Festo IFB21-03 Electronic Manual

Electronics manual
Valve terminal with field bus protocol: INTERBUS optical fibre waveguide remote bus “Rugged-Line” type IFB21-03
191 085
en 0010a
Contents and general instructions
Author E. Klotz, M. Simons..........................
Editors H.–J. Drung, M.Holder........................
Oridinal de.......................................
Layout Festo AG & Co., Dept. KG-GD...................
Type setting DUCOM................................
Edition 0010a.....................................
Title MANUAL-EN..................................
Designation P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN......................
Order no. 191 085.................................
E (Festo AG & Co., D–73726 Esslingen,
Federal Republic of Germany, 2000) Internet: http://www.festo.com E-mail: service_international@festo.com
The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved, in particular the right to carry out patent, utility model or ornamental design registration.
Fest o P.BE-VIF B21-03-E N en 0010a
Contents and general instructions
Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
Contents and general instructions
Designated use VII........................................................
Target group VIII..........................................................
Service VIII...............................................................
Important user instructions IX..............................................
Abbreviations XI.........................................................
Manualsonthisvalveterminal XIII............................................
1. Summary of components 1-1........................................
1.1 Summary of multi-functional Festo valve terminals 1-3....................
1.2 Description of the components 1-4....................................
1.2.1 Elektric modules 1-4................................................
1.2.2 Pneumatic MIDI modules 1-5.........................................
1.2.3 Pneumatic MAXI modules 1-6........................................
1.3 Method of operation 1-7............................................
2. Fitting 2-1........................................................
2.1 Fitting the modules and components 2-3...............................
2.1.1 Earthing the end plates 2-4..........................................
2.2 Fitting the valve terminal onto a hat rail 2-6.............................
2.3 Fitting the valve terminal onto a wall 2-9...............................
3. Installation 3-1...................................................
3.1 Installation summary 3-3............................................
3.1.1 System structure on the remote bus 3-3................................
3.1.2 Installation instructions 3-5..........................................
3.2 Bus node 3-6......................................................
3.2.1 Configuration settings in the node 3-9.................................
3.3 Connecting the power supplies 3-11....................................
3.3.1 Calculating the current consumption 3-12...............................
3.3.2 Connecting the power supply 3-14.....................................
3.4 INTERBUS interface 3-22.............................................
3.4.1 Conecting the optical fibre waveguide Rugged-Line plug 3-23...............
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Contents and general instructions
4. Commissioning 4-1................................................
4.1 Configuring and addressing the valve terminal 4-3.......................
4.1.1 Ascertaining the configuration data 4-3................................
4.1.2 Calculating the number of inputs/outputs 4-5...........................
4.1.3 Address assignment of the valve terminal 4-6...........................
4.1.4 Address assignments after extension/conversion 4-12.....................
4.2 INTERBUS – Configuring and addressing the bus 4-14.....................
4.2.1 General commissioning instructions 4-14................................
4.2.2 Configuring the bus with CMD software 4-16.............................
4.2.3 Configuring the bus without CMD software 4-25..........................
4.2.4 Addressing the inputs and outputs 4-27.................................
4.2.5 Entering process data via the CMD software 4-30.........................
4.2.6 Status bits 4-34.....................................................
4.2.7 Other instructions 4-36...............................................
5. Diagnosis and error treatment 5-1....................................
5.1 Summary of diagnostic possibilities 5-3................................
5.2 On-the-spot diagnosis 5-4...........................................
5.2.1 Bus node 5-4......................................................
5.2.2 LED modules 5-6...................................................
5.2.3 On-the-spot error treatment 5-9......................................
5.2.4 Status bits 5-10.....................................................
5.3 Diagnosis via INTER BUS 5-13.........................................
5.3.1 Reaction to faults in the control system 5-17.............................
A. Technical Appendix A-1.............................................
A.1 Technical specifications A-3..........................................
A.2 Cable length A-6...................................................
A.3 Examples of circuitry A-11............................................
A.3.1 Power supply connection A-11.........................................
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Contents and general instructions
B. Accessories B-1...................................................
B.1 Connecting the cables to the plugs (sensors/outputs) B-3.................
B.2 Phoenix Contact accessories B-5......................................
