FELIXprinters FELIX Pro 2, Pro 2 User Manual

User Manual
29 January
User Manual
29 January 2018
1 Introduction
Thank you for choosing FELIXprinters!
It is highly recommended to read this manual. It explains in short how to make your first print and contains essential tips to operate the printer properly.
If you are unable to continue or have any questions, you can check at the support section of our website or you can contact us directly:
Website: www.felixprinters.com/support
Email: support@felixprinters.com
Telephone: +31 (0)30 30 31 387
Address: Zeemanlaan 15, 3401MV IJsselstein, The Netherlands
Kind regards,
User Manual
29 January 2018
2 Safety
To safely operate the FELIXprinter, we advise that you keep the following safety recommendations in mind:
General safety Keep children under the age of 14 out of reach of the FELIXprinter. FELIXprinters are only suitable for professional use.
Considerations when printer is in operation.
Don’t leave the printer unattended, before making sure the first layer is printed properly Don’t lean on the printer.
Be careful with long hair and wide clothes. Don’t transport the printer. Make sure all moving parts can move without any obstructions. Don’t remove any objects from the hot plate while printing Caution with any moving parts that move in the X, Y and Z direction. Moving parts can have a pinching hazard.
Printer placement Place the FELIXprinter on a stable table/desk or something with a similar height. Place the printer on a height where children cannot reach it. Use the FELIXprinter in a dry environment at room temperature
Electronic safety
Only use the power supplies and cables supplied by FELIXprinters.
Always turn off and unplug the printer before performing maintenance or modifications.
The power supply meets all CE mark regulations and is protected against short-circuit, overload, over voltage and over temperature.
Ventilate Good ventilation while printing is advised. When printing ABS, small concentrations of styrene vapor can be released. This can (in some cases) cause headaches, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, malaise, difficulty in concentrating, and a feeling of intoxication.
We recommend using filament types shown on the FELIXprinters website. Examples PLA, PETG, ABS, Glassbend etc. Other types may be toxic; please follow instructions from the filament supplier.
Caution with heater elements There is a potential risk of burn, as the print head can reach temperatures of up to 275°C and the heated bed of up to 105°C. Don’t place objects on the heated bed, not even when the printer is turned off.
Always let the printer cool down for at least 10 minutes before doing maintenance or modifications.
User Manual
29 January 2018
3 Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Safety ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Contents ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 Printer specifications................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5 FELIX Pro 2 at a glance ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
6 Unboxing, Setup and Prepare ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Printer calibration ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.1 What does the calibration do? ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.1.1 Physically leveling the build plate. (automated) .................................................................................................................................. 6
7.1.2 Detecting the height difference between the two hot-ends. (automated) .................................................................................. 6
7.1.3 Adjusting the x, y distance between two hot-ends. (assisted) ........................................................................................................ 7
7.2 How to do the automatic calibration?.................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8 Filament flow detection ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
8.1 What is filament flow detection? ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
8.2 How does filament flow detection work? .................................................................................................................................................. 8
8.3 Manually turn off filament flow detection ................................................................................................................................................. 8
9 Display functions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
9.1 Turn On the printer/General display unit overview ................................................................................................................................ 9
9.2 The main menu ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
9.3 Control Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
9.4 Print Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
9.5 Settings menu............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
9.6 Printing Menu (Only active during print) ................................................................................................................................................ 12
10 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
10.1 How to maintain/exchange hot-ends ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
10.2 Print bed contact points ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
10.3 Dust cleaners ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
