Felix Instruments F-920 Instruction Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................. 1
Features & Specifications ............................................................ 2
Unpacking the F-920 Check It! ..................................................... 3
Operating Instructions ................................................................. 4
Loading the Battery ................................................................. 4
Basic Operation ........................................................................ 5
Measurement Modes .............................................................. 6
Continuous Mode .................................................................... 7
Trigger Mode ........................................................................... 7
Taking a Measurement ............................................................ 8
Setup Menu ............................................................................... 10
Setup > Mode ......................................................................... 10
Setup > Parameters ............................................................... 11
Setup > Calibration ................................................................ 11
Setup > Set Zero ..................................................................... 13
Setup > Date and Time........................................................... 13
Setup > GPS ............................................................................ 14
Setup > Language ................................................................... 15
Setup > Factory Setup ............................................................ 15
File Menu ................................................................................... 15
File > Select ............................................................................ 16
File > Create ........................................................................... 16
File > Delete ........................................................................... 16
File > Review...........................................................................17
Transferring Files ....................................................................17
Wireless SD Memory Card Operation ....................................19
F-920 Check It! Menu Map .........................................................22
Gas Analysis Software (G.A.S.) ...................................................23
Firmware Update .......................................................................32
Maintenance of your F-920 Check It! Gas Analyzer ...................34
Replacing the Oxygen (O₂) Sensor..........................................34
Calibration ..............................................................................36
FAQ .............................................................................................41
Guide for Purchasing Standardized Gases for Calibration .........42
Warranty Information ................................................................45
Warranty Registration Card .......................................................47
F-920 Production Test Check Sheet ...........................................49
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 1 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
Congratulations on the purchase of your new F-920 Check It! Gas Analyzer.
The F-920 Check It! Gas Analyzer is designed for continuous or spot measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) in headspace gas. The Check It! rapidly measures O2 and CO2 from 0-100% for fast and accurate
sampling of sealed packages or open atmosphere. The built-in data logger stores thousands of data points and conveniently communicates data through USB or Bluetooth onto a PC or tablet for later analysis. Each data point records concentrations of O2 and CO
flow rate, temperature, relative humidity, GPS location, date and time. Controller software for easy calibrating the F-920 is available for download at www.felixinstruments.com.
With its rapid response time and lightweight handheld profile, the F-920 provides a fast, portable verification process for atmosphere quality control. Easy to use straight out of the box with little or no training, the F-920 is ideal for verifying CO2 and O2 levels in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) applications, packing lines, laboratories, import/export surveys, distribution centers, retail centers, storage facilities, ripening rooms and shipping containers.
We hope you enjoy using your F-920 Check It! Gas Analyzer.
F-920 Instruction Manual rev. 5/10/2017
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 2 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
Features & Specifications
The F-920 features include:
Measurement of CO
and O2 concentrations from 0-
Results are displayed in 6-9 seconds Previous records available for review on device Handheld and lightweight (less than 1 kg) Battery lasts for 8+ hours Sunlight-visible transflective LCD display easily viewed
in any environment
Functional across broad temperature and humidity
Bluetooth enabled for rapid data transfer
Controller software for easy calibration available online
F-920 Specifications
Air Sampling Rate
70 mL/min
Measuring Rate
Automated, 1 second intervals to SD in Continuous Mode
Data Storage
Removable 4 GB SD and Bluetooth
Sunlight visible transflective LCD
Operating environment
0°C - 45°C (0-90% relative humidity, non-condensing)
Power Source
Removable rechargeable lithium-ion battery
18cm x 13.5cm x 5.5cm
Powder coated aluminum
Warm-up time
< 3 minutes
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 3 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) SENSOR
Infrared sensor, pyroelectric detector
Nominal Range
Full Scale Resolution
0.01% absolute
Accuracy – Trigger Mode
±.5% absolute and ±3% of measured value
Accuracy – Continuous Mode
±.01% absolute and ±3% of measured value
Lower Detection Limit
Sampling Time
10 seconds
Zero Interval
Calibration Interval
12 Months
5 years
Oxygen (O₂) Sensor
Nominal Range
Full Scale Resolution
0.1% absolute
Accuracy – Trigger Mode
±0.3% absolute and ±2% of measured value
Accuracy – Continuous Mode
±0.1% absolute and ±2% of measured value
Lower Detection Limit
Sampling Time
10 seconds
Zero Interval
Calibration Interval
6 months
2 years
Unpacking the F-920 Check It!
The F-920 arrives with a hard-sided carrying case, two sets of batteries and a charger, a removable 4 GB SD card, and several
F-920 Instruction Manual rev. 5/10/2017
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 4 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
accessory parts. A sampling port with needle is included for taking non-destructive samples from packaging. The sampling port is pictured below, connected to the intake.
