Fermax LYNX VIVO, LYNX EXTRA Smile, LYNX SMILE User& Installer's Manual

LYNX Monitors
LYNX Monitor
This manual includes basic instructions for the installation, programming and commissioning of LYNX monitors.
Code 970013I V11_16
This technical document has been edited by FERMAX ELECTRÓNICA for informational purposes, and the company reserves the right to modify any of the technical specifi cations of the products referred to herein at any time without prior notice. These changes shall be refl ected in later editions of the same document.
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LYNX Monitor
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................6
1.1 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: LED NAVIGATION BUTTONS AND ICONS .......................................6
Function description .......................................................................................................................................8
Buttons ............................................................................................................................................................8
Icons ................................................................................................................................................................8
2 SCREEN DESIGN. START MENU .........................................................................................10
2.1 STRUCTURE AND ARRANGEMENT OF FUNCTIONS .................................................................12
3 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE ON MONITOR ................................................15
3.1 GENERAL SETTINGS. ...................................................................................................................15
3.1.1 CALL SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.2 BACKGROUND SETTINGS...................................................................................................................16
3.1.3 LANGUAGE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.1.4 PICTURE SETTINGS.............................................................................................................................16
3.1.5 INTERNATIONAL SETTINGS ................................................................................................................ 17
3.1.6 PRIVACY SETTINGS (USER) ...............................................................................................................17 PIN required ...............................................................................................................................17
a) User settings .......................................................................................................................... 17
b) Reading messages ................................................................................................................18 Change PIN ................................................................................................................................19
a) User PIN ................................................................................................................................19
b) Alarm PIN............................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.7 HOME-TO-HOME CALL SETTINGS...................................................................................................... 20
3.1.8 “Push to Talk” AUDIO mode ................................................................................................................... 20
3.1.9 INSTALLER SETTINGS .........................................................................................................................21 MONITOR SETTINGS ...............................................................................................................21
a) Standard Lynx Mode / c) Static IP Mode ...............................................................................22
b) DHCP Mode ...........................................................................................................................22 DELETE ALL SETTINGS (Reset) .............................................................................................22 LIFT SETTINGS CONTROL ......................................................................................................23 OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS ...........................................................................................................23 ALARM SETTINGS ................................................................................................................... 24 HOME AUTOMATION SETTINGS .............................................................................................25 INSTALLER PRIVACY SETTINGS ............................................................................................26
a) User PIN ................................................................................................................................26
b) Alarm PIN............................................................................................................................... 27
c) Installer PIN ........................................................................................................................... 27 SD CARD MENU ....................................................................................................................... 27 MOBILITY SETTINGS ............................................................................................................... 28 RELAY CONTROL ...................................................................................................................28 DOORBELL SETTINGS ........................................................................................................... 29 IP CAMERA CONFIGURATION ...............................................................................................30
a) Add camera .........................................................................................................................30
b) Edit camera .........................................................................................................................30
a) - b) Test camera ................................................................................................................... 31
c) Delete camera/s ...................................................................................................................31
3.2 DEFAULT FUNCTIONS + OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS ENABLED. ....................................................32
3.2.1 DO NOT DISTURB MODE ....................................................................................................................32
3.2.2 CAMERA ACTIVATED ...........................................................................................................................33
3.2.3 CALL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT UNIT (PMU) .................................................................................33
3.2.4 RECEIVE MESSAGES ......................................................................................................................... 34
3.2.5 ALARM MODE ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Sabotage detection system (alarms).....................................................................................................38
3.2.6 AUTOMA TION .......................................................................................................................................38
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LYNX Monitor
3.2.7 AUDIO NOTES ............................................................................................................. .........................38
a) Record audio note.............................................................................................................................39
b) Play back audio note.........................................................................................................................39
3.2.8 CALL HISTORY ..................................................................................................................................... 40
a) Calls made ........................................................................................................................................40
b) Calls received ................................................................................................................................... 40
c) Missed calls.......................................................................................................................................41
3.2.9 INTERNAL CALLS ................................................................................................................................41
