Federal Signal Corporation Personnel Alerting System Installation And Operation Instructions Manual

Federal Signal UltraVoicetm Personnel Alerting System
Including Models: UltraVoice Indoor Controller (UVIC) UltraVoice Audio and Relay Module (UVARM) UltraVoice Local Operation Console (UVLOC)
255364F 4/07 Copyright 2007 Federal Signal Corporation
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
People’s lives depend on your selection of suitable equipment and installation sites and your safe installation, service, and operation of our products. Federal Signal recommends the following publications from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for assistance with planning an outdoor warning system: 1. The “Outdoor Warning Guide (CPG 1-17), 2. “Civil Preparedness, Principles of Warning” (CPG 1-14), 3. FEMA-REP-1, Appendix 3 (Nuclear Plant Guideline), and 4. FEMA-REP-10 (Nuclear Plant Guideline). Contact Federal Warning System’s Customer Care Center at: further information about these publications.
It is important to read, understand and follow all instructions shipped with this product. In addition, listed below are some other important safety instructions and precautions you should follow.
If suitable warning equipment is not selected, the installation site for the siren is not selected properly or the siren is not installed properly, it may not produce the intended optimum audible warning. Follow Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommendations.
If sirens or speakers are not activated in a timely manner when an emergency condition exists, they cannot provide the intended audible warning. It is imperative that knowledgeable people, who are provided with the necessary information, are available at all times to authorize the activation of the sirens or speakers.
When sirens are used out of doors, people indoors may not be able to hear the warning signals. Separate warning devices or procedures may be needed to effectively warn people indoors.
The sound output of sirens is capable of causing permanent hearing damage. To prevent excessive exposure, carefully plan siren placement, post warnings, and restrict access to areas near sirens.
Activating the sirens or speakers may not result in people taking the desired actions if those to be warned are not properly trained about the meaning of warning sounds. Siren users should follow FEMA recommendations and instruct those to be warned of correct actions to be taken.
A siren or speaker that doesn’t work won’t provide any warning. After installation, service, or maintenance, test the mass notification system to confirm that it is operating properly. Test the system regularly to confirm that it will be operational in an emergency.
http://www.federalwarningsystems.com or 1-800-524-3021 for
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
If future service and operating personnel do not have these instructions to refer to, the siren
system may not provide the intended audible warning and service personnel may be exposed to death, permanent hearing loss, or other bodily injury. File these instructions in a safe place and refer to them periodically. Give a copy of these instructions to new recruits and trainees. Also give a copy to anyone who is going to service or repair the siren.
People’s lives depend on your safe installation, service and operation of our products. It is important to read, understand and follow all instructions shipped with this product. In addition, listed below are some other important safety instructions and precautions you should follow:
Electrocution or severe personal injury can occur when performing various installation and service functions such as making electrical connections, drilling holes, or lifting equipment. Therefore experienced electricians in accordance with national, state and any other electrical codes having jurisdiction should perform installation. All work should be performed under the direction of the installation or service crew safety foreman.
The sound output of sirens or speakers is capable of causing permanent hearing damage. To prevent excessive exposure, carefully plan siren placement, post warnings and restrict access to areas near the sirens. Sirens and distributed speakers may be operated from remote control points. Whenever possible, disconnect all siren power including batteries before working near the siren.
After installation or service, test the siren system to confirm that it is operating properly. Test the system regularly to confirm that it will be operational in an emergency.
If future service personnel do not have these warnings and all other instructions shipped with the equipment to refer to, the siren or distributed speaker system may not provide the intended audible warning and service personnel may be exposed to death, permanent hearing loss, or other bodily injury. File these instructions in a safe place and refer to them periodically. Give a copy of these instructions to new recruits and trainees. Also, give a copy to anyone who is going to service or repair the sirens. For additional copies, call the Federal Warning Systems Customer Care Center at 800-524-3021 or write to them at 2645 Federal Signal Drive, University Park, IL 60466.