Operating Instructions
WARNING: Spring-loaded battery cartridge
Loading the Battery
The F-920 uses 18650 Li-ion 3.7V 3100mAh rechargeable batteries. For longer lifespan, charge the batteries at
0.25A. For a faster charge, charge at 1A. The batteries must be removed from the F-920 to be charged. If the batteries of the F-920 discharge during storage, replace with charged batteries. The Li-ion batteries have little self­discharge and a lifetime of ~ 3 years.
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 5 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
To remove the batteries, twist the battery compartment cap, located on the bottom of the case. The cap can be twisted with fingers or a screw-driver to tighten or loosen it. Take care when removing batteries, as the cap is spring loaded. Both batteries should be inserted into the unit positive (+) side first (towards intake or top).
Additional button-top 19670 (or protected 18650) batteries can be purchased from your preferred battery vendor if replacements are needed.
Basic Operation
To turn the instrument on, press the green power button. The current version of firmware the unit is running is displayed in the lower Left hand corner.
For information on the latest firmware version, please visit the F-920 support webpage: www.felixinstruments.com/support/F-
The battery meter is listed on the lower right hand side of the display.
The main menu displays the following options: Measure, Setup, and File. If the power button is pressed, the display will prompt for confirmation before shutting down the F-920.
To scroll between menu items in the list, use the Up and Down arrows. To select an option from the menu list, use the Right arrow. To exit, use the Left arrow.
Felix Instruments
Measure Setup File
F-920 Vx.x.x.x
F-920 Instruction Manual rev. 5/10/2017
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 6 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
Measurement Modes
Two measurement modes are incorporated into the F-920 Check It!
Continuous mode Trigger Mode
Continuous mode measures the air entering through the input of the instrument. Continuous mode can be used with or without the sample port attached to the front of the instrument. Data is saved to a file every one second on the F-
Trigger mode measures the air entering through the input of the instrument. The pump will run and the sample will enter until a stable reading has been achieved. The final values will be displayed on screen and saved to the SD card. The pump will then turn off until the user initiates a new measurement. Trigger mode can be used with or without the sample port attached to the front of the instrument.
To change between modes, Navigate to Setup > Mode from the main menu.
From the main menu, press the right arrow when the word Measure is highlighted to enter the measurement display screen. All measurement parameters are saved to the SD card every 1 second in continuous mode. When the SD card is not present, the data will not be saved. The unit also comes equipped with Bluetooth technology, designed for wireless transfer of data (see Transferring Files, page 15).
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 7 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
If sampling very high concentrations followed by very low concentrations, allow the instrument to purge internal gas for the most accurate measurements.
Continuous Mode
When in continuous mode, a graph of the concentration of each gas can be viewed over time. The default graph shown is the O2 concentration in ppm. To view the CO2 graph, simply use the up and down arrows to scroll through the graphs. The current gas being graphed is shown on the top of the screen with the concentration in large font as shown below.
The x-axis of the graph is time. The y-axis of the graph displays the range of the concentration in % for CO2 and O2, and the dynamic range is labeled at the top. The y-axis scale is set by the highest value shown in the buffer.
The graph begins on the Left side and moves towards the right as more data points are added. The total measurement time is displayed below the graph. The flowrate (mL/m) is displayed at the bottom.
Trigger Mode
A measurement in trigger mode will initiate a small volume sample taken over several seconds until the reading is stable. To begin, press the square start button as prompted to measure.
F-920 Instruction Manual rev. 5/10/2017
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 8 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
This will turn on the pump before drawing in sample gas. Trigger mode will take longer to stabilize if the concentration is in a different range from the last sample.
The results will be saved to the SD card. Press the square start button to begin another measurement. Press the Left arrow to exit to the main menu.
Taking a Measurement
Assemble the probe and connect the needle probe tubing to the intake of the F-920. Twist on a hydrophobic filter to the end of the tubing. [NOTE: Failure to use a hydrophobic filter risks drawing liquids into the instrument, which will potentially damage the instrument.] The filter will prevent any moisture or debris from entering the instrument. Finally, attach a sterile
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 9 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
needle to the filter. Depending on the application, needles can be re-used.
From the main screen, select ‘Measure’ and then the right
arrow button. This will initiate a measurement in either mode. The F-920 will run either continuously (continuous mode) or until the minimum stable sample volume has been reached (trigger mode). Press the Left arrow button to return to the measurement screen.
Passcode Protection
Certain menu systems on the F-920 are protected by a passcode setting. These menu systems include Parameters, Set Zero, Calibration, and Factory Setup. The default code for entry is
‘1111’. The passcode only needs to be entered once for each
reboot of the device. If the device is powered off, the passcode will need to be entered again for entry into the menu systems described above.
To set the passcode to a four-digit code other than the default setting, please follow the steps below.
