C.1Safety terms and abbreviations305..............................................
C.2Terms for the SafetyTool and for safe parameterisation307...........................
8Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
Notes on this documentation
This documentation is intended to help you safely work with the safety functions
– STO – Safe Torque Off
– SS1 – Safe Stop 1
– SS2 – Safe Stop 2
– SOS – Safe Operating Stop
– SLS – Safely-Limited Speed
– SSR – Safe Speed Range
– SSM – Safe Speed Monitor
– SBC – Safe Brake Control
in accordance with EN 61800-5-2 through the usage of the safety module CAMC-G-S3 for the motor
controller CMMP-AS-...-M3.
In addition, always observe the general safety regulations for the CMMP-AS-…-M3.
The general safety regulations for the CMMP-AS-...-M3 can be found in the hardware
description “Mounting and installation”, GDCP-CMMP-M3-HW-... è Tab. 3.
Observe the information regarding safety and on the requirements for product use in
Section 1.2.
Product identification
This documentation refers to the following versions:
– Safety module CAMC-G-S3, from revision 01 (overall revision 1.1)
– Motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3 with firmware from version 4.0.1501.2.1 and hard
ware version from 6.0 (CMMP-AS-C2-3A-M3, CMMP-AS-C5-3A-M3) or from 4.1
(CMMP-AS-C5-11A-P3-M3, CMMP-AS-C10-11A-P3-M3)
– FCT PlugIn CMMP-AS from version 2.4.x.x with SafetyTool from version 1.0.x.x
These are the first available of supported versions. In the case of more versions or the
replacement of the safety module, check whether the versions are compatible
è see documentation of the appropriate version used.
Rating plate (example)Function
1501331 XX
Rev XX
1) Part number of the safety module CAMC-G-S3
2) Permits traceability of the product
1 Order code (type designation)
2 Part number
3 Two-digit code for unique identification of the
production date
4 Module revision (overall revision, i.e. combina
tion of hardware and firmware states)
5 Continuous serial number
Tab. 1Rating plate CAMC-G-S3
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English9
Please consult your regional Festo contact if you have any technical problems.
Issue status of the specified standards
Standard: Issue status
EN 50178:1997EN ISO 13849-1:2008
EN 61326-3-1:2008EN ISO 13849-2:2012
EN 61800-3:2004 + A1:2012EN 62061:2005
EN 61800-5-1:2007EN 61508-1 to -7:2010
EN 61800-5-2:2007
Tab. 2Issue statuses
10Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
You will find information on the motor controller in the following documentation:
User documentation on the motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3
Name, typeTable of contents
Hardware description,
Assembly and installation of the motor controller CMMPAS-...-M3 for all variants/output classes (1-phase, 3-phase), pin
allocations, error messages, maintenance.
Function descriptions,
Description FHPP,
– Motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M0 with fieldbus CANopen.
Description CiA 402 (DS 402),
Control and parameterisation of the motor controller via the
device profile CiA 402 (DS402)
– Motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3 with the following field
busses: CANopen and EtherCAT.
– Motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M0 with fieldbus CANopen.
Description of CAM Editor,
Description of safety module,
Description of safety module,
Cam disc function (CAM) of the motor controller CMMP-
Functional safety engineering for the motor controller CMMP-
AS-...-M3 with the safety function STO.
Functional safety engineering for the motor controller CMMP-
AS-...-M3 with the safety functions STO, SS1, SS2, SOS, SLS,
Description for exchange and pro
ject conversion
Motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3 as a replacement device for
previous motor controller CMMP-AS. Changes to the electrical
installation and description of project conversion.
Help for the FCT PlugIn CMMP-ASUser interface and functions of the CMMP-AS PlugIn for the
Festo Configuration Tool.
è www.festo.com
SafetyTool HelpUser interface and functions of the SafetyTools for paramet
erisation of the safety module CAMC-G-S3.
