Open a F IDO® U2F supported website
and fol low the registration guide
pres ented by the website to register your Titan
Security Key;
You will b e informed to insert your Titan Se curity Ke y
during the registration proces s;
Sligh tly touch the bu tton to proof t he user pres ence
when the LED indic ator blinks . Your reg istratio n will
complete in a moment.
Go to https://twof actorauth.org to check w hether the w eb serv ice is FIDO®
U2F compatible.
Chrom e suppor ts FIDO® U2F authentication natively while Firefox
requi res exten sion to wor k with FID O®. Compa tibilit y of FIDO® on other
browsers is not yet available.
Regis tration p rocedur e may var y from dif ferent web s ervi ces. Ple ase
contact the service provider for more information concerning FIDO® U2F
availability, account setting and requirements.
in your