Fernco Pipe Installation Manual

Tubular Drain Pipe Connector Installation
For any combination of 1-1/2” or 1-1/4” tubular drain pipe.
1. Loosen clamps and install tube connector onto pipe being connected. Make sure the end of the pipe is centered in the connector. Slightly tighten clamp.
2. Install other pipe into connector until it touches other pipe.
3. Tighten both clamps snug (10 in. Ibs. torque) and test for leaks. Caution: Over-tightening of clamp can cause pipe to crush.
*Maximum test pressure
4.3 PSI (29.6 KPA)
Un it ed Stat es
7/08 R1108
PH : 81 0- 65 3- 96 26 FX : 81 0- 65 3- 87 14
PH : 51 9- 33 2- 67 11
FX : 51 9- 33 2- 86 10