the requirements of the EU directives and
is marked with the CE marking symbol.
Standards and test values, which the product must comply
with and fulfil, can be found in the sectionA.1 Technical
data". The product−relevant EC directive can be found in the
declaration of conformity.
commercially available com
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
Contents and general safety instructions
Target group
This manual is intended exclusively for technicians trained in
control and automation technology.
Please consult your local Festo repair service if you have any
technical problems.
Structure of this manual
This manual contains general basic information on fitting,
installing and commissioning the valve terminal MPA−L, as
well as on its mode of operation.
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
Contents and general safety instructions
Important user instructions
Danger categories
This description contains instructions on the possible dangers
which can arise if the product is not used correctly. These
instructions are marked (Warning, Caution, etc.), printed on
a shaded background and marked additionally with a picto
gram. A distinction is made between the following danger
... means that failure to observe this instruction may result
in serious personal injury or material damage.
... means that failure to observe this instruction may result
in personal injury or material damage.
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
... means that failure to observe this instruction may result
in material damage.
Additio na l ly, the following pictogram designates text passages,
which describe activities with electrostatically sensitive devices:
Electrostatically sensitive devices: inappropriat e handling can
result in damage to components.
Contents and general safety instructions
Identification of special information
The following pictograms designate text passages that
contain special information.
Recommendations, tips and references to other sources of
Information on necessary or useful accessories for the
Festo product.
Information on environmentally friendly use of Festo
Text designations
·Bullet points indicate activities that may be carried out
in any sequence.
1. Numerals indicate activities that must be carried out in
the sequence specified.
Arrowheads indicate general listings.
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008N H
Contents and general safety instructions
Terms and abbreviations
The following product−specific terms and abbreviations are
used in this manual:
Blanking platePlate without valve function for sealing vacant valve positions on
Cartridge fittingPlug connector for connection of the power supply cables to the valve
ComponentsCommon term for pneumatic interface, multipin sub−base, exhaust
Electronics moduleModule in the sub−base with an LED and solenoid coil management
End plateExtreme right−hand plate with/without connections for power and
Exhaust platePlate for ducted exhaust with connection 3/5
MOManual override
MPA1Sizes of the solenoid valves: MPA1 = 10 mm wide
Multi−pin plug connectionElectrical connection for controlling the valve terminal MPA−L
Pneumatic interfaceThe pneumatic interface is the interface between the modular
Pneumatic moduleModule consisting of pneumatic Sub−base, electronics module,
sub−bases (vacant position).
plate, silencer, pneumatic sub−base or pneumatic supply plate, end
plate, pressure regulator plate, solenoid valve and cover plate
pilot pressure and exhaust air, and extreme left−hand plate with multi−
pin plug connection and CPX terminal as well as holes for H−rail and
wall mountings.
electrical peripherals of the CPX terminal and the MPA−L pneumatics
solenoid valves or cover plates
Solenoid valvesMonostable solenoid valve with a solenoid coil, double−solenoid or
mid−position valves with two solenoid coils and additional variants
Sub−basePlate with working lines 2 and 4 for the mounting of valves and verti
cal stackings
Supply platePlate for (additional) supply of compressed air to the solenoid valves,
Festo supports your automation tasks at machine level with
the valve terminal MPA−L. The modular structure of the valve
terminal MPA−L enables you to match this valve terminal opti
mally to your machine or system.
The valve terminal MPA−L provides the following connections:
Common ducts for supply and exhaust air
Electric signals from all
solenoid coils
Working lines (2) and (4) are provided for each valve position
on the individual pneumatic sub−bases. The valves are sup
plied with compressed air (operating pressure and pilot pres
sure) via the common channels and connections in the basic
components. The exhaust air (from the valves and the pilot
exhaust air)
is also exhausted via these common channels.
Further components for compressed air supply are also avail
able, e.g. in order to supply pressure zones.
The valve terminal MPA−L is equipped with current reduction.
The nominal current of the solenoid coils is then reduced
after the high−current phase (switching procedure). The cur
rent reduction offers
the following advantages:
The valve terminal MPA−L has a lower power consumption
The power unit for the voltage supply to the valve ter
minal MPA−L can be designed more economically depend
ing on the individual case
The solenoid coils have less leakage power and produce
less waste heat
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
1. Overview of components
1.2Valve terminal design
The valve terminal MPA−L consists of the following pneumatic
and electric components: The most important components
are shown in Fig.1/1.