B.2.1 Connecting the cables to the Rugged-Line plug B-6.......................
C. Index C-1.........................................................
C.1 Index C-3.........................................................
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Contents and general instructions
Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
Contents and general instructions
Designated use
The valve terminal described in this documentation is de­signed for use only as follows:
for controlling pneumatic and electric actuators
for interrogating electric sensor signals through
Please use the valve terminal only as follows:
in faultless technical condition
without undertaking any modifications.
If the valve terminal is used in conjunction with additional commercially-available components, such as sensors and actuators, make sure that the maximum specified limits for pressures, temperatures, electrical data, torques, etc. are observed.
(valves and output modules)
the input modules.
Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
Please observe the standards mentioned in the relevant chapters and comply with national and local technical regula­tions.
Contents and general instructions
Additional modules for this valve terminal
The multifunctional valve terminal can be extended with the following modules:
I/O modules
Type designation Name
VIGE-03-FB-... Input module with 4 or 8 inputs, PNP or NPN, 4-pin or 5-pin, with
VIGE-03-FB-16-SUBD-S Input module 16 inputs, PNP, 15-pin Sub-D connecting socket,
VIGA-03-FB-... Output module with 4 outputs, PNP or NPN, 4-pin or 5-pin
VIGV-03-FB-... Additional power supply module (24 V/25 A) for high-current out-
VIEA-03-FB-... Multi I/O module with 12 inputs and 8 outputs, PNP
VIA-03-FB-... Analogue I/O module with 3 inputs and 3 outputs
VIAP-03-FB Analogue I/O module with 1 input and 1 output
VIASI-03-M AS-interface master
or without electronic fuse.
with electronic fuse.
Target group
This manual is directed exclusively at personnel who are trained in control and automation technology, and who have experience in installing, commissioning, programming and diagnosing programmable logic controllers (PLC) and field bus systems.
If you have any technical problems, please contact your local Festo Service.
Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
Contents and general instructions
Important user instructions
Danger categories
This manual contains notes on possible dangers which may occur if the product is not used correctly. These notes are marked (warning, caution, etc.), printed on a shaded back­ground and also accompanied by a pictogram. A distinction is made between the following types of danger instructions:
This means that serious injury to persons or damage to property can occur if these instructions are not observed.
This means that injury to persons or damage to property can occur if these instructions are not observed.
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Please note
This means that damage to property can occur if these instructions are not observed.
In addition, the following pictogram indicates passages in the text which describe activities with electrostatically vulnerable components:
Electrostatically vulnerable components: incorrect handling can cause damage to components.
Contents and general instructions
Marking special information
The following pictograms mark passages in the text contain­ing special information.
Information: Recommendations, tips and references to other sources of information.
Accessories: Details about necessary or useful accessories for the Festo product.
Environment: Information on the environmental-friendly use of Festo products.
Text markin gs
S The bullet marks activities which may be carried out in
any desired order.
1. Numbers indicate activities which must be carried out in the sequence stated.
Hyphens indicate general items.
Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
Contents and general instructions
The following product-specific abbreviations are used in this manual:
Abbreviation Meaning
Terminal or valve terminal Valve terminal type 03 with/without electric I/Os
Node Field bus node
Single manifold
Double manifold
P-module Pneumatic module in general
I/O module Module with digital inputs or outputs in general
PLC Programmable logic controller; in brief: controller
Waveguide Interbus optic al fibre waveguide
RL-connection Rugged-line connection
Pneumatic manifold for two valves
Manifold for two single-solenoid valves
Manifold for two double-solenoid or mid-position valves
Output Input/output
Fig. 0/1: List of abbreviations
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Contents and general instructions
Please note
A simplified representation of valve terminal type 03 with four pneumatic manifolds and four input/output modules (standard fitting) is used for most drawings in this manual.
