Fermax PBX EXP, PBX KEY, PBX CAM, PBX EA User And Installation Manual

Fermax PBX DP
analogue door phone panel
Fermax PBX EXP Fermax PBX KEY
Fermax PBX CAM
Fermax PBX EA
Congratulations on purchasing the door phone panel “Fermax PBX Door Phone” Fermax PBX DP. This door phone can satisfy your need of
communication with visitors at the entrance to the building, to your company or at the entrance of your house. Its use is universal, because it can be connected to an analog internal extension line of your PBX regardless on its type or on the producer. To each pushbutton you can program up to two 16-digit numbers in
pulse or tone dialling incl. characters “*”, “ # ”, Pause and Flash in tone dialling.
The basic module of the door phone always contains 2 pushbuttons and optionally the first expansion, 8 pushbutton C module. The combination of
Fermax New Cityline panels enable the sets of door phone with 1 to 10 pushbuttons just by using the basic electronics module of Fermax PBX DP.
You can also expand the whole system by the 8 pushbutton expansion module
Fermax PBX EX P up to the limit of 64 pus hb utt ons. The basic module can be expanded by Fermax PBX CAM, a module with IP colour camera, optionally there can be an add-on speaker module with an amplifier Fermax PBX EA,
which is used for very noisy areas. The Fermax New Cityline panels are rich with an add ons. For example the panels offer installations on the surface or flush mounted, they can be used both indoors and outdoors, there can be add­on roofing used, etc. The door phone panel is powered from the analog line of the PBX. The features of the door phone are similar to a hands-free telephone. Among basic features you can find the possibility of opening up to two doors via connected electrical locks (first 10 pushbuttons can be used for code lock function – opening the door via a pre-set code). Easy programming via serial line or USB from the computer, alternatively via tone dialling of a telephone. If programming via tone dialling, you can either ether the programming mode by calling to the door phone panel and enter the 4-digit service password or by connecting of programming jumper on the main board of the door phone panel. The second type of programming is used usually when you forget the service password.
Manual version V8.1 6. 4.2010
1 BASIC DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 6
1.1 FEATURES ...................................................................................................... 6
1.2 ASSEMBLY OF PANELS ................................................................................... 7
1.2.1Terminology and orientation in panels ..................................................... 7
1.2.2Examples of panels ................................................................................... 8
1.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MODULES ........................................................... 10
1.3.1The basic module of electronics Fermax PBX DP .................................. 10
1.3.2Example of switches connection ............................................................. 15
1.3.3Front panel ............................................................................................. 15
1.3.4Exchange of visit cards ........................................................................... 16
1.3.5Expansion module Fermax PBX EXP ..................................................... 16
1.3.6Keypad modul e Fermax PBX KEY.......................................................... 17
1.3.7Other modules (panels) ........................................................................... 17
1.4 ASSEMBLY OF THE DOOR PHONE PANEL ....................................................... 18
1.4.1Surf ace m ounting .................................................................................... 18
1.4.2Flush mounting ....................................................................................... 18
2 DOOR PHONE NUDV (FERMAX PBX DP) OPERATION ......................... 20
2.1 SIGNALING OVERVIEW ................................................................................. 20
2.2 VISITOR AT DOOR ........................................................................................ 20
2.2.1Guard without Keyboard ........................................................................ 20
2.2.2Guard with Keyboard ............................................................................. 21
2.3 PERSON INSIDE OBJECT ............................................................................... 22
2.3.1Out going Call ......................................................................................... 22
2.3.2Inc oming Call ......................................................................................... 22
3 PROGRAMMING OF PARAMETERS .......................................................... 23
3.1 PROGRAMMING THROUGH PHONE ................................................................ 23
3.1.1Entry to Programming ............................................................................ 23
3.1.2Programming of parameters ................................................................... 23