Failure to understand the capabilities and limitations of your siren system could result in permanent hearing loss, other serious injuries or death to persons too close to the sirens when you activate them or to those you need to warn. Carefully read and thoroughly understand all safety notices in this manual and all operations-related-items in all instruction manuals shipped with equipment. Thoroughly discuss all contingency plans with those responsible for warning people in your community, company, or jurisdiction.
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Read and understand the information contained in this manual, before attempting to install or service this product.
Pay careful attention to the following notices located on the equipment.
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Limited Warranty
The Federal Warning Systems Division of Federal Signal Corporation warrants each new product to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, for a period of two years on parts replacement and factory-performed labor (one year for Informer, EAS, and Federal software products) from the date of delivery to the first user-purchaser. Federal Warning Systems warrants every 2001 & Eclipse Siren (Top of pole only) to be free from defects in material, per our standard warranty, under normal use and service for a period of five years on parts replacement.
During this warranty period, the obligation of Federal is limited to repairing or replacing, as Federal may elect, any part or parts of such product which after examination by Federal discloses to be defective in material and/or workmanship.
Federal will provide warranty for any unit which is delivered, transported prepaid, to the Federal factory or designated authorized warranty service center for examination and such examination reveals a defect in material and/or workmanship.
This warranty does not cover travel expenses, the cost of specialized equipment for gaining access to the product, or labor changes for removal and re-installation of the product. The Federal Signal Corporation warranty shall not apply to components or accessories that have a separate warranty by the original manufacturer, such as, but not limited to, batteries.
Federal will provide on-site warranty service during the first 60-days after the completion of the installation, when Federal has provided a turn-key installation including optimization and/or commissioning services.
This warranty does not extend to any unit which has been subjected to abuse, misuse, improper installation or which has been inadequately maintained, nor to units which have problems related to service or modification at any facility other than Federal factory or authorized warranty service centers. Moreover, Federal shall have no liability with respect to defects arising in Products through any cause other than ordinary use (such as, for example, accident, fire, lightning, water damage, or other remaining acts of god).
2645 Federal Signal Drive, University Park, IL 60466
Phone: (800) 524-3021 Fax: (708) 534-4865
Website: http://www.federalwarningsystems.com
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Section Page
SAFETY NOTICES.................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 General Description................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Model Number Descriptions.................................................................................... 11
1.3 Standard Feature Descriptions:............................................................................... 11
1.4 Motherboard Description......................................................................................... 17
1.5 Configuration...........................................................................................................17
Unit Type........................................................................................................................18
Unit Address................................................................................................................... 18
RF Frequency................................................................................................................. 19
Single-Tone, Two-Tone Timing...................................................................................... 19
EAS Location Codes ......................................................................................................19
128-bit Encryption Key ...................................................................................................19
Security Key................................................................................................................... 20
User Programs............................................................................................................... 20
Available Functions: .......................................................................................................21
2. SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 22
2.1 Electrical.................................................................................................................. 22
2.2 Charger................................................................................................................... 22
2.3 Battery..................................................................................................................... 23
2.4 Controller................................................................................................................. 23
Serial & I2C Ports........................................................................................................... 23
Signaling Formats .......................................................................................................... 23
Audio Output to Amplifiers .............................................................................................. 24
2.5 Motherboard............................................................................................................ 24
Relay Output .................................................................................................................. 24
600 Ohm Balanced Line Port ......................................................................................... 24
Remote Activation, Sensor and Direction Inputs............................................................ 24
Expansion Slot ............................................................................................................... 25
Amplifier Outputs............................................................................................................ 25
Motherboard Connectors ................................................................................................ 25
Indicators........................................................................................................................ 28
Fuses ............................................................................................................................. 28
2.6 UVIC25SD............................................................................................................... 28
2.7 Controller Front Panel Controls, Jacks, Switches and Indicators............................ 30
Controls:......................................................................................................................... 30