1 Multipin sub−base with cover (here:
IP40 cover)
2 Pneumatic supply plate with exhaust
plate for ducted exhaust air (3/5)
3 Sub−base with electronic module and
valve or blanking plate
4 Sub−bases, 4 off set, with common
electronic module and valves or
blanking plates
5 Vertical stacking (here: Pressure
regulator plate with installed valve and
optional pressure gauge)
6 Right−hand end plate
Fig.1/1: Main components of the valve terminal MPA−L
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008N H
1. Overview of components
The following operating modes can be used independently
of valve type:
Standard operation with one or more pressure zones
Reversible operation with compressed air supply via
connections (3), (5) and exhaust via port (1)
Low−pressure operation at 0 ... 3 bar
Vacuum operation at −0.9 ... 0 bar
1.3Electrical multi−pin connection
The electrical connection of the solenoid coils is made cen
trally via a multi−pin plug in the left−hand end plate, which
is available in various variants for the he valve terminal MPA−L
(see Tab.1/1). One or two solenoid coils per v alve position
can be controlled. Each solenoid coil occupies one pin of
multi−pin plug.
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
1. Overview of components
1.3.1Versions of the connector
Multi−pin connection,
Type of left−hand end plate
Plug typeNumber of controllable
solenoid coils
Sub−D with 9pins1, 2, 3, ... 8
Sub−D with 25pins1, 2, 3, ... 24
Sub−D with 44pins1, 2, 3, ... 32
Terminal strip
1, 2, 3, ... 32
Ribbon cable
1) Note that all cables to a cable harness must be grouped to ensure EMC conformity.
2) Note that all 0 V−/24V supply cables must be used and grouped to a cable harness.
1, 2, 3, ... 32
Tab.1/1: Multi−pin plug types of the left−hand end plates
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008N H
1. Overview of components
1.3.2Versions of the IP protection class
For variants with sub−D plugs the multipin connection can
be implemented with various cover types (see Tab.1/2).
Multipin sub−base
Cover types for sub−D plug
IP65 cover:
closed cover, Protection class IP65, with pre−prepared cable
Exclusively for the sub−D plug with 25−/44 pins.
IP40 cover:
open cover, protection class IP40
(In this case: Sub−D with 25 pins
Tab.1/2: Multipin sub−base and cover types
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
1. Overview of components
1.4Electrical connection via CPX terminal
The electrical interface of the solenoid coils on the CPX ter
minal is made centrally via the pneumatic interface (see
Fig.1/2). Per valve position one or two solenoid coils and
within the valve terminal MPA−L maximum 32solenoid coils
can be controlled via the CPX terminal.
1 CPX bus node
2 Pneumatic inter
3 Optional: addi
tional CPX
4 Multipin sub−
base of the
CPX terminal
Fig.1/2: Electric components of the valve terminal MPA−L with CPX terminal
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008N H
1. Overview of components
1.5Description of components
The valve terminal MPA−L can be fitted with 2x2/2−, 2x3/2−way
valves, 5/2−way valves and 5/3−way valves and further valve
types (see Tab. 1 /3 ).
Valve labellingThe valves on the MPA−S valve terminal are marked by
identification codes (see Tab.1/3). By means of this identifi
cation on the top of the valve, you can ascertain the
ment fitted on your valve terminal MPA−L.
ID code
B5/3−way valve, mid−position open
DTwo monostable 2/2−way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return
DSTwo monostable 2/2−way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return
I5/3−way valve, mid−position exhausted
R5/3−way valve, mid−position closed
HTwo monostable 3/2−way valves, control side 12 normally open, control side 14
HSTwo monostable 3/2−way valves, control side 12 normally open, control side 14
ITw o 2/2−way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return
J5/2−way double pilot valve
KTwo monostable 3/2−way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return
KSTw o monostable 3/2−way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return
normally closed, pneumatic spring return
normally closed, pneumatic spring return
With dual−pressure operation:
Operating pressure via connection (1) or connection (5)
With vacuum operation:
Operating pressure at connection (1), Vacuum at connection (5) (e.g. for
vacuum switching with ejector pulse)
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
1. Overview of components
ID codeValve
MMonostable 5/2−way valve
NTwo monostable 3/2−way valves, normally closed, pneumatic spring return
NSTwo monostable 3/2−way valves, normally open, pneumatic spring return
WMonostable 3/2−way valve, open in basic position, external compressed air
XMonostable 3/2−way valve, closed in basic position, external compressed air
LBlanking plate for sealing an vacant valve position
supply via connection 2
supply via connection (4)
Tab.1/3: Identification codes of the valves
Further information on the valves can be found in
1.5.2Main and additional power supply
The main supply of the valve terminal with operating pressure
can be made via a pneumatic supply plate (see Fig.1/3) or
via the right−hand end plate with lateral ports (Tab.1/4
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008N H
1. Overview of components
1 Supply plate
2 Exhaust plate for
ducted exhaust
1.5.3Pilot air supply
Fig.1/3: Pneumatic supply plate
The pneumatic supply plate can also be used for additional
power supplies. These are, forexample, necessary in the case
of valve terminals operated with several pressure zones or
when a large number of valves on the valve terminal are
switched simultaneously to flow.