3.2 PROGRAMMING FROM PC PROGRAM NSET................................................ 24
4 DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS .............................................................. 25
4.1 DIRECT DIALING MEMORIES ..................................................................... 25
4.2 SWITCHES .................................................................................................... 25
4.3 BASIC PARAMETERS .................................................................................... 27
4.4 TIME PARAMETERS ...................................................................................... 29
4.5 PRESETTING AND DELETING ........................................................................ 32
4.6 PROGRAMMING TERMINATION ..................................................................... 32
4.7 SYSTEM SETTING ......................................................................................... 33
OVERVIEW OF PARAMETERS ........................................................................ 34
4.9 LIST OF PRESETTING PARAMETERS .............................................................. 36
5 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS ........................................................................ 37
5.1 ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS .......................................................................... 37
5.2 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS .......................................................................... 37
6 TABLE FOR EASY PROGRAMMING .......................................................... 38
1 Basic description
1.1 Features
¾ Modular system with 1 to 64 pushbuttons ¾ Two 16-digit numbers stored on each pushbutton ¾ It can be connected to any PBX via analog line ¾ PBX DP door phone works on any analog line ¾ Compatible with all analog and hybrid types of PBXs ¾ Panel is made of highly weather resistant anodized aluminium ¾ Waterproof pushbuttons with impregnation IP66, gold plated contacts ¾ Pushbuttons are manufactured in zamak and a natural chromed finish ¾ Card slot lighting by means of low consumption, max. duration LEDs ¾ Card slot lighting can be switched off to be less attractive for vandals ¾ Flush or surface mounting ¾ 2 relays for two independent electrical locks ¾ Codelock feature by using pushbuttons ¾ Up to six codelock numerical passwords (2-6 digits) ¾ Programming via PC USB cable ¾ Remote control and programming via DTMF ¾ Optional DECT GAP BOX for wireless connection to DECT GAP base
¾ Integrated heating of the electronic cuircuit board
1.2 Assembly of panels
The building blocks of Fermax IP DP are the basic panels which differ by its size, number of pushbuttons, if the visit card has got two or one pushbuttons.
1.2.1 Terminology and orientation in panels
4 AP 204 (item number) as a representative of terminology. It is a panel with
height of 199mm. It contains an audio module and two times 4 pushbuttons, i.e. 8 pushbuttons in total.
first digit: 1 - 9 defines the height of the whole panel, the width of all panels is
130mm. 1 - 128mm 2 - 151mm 3 - 175mm 4 - 199mm 5 - 246mm 6 - 294mm 7 - 341mm 8 - 389mm 9 - 436mm group of letters: defines basic HW features of panel : A - audio panel C - audio panel with a camera P – panel with pushbuttons V – panel with a window W- panel with two windows first digit after letters: 1 / 2 – defines number of pushbuttons at visit card
1 (on the right) or 2 (on the left or right)
next two digits: 01 - 15 – number of visit cards. If multiplied by the
previous digit, then we get a number of pushbuttons on
the panel By this marking one compact panel is defined. The panel can be expanded by other panels vertically or more optimally, in a horizontal direction. In case of horizontal expansion, then it is necessary to use the same height of panels (defined by the first digit of the item number).
1.2.2 Examples of panels
Fermax PBX DP Fermax PBX DP Fermax PBX EA Fermax PBX KEY 1 AP 201 1 AP 101 1 A 1
Fermax PBX DP Fermax PBX DP Fermax PBX EA Fermax PBX CAM 2 AP 202 2 AP 201 2 A 2C
All panels can be mounted either on the surface or they can be flush mounted. In the latest catalogue of Fermax you can choose the correct New Cityline accessories incl. for example the protective roofing.
Fermax PBX DP panels can be equipped with an additional time switch called "TimeRelay". It is used for an expansion of the number of
switches. It is programmable. Based on switching of one of the two switches in the Fermax IP DP panel, the TimeRelay can simulate e.g. sequent opening of the door or alternatively you can connect the exit button. You can also use an external DECT module called DistyBox. DistyBox can be registered to the base station operating in DECT GAP system. The DistyBox registers as another wireless phone.
Please do not use systems which do not support DTMF transmission during the call from the wireless DECT phone to the other wireless DECT phone (e.g. DTMF transmission is required when you need to use the DTMF command for opening the door). DistyBox has got its own power supply. it works as a DECT to analog line convertor. The door phone panel is connected to this analogue line.