Jacks:............................................................................................................................. 30
Indicators:....................................................................................................................... 31
Control Unit Connector Configuration............................................................................. 32
2.8 Audio Power Amplifier Modules Model (UV400) ..................................................... 34
2.9 Audio and Relay Output Card Option (2005300)..................................................... 35
Connectors..................................................................................................................... 35
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Indicators........................................................................................................................ 36
2.10 Model UVLOC......................................................................................................... 37
UVLOC Connectors........................................................................................................ 37
2.11 Alarm Panel Interface.............................................................................................. 37
Alarm Panel Interface Connectors.................................................................................. 38
2.12 Environmental ......................................................................................................... 39
2.13 Physical................................................................................................................... 39
3. UVIC OPERATION......................................................................................................... 40
3.1 Hardware General Description................................................................................ 40
3.2 Manual Activation.................................................................................................... 40
3.3 Local Public Address............................................................................................... 41
3.4 Relay Output........................................................................................................... 41
3.5 600 Ohm I/O............................................................................................................ 41
3.6 Remote-Landline Activation .................................................................................... 41
3.7 Sensor Inputs and Isolated Sensor Power.............................................................. 42
3.8 Spare Sensor Inputs................................................................................................ 43
3.9 Two-Way Status Monitoring.................................................................................... 43
3.10 Quiet Test................................................................................................................ 43
B. Finding Faults.......................................................................................................... 43
3.11 Battery Charger....................................................................................................... 44
3.12 UVLOC.................................................................................................................... 45
4. SYSTEM PLANNING ..................................................................................................... 46
4.1 Control Unit.............................................................................................................46
4.2 Speaker Placement................................................................................................. 46
4.3 UVLOC Placement.................................................................................................. 47
5. INSTALLATION.............................................................................................................. 48
5.1 UVIC Siren Controller Installation Reference Drawings .......................................... 48
5.2 General Mounting Guidelines For All Applications ..................................................52
5.3 UVIC Installation Material List and Installation Guidelines ...................................... 53
Concrete or Filled Cement Block Wall Mounting Guidelines: ......................................... 53
Hollow Block Wall Mounting Guidelines: ........................................................................ 53
Wood Stud Wall Mounting Guidelines:........................................................................... 54
Metal Stud Wall Mounting Guidelines:............................................................................ 55
5.4 Installer Supplied UVIC Electrical Installation Material List ..................................... 56
5.5 Electrical Connections............................................................................................. 57
Grounding Requirements ...............................................................................................57
AC Power Connections ..................................................................................................57
Wiring Guidelines for 120VAC Electrical Service ........................................................... 57
Wiring Guidelines for 240VAC Electrical Service ........................................................... 58
Battery Connections....................................................................................................... 58
5.6 Antenna Types........................................................................................................ 59
5.7 Cabinet Mounted Magnetic Base Antenna Installation............................................ 59
5.8 Remote Mounted Magnetic Base Antenna Installation............................................ 59
5.9 Yagi Antenna Installation......................................................................................... 59
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Final VSWR Tuning........................................................................................................ 60
Yagi Antenna Mounting.................................................................................................. 61
5.10 Omni Antenna Installation .......................................................................................61
5.11 Speaker Connections.............................................................................................. 65
5.12 PA Audio Connections ............................................................................................ 65
5.13 Contact Closure Inputs............................................................................................ 65
5.14 Optional UVARM Connections................................................................................ 65
5.15 Optional UVLOC Connections and Wall Mounting.................................................. 66
5.16 External 24VDC Power Connections....................................................................... 66
5.17 600 Ohm I/O Connections....................................................................................... 66
Control Connections....................................................................................................... 66
Audio Connections.........................................................................................................66