Tab. 3Documentation on the motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3
The documentation is available on the following media:
– CD-ROM (scope of delivery)
– Support Portal: è www.festo.com/sp
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English11
Safety engineering system symbols used
Inputs and outputs
Input, two-channelOutput, two-channel
Output, single-channelRelay output
Sensor types
Mode selector switchStart button
Holding brakeExit safety function (restart)
Light curtainDoor lock/safety guard
Emergency stop switchesEnabling buttons
AcknowledgmentTwo-hand control device
Reliable reference switchPosition encoder
Safety functions
STO – Safe Torque OffUSF – Universal safety function
SS1 – Safe stop 1SLS – Safely-Limited Speed
SS1 – Safe stop 2SSR – Safe Speed Range
SOS – Safe Operating StopSSM – Safe Speed Monitor
SBC – Safe Brake ControlALF – Advanced Logic Function, not
a safety function
(Advanced Logic Function)
Tab. 4Safety engineering systems symbols
12Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
1Safety and requirements for product use
1Safety and requirements for product use
1.1.1General safety information
In addition, always observe the general safety regulations for the CMMP-AS-…-M3.
The general safety regulations for the CMMP-AS-...-M3 can be found in the hardware
description, GDCP-CMMP-M3-HW-..., è Tab. 3, page 11 .
Please note
Failure of the safety function.
The safety functions might fail if you do not comply with the parameters and conditions
required for the surroundings and connections.
In particular, you must provide input voltages within the specified tolerances
è Technical data, Appendix A.1.
Please note
Incorrect handling can damage the safety module or motor controller.
Switch off the supply voltage before mounting and installation work. Switch on the
supply voltage only when mounting and installation work are completely finished.
Never unplug the safety module from, or plug it into the motor controller when
Observe the specifications for handling electrostatically sensitive devices.
1.1.2Intended use
The safety module CAMC-G-S3 serves as an expansion of the motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3 to im
plement the safety function:
– STO – Safe Torque Off
– SS1 – Safe Stop 1
– SS2 – Safe Stop 2
– SOS – Safe Operating Stop
– SLS – Safely-Limited Speed
– SSR – Safe Speed Range
– SSM – Safe Speed Monitor
– SBC – Safe Brake Control
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English13
1Safety and requirements for product use
When suitable position transmitters are used and with suitable activation of the safety module, the
requirements are fulfilled in accordance with EN 61800-5-2 up to and including SIL3 and in accordance
with EN ISO 13849-1 up to and including Category 4 / PL e.
Depending on the encoders used for position recording, it is possible that only SIL2 is implemented
è Section 1.1.4.
The motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3 with safety module CAMC-G-S3 is a product with safety-relevant
functions and is intended for installation in machines or automation systems. Use it only:
– in excellent technical condition,
– in its original state without unauthorised modifications,
– within the product's limits as defined by the technical data è Appendix A.1,
– in an industrial environment.
The safety module CAMC-G-S3 can be operated in all motor controllers CMMP-AS-...-M3 that have an
Ext3 slot for safety equipment. It cannot be plugged into one of the Ext1 or Ext2 slots for interfaces.
Please note
In the event of damage caused by unauthorised manipulation or improper use, the guar
antee is invalidated and the manufacturer is not liable for damages.
1.1.3Foreseeable misuse
The following misuses are among those not approved as intended use:
– use in a device other than the CMMP-AS-…-M3,
– use outdoors,
– use in non-industrial areas (residential areas),
– use outside the limits of the product defined in the technical data,
– unauthorised modifications.
Please note
– The STO function must not be used as the sole safety function for drives subject to
permanent torque (e.g. suspended loads). Take this into account through the use of
suitable measures, e. g. a clamping unit.
– Bypassing of safety equipment is not allowed.
– Repairs to the safety module are not allowed! A professional replacement of the
safety module is permissible.
The STO (Safe Torque Off) function does not provide protection from electric shock, only
from hazardous movements! The drive is not disconnected from the power supply as is
required for electrical safety è hardware description, GDCP-CMMP-M3-HW-...
14Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
1Safety and requirements for product use
1.1.4Achievable safety level,
safety function in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 / EN 61800-5-2
The safety module fulfills the basic test requirements
– Category 4 / PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1,
– SIL CL 3 in accordance with EN 62061,
and can be used in applications up to cat. 4 / PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 and up to SIL 3 in
accordance with EN 62061 / IEC 61508.
The achievable safety level depends on the other components used to implement a safety function.
Cat. 4 / PL e, SIL 3
Cat. ... / PL ..., SIL ... è Appendix A.2
Safety module
Encoder 1
Encoder 2
Fig. 1.1Safety level CAMC-G-S3 and complete system
Take into account the approved combinations of position encoders along with the corres
ponding notes è Section 2.2.5, Tab. 2.7.
