Single Sentomat Ketchup
Single Sentomat Mustard
Single Sentomat
Anleitung_EN_17102011.indd 1 17.10.11 15:58
1. Preparation
a. Opening the valves ( gure 1a)
Remove the spout and the upper back-pressure valve (8376) and brie y press together the opening lips of the spout and the
back-pressure valve (8375) to open up the outlet. This step is necessary, because otherwise there will be no pump e ect. Now
mount the back-pressure valve rst and then the spout back onto the pump tube.
b. Correct position of the lower back-pressure valve ( gure 1b)
Make sure the lower back-pressure valve (7980) is positioned correctly:
For ketchup the arrow on the pump tube (8374) should point to the letter A* (marked on the lower back-pressure valve),
for more viscous products (mustard, mayonnaise) to the letter B** (marked on the lower back-pressure valve). Fix the backpressure valve by folding up both aps and hooking them into the xing pins on the pump tube.
*Position A: ideal for ketchup (= factory setting), **Position B: ideal for mustard and mayonnaise (= factory setting))
2. Connecting the bag ( gure 2)
Lay the full bag on a at surface with the opening punched in white pointing
upwards. Press the connection piece of the pump tube forcefully into the
opening until it clicks into place (see gure 2). After connecting it, press some
ketchup/mayonnaise/mustard into the pump tube (8374) by pressing rmly
on the bag or the dome. This will make the rst pumping easier.
3. Assembling the bag and the pump ( gure 3)
Lift the bag and the pump with both hands and let the bag slide into the
container with the spout (8376) at the top. Position the spout so that it lies in
the indention in the colored part of the container.
A or B
8373 Complete pump mechanism
8376 Spout
8375 Upper back-pressure valve
8374 Pump tube Ø11.5mm
7979 Dome
7978 Verschlussring
7980 Lower back-pressure valve
(Position A or B)
Connection piece
8367 Lid including transparent cover 8369 Transparent cover Complete container
Anleitung_EN_17102011.indd 2 17.10.11 15:58