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
The pilot control of the solenoid coils is supplied with internal
or external pilot air. This pilot air is made available for the
complete valve terminal (also via the pressure zones) via the
right−hand end plate (see Tab.1/4).
A selector plate on the right−hand end plate makes it possible
to branch the pilot
take it from the separate supply via the port (12/14).
Internal pilot air supply is only permitted if the operating
pressure of the last pressure zone (at the right−hand end
plate) is between 3 and 8 bar .
air internally from the supply port (1) or to
1. Overview of components
End plate typeProperties
End plate without
at side
space−saving, low end plate with front, round selector
separate pneumatic supply plate required for the valve
End plate with
exhaust ports
at side
high end plate with upper, square selector plate
supply connections (1), (3) and (5) are integrated at the
Tab.1/4: Right−hand end plate versions
The way in which the pilot control of your valve terminal
is set can be determined from Tab.1/5. The conversion
between the internal and external pilot air supply is described
in Chapter 5.3.5.
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008N H
1. Overview of components
Pilot control variant
PropertiesInternal pilot air supplyExternal pilot air supply
Identification on the end
Setting of the selector plate
Type of pilot air supplyInternally from the supply
RequirementThe operating pressure must be
port(1) distributed operating
in the range 3...8bar and be
free of pressure fluctuations.
Tab.1/5: Features of the pilot control variants
1.5.4Exhaust air
The exhaust (3) and (5) of the air is exhausted together via
the flat plate silencer and the exhaust plate or separately via
the right−hand end plate with ports at the side.
The pilot exhaust air (82/84) is led to a connection on the
right−hand end plate and can either be ducted there
hausted via a silencer.
1.5.5Sub−bases and pressure zone separation
Externally via the pilot connection
(12/14) supplied, separately
controllable pressure (3...8 bar )
The operating pressure can be
below 3bar and above 8bar ,
so long as separately controlled
pilot pressure (3...8bar) is
availabl e.
or ex
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
The valves of valve terminal MPA−L are supplied pneumati
cally via the sub−bases and via the electronic module that is
installed in the sub−base (see Fig.1/4).
In addition to the individual sub−bases there are also the 4 off
sub−bases with common 4 off electronic module.
1. Overview of components
1 Sub−base
2 Electronics
Fig.1/4: Sub−base with electronic module
In addition valves within a valve terminal MPA−L can be sup
plied with different pressures by creating different pressure
zones. The separation of the pressure zones is achieved by
special sub−bases. In each case the valve mounted to the
right of the special sub−base belongs to the next (following
to the right) pressure zone, which is the valve mounted on the
special sub−base in the current pressure zone.
The sub−bases with integrated pressure zone separation
are in various versions with corresponding identification
(see Tab.1/6):
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008N H
1. Overview of components
Sub−base designMPA1
Supply duct (1) separated
Exhaust ducts (3) and (5) separated
Supply channel (1) and exhaust
ducts (3) and (5) separate
Type: VMPAL−AP−...−T1
Type: VMPAL−AP−...−T135
Type: VMPAL−AP−...−T135
Tab.1/6: Variants of the sub−bases with integrated pressure zone separation
Pressure zone separation of the pilot channels (12) and (14)
is not provided, as on the valve terminal MPA−L the air supply
for the pilot control of the valves is supplied centrally via the
right−hand end plate.
1.5.6Vertical stacking
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008NH
You can fit further pneumatic components to each valve
position between the sub−base and the valve. These vertical
stackings enable you to implement certain additional func
tions as desired.
1. Overview of components
Tab.1/7 shows the main structure and possible components
of the vertical stacking.
Directional control
Vertical stacking,
Sub−baseType VMPAL−AP−... with electronics module
See chapter 1.5.1.
Pressure regulator plate
Type VMPA...B8−R... C2−C−... (Pressure
gauge optional), see Chapter 1.5.7
Pressure shut−off plate, Type VMPA1−HS
Tab.1/7: Components of the vertical stacking
1.5.7Pressure regulating plates
Mode of operationA pressure regulator plate with adjustable pressure regulator
can be installed between the sub−base and the valve in order
to control the force of the connected actuators. This pressure
regulator maintains an essentially constant output pressure
(secondary side) independent of supply pressure (primary
side) and air consumption.
IdentificationThe pressure regulator plates of
marked on the valve terminal MPA−L with the Ident. code.
This is marked on the side of the pressure regulator plate.
Using Tab.1/8 you can identify the pressure regulator plates.
the vertical stacking are
Festo P.BE−MPAL−EN en 1008N H
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