You can find information on the characteristic safety values, which can be implemented
with the corresponding peripherals, for the different safety functions in è Appendix A.2
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English15
1Safety and requirements for product use
1.2Requirements for product use
Make the complete documentation available to the design engineer, installation technician and
personnel responsible for commissioning the machine or system in which this product is used.
Make sure that the specifications of the documentation are always complied with. When so doing,
also take into account the documentation for the other components and modules (e. g. motor con
troller, circuits etc.).
Take into consideration the legal regulations applicable at the installation site, as well as:
– regulations and standards,
– regulations of the testing organisations and insurers,
– national specifications.
The safety module fulfils the requirements of EN 61800-5-2. Additional regulations, standards and
directives apply to the other safety devices used in the machine and their use, and must also be
taken into account.
For emergency stop applications, protection from automatic restart corresponding to the required
category must be planned. This can be achieved, for example, with an external safety switching
device or suitable parameterisation of the safety module CAMC-G-S3 è Section 2.7.
1.2.1Technical prerequisites
General information for the correct and safe use of the product, which must be observed at all times:
Comply with the connection and environmental conditions of the safety module (è appendix A.1),
the motor controller and all connected components.
The product can only be operated in compliance with the relevant safety regulations if you comply
with the limit values and load limits.
Observe the instructions and warnings in this documentation.
1.2.2Qualification of the specialised personnel (personnel requirements)
The device may only be set into operation by a qualified electrical technician who is familiar with:
– how to install and operate electrical control systems,
– the applicable regulations for operating safety-engineered systems,
– the applicable regulations for accident protection and operational reliability, and
– the documentation for the product.
1.2.3Diagnostic coverage (DC)
Diagnostic coverage depends on the integration of the motor controller with safety module into the
control loop system, the motors/position encoders used, as well as the implemented diagnostic
16Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
1Safety and requirements for product use
If a malfunction is detected during the diagnostics, appropriate measures must be taken to maintain
the safety level.
Please note
The reaction of the safety module to detected faults can be parameterised accordingly,
e.g. activate the safety functions SS1 and SBC if there is a cross-circuit of safe input
Please note
Check whether cross-circuit detection of the input circle and the connection wiring is
required in your application.
If needed, use a safety switching device with cross-circuit detection to activate the
safety module or use the safe outputs of the safety module for the supply of passive
switching devices together with the corresponding monitoring functions of the safe
1.2.4Range of application and certifications
The motor controller with built-in safety module is a safety device in accordance with the EC Machinery
Directive 2006/42/EC; the motor controller has the CE logo.
Safety-orientated standards and test values, which the product must comply with and fulfil, can be
found in the section “Technical data” è Appendix A.1. The product-relevant EC directives and stand
ards can be found in the declaration of conformity.
Certificates and declaration of conformity on this product can be found at
è www.festo.com/sp.
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English17
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
2.1Product overview
As processes become increasingly automated, protecting people from potentially hazardous move
ments is gaining in importance. Functional safety refers to measures required of electrical or electronic
equipment to reduce or eliminate malfunction-induced dangers. In normal operation, protective
devices prevent human access to hazardous areas. In certain operating modes, during set-up, for ex
ample, people need to be in hazardous areas. In such situations, the machine operator must be protec
ted by drive and internal control measures.
The functional safety engineering integrated with the safety module CAMC-G-S3 in the motor controller
CMMP-AS-...-M3 meets the requirements of the controller and drive for optimised implementation of
protective functions. Planning and installation complexity are reduced. The use of integrated functional
safety engineering produces extended machine functionality and better availability over the levels
achieved by conventional safety engineering.
The motor controllers of the CMMP-AS-...-M3 series can be equipped with plug-in modules for integ
rated functional safety technology. The following modules are available:
CAMC-DS-M1Micro switch module with DIL switches, no safety functions.
CAMC-G-S1Safety module with DIP switches and STO function.
CAMC-G-S3Safety module with the STO, SS1, SS2, SOS, SBC, SLS, SSR, SSM functions and
DIP switches.
Tab. 2.1Overview of the safety and micro switch modules for the CMMP-AS-...-M3
2.1.2Performance characteristics
The safety module CAMC-G-S3 has the following performance characteristics:
– Implementation of one or more of the safety functions:
– STO – Safe Torque Off
– SS1 – Safe Stop 1
– SS2 – Safe Stop 2
– SOS – Safe Operating Stop
– SLS – Safely-Limited Speed
– SSR – Safe Speed Range
– SSM – Safe Speed Monitor
– SBC – Safe Brake Control
– two-channel and single-channel inputs to request the safety function.