5.18 Turning Power On...................................................................................................67
6. PRE-OPERATION CHECKOUT AND TEST.................................................................. 71
6.1 Visual Inspection..................................................................................................... 71
6.2 Amplifier and Speaker Pre-Operation Checkout ..................................................... 71
6.3 Radio Transceiver Adjustment Procedure............................................................... 72
6.4 600 Ohm Level Adjustment Procedure for Communications................................... 72
6.5 600 Ohm Adjustment Procedure for External Audio Source ................................... 73
6.6 Control and Status Monitoring................................................................................. 73
6.7 Optional UVLOC ..................................................................................................... 73
7. MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................. 76
7.1 Control Unit Preventive Maintenance...................................................................... 77
7.2 General Maintenance.............................................................................................. 77
Signal Operational Check............................................................................................... 77
Battery Check................................................................................................................. 77
7.3 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 78
8. OPTIONS....................................................................................................................... 79
8.1 Radio Control.......................................................................................................... 79
8.2 Digital Voice Recording...........................................................................................79
8.3 UVIC25ST Option.................................................................................................... 79
8.4 UVIC25SD Option................................................................................................... 79
8.5 UVARM Option........................................................................................................ 79
8.6 UVLOC Option.......................................................................................................80
8.7 Installation of User Supplied Radio Receivers ........................................................ 80
9. Final Assembly Drawing and Parts List.......................................................................... 82
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 1.1 - UVIC Parts Layout.............................................................................................. 13
Figure 1.2 – Control and Amplifier Identification.................................................................... 14
Figure 1.3 – UVARM Identification ........................................................................................ 15
Figure 1.4 – UVLOC Identification......................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.1 - Motherboard Outline Drawing ............................................................................ 29
Figure 5.1 - Typical UVIC Installation Drawing...................................................................... 48
Figure 5.2 - UVIC Cabinet Dimensional Outline Drawing ......................................................49
Figure 5.3 – UVIC Wiring Diagram........................................................................................ 50
Figure 5.4 – UVIC Battery Connections................................................................................. 51
Figure 5.5 - Yagi Antenna Installation Example..................................................................... 62
Figure 5.6 - Omni Antenna Installation Example ...................................................................63
Figure 5.7 – Antenna Grounding Example ............................................................................ 64
Figure 5.8 – UVIC Strobe and Speaker Wiring...................................................................... 67
Figure 5.9 - UVLOC Interface Wiring Diagram ......................................................................68
Figure 5.10 - UVLOC Dimensional Outline............................................................................ 69
Figure 5.11 – UVIC25SD Wiring Diagram .............................................................................70
Field Test Data Sheet............................................................................................................ 75
Figure 9.1 – UVIC Final Assembly and Parts List (Page 1 of 2)............................................ 82
Figure 9.2 – UVIC25ST Wiring Detail.................................................................................... 84
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
1.1 General Description
The UltraVoice Indoor Controller (UVIC) is designed to fulfill the need for an indoor electronic controller that is smaller and less expensive than the full size UltraVoice outdoor warning siren controller. It shares the same control board and amplifiers as the standard UltraVoice but is limited to 800 total Watts of amplifier power, and uses a single, wall-mountable NEMA1 / UL Type 1 rated enclosure that has a built-in lock.
The use of smaller, sealed VRLA AGM type batteries minimizes battery out-gassing and makes the controller better suited for indoor operation.
Model UVARM: The UVIC supports an optional Audio and Relay Output Module (model UVARM) that provides three audio outputs and four relay outputs to enable the UVIC to be connected to existing PA systems or other auxiliary devices.
Model UVLOC: An optional Local Operation Console (model UVLOC) enables users to control the UVIC from an easy to use pushbutton control panel. The panel is connected to the UVIC with a standard CAT5 network cable and may be located up to ½ mile away from the UVIC controller. The UVLOC is remotely powered from the UVIC and requires no local power source of it’s own. The panel measures only 10” x 4.75” x 3” (L x W x D) and is easily wall mounted. The UVLOC provides control for 7 digital recordings: Live P.A., P.A. Recording from an integrated microphone, Recorded P.A. Playback, and two Auxiliary user programmable functions.
Model UVIC25ST: An optional 25 volt step-down transformer may be required to convert 70 volts to 25 volts, depending on location and installation.
Model UVIC25SD:
convert 70 volts to 25 volts, depending on location and installation. The UVIC25SD includes two step-down transformers in a NEMA 4X fiberglass enclosure.
Model UVIC: The amplifiers and optional equipment are all modularly constructed to ease removal without disconnecting a large number of wires. In most instances, field service is limited to replacement of a slide out module, which can be performed by non­technical personal with only a screwdriver.
Activation codes, command sequences, and operating parameters are uploaded from an IBM compatible computer through the RS232 port located on the front panel or over the radio channel with the Federal Commander Digital System. All user information is stored in non-volatile FLASH memory, immune to power and battery failure.
