Leveling your appliance
Locate the two f ront leveling legs that may be taped among the pack ing materials. (In
many models these legs are already mounted into t he underside of the appliance.)
(some upright models):
1. Screw t hese legs into t he front holes on the bot tom of the appli ance. The back of
the appliance rests on two fixed supports. (Built-in models also have rear level
legs that can provide more precise leveling).
2. Adjust the front legs just enough to lift the cabinet up off the floor.
Note: If your model is equipped with front rollers, the front legs should be low ered
enough to lift the rollers of f the floor to ensur e the appliance does not roll
forward when the door is opened.
3. Place a leveling tool on top of the applianc e, first side to side, then front to back.
Turn leg counter -clockwis e to raise a corner. Turn leg clockwise to lower a corner.
4. Repeat St ep 3 until appliance is level.
5. After appliance is f ully loaded, recheck with level as in Step 3.
6. If your appliance is equipped w ith casters , the two front casters have brakes to
prevent rolling. Keep brakes locked, and unloc k for moving only.
When using the appliance
In order to ensure proper temperature, you need to permit proper airflow in the
appliance. Do not block off any air vents. If the vents are blocked, airflow will be
hindered, and temperature and moisture problems may occur. Always position
contents t o allow some airfl ow between shelves or baskets.
Allow the appliance to cool at least 6 to 8 hours before adding contents. Allow 24
hours for temperature to stabilize.
NOTE: When t he appl ianc e i s fi rs t s tart ed, t he c ompr ess or wi ll run c ons tant l y unt i l the
appliance is cooled. It may take 6 to 8 hours (or longer), depending on room
temperature and the number of times the appliance door is opened. After the
appliance has cooled, the comp ressor will turn on and off as neede d to keep the
appliance at the proper temperature.
For optimum temperatur e performance, it is recomm ended that this unit be at
least 30% full dur ing use. I f you are onl y usin g t his unit t o st ore smal l l oads, w e
recommend addi ng some water bottles or fr eezer packs to ensure temperat ure
The outside of your ap pliance may feel warm. Thi s is nor mal. The appli ance’s des ign
and main function is to remove heat from packages and air space inside the
appliance. Th e heat is tr ans fer red to t he r oom air , mak ing t he out si de of t he appl ianc e
feel warm. (In some models the condenser that gets warm is jus t i nside the side walls,
making these w alls warm to the touch.)
• The more airflow provided around an appliance, the less energy it will use.
• If your appliance requires manual defrosting, keep ice build-up to less than 1/2".
• Keep doors open a minimum of time, and shut securely.