– two-channel safe outputs to control additional safety elements and functions.
– potential-free acknowledgement contact for the operating status.
18Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
– design as a module that can be plugged in from the outside thus enabling retrofits.
This functional safety engineering integrated in the motor controller allows:
– shortest reaction times through more rapid detection of possibly hazardous statuses.
– comprehensive detection of hazards through rapid, direct access to a wide range of signals and
measured variables in the motor controller.
– analysis of a wide range of position transmitters, such as resolvers, SIN/COS encoders, Hiperface
encoders, and also the analysis of position transmitters with purely serial protocols (ENDAT 2.2,
BISS, etc.)
– if necessary, rapid, direct manipulation of the setpoints / control system of the drive controller. An
axle can also be safety and precisely brought to idle without action by the functional controller / PLC
or braked to a limited speed.
– Direct interaction between the sequence control in the motor controller and the safety module. In
this way, for example, the clamping unit or holding brake, after a request of the SBC safety function
and the subsequent restart, is only opened when the motor controller is actively controlling the
position. This avoids “dropping” of vertical axles and there is no need to program a sequence in the
function controller.
2.1.3Supported devices
The safety module CAMC-G-S3 can only be used in motor controllers in conformity with section 1.1.2.
The motor controllers CMMP-AS-...-M3 are delivered without a safety or micro switch module in slot
Ext3 for safety modules.
The use of safety module CAMC-G-S3 enables the safety functions described in this documentation for the
integrated functional safety of safety-relevant motion monitoring and motion control to be expanded.
If no safety functions are required, the switch module CAMC-DS-M1 must be ordered and
inserted in the Ext3 slot for safety modules.
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English19
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
2.1.4Operating elements and connections
The safety module CAMC-G-S3 has the following control sections, connections and display components:
Pin 1
Pin 12
Pin 13
Pin 24
1 Motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3 with slot
2 7-segment display of the motor controller to
display the active safety function or error
messages of the safety module
3 Safety module CAMC-G-S3
4 I/O interface [X40A] and [X40B] to control the
safety functions
5 LED for display of the operating status
(status of functional safety)
6 DIP switch (activation/configuration of the
fieldbus communication in the motor controller)
7 Functional earth connection (flat plug
6.3 mm)
Fig. 2.1Control section and connections CAMC-G-S3
2.1.5Scope of delivery
Safety module CAMC-G-S3
Safety module with mounting accessories
(2 screws with spring washer)
2 plugs for I/O interface [X40A], [X40B]
PHOENIX Mini-Combicon MC1.5_12-ST-3.81-BK
(also available separately as an assortment of
plugs NEKM-C-9)
Brief description with mounting instructions German / English / Spanish / French / Italian /
Tab. 2.2Scope of delivery
20Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
2.2Function and application
2.2.1System overview
The following figure shows a typical drive system with integrated functional safety design, comprising
the following components:
– motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3,
– safety module CAMC-G-S3,
– synchronous servo motor, e.g. from the series EMMS-AS or EMME-AS from Festo,
– linear axle with second measuring system, e.g. EGC-...-M... from Festo,
– reliable clamping unit.
The actual drive control and function control of the axle of motion takes place as usual via the motor
controller CMMP-AS-...-M3 and the assigned control interfaces, e. g. [X1] or a fieldbus.
The safety module monitors the function of the drive controller of the motor controller. For this, the
safety-relevant variables of the motor movement are recorded and monitored according to the selected
safety functions. If the safety limits are exceeded (e.g. a maximum permissible speed), then the safety
module can, for example, safely switch off the driver supply for the output semi-conductor, thus pre
venting the power output stage from supplying the energy required by the motor.
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English21
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
Please note
Technical failure or failure of the power supply will lead to a switch-off of the power
output stage of the motor controller. Safety limitations could be the result, depending
on the application.
The safety module monitors the safety of the axle as follows:
– In the CAMC-G-S3, there are two microcontrollers in a redundant structure. During operation, they
continuously compare all the relevant input and output signals as well as the data of the position
– The safety functions in the CAMC-G-S3 are requested or activated via the digital safe inputs on the
safety module, by other safety functions or as an error response. Logic operations can be used to
set which digital inputs in which signal combination request a safety function.