10.4 Motion system .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
11 Trouble shooting .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
11.1 Z-sensor triggered, improper leveling (G32), homing and printing in the air. ............................................................................... 17
11.2 “Click to reheat" dialogue, filament detection ....................................................................................................................................... 17
11.3 No filament is coming out of extruder ................................................................................................................................................... 18
11.4 Heater decoupled / DEF / DEC message on screen ............................................................................................................................ 19
12 Safety ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
13 Tips and tricks ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
13.1 Flexible Filaments ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
14 Material Data Safety Sheet .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
14.1 PLA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
14.2 ABS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
15 Appendix: Terms Of Service ................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
User Manual
29 January 2018
Printer specifications
4 Printer specifications
Print Technology
Fused Filament Fabrication
AC input:
100-240V, 50-60 Hz
Build Volume
23.7 x 24.4 x 23.5 cm
Power Requirements
24V DC, 10 Amps
Print Quality
Very High
250 microns
200 microns
150 microns
100 microns
50 microns
Optional WIFI
Postioning Resolution
XY: 1.6 microns
Z: 0.15 microns
Power Usage
Max 220W
Filament Diameter
1.75 mm
Arduino Due, 32bit
Nozzle Diameter
0.35 mm
Internal Voltage
Amount of Nozzles
Software Bundle:
- Repetier-Host for FELIXprinters
- Kisslicer
Aluminum profiles and Steel
File Types:
.STL .gcode
Build platform
Detachable aluminum sandwich plate. Heated
Windows, XP and newer
XY Bearings
Linear ball bearings
Linux (Ubuntu 12.04+)
Z bearing
Linear ball bearings
Mac OS X [10.6/10.7/10.8]
Stepper Motors
1.8 deg angle
1/128 micro-stepping
Physical Dimensions
Printer dimensions
43 x 39 x 55 cm
Ambient operating
15-32 ˚C [60 – 90 ˚F]
11.5 kg
Storage temperature
0 – 32 ˚C
Shipping Weight
13 kg
Shipping Box
59.5x63.5x22.0 cm
Warmup time
Heated bed (60 ˚C)
1.5 min
Nozzle (200˚C)
1 min
User Manual
29 January 2018
FELIX Pro 2 at a glance
5 FELIX Pro 2 at a glance
6 Unboxing, Setup and Prepare
For further instructions please consult the quick start manual, where the following topics are covered.
- Unboxing
- Setup of printer
- Preparation for microSD printing
User Manual
29 January 2018
Printer calibration
7 Printer calibration
For 3d printing, the first layer is the most important layer. It is the basis of a print job (which can take more than 70 hours in some cases). An improperly printed first layer is mostly the cause of a failed print. With the automatic calibration features properly executed, the chance of failure will be minimized.
The calibration mechanism is dependent upon the following features on the printer.
- The probe sensor in each hot-end.
- The leveling gears underneath the bed.
So, when one of the above two systems is not working properly, the printer will not be able to calibrate.
What does the calibration do?
For the FELIX Pro 2 to properly operate the calibrations described in this chapter need to be performed.
7.1.1 Physically leveling the build plate. (automated)
To ensure the distance between the bed and the nozzles is the same over the whole build plate. This is done automatically.
When to do this calibration?
- When changing to a new bed.
- When the first layer is not sticking to the bed
- When you see that the lines on the first layer, significantly differ in thickness from one side to the other side of
the build plate.
- After transporting the printer.
When the auto bed leveling routine is started. The following steps are performed.
1. The hot-ends heat up to 185 ˚C
2. The currently active extruder will touch the bed at 4 points.
3. The bed leveling gears turn to make the bed level. (Level in this case means that the distance between the
build plate and the hot-end is the same over the whole bed surface).
4. The probe/hot-end will touch the bed at 4 points to verify. If ok, the calibration is done, if not ok, the routine
goes back to step 2. This loop will be done max 5 times, but when the machine is in proper condition it should take max 3 cycles.
How to do the bed leveling calibration?
Please consult the quick start manual for further instructions.
7.1.2 Z-height calibration, detecting the height difference between the two hot-ends. (automated)
The extruders must operate at the same height. Due to production tolerances and rotating mechanism of the right extruder, this has to be calibrated. The printer will do this in an automated way.
When to do this calibration?
- After changing one of the two hot-ends or nozzles.
- When you see the first purge lines are significantly different in thickness.
The extruder height calibration routine performs the following:
User Manual
29 January 2018
Printer calibration
1. The hot-ends heat up to 185 ˚C.
2. The printer homes all axes.
3. The Extruder moves to a certain position and probes both extruders a couple of times.
How to do the z-height calibration?