Refer to Figures 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 for reference.
An optional 25 volt step-down transformer may be required to
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
1.2 Model Number Descriptions
All UVIC models are set up for 2-way control and status monitoring using the Federal Commander Digital Control system including a 13.6V radio power supply and antenna lightning protector. All models include 8 minutes of digital voice storage. Custom digital voice recording requires a model DVR. All of the following models are available in a 240VAC version by adding a 240 to the model number i.e.: UVICH240.
NO RADIO (RF) UVIC UHF BAND Transceiver UVICU HIGH BAND Transceiver UVICH LOW BAND Transceiver UVICL (Special Order)
1.3 Standard Feature Descriptions:
Seven standard warning signals
Up to 16 digitally stored voice messages; 8 minutes total recording time
Local push-button control
Local microphone for PA with hanger mounted in cabinet
8 remote contact closure inputs for activation
Single tone, 2-tone, DTMF, EAS and MSK decoders for remote siren control
MSK modem with 128-bit encryption for remote status monitoring over radio or
600 ohm I/O for wire-line control and status monitoring
15A relay output
Quiet test - siren status monitoring
Zoning - up to 8 zones per control cabinet for selective control of speaker outputs
Power control ramps up siren or speaker volume for added safety, custom volume
settings, and low power testing
Stackable siren or distributed speaker functions enable user pre-defined warning scenarios
Low band, VHF, or UHF radio transceiver options
Modular design - no inter-board wiring, easy field service
based siren programming software (optional)
- Single NEMA1/UL type 1, powder coated steel cabinet
- Single lockable door hasp that can be easily opened without tools
- Wall mountable
- 8 multi-size knockouts for conduit entrances
- Bulkhead mounted type N female antenna connection
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Amplifiers (Model UV400):
- 2 amplifier slots for 400 Watt amplifiers, 70Vrms
- Optionally, one UV400 with a UVIC25ST (25Vrms step-down transformer)
- 12 speaker pair connections per amplifier
Audio and Relay Output Module (UVARM) Option:
- Balanced 33 ohm output
- Balanced 600 ohm output
- Selectable balanced or single-ended 600 ohm line-level output
- Four SPDT relay outputs
Local Operation Console (UVLOC and UVLOC-IM) Option:
- Operator interface panel for controlling 7 digital messages, Live P.A., Record and Playback functions, plus two user programmable functions.
- Remotely powered from the UVIC controller
- LED status indicators
- Balanced 600 ohm output
- CAT5 wiring interface
- 44 A/H (min), sealed VRLA AGM type
- Over 45 minutes full sounding battery backup without AC power
Battery Charger:
- 24 VDC, 10A
- Temperature compensated
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 1.1 - UVIC Parts Layout
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Control Amplifier
Figure 1.2 – Control and Amplifier Identification
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 1.3 – UVARM Identification
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 1.4 – UVLOC Identification
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
1.4 Motherboard Description
The Motherboard for the UVIC is a scaled down 800 Watt version of the 3200 Watt UltraVoice product. The board is primarily a passive back plane that provides the electrical connections between the Microprocessor Control board, the Audio and Relay output board, and the UV400 amplifiers. In addition, it provides connections for field wiring and a relay output.
The UVIC Motherboard is limited to two amplifier slots. It uses the same style connectors as the UltraVoice except for the removable fused 50A, 24VDC power input and the 50A, 24VDC output connector.
The Motherboard has a fused normally open relay output. The relay is normally programmed to close while a control function is active. An LED indicator turns on when the relay is active.
Capacitor C1 and inductor T1 are used to filter the 24VDC power source. This filtered power is fused by F2 and is routed to JP1, JP2, JP6 and JP7.