– As soon as a safety function is active, safe monitoring of the status of the basic unit and axle takes
– For this, the safety module detects the movement of the axle (position, speed) via the position en
coder in the motor and, depending on the system structure, via a second measuring system.
– For this, the position sensors are connected to [X2A], [X2B] and [X10] on the basic unit, as usual.
The signals are forwarded internally to the safety module.
Important: The second measuring system on the axle may be essential, depending on the
requested safety classification and the axle configuration.
– If the axle is in the safe status, the safety function signals the status SSR, “Safe State Reached”,
and, when the safety conditions are violated, the safety function signals the status SCV “Safety
Condition Violated”.
– The safety module has safe digital outputs, in order to signal the safety status to the outside, e.g. to
an external safety controller or an additional CAMC-G-S3 or to supply digital inputs with test pulses.
– The safety module uses an internal device path to control the brake control output at the motor
connection [X6], thus allowing the safety function SBC in combination with an appropriately-certi
fied clamping unit.
– An external clamping unit can also be activated via a safe digital output and an external safe switch
ing device.
Important: To use the safety function SBC, a clamping unit with corresponding safety
classification must be used. For all types of holding brakes or clamping units without
certification, a risk analysis must be carried out and the suitability determined for the
appropriate safety application. Otherwise, these may not be used.
The holding brake in motors is not usually qualified and is thus not suitable.
22Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
– A potential-free signal contact is available for diagnostic purposes
– The operating status of the safety module is displayed by a status LED and the 7-segment display of
the basic unit
Data is exchanged between the safety module and the basic unit via an internal communication interface.
– This means that the basic unit is always aware of the current operating status of the safety module,
e.g. whether a safety function is requested and executed, or whether a violation of a safety condi
tion is detected.
– This means that the operating status of the safety design can be signalled to the functional control
ler via the different fieldbus interfaces.
– The safety module can actively manipulate the controller of the basic unit, without having to go
through the function controller. For example, the drive can actively be decelerated to the zero speed
when the safety function SS2 is requested
Important: This function is primarily beneficial when individual axles are moved. By con
trast, if the axle is moved in an interpolating operating mode (e.g. CAN interpolated posi
tion mode), then this function makes less sense.
Additional functions of the firmware in the safety module:
– safe switch-off of the motor controller in case of error, variable reaction to various errors.
– analysis of the signals of the safe inputs, monitoring of the correct function of the hardware (test
– control of the safe outputs, monitoring of the correct function of the hardware.
– safe monitoring of the correct function of the microcontrollers: Cyclical test of the memory (RAM,
Flash) and the CPU.
– Monitoring of the supply voltages.
– Cross-monitoring of the two involved microcontrollers.
– Management of the parameter sets, implementation of a safe parameterisation, secured with check
sums and a password.
2.2.2Circuitry of the safety module [X40]
To connect the safety functions, the safety module has a 24-pin interface [X40A/B] with the following
– 4 digital, two-channel sensor inputs with configurable allocation (SIL3 inputs),
– 6 digital, single-channel inputs with configurable allocation (max. SIL2 inputs), e.g. as
– 1 digital, 3-pole mode selector switch
– 1 input for error acknowledgment
– 1 input to control the restart after a safety function was requested
– 1 input for a feedback signal of an external clamping unit
– 3 digital, two-channel outputs (SIL3) with configurable allocation, optionally useable as clock output,
– 1 acknowledgment contact (relay contact) for diagnostic purposes,
– reference potential for all inputs and outputs,
– a 24 V auxiliary current supply for connected sensors.
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English23
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
Tab. 2.3 shows the connections, arranged by function. You can find the pin allocation arranged by pin
numbers in è Section 3.2, Electrical installation.
(Factory setting: Terminate safety function on rising
Digital outputs and signal contact
DOUT40ADigital output 40, two-channelX40A.5
DOUT41ADigital output 41, two-channelX40B.17
DOUT42ADigital output 42, two-channelX40B.19
C1Signal contact, relay contacts
(Factory setting: Safe state reached, no safety condi
tion violated).
– Opened: “Safety function not active”
– Closed: “Safety function active”
Reference potential and auxiliary supply
GND240 V, reference potential for DINx / DOUTx / +24 VX40B.23
+24 V24 V output, auxiliary supply, e.g. for safety peripherals
(24 V DC logic supply of t he motor controller).
