Fermax PC-PDA User Manual

Application user manual
Software version V1.08 Code 97589I V07_10
Code 97589I, V07_10 Technical information booklet published by FERMAX ELECTRONICA S.A.E.
As part of its policy of constant improvement, FERMAX ELECTRONICA S.A.E. reserves the right to modify the content of this document and the characteristics of the products referred to in it at any time and without prior notice. Any modification will be reflected in subsequent editions of this document.
Table of contents
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................... 4
Installation ........................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 6
Main Menu ......................................................................................................... 7
Putting the receiver into configuration mode ...................................................... 9
Find receiver ..................................................................................................... 10
Parameters ...................................................................................................... 12
Mode ................................................................................................................ 13
Power ............................................................................................................... 14
Opening time .................................................................................................... 14
Repeating period .............................................................................................. 14
User PIN ........................................................................................................... 14
Administrator PIN ............................................................................................. 15
Receiver Name ................................................................................................. 16
User management .......................................................................................... 17
Add ................................................................................................................... 18
Modify ............................................................................................................... 19
ReadBK / WriteBK ............................................................................................ 20
Read File .......................................................................................................... 20
Save File .......................................................................................................... 21
Delete ............................................................................................................... 22
Empty List......................................................................................................... 22
Search dev. ...................................................................................................... 22
*Class II-III ....................................................................................................... 25
Start Search ..................................................................................................... 25
Delete Device ................................................................................................... 26
Modify Device ................................................................................................... 26
Empty List......................................................................................................... 26
Export list.......................................................................................................... 26
NOTE: Clase II-III: Opciones no disponibles en PDA.
Prerequisites and Installation 0
PC equipped with Bluetooth connection.
With Microsoft or Widcomm Bluetooth stack.
With Microsoft® Windows XP or higher operating system.
Note: If your PC does not have a Microsoft or Widcomm Bluetooth stack, ask the manufacturer how to update the Bluetooth stack to that of Microsoft or Widcomm.
Note: This program can only be used to operate on Bluetooth 1.30 and later receivers.
The application is installed using the standard Microsoft procedure for installation of applications on computers.
A file is used to install the application:
Simply deposit this file in any of the PC’s subdirectories and double click on it for the installation process to start automatically.
If at this point in the installation of the application you are asked to install Microsoft’s “.NET Framework 2.0“ you can either download it from the Microsoft website or use the installable included in the CD called “dotnetfx.exe” to then launch “setup_bluekey_pc.exe” again.
When the installation process has finished:
9 The “BluekeyPC” subdirectory will have been created in the specified location during the
installation process (by default (C:\Program Files\Fermax\). This subdirectory stores all the files necessary to execute the program (the executable file FermaxPC.exe, the xml programming language files, any additional user lists, etc).
9 A direct access will have been created on the PC desktop to launch the FermaxPC
Introduction 1
Welcome to Bluekey Fermax PC. Fermax PC Bluekey (BFPC) is an application that enables the user to administrate the Bluekey receiver for Fermax from a computer. The BFPC will help the administrator precisely configure the receiver using a series of simple, intuitive menus.
Note that you don’t need to reconfigure the receiver if you want to work with the ex-factory default configuration.
Note about this manual
The images on the screens shown in the manual correspond to the PC application. The appearance of screens in the Fermax Bluetooth application varies, depending on the type of equipment used, PC or PDA. Nonetheless, the information shown, the visible text labels and the order of the data fields are the same in both cases. Example:
PC application screen PDA application screen
The general layout of the menus throughout the application will be as follows:
Title of current menu.
0. General layout of menus.
Exit menu. Menu options.
Menu operating
Menu operating
Main Menu 2
Main Menu
The main BFPC menu includes the following functions:
Find receiver: enables you to create a Bluetooth connection with the desired receiver device in order to subsequently be able to operate on it.
Parameters: enables you to manage the operating parameters of the receiver device.
User management: enables you to manage user lists, create new ones from different
sources, and also upload or update them from the receiver.
The option “Clase
The “Clase II option - II I”
II – III is not
is not available in
available in PDA
Active receiver
1. Main Menu
The menu also provides additional information on which receiver is active at this moment. When you initially execute the application, the “Parameters” button is disabled and the receiver indicates that there are none active. The “Parameters” button will remain disabled until a connection is made to the receiver.
Search Receiver Menu 3
Putting the receiver into configuration mode
There are three ways to go into configuration mode:
1. Switch off the receiver. On a telephone, PDA or PC, enter the Bluetooth name
“ADMMAN” and switch the receiver on again. After correctly entering the administrator PIN, the action will be executed to force the receiver to go from standard mode into configuration mode.
2. With the receiver operating in standard mode, and without having to turn it off, with a
pencil or ballpoint pen press on a small push button on the board underneath the leds. The receiver comes out of standard mode and goes into configuration mode while a short sound indicator is emitted in the buzzer.
3. If the PC or PDA with which you wish to configure the reader also did this the previous
time, if you have the Bluetooth connection on the reader will automatically request the administrator PIN code and if it is correct will go into configuration mode. Note: it is
very important, if the configuration PC is in the vicinity of the reader, to disconnect or suspend its Bluetooth interface to avoid the reader continuously requesting the administrator PIN and failing to respond to user phones while awaiting the PIN code.
To return to standard operation mode, there are three alternatives:
1. With the receiver operating in configuration mode, and without needing to switch it off,
press the push button we described above. The receiver goes from configuration mode into standard mode. At this moment a longer sound indicator is emitted in the buzzer than in the previous case.
2. If the receiver is in configuration mode and five minutes pass from the last configuration action executed, it will automatically switch back over to standard mode.
3. When the application ends a command is automatically sent to the receiver which takes it out of configuration mode and back into standard mode.
Find receiver
¾ Important: in order to be able to find and operate on the receiver, it must be in
configuration mode.
This menu enables the device to search for the receiver on which it is going to operate. To do this, it carries out a search for the available ones.
When the search has ended and the device has been located, the administrator must be paired with the receiver. For this, the administration PIN is used as a pairing code (by default "4444"). If this operation is successful, a connection will be established between the two, which will enable it to operate on the destination. This action will avoid future pairings, unless certain special circumstances occur later (receiver reboot, five-minute timeout consumed, pressing the button, changing the administrator PIN).
Selectable receivers list.
2. Find receiver menu
Operation information panel.
The Search /More button: enables the administrator to search for the receiver. Those detected will be added to the list of selectable receivers.
The Select button: enables the administrator to establish a connection between the source device and the receiver to subsequently be able to operate on it.
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