1.5 Configuration
Each modular UltraVoice siren contains the following configuration parameters, which are configured by the user:
1. Unit Type
2. Unit Address (see below)
3. RF Frequency
4. Single-Tone or Two-Tone Timing (A-time, B-time, S-time)
5. EAS Location Codes
6. 128-bit Encryption Key
7. Security Key
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Unit Type
The Unit Type is set to the type of siren this unit is controlling, and is usually determined by the number of cells in the speaker array. When setting up the unit type, the user selects from a menu with the following choices:
UV1 1 - UV400 Amplifier, 400 Watts total power UV2 2 - UV400 Amplifiers, 800 Watts total power
Unit Address
Address Switch
The Unit Address is a three-digit number with a range of 001-255. The unit address is set via dipswitch S1. S1 Off position indicates active position. Add binary active switch positions to get ID address.
number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
Example: Switch number 1, 2 & 3 is binary number 1, 2 & 4, which when added, would equal unit address 7. Programming details are in the software manual. The ID address is stored at power up of the controller. If the ID address is changed, the power (battery and AC) must be turned off and then on.
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
RF Frequency
For units equipped with the optional integral radio receiver, the RF Frequency configuration parameter sets the frequency of the radio channel. Changing this parameter from its factory setting may require re-alignment of the radio for maximum performance. The value entered must fall within the range specified for the receiver band equipped.
Single-Tone, Two-Tone Timing
For Two-Tone activated units, the Two-Tone Timing parameters set up the time duration of the activation tone codes. The three parameters, A-Time, B-Time, and S­Time; sets the time duration for the A-tone, B-tone, and Single-Tone respectively. Note: The Two-Tone timing parameters are minimum values only. The actual tone times may be longer than the specified times.
EAS Location Codes
Up to three location codes may be assigned for EAS activation. For activation to occur, the location code of the received EAS message must match one of the three assigned codes.
Units cannot be programmed for both Tone and EAS activation at the same time. Therefore, when using EAS decoding, the A-Time, B-Time, and S-Time parameters above must be set to zero. The UVIC is capable of being programmed for EAS, DTMF and Federal Digital decoding at the same time. Refer to www.fcc.gov for further information about EAS messages.
128-bit Encryption Key
For MSK activated units, 128-bit data encryption provides security against malicious operation or monitoring. The 128-bit key is programmed during the flashing of the microprocessor and must match the encoder (SS2000D or SFCDWARE) being used to activate the unit. A key value of zero disables 128-bit encryption and must be used if the encoder does not support 128-bit encryption. All sites in the system must use the same encryption key.
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Security Key
For MSK activated units, the Security Key is a unique number assigned to the system that prevents nearby systems operating on the same RF frequency from interfering. Like the 128-bit encryption key, the Security Key is programmed during the flashing of the microprocessor and must match the encoder. The exception is a key value of 65535 (the default), defined as an “open” system and will communicate with all encoders regardless of the encoder’s key setting.
User Programs
The UVIC has the capacity to store up to fifty (50) user programs. Each user program contains the following elements:
1) Optional DTMF Activation Code
2) Optional Two-Tone Activation Code
3) Optional EAS Event Code
4) List of up to 20 functions The ability to assign more than one function to each activation code or user program is
a new feature not previously found in electronic sirens. This allows the user to run a sequence of functions without sending additional activation commands, greatly enhancing flexibility while reducing operator involvement and communication channel traffic.
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Available Functions:
Arm Disarm Report Master Reset Cancel PA Output Quiet Test Low Power Mode Hi Power Mode Zone A (Rotating Sirens Only) Zone B (Rotating Sirens Only) Zone C (Rotating Sirens Only) Zone D (Rotating Sirens Only) Wail Pulsed Wail Alt Wail Steady Pulsed Steady Alt Steady Auxiliary (Chime) Delay Digital Voice (1-16) Amp/Audio Zone Control Power Report Record PA Message Play Recorded PA Message RelayN On (N = Relay#) RelayN Off (N = Relay#)
The SFCDWARE program is required to configure the UVIC. Refer to the SFCDWARE Reference Manual for a full description of all available functions.
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
2.1 Electrical
AC Input Voltage 120 or 240VAC 50-60Hz* (*two separate models)
AC Input Current 5 amps maximum Battery Input Voltage 20-28VDC, 24 volts (nominal) Battery Current 120 mA standby current,
Battery Capacity >45 minutes continuous operation without AC
Stand By Time >72 hours (3 days) including 2-way radio (with 5-minute full signal reserve min.)