3.2.10 EXTERNAL CALLS .............................................................................................................................42
3.2.11 IP CAMERAS ......................................................................................................................................42
3.2.12 IMAGE VISUALISATION .....................................................................................................................43
3.2.13 LIFT CONTROL................................................................................................................................... 43
3.2.14 DOORMATIC ....................................................................................................................................... 44
3.2.15 SEND MESSAGES .............................................................................................................................44
3.2.16 TIMER ................................................................................................................................................. 45
3.2.17 SCREEN CLEANING ..........................................................................................................................45
3.2.18 CONTACT LIST - FRIENDSHIP REQUEST .......................................................................................46
3.2.19 MOBILITY ............................................................................................................................................48
a) Link mobile device .......................................................................................................................... 49
b) List of mobile devices .....................................................................................................................49
3.2.20 RELAY CONTROL .............................................................................................................................50
3.2.21 F1 .......................................................................................................................................................50
3.2.22 INDUCTION LOOP ............................................................................................................................. 50
4 CONFIGURING THE MONITOR FROM THE WEB SERVER .................................................51
5 CALLS ......................................................................................................................................52
5.1 RECEIVING CALLS .........................................................................................................................52
5.2 MAKE CALLS ..................................................................................................................................54
a) Call/connection outdoor panel ...................................................................................................................54
b) IP Camera connection ................................................................................................................................54
c) Call the Property Management Unit - PMU (concierge) .............................................................................54
d) Intercommunication: Calls between monitors ............................................................................................ 55
d) Panic calls (SOS button) ............................................................................................................................55
6 INSTALLATION - MONITOR MEASUREMENTS ....................................................................57
6.1 SMILE MONITOR ............................................................................................................................57
FLUSH-MOUNT Installation ...........................................................................................................................57
SURFACE-MOUNT Installation ......................................................................................................................57
DIMENSIONS (Flush / Surface) .....................................................................................................................58
6.2 VIVO+ MONITOR ............................................................................................................................58
7 CONNECTORS - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................59
7.1 SMILE MONITOR ............................................................................................................................59
a) Connectors ..................................................................................................................................59
b) Technical Specifi cations .............................................................................................................. 60
7.2 VIVO/VIVO+ MONITOR ...................................................................................................................61
a) Connectors ..................................................................................................................................61
b) Technical Specifi cations .............................................................................................................. 62
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LYNX Monitor
Fermax Electrónica develops and manufactures premium equipment that meets the highest design and technology standards.
Lynx monitors are technological devices designed to maximise communication, safety and comfort in the home.
All of the monitor’s available functions are described in this manual. These functions may be enabled or disabled as you wish, according to your installation requirements.
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LYNX Monitor
LYNX Monitors are internet protocol-based monitors. These monitors are part of the LYNX system: data, audio and TCP / IP-based multi-channel video. They communicate with a panel based in an IP video door entry system (the L YNX Audio and Video module) and a PC-based Guard Unit (the Property Management Unit, PMU).
This is a technological device designed to maximise communication, safety and comfort in the home. Lynx monitors are hands-free (by default), with duplex audio, colour video with touch screens and additional
function buttons for the most common functions. There is the option of a “Push to Talk” audio mode. On the touch screen, the options will be displayed via graphic icons. Navigation may be performed via the
icons, and selections made by pressing on the screen. Setting the monitor to standby will turn off the screen. The monitors are installed on walls via their corresponding connectors. Monitors:
- VIVO Monitor: 7” touch screen - VIVO LYNX Connector Ref. 1605.
- VIVO+ Monitor: 10” touch screen - VIVO LYNX Connector Ref. 1605.
- Lynx SMILE Monitor: 7” touch screen - SMILE LYNX Connector Ref. 1655.
Once switched on, the monitor will start up and display the FERMAX logo, fi rmware version, MAC address and IP address. The boot-up process fi nishes in 60 seconds and the monitor enters in stand-by mode.
Icon-button display on VIVO / VIVO MONITORS
Door open
Message alert
Fermax Monitor VIVO Firmware F_V03.00.007
Alarm modes confi guration
Sleep Home
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Panic button
MENU button Touch screen
LYNX Monitor
Icon-button display on SMILE MONITORS
Touch screen
Fermax SMILE Firmware version F _V03.00.007_SMILE
Message alert
Outside Sleep Home
Alarm modes confi guration
Important note:
- On the SMILE monitor, the time setting may be lost after a power failure. The SMILE monitor will consult the outdoor panel for the time when starting, therefore it is important to confi gure the date and time correctly on all panels. Incorrect time synchronisation of system monitors can lead to unexpected problems.
MENU button
Audio Activation and Hang-Up Button
Panic button (SOS)
Door Opening Button
The fi rmware version is also displayed on the Installation Settings screen.
The screen may be deactivated by pressing the power off icon; otherwise this occurs automatically after 30 seconds of inactivity.
To access some of the screen’s basic functions, touch the screen or press the MENU button, which will activate and allow you to select the icon corresponding to the desired function.
Different LED icons can be displayed via the monitor or illuminated push buttons (depending on the function), to indicate additional activated states and functions. The icon is only visible when the LED is on.
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LYNX Monitor
Function description
MENU button
When the touch screen is idle, pressing MENU will turn the screen on. When the touch screen is on, pressing MENU will turn the screen to idle. When the user is navigating a sub-menu, pressing MENU causes the monitor to return
to the main home screen.
- When the touch screen is idle, pressing this will also turn the screen on.