1 Ein-/Aus-
2 Feldbusknoten
3 Ventile
4 Ungenutzter Ven-
12 34
Fig. 0/2: Standard fitting for the drawings
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Contents and general instructions
Manuals on this valve terminal
The following Festo manuals will be required to complete the documentation for the modular valve terminal, depending on your order and on the equipment fitted on your system:
P.BE-MIDI/MAXI-03-... Pneumatics manual
P.BE-VIEA-03...05-.. Supplementary manuals for I/O modules
P.BE-VIAX-03...05-... Analogue I/Os manual
P.BE-VIASI-03...05-... AS-i master manual
P.BE-VIFB21-03-... Electronics manual
– Valve terminal type 03, MIDI/MAXI
(digital I/O modules 4 I, 8 I, 4 O, high-cur­rent output modules, multi-I/O modules)
S Field bus connection FB21 (this man-
Fig. 0/3: Manuals on this valve terminal
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Contents and general instructions
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Summary of components
Chapter 1
1-1Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
1. Summary of components
1. Summary of components 1-1........................................
1.1 Summary of multi-functional Festo valve terminals 1-3....................
1.2 Description of the components 1-4....................................
1.2.1 Elektric modules 1-4................................................
1.2.2 Pneumatic MIDI modules 1-5.........................................
1.2.3 Pneumatic MAXI modules 1-6........................................
1.3 Method of operation 1-7............................................
Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
1. Summary of components
1.1 Summary of multi-functional Festo valve terminals
The multi-functional valve terminal consists of the following individual modules and components:
Valve termial Description of the modules
Typ e 0 3 MIDI/MAXI and electric modules
Electric modules (PNP or NPN) fitted with:
digital inputs (modules with 4 or 8 inputs)digital outputs (modules with 4 outputs) 0.5 Ahigh-current outputs 2 Amulti-I/Os (module with 12 I/8 O) 0.5 Aanalogue I/Os, AS-i master (not possible with every node
Pneumatic modules fitted with:
– manifolds (MIDI and MAXI) fitted with 5/2-way solenoid valves,
5/2-way double solenoid valves, 5/3-way mid-position valves (with auxiliary pilot air) or blanking plat es
– Special modules for additional pressure supply, intermediate
pressure supply, end plates with/without regulator
Fig. 1/1: Summary of the modules of the multi-functional Festo valve terminals
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1. Summary of components
1.2 Description of the components
1.2.1 Elektric modules
The following connecting and display elements can be found on the electric modules:
2 3 4 56 78
1 Inputsocketfortwoelectricinputs
5 Green LED (per input)
6 Output socket for electric output (PNP)
2 Red LED (error display of input module
with electronic fuse)
3 Two green LEDs (one LED per input)
4 Input socket for an electric input (PNP
or NPN)
Fig. 1/2: Connecting and display elements of the electric modules
7 Yellow LED (status display per output)
8 Red LED (error display per output)
9 Further modules (e.g. additional
supply, high-current PNP/NPN)
Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
1. Summary of components
1.2.2 Pneumatic MIDI modules
The following display and operating elements can be found on the pneumatic MIDI modules type 03:
Yellow LEDs (per valve solenoid coil)
3 Valve location inscription field
(identification labels)
2 Manual override (per valve solenoid
coil, either spring-return or locking)
Fig. 1/3: Operating, display and connecting elements of MIDI modules type 03
Festo P.BE-VIFB21-03-EN en 0010a
4 Unused valve location with blanking-
1. Summary of components
1.2.3 Pneumatic MAXI modules
The following display and operating elements can be found on the pneumatic MAXI modules type 03:
Yellow LED (per valve solenoid coil)
4 Valve location inscription field
(identification labels)
2 Manual override (per valve solenoid
coil, either spring-return or locking)
5 Regulator for limiting the auxiliary pilot
air pressure
3 Unused valve location with blanking
Fig. 1/4: Operating, display and connecting elements of MAXI modules type 03
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1. Summary of components
1.3 Method of operation
The node controls the following functions:
It connects the valve terminal to the INTER BUS and
It controls the system settings of the terminal as
It controls data transfer to/from the field bus module
It manages the internal control of the terminal.
1 Incoming field
to the power supply.
well as an automatic valve test and (in conjunction with G3 modules) the display and masking out of error messages.
of your control system.
2 Continuing field
3 Compressed air
4 Node
5 Workair (2, 4)
Fig. 1/5: Method of operation of a valve terminal
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1. Summary of components
The input modules control the processing of input signals (e.g. from sensors) and pass these signals onto the controller via the field bus.
The output modules are universal electric outputs and control low-current consuming devices, e.g. further valves, bulbs, etc.