1) Function in the delivery status or after resetting to factory settings (advance parameterisation)
Tab. 2.3Digital inputs and outputs, signal contact, reference potential and auxiliary supply [X40]
24Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
2.2.3Overview of the supported safety functions
The safety module supports the following safe stop and safe movement functions:
FunctionNumber Comment
STO1Uncontrolled stopping, safe restart interlock è Section 2.5.1
SS11Controlled stopping with subsequent STO è Section 2.5.3
SS21Controlled stopping with subsequent SOS è Section 2.5.4
SOS1Safe stop (with “Fine rotational speed limit”1)) è Section 2.5.5
USF4“Universal Safety Function”, combined safety functions.
In the “Safe Speed Function” (SSF) version, the following safety functions
can be implemented with appropriate parameterisation:
SLS Safely limited speed è Section 2.5.8
SSR Safe speed range è Section 2.5.9
SSM Safely monitored speed è Section 2.5.9
SBC1Safe brake control è Section 2.5.2
1) A slow movement within the monitored position window can be permissible
Tab. 2.4Equipment of the safety module
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English25
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
2.2.4Functional diagram of the safety module
The functions of the safety module are explained using the following functional diagram:
DIN40A/B ... DIN43A/BTwo-channel digital inputs
DIN44 ... DIN49Single-channel digital inputs
INPUT FILTER + LOGICInput filter and input logic
Status signals from driveStatus signals from drive
LIN_xLogical inputs
VIN_x_yVirtual inputs
Safety functionsSafety functions
LogicLogic, configurable for the safety functions using product
Safety function STO, SS1, etc.Safety function STO, SS1, etc.
Logic functionsLogic functions
Advanced logic ALF...Advanced logic functions ALF...
Fixed inputs LIN_...Permanently assigned logical inputs LIN_...
Operating Mode SwitchMode selector switch
Two Hand Control UnitTwo-handed control device
VOUT_xVirtual outputs
LOUT_xLogical outputs
Output Driver + Test Pulse UnitOutput drive and test pulse generation
DOUT40A/B ... DOUT42A/BTwo-channel digital outputs
Signal relaySignal contact
C1/C2Pins C1/C2 of the signal contact
Internal Brake ControlInternal brake control
BR+/BR-Pins BR+/BR- of the internal brake control
Internal Power Stage EnableInternal output stage enable
U_OS+/U_OS-Pins U_OS+/U_OS- of the internal output stage enable
Error Logic + Error HandlerError logic and error handling
[5x-x] xxx_ERRInternal error signal, error 5x-x
Finite state MachineFinite state machine
Feedback Signals LIN_xy := VOUT_xyFeedback of the signals LIN_xy := VOUT_xy
Tab. 2.5 Legend for Fig. 2.3
The digital inputs of the interface [X40] are shown on the very left of the block diagram and the digital
outputs on the very right. Between them is a structure with logic blocks and the safety functions.
In the functional diagrams and other block diagrams, all the safe signals have a yellow
background and potentially unsafe signals have a grey background.
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English27
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
Input filters and logical inputs:
The digital input signals at [X40] are first filtered in the “Input Filter + Logic” function block. The block
also checks whether test pulses exist on the input signals and whether they are plausible. In the case of
two-channel inputs, a test is carried out of whether the input level corresponds to the configured input
type (equivalent / antivalent switching) and whether the signals switch at the same time.
As a result of these tests, the logical statuses of the input signals are mapped, shown in the block dia
gram as LIN_x “Logic Inputs”. For example, the signal LIN_D40 maps the logical switching status of the
two-channel input DIN40.
List of logical inputs è Section B.1.1, Tab. B.2.
Safety functions:
The safety functions have some standardised features:
Configurable logic functions are used to define which logical input signals, LINs, are switched to the
safety function for
– requesting the safety function,
– terminating the request,
– selecting additional control signals, if required.
These internal control signals for the safety functions are termed VIN_x_y “Virtual Inputs”, e.g.
VIN_SS1_RSF is the term for the input for requesting (Request Safety Function) the safety function
SS1. The switching status of these signals can be read out and displayed. List of virtual outputs
è Section B.1.2, Tab. B.5.