Panic button. See section: 5. CALLS (Panic calls - SOS Button). Should there be a Property Management Unit (concierge), a panic call may be made
by pressing the SOS button for 3 seconds. The panic call is a special call made to whichever PMU is confi gured to receive alarms
and is responsible for receiving these types of calls.
Notes (SMILE monitor):
- This button fl ashes in the following instances:
• When the monitor has no network connection (two fl ashes per second).
• When a panic call is activated and a PMU is set up to receive alarms (one fl ash every two seconds).
- In all other instances, it will remain switched off
Audio Activation and Hang-Up Button
When you receive a call (You have 30 seconds to answer before the device returns to idle. During this time, the blue LED audio button will fl ash to let you know that the call is waiting to be answered), press this button to talk to the visitor. The outdoor- indoor audio channel is opened (the blue LED on the audio button lights up steadily to indicate that you are in conversation with the outdoor panel and everything you say will be heard on it), and the device is in hands-free mode.
Press to end the communication (the blue audio button LED will turn off again). Communication will end automatically after 90 seconds, or whenever the button is
- Audio pick-up and hang-up operations can also be performed from the monitor touch screen, see section: 5. CALLS.
Door Opening Button
When you are in communication (video / audio & video) with the Outdoor Panel, pushing this button will activate the door release.
- Door opening operations can also be performed from the monitor touch screen, see section:
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Do not disturb mode
This function deactivates the monitor’s call sound.
- If you do not wish to hear the “beep” on receiving a message, this sound must be disabled. See section: 3.1.1 Call Settings
LYNX Monitor
Message alert
When a new message is received, the message icon on the monitor lights up and a "beep" is heard (this sound is optional and can be disabled).
If this message icon is lit, this indicates either a message, audio note, or missed call. Text appears at the bottom of the screen telling the user what the notifi cation corresponds to.
- If you do not wish to hear the “beep” on receiving a message, this sound must be disabled. See section: 3.1.1 Call Settings
Door open
When the door is opened from the monitor, the ‘door open’ LED will light up. If this icon remains switched on continuously , this indicates that the door has been left open.
- This LED icon does not exist on the SMILE monitor.
Current Alarm Status: Out (red icon). This is the maximum level of security regarding the arming of alarms. Zone arming depends on the confi guration set up by the installer.
Current Alarm Status: Sleep (blue icon). Intermediate level of security with regarding the arming of the alarms. Night-time zone arming depends on the confi guration set up by the installer.
Current Alarm Status: Home (green icon). This is the minimum security level, in which only technical alarms, such as gas, smoke,
water, etc., are usually armed.
- Changing to a higher-security alarm status does not require a PIN code to validate the action. Changing to a lower status requires confi rmation.
- For further details see section:
- In the SMILE model, the alarm function is only available on EXTRA Smile Lynx Monitors.
3.2.5 Alarm mode
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LYNX Monitor
The number of icons on the touch screen may vary depending on the features enabled in each specifi c installation. The icons are displayed with a maximum number of 8 per screen. This screen shows the available factory default icons. On the screen there is a question mark which, when selected, will open a screen showing the icon and
explaining what it does.
QR code on SMILE monitor
To activate icons other than those available by default, you must enter Optional Functions.
This may be done by selecting General Settings and accessing the screen where the Installation Settings option is located.
Press Installer Settings, enter the installer PIN code (which is 4444 by default), press OK and access the screen where the Optional Functions option is located.
Press a function in order to enable it. This same operation is used to disable a function, simply by pressing.
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Functions enabled by default
LYNX Monitor
These are all the functions available on the monitor. When these functions are enabled, the screens will be as shown. The installer must select the icons that they wish to activate, according to the requirements of the installation. The descriptions and functions of these icons will be expanded upon in the various chapters of the manual.
Press to
Press to return to the previous screen
- You can return to the start menu by pressing the intuitive icons that appear on the monitor, (such as arrows or icons corresponding to the screen you are on), pressing the MENU button or simply waiting 30 seconds, after which time the monitor will return to idle mode (Screen off).
- As the screen shows a maximum of 8 icons when all functions have been added, new screens can be viewed by sliding horizontally onto the display upon making a quick swipe to the right or left or by pressing the arrows at the bottom of the screen.
- The position of the icons on the menu are organised by their priority and availability.
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LYNX Monitor
Icons can be dragged in order to personalize the confi guration of the start menu with the user ’s most frequently used functions, in any desired order.