+18 to 22 amps for each amplifier module running, 50A maximum
2.2 Charger
Current Limit Protected with automatic recovery EMI/RFI Filtering Meets FCC requirements Input 115VAC (50-60Hz), 3.5A maximum Output Voltage 26 30VDC (temperature compensated) Output Current 0 -10 amps DC
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
2.3 Battery
Battery Voltage (72F) 27.2VDC nominal
Recommended Batteries: NorthStar model: NFB12-180
HAZE model: HZB12-44 Type VRLA Rating 44A/H minimum
CAUTION: Substituting batteries may be hazardous and will void warranty. Use specified batteries only.
2.4 Controller
Serial & I2C Ports
Serial Port Protocol RS232C 1200,N,8,1 I
C Port Protocol Philips Standard I2C
Signaling Formats
Number of codes Up to 50 activation codes max.
Two-Tone Sequential or Single Tone 282Hz - 3000Hz
0.5 sec (A) - .25 sec (B) minimum to 8 sec maximum
DTMF 3 to 12 digits standard 50ms/50ms timing or greater
AFSK 1200,N,8,1 (MSK 2-way modem)
EAS AFSK, 520.83 baud
Modem Tones 2083.3Hz and 1562.5Hz Number of functions allowed stacked
under each code Up to 20
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Audio Output to Amplifiers
Output Voltage Swing >9V peak-to-peak (p-p)
Maximum Load 600 ohms Total Harmonic Distortion < 10% w/1KHz sine-wave
2.5 Motherboard
Relay Output
Contact Rating 30VDC, 15A
600 Ohm Balanced Line Port
Audio Input Level 0.10 to 2 volts p-p to make
1 volt p-p TP10
Audio Output Level 0.25 to 2.0 volts p-p
Remote Activation, Sensor and Direction Inputs
Number of Remote Activation Inputs 8
Number of Remote Sensor Inputs 4 Number of Direction Sense Inputs 4 Input Type Optically isolated activated by
Dry contact closure < 2 k ohms
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Expansion Slot
The expansion slot contains the same connector pin-out as the controller slot. Signals available:
Two I2C Ports 600 Ohm Balanced Port +5VDC +24VDC PTT AUDIO-A and AUDIO-B Open-Collector Output (for Rotator Relay) Charger Indicator 4 Remote Sensor Inputs 8 Remote Activation Inputs
4 Direction Sensor Inputs
Amplifier Outputs
Number 12 speaker connection/amp Rating 22-14 AWG
Battery Connection 50A at 30VDC Remote Power Output 50A at 30VDC Radio Power Output 20A at 30VDC
(To 12V DC-DC converter - radio fused at 15 amps)
Motherboard Connectors
JP1 ULTRAVOICE Controller Interconnect JP2 Expansion Port/Audio Relay Output Port JP3 Amplifier 1 Interconnect JP4 Amplifier 2 Interconnect
JP5 24VDC Battery Input, fused @ 50 amps
Pin 1 Ground
Federal Signal UltraVoice
Installation and Operation Manual
Pin 2 24VDC JP6 Unfiltered 24VDC Output (for accessories)
Pin 1 Ground
Pin 2 24VDC
JP7 Filtered 24VDC Output (for radio power 12V
DC-DC converter) Pin 1 Ground Pin 2 +24VDC
JP8-JP10 Not Used JP11 20A DC, Normally Open Relay Output: JP12 600 ohm Transformer Balanced Audio I/O
-See controller JP8 jumper
- Requires PTT @ JP15-10 JP13 Filtered 24VDC Power Output
Pin 1 Ground Pin 2 +24VDC
JP14 Remote Activation Input Pins: 1,10 ISO Ground 2 Function 1 3 Function 2 4 Function 3 5 Function 4 6 Function 5 7 Function 6 8 Function 7 9 Function 8
JP15 Sensor Inputs Pins: 1,3,5,7,9,11 ISO Ground 2 Spare #1 4 Intrusion 6 Solar 8 AC Power 10 600 Ohm PTT 12 Spare #2
JP16 Isolated Power Supply
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