Ifthe system is not ready to be armed the READY indioator will be OFF. C)nLED
based keypads the zone Indimtor Hghfs will display the zones whkh are
currently not ready. The wndtion of each zone indicator refleofs the status of
each zone as follows;
ALARM Feetbfinting
TROUBLE Slowpulse
BYPASS Slowbfintingkw intens~
The LCD keypad a dieplay indwates the eyetem ia not ready followed by
dsplays showing the zone number and description of the fau~ed zone.
For example:
Int~s example, the front door ienot ready (Zone 1). Inorder to m~e the sy~em
ready determine wtich zones are not ready byobsewing the zone indcator
hghts,or the display section of the LCD keypad. From the zone number you can
find out which area of protection ie not ready. For example, assume the zone 1
is not ready. Typically, ttis might mean that a protected door or window is own.
. Oncethe problems wRheach zonehave beenresolved the R~DY
~ghtwill appear and the eystem can be armed.
To ARM the system when the system is NOT READY oneofthefolbwiW
a~iona are necessa~
. Makethe zone(s) ready. Detemine wMchzones arenotready ati
petiorm what is necessary to ready the zone(s) (example, close the
door or window, etc.), or
. Bypaesthe zone(s) notready. Bypassing should only bepefio_
tithe zone cannot be made ready orinfenfionally will remain not
ready. Zones that are bypasesd are not proteded when the system
is armsd.