Please consult the quick start manual for further instructions.
7.1.3 XY- calibration. Adjusting the x, y distance between two hot-ends. (assisted)
The distance between two extruders need to be calibrated properly in order for a dual head print to successfully finish. If this is not done properly printed lines from both extruders might overlap too much and cause a printed failure.
When to do this?
- After exchanging/servicing a hot-end
- When adjacent features printed with both extruders do no not properly aligning.
How to do the XY calibration?
E1: 22°C E2: 22°C B: 21°C
After booting up, go to the main menu by pressing
the blue button.
Then go to Control and insert PLA filament for both
Back Dual Preheat/Cool Remove Build PLT.
>Change filament
Level Buildplate
E1: 22°C E2: 22°C B: 21°C
Back Dual Preheat/Cool Remove Build PLT. Level Buildplate
>Calibrate Extruders
Go to calibrate extruders and choose Calibrate XY
The routine will print lines with both extruders
E1: 22°C E2: 22°C B: 21°C
Choose the Best Aligning XY Values
>X Value 8
Y Value 3
Go to calibrate extruders and choose Calibrate XY
The routine will print lines with both extruders. Now choose the best aligning values for X and Y and press Continue.
Note: In case the values go out of range simply select the best aligning value and repeat the steps.
User Manual
29 January 2018
Filament flow detection
8 Filament flow detection
What is filament flow detection?
The FELIX Pro 2 features filament detection. This in general monitors the flow of filament to the printer. This features can save print-jobs where there is a problem with filament transport, giving the user a chance to correct this and save potentially hours of time and kg of filament.
The filament detects the following cases:
If there is no filament present.
If the filament is slipping.
If there is a clog in the extruder.
How does filament flow detection work?
The filament detection is basically a wheel that runs along with the filament. The controller constantly compares the amount of flow with the sent out extruder steps. If the difference is too large, an error will be displayed:
There are two stages.
Trigger 1. When flow is below the 1st threshold, the speed of the printer is lowered to 70%, to possibly correct the flow deficiency. And will show “Filament slipping” on the display.
Trigger 2. When the filament flow is below the 2nd threshold. The printer will show the following error.
Filament Jam. Click to reheat”.
When this error occurs the following happens.
- The extruder goes to the park position.
- The extruder heaters turn off (bed heater stays on).
- The printer waits for user interaction to continue.
See section trouble shooting for more information what could be the root cause for this issue.
Manually turn off filament flow detection
If for some reason the filament detection seems to fail, or in your situation it is not required or unwanted. You can disable it manually via the host software controlling the printer.
You basically send some gcode commands directly to the printer in the send command text box. This is the required command to disable the filament detection.
M602 S0 P1
Besides sending this code to the printer via the host-software, you can also put the line of code on a plain text file and save that as *.gcode file and run this via the display unit interface.
Note: The filament detection function is restored, when you reset or restart the printer.
User Manual
29 January 2018
Display functions
9 Display functions
This chapter explains the main functions of the display unit. Next chapter will go more in depth of each menu item.
Turn On the printer/General display unit overview
You can control the printer with the display unit. To navigate through the menu, rotate the button and push the rotary button to execute a command.
Below is an overview of the main screen of the display unit when the printer is idle and ready for printing.
This menu is active when a print is started:
X: ?.?? mm
Y: ?.?? mm Z: 0.00 mm
Printer Ready.
E1: 22°C E2: 22°C B: 21°C
After booting up, the printer will show the menu.
The topbar shows the actual temperatures of the heaters. Displaying actual positions of the axes. The question marks will disappear when the axes are homed.
E1: 20/ 0°C
E2: 20/ 0°C B: 20/ 0°C
Printer Ready.
E1: 22°C E2: 22°C B: 21°C
Rotating the rotary button to right or left, will display
the 2nd main menu. Which displays actual and
setpoint temperature information
41% Layer x/xx Status message
E1: 22°C E2: 22°C B: 21°C
+ 22 hidden pages