Power supply connector CON1.
Use a connector JST Ref. VHR-4N (housing)
SVH-21T-P1.1 (contacts)
The EPC1100 requires two power sources: VP (4,2v~8,5v dc) for driving the thermal
head and motor, and VCC (5v dc) for logic electronics. The power supplies must
satisfy the following conditions:
VCC (for logic electronics) :
5v dc +/- 0,25v , 0,2 A
VP (for thermal head and motor):
4,2v ~ 8,5v dc
The maximum current consumption (Ipmax) for thermal head and motor change
according to the following equation :
Ip = N*Vp/(Rh) +0,4 (A)
Ip: Peak current (A)
N: Number of dots that are driven at the same time (
N = 64 (dynamic division)
N = 192 (fixed division)
Vp: Head driven voltage (V)
Rh: Head resistance (Ohms)
0,4 : maximum current for driving the motor
For example, if VP = VCC = 5v dc, N =64 and Rh = Rank A (~ 187 ohms)
Ipmax = 64*5/(178)+0,4 = 2,19 A
If VP=VCC = 5v dc, N=192 and Rh = Rank A (~ 187 ohms)
max = 192*5/(178)+0,4 = 5,79 A
See HOW TO ORDER if using a different VP=5v dc.
WARNING : Beware not to invert the polarity of power supply. This may
irremediably damage the printer. Power must be turned on in proper
order. Turn on both Vcc and Vp simultaneously, or turn on Vcc first and then Vp.
Otherwise, the EPC1100 thermal printer may be damaged. To turn the power off,
first turn off Vp and then Vcc or turn off both Vcc and Vp simultaneously.
FENIX advises to use, at least, a 30w power supply (for VCC=VP=5V dc) when
fixed division print mode is used.
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