E (Festo AG&Co., D73726 Esslingen,
Federal Republic of Germany, 2000)
E−Mail: service_international@festo.com
The copying, distribution
well as the communication of its contents to others without
expressed authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held
liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved, in
particular the right to carry out patent, utility model or orna
mental design registrations.
The valve terminal described in this manual is intended ex
clusively for use as follows:
for controlling pneumatic and electric actuators (valves
and output modules)
for interrogating electric sensor signals by means of the
input modules.
Use the valve terminal only as follows:
in accordance with designated use
in faultless technical condition.
without any modifications
by the user
If additional commercial components such as sensors and
actuators are connected, the specified limits for pressures,
temperatures, electrical data, torques, etc. must not be ex
Please observe the standards specified in the relevant
chapters and comply with technical regulations, as well as
with national and local regulations.
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
Contents and general instructions
Target group
This manual is intended exclusively for technicians trained in
control and automation technology with experience in instal
ling, commissioning, programming and diagnosing program
mable logic controllers and fieldbus systems.
Please consult your local Festo repair service if you have any
technical problems.
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
Contents and general instructions
Important user instructions
Danger categories
This manual contains instructions on the dangers which may
occur if the product is not used correctly. These instructions
are marked with a heading (Warning, Caution, etc.), printed
on a shaded background and accompanied by a pictogram.
A distinction is made between the following danger cat
This means that there is a danger of serious human injury
and damage to property if these instructions are not ob
This means that there is a danger of human injury and
damage to property if these instructions are not observed.
Please note
This means that there is a danger of damage to property if
these instructions are not observed.
In addition, the following pictogram marks passages in the
text which describe activities involving electrostatically sensi
tive components:
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
Electrostatically sensitive components: Incorrect handling
may result in damage to the components.
Contents and general instructions
Marking special information
The following pictograms mark passages in the text contain
ing special information.
recommendations, tips and references to other sources of
information on necessary or useful accessories for the Festo
information on the environmentally−friendly use of Festo
Text markings
SThe bullet denotes activities which can be carried out in
any sequence.
1. Figures
denote activities which must be carried out in the
order specified.
Hyphens denote general activities.
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
Contents and general instructions
The following product−specific abbreviations are used in this
Terminal or valve terminalValve terminal type 03 or type 04−B with or without electric I/Os
NodeField bus node/control unit
Single solenoid sub−base
Double solenoid sub−base
P−moduleGeneral pneumatic module
I/O module
Type 03:
Pneumatic sub−base for two valves
Type 04−B
Manifold sub−base with Intermediate solenoid plate MUH and pneuma
tic valve with hole pattern as per ISO 5599/2 size 1, 2 or 3 incl.
Sub−base for single−solenoid valves
Sub−base for double−solenoid valves or mid−position valves
Input and/or output
Module with digital inputs or outputs in general
PLCProgrammable logic controller; in brief: controller
FOFibre−optical waveguide
Fig.0/1: Index of abbreviations
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
Contents and general instructions
Please note
For most of the drawings in this manual, we have used a
simplified representation of a type 03 valve terminal with
four pneumatic sub−bases and four input/output modules
(standard fitting).
1 Input/output
2 Field bus node
3 Valves
Fig.0/2: Standard fitting for the drawings
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
Contents and general instructions
Manuals for this valve terminal
Depending on what you have ordered and on the further ex
tension of your complete system, the following Festo manuals
are necessary for the complete documentation of the modular
valve terminal:
The multifunctional valve terminal can be extended with the
following modules:
I/O modules
Type designationTitle
VIGE−03−FB−...Input module with 4, 8 or 16 inputs, PNP or NPN, 4−pin or 5−pin,
with/without electronic fuse,
VIGA−03−FB−...Output module with 4 outputs, PNP or NPN, 4−pin or 5−pin
VIGV−03−FB−...Additional supply module 24 V/25 A for high−current outputs
VIEA−03−FB−...Multi I/O module with 12 inputs and 8 outputs, PNP
VIAP−03−FBAnalog I/O module with 1 input and 1 output
VIAU−03−FB−...Analog I/O module with 3 inputs and 1 output
Type voltage (−U) or current (−I)
Fig.0/4: Additional modules
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
Contents and general instructions
The valve terminals can be connected to the controllers of
various manufacturers. The current manual contains the con
figuration of the PLC and terminal addressing for the following
control systems:
Controller (PLC)Fieldbus moduleFieldbus/protocol
Allen−BradleyPLC 5/xx
SLC 500
FestoSF 601747−SDN
PhillipsP8 Compact lineDLC 100/200DIOS
SelectronPMC 40
CPU 42
CPU 751/752
PCI 701
Fig.0/5: Overview of possible controllers/fieldbus protocols (extract)
Notes regarding the DeviceNet fieldbus protocol
Please note
This manual refers to valve terminals with fieldbus connec
tion FB11 from software version date 26.02.99 (see type
plate) or software version 2.0 (see sticker on the operating
system EPROM) or higher.
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
From this software status, the configuration of the valve
terminal is supported by two EDS files. The current manual
commissioning with the DeviceNet Manager
Please consult your local Festo repair service if you have any
technical problems.