1.3 Characteristics of the modules
1.3.1 The basic module of electronics Fermax PBX DP
The basic module of Fermax PBX DP panel is supplied in two versions – with two pushbuttons - Fermax PBX DP-2 (a version for 1 or 2 pushbuttons) and two pushbuttons with a possibility of expansion by additional 8 pushbuttons, i.e. each basic panel allows connection of up to 10 pushbuttons with no further accessories of Fermax PBX DP panel. The basic module can be further expanded by additional 8 pushbuttons via modules called Fermax PBX DP EXP and a keypad module called Fermax PBX KEY.
Picture 1 Schematics of connection and set-up elements
Picture 2 The real image of connection and set-up elements
1. Service jumper is used usually in case when the user forgets the service
password for entering into the programming mode. The standard way of entering into the programming mode is by calling the line where Fermax PBX DP is connected, the door phone answers the call and then you dial the service password #xxxx where xxxx is the password. In the default settings the service password is xxxx=0000. This way you can enter the programming mode. If the password is invalid, then you have the choice of using the service jumper. When you call the door phone, you are able to enter the programming mode directly and the forgotten password can be set to the new one again.
2. PC conector is used for connecting RS232 cable or USB cable to the PC.
After installing Nset program, it is possible to program or check the settings of parameters of the program. Attention – if you use the programming cable and the PC connector is used (the black connector), the door phone is out of order – it can´t be used for normal operation.
3. Loudspeaker loudness SPK – you can set the desired loudspeaker
loudness/volume with the trimmer. Attention – the louder the loudspeaker volume, the sharper the switching of echo cancellation (TRH settings). You can obtain approx. 25mW from the telephone line for the acoustic output of the Handsfree circuit, therefore further increasing of the loudness volume just leads to higher distortion. In case you need to increase the volume output, you can use an extrernal loudspeaker module with an amplifier Fermax PBX EA.
4. Connection of loudspeaker SPK
5. Settings of acoustic coupling TRH is used for balancing of direction on the
telephone line (outgoing-incomming voice transmission). To avoid “hooting” of the door phone because of the acoustic coupling, the door phone chooses which direction (outgoing-incomming) has got the priority, if the priority will be given to the microphone direction or to the loudspeaker direction. The sound volume level of “swtching” the microphone direction of
the door phone is set with the trimmer „TRH“. The settings of this trimmer is
influenced by the level of surrounding noise and setting of microphone
volume „MIC“ and loudspeaker volume "SPK".
Process of the set-up: please set the trimmers MIC and SPK to ¼ from the minimum sound volume (from the minimum value start turning to the left), the trimmer TRH needs to be set to the middle position. During the voice connection please speak softly and start turning the TRH trimmer to the left side until the other party on the phone side (inside the building) starts hearing you well. Increasing the volume of the loudspeaker or the microphone then can be set as required according to local conditions.
6. Please pay attention on the correct polority during the connection of a
microphone MIC!
7. The loudness of microphone MIC is set by the trimmer. Please bear on
mind that the louder the sound volume, the sharper the switching of echo cancellation (set-up of TRH).
8. Jumper Heat (marked as H) enables switching on/off the heating which is
integrated on the main board for the door phone. The heating has got automatic regulation, therefore it works both at 12V or 24V power supply . The lower the temperature, the higher the output of the heating (max. 1,5W).
9. Jumper Light (marked as L) enables switching on/off the illumination of visit
10. Connection 12V – the connector for connection of power supply, which is
necessary just for the heating of the main board, for illumination of the visit cards or for controlling the coils of relay contacts. The coil of relay has got a consumption of 50mA, however the telephone line can supply e.g. 20mA only. Therefore the coils of relay are controlled from the external power supply of 12V by optrons (opto-isolators). If the power supply of 12V is not connected, then you can´t verify contacts making! The circuits inside the door phone have been designed for connection of 8V - 18VAC (alternating)
or for 12V - 24VDC (direct), max. cnsumption is 250mA (+ 3,5mA x number of visit cards).
11. Switching contact of 2nd relay (NO=normally open, NC=normally closed
and COM= common terminal of the relay)
12. Switching contact of 1st relay (NO=normally open, NC=normally closed
and COM= common terminal of the relay)
13. Grounding connector GND – it is used for antistatic protection, especially
for installation at places with marble floor, or if the plastering with polystyrene is used, then there is quite often the static electricity available. By grounding the door phone panel you will avoid unneccessary problems, so we strongly suggest to use the grounding connector!
14. Connection of the telephone line
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