Default functions + Optional functions enabled
Do not disturb mode (3.2.1)
Camera Activated (3.2.2)
Call Property Management Unit (PMU) (3.2.3)
Receive messages (3.2.4)
Alarm mode (3.2.5)
Home Automation (3.2.6)
Audio Notes (3.2.7)
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Call history (3.2.8)
Internal calls (3.2.9)
External calls (3.2.10)
IP cameras (3.2.11)
LYNX Monitor
Image visualisation (3.2.12)
Lift control (3.2.13)
Doormatic mode (3.2.14)
Send Message (3.2.15)
Timer (3.2.16)
Screen cleaning (3.2.17)
Contact list - Friendship request (3.2.18)
Mobility (3.2.19)
Relay control (3.2.20)
F1 (3.2.21)
Induction loop (3.2.22)
General Settings (3.1)
Ring settings (3.1.1)
Background settings (3.1.2)
Language settings (3.1.3)
Picture settings (3.1.4)
International settings (date/time) (3.1.5)
User privacy settings (3.1.6)
Home-to-home call settings (3.1.7)
“Push to Talk” AUDIO mode (3.1.8)
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LYNX Monitor
General Settings (3.1)
Installer menu (3.1.9)
Monitor settings (
Delete all settings (reset) (
Lift control settings (
Optional functions(
Alarm settings (
Home Automation settings (
Installer privacy settings (
SD card menu (
Mobility settings (
Relay control (
Doorbell settings (
IP camera confi guration (
- The Monitor has an integrated web server, allowing for confi guration changes. See chapter 4. Confi guring the
monitor from the web server
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LYNX Monitor
You must fi rst set the monitor’s language, date/time and address settings in order to confi gure / program the remaining functions.
This function enables the con guration of various monitor settings. When you press the General Settings icon, you will be taken to a screen containing various icons that control these settings.
These settings can also be confi gured and personalised by the user.
- Access to the General Settings menu can be restricted by a PIN code if desired. Access is unrestricted by default. See chapter 3.1.6 Privacy settings (User).
3.1.1 General Settings. RING SETTINGS
The ring settings function allows you to:
- Select a ringtone and volume for each type of call:
• Calls from outdoor panels.
• Calls from private panels (single line call panel).
• Call from the Property Management Unit Guard.
• Call from the Property Management Unit Administrator.
Home to home calls (property to property).
In-Home calls (monitors within the same property).
Door Bell
Timer (alarm). (See option
- Select continuous ringtone:
• If this option is selected, the ringtone is played for 30 seconds.
• If this option is not selected, the ringtone is played only once.
- Select if you wish to hear a sound upon the arrival of:
• Received messages. New message alert.
• Opening of the door by a family member. Family access alert. V ia the access control integrated
into the system, the door can be opened by means of an identifi er associated with a given user. This option can be selected to make the monitor to emit a sound when the door is opened (this sound is hard-wired).
• Silent panic alarm via secondary external SOS button. (See option:
(SOS button) / Silent Panic Alarm).
3.2.16 Timer).
5. CALLS / Panic Call
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LYNX Monitor
3.1.2 General Settings. BACKGROUND SETTINGS
The background settings function allows you to:
- Select the background colour and brightness of the screen.
- Select the audio level of the screen. Change the click volume.
3.1.3 General Settings. LANGUAGE SETTINGS
The language settings function allows you to select the desired language for the monitor. The monitor’s factory default language is English.
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3.1.4 General Settings. PICTURE SETTINGS
The picture settings function allows you to automatically capture images from each call. By factory default, the monitor is set to capture images when a call has been missed: Missed calls only.
The automatic image setting options are:
- Always.
- Only Missed calls (factory default setting).
- Never.
Function enabled by default
- Check the legal requirements for data protection and privacy as applicable to your territory, with regard to taking and storing images of public highways.
LYNX Monitor
3.1.5 General Settings. REGIONAL SETTINGS
The regional settings function allows you to not only change / update the date and time, but also adapt to the appropriate local date format.
3.1.6 General Settings. PRIVACY SETTINGS (USER)
The privacy settings function allows you to lock some features of the monitor via a PIN code (password), for want of privacy or for other reasons.
The monitor can be confi gured to request a PIN code to:
- Access the user confi guration menu and / or
- Access messages in the inbox
From this screen, you can also change the codes that are programmed into the monitor by default:
- User PIN (default is: 1234)
- Alarm PIN (default is: 0000)
Press Installer Settings, enter the installer PIN code (which is 1234 by default), press OK and access the screen where the Privacy Settings option is located. Press a function in order to enable it. This same operation is used to disable a function, simply by pressing. PIN required a) User settings
If in Privacy Settings, PIN required is selected: In User Settings, after pressing General Settings, enter the installer PIN code, which is 1234 by default (assuming it has not been changed), press OK and access the screen where the icons corresponding to the various monitor settings are located.
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LYNX Monitor
b) Messages Reading
If in Privacy Settings, PIN required is selected: In Messages Reading, press the Receive Messages icon which will automatically open the PIN code request screen.
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Proceed with the messages as explained in: 3.2.4
Receive messages
LYNX Monitor Change PIN a) User PIN
To change the user PIN. The default user PIN is: 1234.
b) Alarm PIN
To change the Alarm PIN. The default Alarm PIN is: 0000.
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