Additional I/O modules for special applications are also avail­able.
Further information on the use of all the I/O modules can be found in the Supplementary manual for the I/O modulesfor your valve terminal.
The pneumatic modules provide the following:
– the common channels for the supply and exhaust air
– electric signals from all valve solenoid coils
Work connections 2 and 4 have been provided for each valve location on the individual pneumatic modules.
The valves are supplied with compressed air via the common channels on the pneumatic end plate or via special supply modules. The exhaust air and pilot exhaust air are also vented via these channels or modules. Further modules for supplying pressure are also available, e.g. to enable you to work with different working pressures.
Detailed information on the use of these modules can be found in the Pneumatics manualforyourvalveterminal.
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Chapter 2
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2. Fitting
2. Fitting 2-1........................................................
2.1 Fitting the modules and components 2-3...............................
2.1.1 Earthing the end plates 2-4..........................................
2.2 Fitting the valve terminal onto a hat rail 2-6.............................
2.3 Fitting the valve terminal onto a wall 2-9...............................
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2. Fitting
2.1 Fitting the modules and components
The valve terminal is supplied from the factory ready mounted. If you wish to add or replace individual modules and/or components, please refer to the following manuals:
”Supplementary manual for the I/O modules” for fitting the
electric I/O modules
–”Pneumatics manual” for fitting the pneumatic modules
The fitting instructions are included in the package in the
case of modules and components ordered at a later stage.
Please note
Treat all the modules and components of the valve terminal with care. Pay attention in particular to the following:
– The screws must fit exactly (otherwise the threads will
be damaged). Tighten the screws without distortion or mechanical stress.
Observe the specified torques.Modules must not be offset (IP 65).Connecting surfaces must be clean (avoid leakage and
contact faults).
– The contacts of type 03 valve solenoid coils must not be
bent (they are not resistant to bending and will break off if bent back).
– Electrostatically vulnerable components.
Do not touch any contact surfaces on the side plug con­nectors of the modules and components.
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2. Fitting
2.1.1 Earthing the end plates
The valve terminal possesses a left-hand and a right-hand end plate as a mechanical termination of the valve terminal. These end plates fulfil the following functions:
They comply with protection classs IP 65.
They contain connections/contacts for earthing.
They contain holes for fitting the terminal onto a wall
and for the hat rail clamping unit.
Please note
When supplied from the factory, the end plates of the valve terminal are earthed internally. If you carry out any exten­sions/conversions to the type 03 valve terminal, you must earth the end plates of the terminal as described below. In this way you will avoid faults caused by electromagnetic influences.
Earth the end plates as follows:
1. Right-hand end plate: To earth the right-hand end plate connect the pre-fitted cable on the inside to the appropriate contacts on the pneumatic modules or the node (see diagram below).
2. Left-hand end plate: The left-hand end plate must be connected conductively to the other components by means of t he pre-fitted spring contacts.
Please note: Instructions on earthing the complete valve terminal can be found in the chapter Installation.The diagram below shows how both end plates are fitted.
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2. Fitting
1 23
2 Contact for earth cable
Fig. 2/1: Fitting the end plates
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3 Pre-fitted earth cable
4 Fastening screws max. 1 Nm
2. Fitting
2.2 Fitting the valve terminal onto a hat rail
The valve terminal is also suitable for fitting onto a hat rail (support rail as per EN 50022). There is a guide groove on the rear of all modules for hanging them on the hat rail (see Fig. 2/4).
– A hat rail fitting without a hat rail clamping unit is not
– Iftheterminalisfittedinaslopingpositionorifitissub-
jected to vibration, secure the hat rail clamping unit additionally against sliding down and unintentional loosening/opening with the locking screws intended for this purpose (item 3).
Please note
– If the terminal is fitted in a horizontal position and with a
permanent load, the hat rail clamping unit need not be secured addititonally with locking screws (item 3).
– If the terminal does not have a hat rail clamping unit,
this can be ordered and fitted at a later date.
– WhetherMIDIorMAXIclampingunitsaretobeused,
Hat-rail clamping unit
In order to fit the valve terminal onto a hat rail, you will re­quire a hat-rail clamping unit. This must be fitted on the rear of the end plates as shown in the diagram below.
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