ePass FIDO® -NFC
MultiPass FIDO
Security Key
User Manual
For 2-Step Verification &
Advanced Protection Program

FEITIAN ePass FIDO® Series Secur ity Key is a FI DO®
U2F certified authenticator. Unlike traditional
second-factor authentication devices, FIDO
prov ides a much more convenie nt solution to r eplace
or be a plu s of traditi onal password. A single FEITI AN
ePass FIDO
number of applications. Each application will be
assigned an independent key pair.
Secu rity Key c an protect an unlimited
high-performance secure element. All credential s are
phys ically pro tected by th e hardwa re secur ity chip. T he
confi dential infor mation and credential s will never be
revealed under an y type of attacks such a s phishing
and man-in-the-middle.
User s’ accounts w ill alway s be secure e ven though t he
whol e serve r of the applic ation you ar e using is hac ked.
The public keys sto red in the appl ication se rver might
be revealed under a ttacks while however, your pr ivate
key is alw ays under pr otection .
Secu rity Key ar e devices to g o beyond the tr aditiona l
two-fac tor authentication systems, the built-in BLE
(MultiPass FIDO
inter faces empower users to
channel and complete a secure FIDO® U2F authentication
across any of your devices in contact or wirelessly,
including desktop, notebook, tablet, and smartphone.
Series Secur ity Key employs
-NFC and MultiPass FIDO®
only), NFC, and USB communication
select the desired

(Using Chrome browser)
Note: Please keep up dating to l atest ope rating s ystem(s) / s oftw are for
maximum compatibility.

2-Step Verification
Note: The foll owing re gistra tion proc ess can onl y be done on P C over USB

Log in to your Google account with a Chrome core
based browser on a computer;
Click “My account” -> “Sign-in & Security” ->
“2-Step Verification”;
My Account
Click “Add Security Key” and follo w the instru ction
to complete the registration;
You will b e informed to insert your ePass FID O
Security Key during the registration process;
Click / touch the button to proof the us er presenc e
when the authentication indicator blinks. Your
registration will complete in a moment.
& Security
Add Security Key
2-Step Verification