1. Open SD card on PC
2. Click the ‘View’ tab in the taskbar
3. Click ‘Options’ in the far right of the toolbar
4. Open the ‘View’ tab
5. Scroll down and uncheck the box named ‘Hide
protected operating systems (Recommended)’
6. Check the box named Show hidden files, folders, and
7. Click ‘Yes’
8. Click ‘Apply’ and then click ‘OK’
F-920 Instruction Manual rev. 5/10/2017
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 10 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
9. Open the Config.txt file that should now appear inside
the SD card
10. Alter the ‘1111’ to four-digit numeric passcode desired
11. Save the changes
12. Insert SD card back into Gas Analyzer
Setup Menu
Use the right arrow to enter the Setup Menu from the Main Menu screen. The following options are available:
Mode Parameters Set Zero Calibration O2 Calibration in Air Date & Time GPS Language Factory Setup
Setup > Mode
The Mode menu contains two options:
Measure: switches between Continuous and Trigger mode.
Connection: switches between USB Storage (default), Bluetooth
(enabled in future versions), or USB Ctrl (enables communication to controller software).
To change, use the Up/Down arrows to cycle through the mode options. Press the Left arrow to exit to the main menu.
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 11 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
Setup > Parameters
The parameters option allows the user to control the sample volume from 10.0 mL up to 29.9 mL when using Trigger mode. The default volume is 10 mL.
Setup > Set Zero
The set zero process sets a new baseline, or zero, for the sensors:
CO2 O2
Set zero should take place weekly for both the Oxygen (O2) sensor and the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensor to maintain maximum performance. To set zero, first press the right arrow to select the sensor. Wait for a beep to verify the set zero process was completed. The set zero process requires the use of 100% nitrogen gas for O2, and an external conditioning chamber full of Soda Lime to set zero for CO2. Setting zero is important in establishing a daily zero baseline for the sensors.
Measure Trigger
Connection USB Storage
F-920 Instruction Manual rev. 5/10/2017
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 12 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
For the O2 sensor, an alternative calibration, O2 calibration in air, can be used instead of setting zero with 100% N2 gas. Please
see the ‘O2 Calibration in Air’ section for more details on this
The following instructions can be followed to set zero for the CO2 sensor:
The F-920 is shipped with an external conditioning tube and a jar of Soda Lime. Fill the conditioning tube with the Soda Lime granules, keeping the ends packed with the cotton ball filters. Connect the external conditioning tube to the inlet and outlet of the F-920, seen below. Continue through the standard set zero process. The F-920 will prompt the user to use “0ppm/N2”. The Soda Lime external conditioning tube creates a 0 ppm CO2 environment, alternatively, the user can connect N2 gas, which provides a 0 ppm CO2 environment as well.
*The Soda Lime external conditioning tube is used for the CO2 Set Zero process only.
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 13 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
Next, verify the set zero calibration by measuring ambient air. Run the set zero calibration again if the verification is not successful.
Setup > Calibration
The calibration feature allows the user to set zero and set span without the use of a computer or Gas Analysis Software (G.A.S.). Unlike Setup > Set Zero in the next section, a zero-standard gas is required as well as standard gases for the set span process.
The F-920 Check It! Will prompt the user to set up a zero gas, which can be achieved by feeding 100% Nitrogen to the intake. The unit will countdown to set zero. The following screen will prompt the user to setup a span gas, which is a known standard gas used for the span calibration process. For more information on standard gases used for calibrating the Check It! Refer to the calibration section in the ‘Maintenance of your F-920 Check It!’ section.
Setup > O2 Calibration in Air
Alternative to setting zero for the oxygen sensor weekly with 100% N2 gas, a user can use the O2 calibration in air menu option to calibrate the O2 sensor using ambient air.
Right arrow on this menu option to begin the calibration. The display will read, ‘Use fresh air (20.9%) Please wait…’. The F-920 will beep upon completion of the O2 calibration in air.
Setup > Date and Time
To adjust the date and time, use the Right and Left arrows to move between Month/Day/Year and Hour/Minute/Second and use the Up and Down arrows to change the values. To exit, use
F-920 Instruction Manual rev. 5/10/2017
1554 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA 14 Phone: (360) 833-8835
sales@felixinstruments.com www.felixinstruments.com
the Left arrow to back out of the screen and return to the Setup menu.
Setup > GPS
The GPS sensor inside of the F-920 Check It! can be used to record latitude and longitude +/- 10 meters. The instrument should be operated outside, without overhead obstruction for best GPS performance. The Setup > GPS menu turns on/off the GPS sensor and displays the current GPS data. Data is also saved to the SD card as a .csv file.
Enable GPS Yes/No
Acquiring GPS data…..
Longitude 122.558
Latitude 45.59
Date & Time
MM/DD/YYYY hh : mm : ss
04/21/2016 17 : 01 : 43
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