1.1Summary of multifunctional Festo valve terminals
The multifunctional valve terminal is composed of individual
modules and components.
Valve terminal
Type 03
Electric modules
Type 03:
Pneumatic modules
Type 04−B
ISO pneumatic modules
Description of the modules
Electric modules suited to types 03/04B (PNP or NPN), fitted with:
Digital inputs (modules with 4, 8 or 16 inputs)
Digital outputs (modules with 4 outputs) 0.5 A
High−current outputs 2 A
Multi−I/Os (module with 12 inputs/8 outputs) 0.5 A
Analogue I/Os, AS−i master (not possible with all nodes)
Pneumatic modules type 03, fitted with:
Sub−bases (MIDI and MAXI) fitted with 5/2−way single−solenoid
valves, 5/2−way double−solenoid valves, 5/3−way mid−position
valves (with auxiliary pilot air) or cover plates
Special modules for pressure supply, for forming pressure
Pneumatic modules type 04−B, fitted with:
Adapter plate for manifold sub−bases as per ISO 5599−2 in
sizes1, 2 and 3
Manifold sub−bases for intermediate solenoid plates with hole
pattern as per ISO 5588−2, fitted with pneumatic valves (single−
solenoid, double−solenoid, mid−position) or cover plates
Components for high−level sub−bases (pressure regulator inter
mediate plates, restrictor plates etc.)
Fig.1/1: Summary of modules for the multifunctional Festo valve terminals
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
1. Summary of components
1.2Description of components
1.2.1 Types 03/04−B: Electric modules
The following connecting and display elements can be found
on the electric modules:
23456 7
1 Input socket for two electric inputs
(PNP or NPN)
2 Red LED (error display per input
module with electronic fuse)
3 Two green LEDs (one LED per input)
4 Input socket for one electric input
(PNP or NPN)
6 Output socket for electric output (PNP)
7 Yellow LED (status display per output)
8 Red LED (error display per output)
9 Further modules (e.g. additional power
supply, high−current outputs
5 Green LED (per input)
Fig.1/2: Connecting and display elements on the electric modules
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
1. Summary of components
1.2.2 Type 03: MIDI pneumatic modules
The following display and operating elements can be found
on the pneumatic MIDI modules type03:
1 Yellow LEDs (per valve solenoid coil)
3 Valve location inscription field (desig
nation signs)
2 Manual override (per valve solenoid
coil), either locking or non−locking
Fig.1/3: Display and operating elements on the MIDI modules type 03
4 Unused valve location with cover plate
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
1. Summary of components
1.2.3 Type 03: MA XI pneumatic modules
The following display and operating elements can be found on
the pneumatic MAXI modules type 03:
1 Yellow LED (per valve solenoid coil)
2 Manual override (pervalve solenoid
coil), either locking or non−locking
3 Unused valve location with cover plate
Fig.1/4: Display and operating elements on the MAXI modules type 03
4 Valve location inscription field (desig
nation signs)
5 Regulator for limiting the pressure of
the auxiliary pilot air
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
1. Summary of components
1.2.4 Type 04−B: ISO pneumatic modules
The following connecting, display and operating elements can
be found on the pneumatic ISO modules type04−B:
12345 67
1 Adapter plate type 04−B
2 Fuses for the valves
Manual override
(per pilot solenoid 14, non−locking)
Manual override
(per pilot solenoid 12, non−locking)
3 Power supply connection
Fig.1/5: Operating, display and connecting elements on the ISO modules type 04−B
Yellow LEDs
(per pilot solenoid 14)
Yellow LEDs
(per pilot solenoid 12)
6 Valve location inscription field
7 0.135A fuse (perpilot solenoid)
8 Adapter cable for power supply to the
node and the I/O modules
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
1. Summary of components
1.3Method of operation
The node controls the following functions:
it connects the valve terminal to the appropriate field bus
it performs the system settings of the valve terminal. An
it controls data transfer to/from the field bus module of
and to the power supply.
automatic valve test and further node−dependent func
tions can be set.
your control
1 Incoming field
2 Continuing field
3 Node
4 Compressed air
5 Work air (2, 4)
Internal control of the valve terminal
Fig.1/6: Summary of the functions of a valve terminal
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
1. Summary of components
The input modules process input signals (e.g. from sensors)
and transmit these signals via the field bus to the controller.
The output modules are universal electric outputs and control
low−current consuming devices with positive logic, e.g.
further valves, bulbs, etc.
Additional I/O modules for special applications are also avail
Further information on the
use of all I/O modules can be found
in the Supplementary description of the I/O modules" for your
valve terminal.
The pneumatic modules perform the following functions:
they form the common channels for supply and exhaust
they supply electric signals from all the valve solenoid
Work connections 2 and 4 are provided
for each valve loca
tion on the individual pneumatic modules.
The valves are supplied with compressed air via the common
channels on the pneumatic end plate or via special supply
modules. The exhaust air and pilot exhaust are also vented
via these channels/modules. Further modules for pressure
supply are also available, e.g. for working
with different pres
sures or for fitting either MIDI/MAXI valves or ISO valves on a
Festo P.BE−VIFB11−03−EN en 0503g
Further information on their use can be found in the Pneu
matics manual" for your valve terminal.