A total of 32 product terms are available for the configuration of the switching conditions
and are comparable to a programmable logic module (PLD). The product terms can be
distributed flexibly to the desired functions.
A maximum of 4 of OR-linked product terms with a maximum of 7 inputs with/without
inversion can be used for each VIN_x_y control signal for safety and logic functions, but
also for the configuration of the VOUT_x outputs.
Virtual inputs, to which no product term has been assigned, have the logical status “0”.
The following example uses two of the 32 product terms to request the STO function:
The product terms are managed automatically using the SafetyTool (a special software,
integrated in the FCT PlugIn) and are scarcely visible to the user.
28Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
The safety function itself contains logic and sequence functions which can be parameterised. The
safety function takes the current status of the drive (position, speed) into account and monitors the
drive. Each safety function makes the following output signals available:
– the status signal that the safety function has been requested,
– the status signal that the safe state has been reached,
– an error message in the case of violation of the safety condition.
In addition, some safety functions make yet more control signals available for the direct control of func
tions in the drive controller. These status messages are shown as a group in the block diagram and are
indicated with VOUT_x “VIrtual Output Signals”.
List of virtual outputs è Section B.1.2, Tab. B.5.
Logic functions for the inputs:
Special logical control signals are required for some applications, and are made up of a combination of
multiple input signals. The safety module supports these applications by making predefined logic func
tions available for:
– the mode selector,
– the two-handed control device
The output signals of these logic blocks are mapped directly in LIN_x, as they also serve to control
safety functions.
However, you can configure your own additional logic blocks. The so-called ALF “Advanced Logic Func
tions” ALF0 to ALF7 are available for this. Their output signals are available as VOUT_x “Virtual Output
Signals”. List of virtual outputs è Section B.1.2, Tab. B.5.
Logical outputs and output drivers:
The safety module has configurable blocks with power drivers for:
– activating the digital outputs with the generation of test pulses,
– activating the relay output,
– activating the basic unit, e.g. the output for brake activation and to switch off the driver supply for
A configurable logic function is used to define which VOUT signals are switched to the appropriate out
put driver as LOUT “Logic Output Signal”.
The logic function consists of a product term with a maximum of seven inputs as well as input and out
put inversion. List of virtual outputs è Section B.1.4, Tab. B.7.
The status of the logical output (one bit) is converted by the output driver to the physical output sig
nals (frequently two signals, configurable as antivalent / equivalent / test pulses).
The safety module has an internal feedback path, as it is desirable in some applications to execute
safety functions according to the status of another safety or logic function:
The most important VOUT signals are therefore guided back to logical inputs LIN and are available to
logical operations.
List of logical inputs è Section B.1.1, Tab. B.2.
Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English29
2Product description of safety module CAMC-G-S3
State machine:
The operating status of the safety module is controlled using a finite state machine. The operating
status is displayed using a multi-coloured LED and also mapped in VOUT.
An exact description of the operating statuses can be found in è Section 2.10.
Error management:
The error management controls how the safety module reacts when errors occur. The most important
error reaction is to immediately switch-off the power output stage in the basic unit (Safe Torque Off,
STO) as well as to switch off all safe outputs. The error responses can be configured è Section 2.8.
2.2.5Overview of supported position encoders
Position-detection sensors are required, in order to safely monitor the speed (e.g. for SLS) and position
(e.g. for SOS).
The motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M3 supports many different shaft encoders for position and speed
detection via the device interfaces X2A, X2B and X10. The signals of the position encoders are forwar
ded internally from the CMMP-AS-...-M3 to the safety module (è Fig. 2.2). Most shaft encoders can
also be analysed directly by the safety module, as the signals are available to the safety module.
The position and speed are detected via the shaft encoders.
The following shaft encoders are supported by the safety module:
– resolver via X2A
– SIN/COS incremental encoder via X2B
– SICK Hiperface shaft encoder via X2B (only process data channel)
– Heidenhain ENDAT encoder via X2B
– incremental encoder with digital A/B signals via X2B
– BISS position transmitters for linear motors via X2B
– incremental encoder with digital A/B signals via X10
The position and speed are detected via the shaft encoders.
The safety functions supported by the safety module do not require knowledge of the
absolute position. For this reason, safe analysis of the absolute position of the encoders
or safe homing is not intended.
Each microcontroller on the safety module can analyse up to two position transmitters:
30Festo – GDCP-CAMC-G-S3-EN – 1406NH – English
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